Palestinians, children of Hitler Nazism and Islamism


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Arab Islamonazis were close Allies with Hitler and did his work against Jews and Christians back then. And we wonder why Palestinian supporters are waving Nazi flags during their protests?! They are the bastard children of Hitler‘s Nazism and Arab Islamism.

The Mufti’s Final Solution​

Scholars have long studied how actively engaged al-Husseini was in the implementation of the Holocaust. There is no question that he supported the aims of the Nazis in perpetrating genocide and believed perversely that all Arabs should join that cause. He declared on German radio on March 1, 1944: “Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you” (qtd. in Norman Stillman, “Jews of the Arab World between European Colonialism, Zionism, and Arab Nationalism” in Judaism and Islam: Boundaries, Communications, and Interaction: Essays in Honor of William M. Brinner).

According to the testimony of Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy Dieter Wisliceny (who was hanged for war crimes) the Mufti played a role in encouraging the Final Solution and was a close friend and advisor to Eichmann in the Holocaust’s implementation across Europe. Wisliceny testified further that al-Husseini had a close association with Heinrich Himmler and visited the gas chambers at Auschwitz, where he exhorted the staff to be even more dedicated in its important work.

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar (“Dagger”) division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.
Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)


* Haj Amin al-Husseini's pre and during WW2 Henchmen:
the two Nazi collaborators Jamal Husseini"Cousin"
the two Nazi collaborators Jamal Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri - Hitler helper -"all out for Hitler"&f=false -"Shukairy" "worked for the Nazis"&f=false -"worked with the Nazis"&f=false, both, in 1946 had "justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe," and another Henchmen post WW2 (at AHC) - Issa Nakhleh, Nazi-regime fan ACTIVITIES OF THE ARABS IN ARGENTINE APRIL 1958.pdf, was the major torch-carrier of Arab-Nazi collaboration 1960s-1980s. -"Washington of Europe"&f=false - -"issa+nakhleh"+"hitler" -"the+previous+year+the+conference+had+been+addressed+by+Mr Issah+Nakhleh" -"Nazi Extermination" - - -"issah+Nakhleh" - - nakhleh nazi -"Nazi Extermination"

* 1947-8 Arabs recruiting/working with Nazis to fight the Jews in the Holy Land. - - - - -"Hitler's army are active with many groups of Arab invaders in Palestine" -


"Palestinian" terror groups - Neo-Nazi connections 1960s-1980s."fatah"+"neo-nazi" - -
Even today, Hitler's Mein Kampf ranks high on the best-seller list amongst Palestinian Arabs. The preface to the Arabic edition claims that his "theories of nationalism, dictatorship and race... are advancing especially within our Arabic States". When Palestinian police first greeted Yasser Arafat in the self-rule areas, they offered the infamous Nazi salute. *
Recent Nazism and Arab Palestine related cases, at Memri Hitler and Palwatch -, some in news. Arab

A 2021 security report, a highlighted overview written in 2023, UNRWA teachers & Hitler, some of swastikas by Arabsצלב+קרס+ערבים
Or Holocauat denial/trivializing and rewriting facts about / rationalizing Nazism by "Palestinian" leader: Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas. -
More "freedomfighters" butchers eliminated.
Allah Akbar

Israel kills senior Hamas commanders in underground targeting, Hamas confirms​

NOVEMBER 26, 2023 .

 Senior Hamas leaders killed in Israeli strike (photo credit: ARAB MEDIA)
Senior Hamas leaders killed in Israeli strike(photo credit: ARAB MEDIA)

Walla has reported that their bodies were taken out of the ruins of a tunnel, which could indicate the first underground elimination of the terrorist operatives.​

Hamas confirmed on Sunday that the IDF killed the commander of its Northern Brigade, Ahmad Al Ghandour, and of its Rocket Division, Ayman Siam
May 1933:





Sep 13, 1938:


March 16, 1940:


Feb. 1941:


July 1, 1942:






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1967 admission:

1969 admission:


2013 admission

2019 admission:



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The Arabs in Mandatory Palestine went together like peanut butter and jelly for Nazis.

Morris, Benny. ”1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” United States, Yale University Press, p. 21.

🚨 The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.”

🚨 One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Germany and only 9 percent Britain.

Cohen, Hillel. ”Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948.” United States, University of California Press, 2008, p. 175.
In February 1941, 88 percent of those polled expressed support for Germany, while only 9 percent supported England.

Anti-Semitism and Ignorance.
F. Meiton: The Arabs and the Holocaust.Fredrik Meiton, November 29, 2010.

…the poll carried out by Sari al-Sakakini, which, in February 1941, put the figure at 88 percent.


🚨In general: the major Arab newspapers (Falastin فلسطين, Ad-Difa ’الدفاع, Carmel [Karmel, Karmil] الكرمل, etc.) praised Hitler in the 1930s. [Ehrlich, 2002:81 (Heb.)] Some noticeable: 'Karmel May 14, 1933 : "Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?" And the Falastin called Hitler "noble" [Palestine Post, 22-May-1933].
The editor of 'Al-Jami'a al-Islamiyya' [الجماعة الإسلامية] wrote on May 22, 1933: "When Hitlerism appeared, the Arabs cheered and rejoiced, saying: A blow from heaven in the hands of others..." At Ad-Difa, portions of Mein Kampf were published, its editor Ibrahim al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to "learn from Hitler's actions and imitate them in order to achieve similar national achievements."
(During the war years, Arab press was under the control of the Brits).

🚨In 1936, T. Wurst, the German consul in Jaffa: “The Muslim Palestinians .. deeply impressed by fascist teachings and views, especially from the National Socialists.” [Mallman, Cüppers, 2010: 38].

🚨The cry of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a key word that rang brazenly throughout Palestine.” [Ziff, 1938:430].

🚨In 1934, an Arab Nazi party was established [ibid]. In 1935 there are groups: Arab-Nazi [JTA, June-25-1935]. Also in Haifa, a Nazi-Arab club ‘The Red Moon’ was established [JTA July-1-1935]. In 1936, the Husseinis' ‘futuwwa’ – modeled on the ‘Hitler youth’. [Rosen, 2005:109].

🚨 New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ the Arabs of Palestine, [even non-Muslim Arabs] celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with a flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler. [New York Times, May 23, 1937].

🚨Hilda Wilson, a teacher in Beer-Zeit throughout the rebellion of 1936-9, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazis and approved of Hitler. [Segev, 1999:343].

🚨In March 1935, the Templar newspaper wrote: Many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with their anti-Jewish attitude were welcomed by many Arabs. [Canaan, 1968: 53 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1937, Walter Dohle, the German consul in Jerusalem wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuehrer…” [YNet, May 7, 2006]

🚨 Awni Abd al-Hadi (of the Istiqlal institutions and the Supreme Arab Committee) in January 1937 told the Nazi magazine that Arabs like Nazis. [Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1937].

🚨 In 1938, Arabs respond to Hitler’s words with cheers from the newspapers [for example, in the Petersburg Times – Sep 16, 1938].

🚨1938, about a hundred Arabs, including from Palestine, are represented in Nuremberg a.j.n. September 23, 1938 when Fauzi Kaukeji [al-Qawuqji] welcomes them. [Davar, Jan. 5, 1947].

🚨Journalist John Gunther in 1939: "The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler." [Gunther, 1939:528].

🚨Ahmad Shukeyri [Shukeiri, Shukairy], testifies in his book (in 1969, pp. 196, 201; Encounter, vol. 39, p.76. S. Spencer, Irving Kristol, 1972) that they sympathized with the Nazis and “prayed” for their victory, referring to the years 1940-1.
(The same Ahmad Shukeiri helped with propaganda for Hitler [Congressional Record.. Vol. 107, Pt 24, 1961, p.5735 (p.35); Detroit Jewish News, 3-Feb-1967,9], with Jamal Husseini – both justified the holocaust in 1946 [B’nai B’rith, 12-Jul-1946], promoted neo-Nazis in 1962 [JTA, Dec.3.1962; JTA, De.4.1962; Congressional Record : Proceedings and…’ US Congress, 1965, PA15915-6], was associated with Issa Nakhle [Herut, Nov-29-1953 (Heb.)] – who glorified Nazi Germany [DAIA, Apr. 1958], denied the holocaust [Nov.13.1972 at UN; 1978 in his memorandum to Carter, Sadaat ahead of Camp David; etc.] and worked with neo-Nazis for most of his career. [1963 corresponding with A. Arcand; Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1969:.425; Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1983:49; The American Spectator, 1986:20]).

🚨 Popular magazine in 1940: "Palestine's Arabs admire Hitler for his Jew-baiting." [Pathfinder, Mar 16, 1940].

🚨 August 1942: a German liaison officer based in Syria reported that:
'The friendly mood to the Germans among the Muslim Arabs continues unabated. In general, they express the wish that the Germans might soon arrive and liberate the country from the occupying forces and from its misery. To speak about Hitler publicly, the Arabs use a number of pseudonyms. The newest code name for Hitler is 'Hajj Numur,' the tiger. Wishes for Hitler's victory often serve as a form of greeting.' [Bericht V-Mann "Antonius" v. 13.8.1942, BA-MA, RH 2/1790].

🚨 On 21 Dec, 1942, letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs' hope for a great Arab state: "Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews..." [Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (CdS) VI C 13 an AA v. 21.12.1942, BAB, NS 19/186].

🚨Jaffa Arab activist, Muhammad Abu Sarrari: “Most Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [Arbel, 2000:19 (Heb.)].

🚨 Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (who was 9 years old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during World War II because he hated the Jews.” [Memri, according to an interview with him on 9-Oct-2019].

🚨 "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem (then under Jordanian rule), spring, 1967: "We Arabs supported Hitler to get the British out of Palestine and to keep the Jews from taking it over - and that was our big mistake..." [Saturday Review. (1970). vol. 53. United States: Saturday Review Associates, p. 4].

🚨 Arab "Palestinian" leader Farouq Qaddoumi (b. 1931): We supported the Nazis in WWII. [Memri, December 18, 2013].

🚨 Author: "My father ... knew that most of the Palestine Arab leaders supported the Nazis." [Segev, Jerusalem Corner Berlin: Memories, 2022, ("Stay decent"), (in Ger.)].

🚨In 1941, Aref Abd-Razak meets Himmler, meets Goebbels – who, according to his words, made a “great impression on him”, and who suggested that he recruit Arabs for the SS. [Yom Yom, 21-June-1949 (Heb.)].

🚨 1941-1945: infamous Arab Palestine Islamic leader Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti: no. 1 Hitller's active Arab helper, very close Himmler. Preached --on Nazi radio-- for genocide and Jihad to the Arab world; oversaw schools for combining radical Islam and Hitlerism; mobilized SS Muslim units; plotted crematorium in Dothan Valey for M.E. and N. African Jews; toured concentration camps with Nazi officials; bragged in his memories about July-1943 Himmler confiding in him telling him they already exterminated more than 3 Million Jews; intervened against rescue of thousands of Jewish children who were to escape the Holocaust to come to Mandatory Palestine. He had a large Arab entourage with him.

🚨Stated in Jan 6, 1942: 'Up until a month or two ago, you would have heard from Englishmen from various circles the "ruled law," that the majority of Arabs are Nazis. One would say 70%, one would say 90% - that was the dispute.' [Political Struggle: A file of speeches and documents. Vol. 1, Iss. 1, ch. 3. Moshe Sharett, Shifra Kolat, 2009, p. 56].

🚨In July 1942 when the rumors came about the fate of the Jews, there was public jubilation among most Arabs. [Cohen, 2014, ch. 17, according to journalist’s testimony].

🚨 August 1942: The CIA reports on the anti-Jewish sentiments of the ‘majority’ of Palestinian Arabs, influenced by propaganda. Expect Rommel… [Herf, 2009:139].

🚨In 1944, ‘in secret ways, Nazi propaganda material, authored by Hajj Amin, was also stolen into Palestine.
Throughout the country his supporters drank in his words with thirst, and the phenomenon of the years of the rebellion returned: in the Arab circles they were already debating the distribution of Jewish property after the victory; And in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in Tiberias and Safed, the fate of the young Jewish women has already been determined: for each one, her future Arab rapist has been determined. [Lebl, 1996:98 (Heb.)].

🚨 Before the 1941 Farhud (in which they threw babies into the water in front of their parents, raped women before killing them), the Palestinian teachers in Iraq incited with the mufti. [Julius, Huffington Post May 25, 2015]. And the Jenin born poet Bohan al-Din al-Abushi called for genocide [Shasha, 2008:6]. He also wrote pro-Hitler poems in 1942-1940. [Hazkani, 2021].

🚨 Ahead of the Nuremberg Trials, the Falastin defended Nazism, saying that "Nazism which is -- as much a way of life as democracy and -- socialism" in a leading article. [The Palestine Post, 31 October 1945].

🚨 The Islamic Ad-Difaa (Al Difa) الدفاع, in honor of the Christian holiday has put at the top of the issue a picture of the "Fuhrer," published the "will" of Hitler with great prominence. [Ad Difaa, Jan 1, 1946; denounced in ha-Tsofeh, Jan 2, 1946].

🚨 An Arab newspaper elaborates about "Hitler the Great (sic) Leader". "Adolf Hitler, the lost European man" - an article of this name with a picture on "the greatest [sic] leader who rose in Germany" was published in the latest issue of "alwahda" (الوحدة) the Arab weekly in Jerusalem. [HaMashkif, June 4, 1946].

🚨According to Edward Said, the pro-Nazi mufti represented the consensus of the Arabs of Palestine. In his book (1983:7): "The Arab Higher Committee; It operated… especially since 1946… This committee, headed by the national leader of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, backed by the parties The Palestinian political parties that operated in Palestine, and were recognized in some way by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the PLO…"
And from Time Magazine, June 24, 1946: 'The 53-year-old Mufti .. is revered as a spiritual leader by Palestine's Arabs.'

🚨 Oct 1946: following the hanging of Nazi war criminals, the Arabic press full of praise for the dead Nazis: Ad Difaa, Al Wahda, Falastin. [The Palestine Post, 18 October, 1946].

🚨 1947/8 Massive recruiting of Nazis to train and help Arabs against the Jews.
[The Sentinel, 12 February 1948; Davar, 14 January 1948; The Sydney Jewish News, 19 March 1948; Jerusalem Post, May 7, 2008; Friedman, M., 2020:138-9].

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