Palestinians do have options for change and resistance


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Palestinians do have options for change and resistance

What are our options outside of sloganism or defeatism? That is to say, outside of current policies of endless talk or endless negotiations while weak?The other options are not magical nor new; many have already articulated them in clear visions in countless studies.*

Why not revive the original charter of PLO to liberate all of Palestine?

Why not democratize the PLO to really represent the 12 million Palestinians around the world?

Why not refuse to suppress resistance and instead engage in massive popular resistance throughout historic Palestine?*

Why not engage in resistance in areas outside of Palestine?

Why not target Zionist companies and interests world wide by economic boycotts and even sabotage?

Why not expose and confront the network of Zionist lobbyists that support war crimes and support Zionist control?

Why not engage in educational campaigns and media campaigns and lobbying around the world?*

Why not build alliances with powerful states that could provide protection or support, like China, Russia or Brazil?

Why not promote boycotts, divestment, and sanctions?

Why not work through international agencies including the International Court of Justice to bring Israeli war criminals to justice and challenge membership of Israel in the UN and all its agencies?

Why not do all the above and even more?

Politicians are reluctant to consider change because they believe they are important. To justify their inaction and lack of backbone, they even lie.But people can and do force politicians to change. Regardless of how they got into power or the nature of governing systems, leaders cannot afford to ignore strong people demands. But if the people are complacent and ignorant, this is the best scenario for status quo politicians.*

Palestinians do have options for change and resistance | Maan News Agency

This is an article written by Palestinian Christian Mazin Qumsiyeh.

And I like what he is saying, we just needed Palestine to become majority Arab again, as they have now done, before we started seeing Palestinians clearly stepping up and speaking out publicly like this and seeking liberation for all of Palestine again .
More from the article.

7 of the 12 million Palestinians around the world are refugees or displaced people.

Some 5.8 million Israeli Jews and nearly 6 million Palestinians who live under the rule of the apartheid Israeli state.

Half the Jews who live in Palestine/Israel are immigrants.*

Israel stole most of the land and now controls some 93 percent of the land of Palestine (before the British invasion and the Balfour Declaration, native and Zionist Jews collectively owned only 2 percent of Palestine).*

It has been 132 years since the first Zionist colony and 65 years since the 1948 Nakba

Palestinians do have options for change and resistance | Maan News Agency
Bring it on----tie more bombs to your sluts AROUND THE WORLD...
Most of all ---do that BDS thing----it stimulates business for christians
who have fled the filth of "isa-respect"
More from the article.

7 of the 12 million Palestinians around the world are refugees or displaced people.

Some 5.8 million Israeli Jews and nearly 6 million Palestinians who live under the rule of the apartheid Israeli state.

Half the Jews who live in Palestine/Israel are immigrants.*

Israel stole most of the land and now controls some 93 percent of the land of Palestine (before the British invasion and the Balfour Declaration, native and Zionist Jews collectively owned only 2 percent of Palestine).*

It has been 132 years since the first Zionist colony and 65 years since the 1948 Nakba

Palestinians do have options for change and resistance | Maan News Agency
Ha ha ha. The entire population of so called Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians that lived in what is now Israel was 300,000, and another 600,000 roughly became Jordanians when the British mandate was divided into Israel and Jordan. How did the 300,000 come to TWELVE MILLION DISPLACED? Is there any truth in ANYTHING that Palestinians say. Obviously not.
Palestinians do have options for change and resistance

What are our options outside of sloganism or defeatism? That is to say, outside of current policies of endless talk or endless negotiations while weak?The other options are not magical nor new; many have already articulated them in clear visions in countless studies.*

Why not revive the original charter of PLO to liberate all of Palestine?

Why not democratize the PLO to really represent the 12 million Palestinians around the world?

Why not refuse to suppress resistance and instead engage in massive popular resistance throughout historic Palestine?*

Why not engage in resistance in areas outside of Palestine?

Why not target Zionist companies and interests world wide by economic boycotts and even sabotage?

Why not expose and confront the network of Zionist lobbyists that support war crimes and support Zionist control?

Why not engage in educational campaigns and media campaigns and lobbying around the world?*

Why not build alliances with powerful states that could provide protection or support, like China, Russia or Brazil?

Why not promote boycotts, divestment, and sanctions?

Why not work through international agencies including the International Court of Justice to bring Israeli war criminals to justice and challenge membership of Israel in the UN and all its agencies?

Why not do all the above and even more?

Politicians are reluctant to consider change because they believe they are important. To justify their inaction and lack of backbone, they even lie.But people can and do force politicians to change. Regardless of how they got into power or the nature of governing systems, leaders cannot afford to ignore strong people demands. But if the people are complacent and ignorant, this is the best scenario for status quo politicians.*

Palestinians do have options for change and resistance | Maan News Agency

This is an article written by Palestinian Christian Mazin Qumsiyeh.

And I like what he is saying, we just needed Palestine to become majority Arab again, as they have now done, before we started seeing Palestinians clearly stepping up and speaking out publicly like this and seeking liberation for all of Palestine again .
How about stop preaching hate and anti semetism and indoctrinating the younger generations in mosques and schools?

Or perhaps stop brainwashing little kids into becoming little jihadi suicide bombers. These freaks use Mickey Mouse cartoons as a way to indoctrinate little kids. It's a very sad and depraved culture.

"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
Golda Meir
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Bring it on----tie more bombs to your sluts AROUND THE WORLD...
Most of all ---do that BDS thing----it stimulates business for christians
who have fled the filth of "isa-respect"

Nowhere in any of the suggestions of Mazin Quimsiyeh are there calls for any act of violence.

Mazin Qumsiyeh is a Palestinian Christian living near Bethlehem who supports popular resistance, ie nonviolent resistance.

One of Palestine's many Palestinian Gandhis living out the teachings of Jesus in Palestine. I cannot envision a greater life to be living then that.
Bring it on----tie more bombs to your sluts AROUND THE WORLD...
Most of all ---do that BDS thing----it stimulates business for christians
who have fled the filth of "isa-respect"

Nowhere in any of the suggestions of Mazin Quimsiyeh are there calls for any act of violence.

Mazin Qumsiyeh is a Palestinian Christian living near Bethlehem who supports popular resistance, ie nonviolent resistance.

One of Palestine's many Palestinian Gandhis living out the teachings of Jesus in Palestine. I cannot envision a greater life to be living then that.
Naturally, Frau Sherri overlooks all the murders of her supposedly "Christian" brethren at the hands of her good Muslim buddies. I wonder what Jesus would say about that. The things these converts to Islam do.........
White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite: raising 'Jihadi children' to murder 'Islam's enemies' | Mail Online
We are discussing Palestine, not the latest gossip about that Israeli false flag operation at that mall in Kenya.
We are discussing Palestine, not the latest gossip about that Israeli false flag operation at that mall in Kenya.
It really is great how Frau Sherri is showing us what lessons she learned at that mosque in Reseda. As a member she learned to always say that whatever atrocity committed by Muslims should be stated as a false-flag story when it is reported. So tell us, Frau Sherri, it is really a false-flag story that your friends the Boko Haram are murdering Christians in Nigeria? The only difference between Frau Sherri and the White Widow is that Frau Sherri sits at her computer all day dissing the U.S., Israel and the Jews while the latter actually goes out and helps her fellow Muslims with their murders. You got a porta-potty beside your computer, Frau Sherri, so you don't miss a moment with all your dissing?
Sherri NUTJOB:

:cuckoo: ...not the Israeli false flag operation of the mall in Kenya... :cuckoo:





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