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Palestinians Stand Up for the RIGHT TO HONOR KILL WOMEN!!!

Don't fret too much, Palestinian Muslims still have the right to kill women, as do other Muslims in the Mid East.

Sorta warms the heart......

The PA would be stupid not to outlaw domestic violence, it's a stupid move, but I see it changing soon from pressure.

People might kill a relative or wife for a reason and make up an excuse that they killed her for an "honor" reason which is a lie and I agree with you they should be punished.
Well, that's something....you're slightly less of an animal than Palestinian Muslims.

Keep up the good work; you might eventually join humanity and the 21st century. :thup:

laws regarding domestic violence are in the HANDS OF WOMEN...
when women stop closing their eyes to the violence to which
Sometimes this stuff goes on right in the homes of the mother's
of the girls abused------lots of arabs live with family and SOME-
TIMES its the family of the wife. Of course abuse of girls by
fathers and brothers is----also -----something for THE MOTHER
to control
wrong again JOS----that idea would not refer to ADHERENT jews
in general----just to some tiny sect that happens to have a
leader that the prosecutor trusts I am far from 'adherent'---but
I did once live in a community-----at that time a single mom----
there were lots of incidents that the town judges and cops etc
were delighted to refer to this leader rabbi guy---very charismatic ' '
somehow controlling He did make important somehow binding
legal decisions----sometimes right out of the hands of judges.
weird but true----but he has no authority other than the
authority his victims GAVE HIM No---I never brought
a case to him----sorry---but no

his son-----also a rabbi---but also a math professor was a bit
abstracted I have no idea what happened over there when
the old man died. The judges and cops probably took it hard
An influential rabbi came last summer to the Brooklyn district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, with a message: his ultra-Orthodox advocacy group was instructing adherent Jews that they could report allegations of child sexual abuse to district attorneys or the police only if a rabbi first determined that the suspicions were credible.

..and the District attorney set up a program to reach out to ultra-Orthodox victims of child sexual abuse. Called Kol Tzedek (Voice of Justice in Hebrew), the program is intended to “ensure safety in the community and to fully support those affected by abuse,” his office said.

Moreover, "Outside law enforcement has also had a difficult time. Before 2009, only a handful of sex abuse cases were reported within the ultra-Orthodox community. Then, District Attorney Charles Hynes created a program called Kol Tzedek (Voice of Justice) aimed at helping more victims come forward about abuse, an underreported crime everywhere.

Part of the deal, along with a designated hotline and counseling, is that prosecutors don't actively publicize the names of accused abusers. The cases are still tried in open court, where the names are public.

Before Kol Tzedek, Hynes said, he struggled to mount a successful prosecution. "As soon as we would give the name of a defendant … (rabbis and others) would engage this community in a relentless search for the victims," he said. "And they're very, very good at identifying the victims. And then the victims would be intimidated and threatened, and the case would fall apart."

Since then, 100 of the total 5,389 cases in the borough have come from the ultra-Orthodox community, the district attorney's office said. Hynes also started a task force to combat intimidation attempts — and has said rabbis have a duty to come forward if they have been told of abuse."
Orthodox Jewish counselor on trial in sex abuse case

There is always more to the story than one line.
LOL...you hate Muslims so it isn't surprising to expect that from you...but normal people consider him a bigot for fabricating things to his own way.

Oh boy, critics, that's really funny to call them critics or scholars, they're idiots and hypocrites.

Christina Abraham Slams anti-Muslim Bigot Robert Spencer | loonwatch.com
You can bring up any site you want criticizing these people whose views you don't like, but the truth is that it is the Muslims who are bigots because if they weren't they would have tolerance for the beliefs of others. Are you denying that it is the Muslims who are harassing and even murdering people in the name of their religion and destroying the houses of worship of others? And stop pulling things from the thin air. You don't get around much so how do you know what normal people think? One thing we do know is that normal people are beginning to realize just how intolerant Islam is.

Gunmen Kills At Least Twelve Christians At Church Services in Northern Nigeria « Persecution News

Rotten Egg Attack Mars Indonesia Christmas Celebration | The Jakarta Globe

I heard the number was six on ther sites and reports. People from all kinds can be bigots and he technically is a bigot for spreading conspiracy which he boasts about. But rarely anyone believes in his scare tactics or conspiracy. Oh boy, know complain about a rotten egg attack, yeah like we'd know if that was true anyway. You seem to be limiting yourself to one people. Christians attack places of worship here in America, why can't you accept that people from all kinds do? Fox News? A recent mosque arsonist said the only reason he burned a mosque was because he watched Fox News. That's literally what he said and that's what misinformation and bigotry leads to, stupid people. Take care of this side first if you believe gunmen in Nigeria should quit, but it's hypocritical that Christian gunmen also kill people in Nigeria. It isn't a one sided story. Only to a bigot, that's why I call em bigots. And the worse part is they take them as Muslims, even though the Nigerian forces are the representatives of the country and they fight often with these gunmen. Christian or Muslim. You people should choose to stop presenting things your way if you don't like being called that. It always ends with a poltical agenda in your mind.
You can say whatever you want to, Baghad Bob Jr., , and call everyone a bigot if it makes you feel good, but I think by now everyone is aware of just what is happening in Muslim countries and beyond. Where is the tolerance in Islam when others can't practice their beliefs in peace, not even other Muslims of different sects? In a way you remind me of this doctor who puts the blame for his trouble on anti-Muslim sentiments.
Doc whose Fremont clinic infected patients with hepatitis seeks N.Y. license to practice - LivewellNebraska.com
Jews should stand up for their right to kill arabs whenever they want. Wait! Don't they already have that right? :dunno:
Silly Frau Ima, evidently he/she doesn't realize even if he/she can still grow a long beard, if he/she wandered in many areas of the Muslim world, they would have no qualms in doing him/her in since they would still consider him/her an Infidel. Besides, Frau Ima, why are you such a hypocrite? You have made no secret of hating Muslims too so we know you are not concerned with the Arabs. Is it that you are such a bored housewife/househusband that you felt you had to chime in with your ridiculous nothings?
An influential rabbi came last summer to the Brooklyn district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, with a message: his ultra-Orthodox advocacy group was instructing adherent Jews that they could report allegations of child sexual abuse to district attorneys or the police only if a rabbi first determined that the suspicions were credible.
Why, Yousef Mohammed, we all realize that there is sexual abuse that goes on in every religion under the sun. However, it seems that in today's world, young women are being killed just because they have supposedly put a stain on the their family's honor or they are becoming too Westernized. Meanwhile, think of this. If you had stayed in Iran, you could have applied for a job as a prison guard whose job is was to inspect the young women protesters to see if they were virgins or not. This way you could have wielded great power in deciding who was to be raped the night before they were slated to be killed because your prophet said not to murder any virgins. Oh, by the way, Mr. Gooz, if you care to research, you will find something written by a Muslim father who said that when he wanted to protest against the sexual abuses in madrassas, he was told by other Muslims to keep quiet.
Gotta love the little "act" you're putting up here, as if you really care about Palestinian women or arabs in Syria!
and leftist like you will support enemies of America no matter how badly they treat women !

You're an idiot that's fed like a sheep, get your own mind and think for yourself, get of the bubble where you're a controlled freak.

The row over Jewish women's rights – Telegraph Blogs

For a women take on tradition male roles in Judaism is silliness,to wear traditional male religious garb is even more silly. Men and women have their own role to play in Judaism, one no less important than the other, In fact the women are more important to the Jewish people because it is through them that the Jewish people continue.. Unlike the musilm nut jobs.
According to the report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur submitted to the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 2002 concerning cultural practices in the family that reflect violence against women (E/CN.4/2002/83):

The Special Rapporteur indicated that there had been contradictory decisions with regard to the honour defense in Brazil, and that legislative provisions allowing for partial or complete defense in that context could be found in the penal codes of Argentina, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Peru, Syria, Venezuela and the Palestinian National Authority.
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur submitted to the 58th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 2002 concerning cultural practices in the family that reflect violence against women (E/CN.4/2002/83):

The Special Rapporteur indicated that there had been contradictory decisions with regard to the honour defense in Brazil, and that legislative provisions allowing for partial or complete defense in that context could be found in the penal codes of Argentina, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Peru, Syria, Venezuela and the Palestinian National Authority.
Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But, Yoursef Mohammed, your site shows us that there is a huge amount of honor killings by Muslims in the Middle East. How do you account for that? Some of the reasons to murder these young girls seem rather ridiculous to someone from a Westernized country.
GOOK: “They won't even consider
changing their laws that allow for honor killings!”

Ha. A LAW. it’s a law alright. A law made-up in the 7th century. this isn’t a palestinian thing – it’s an Islamic thing. It’s part of their “religion.”

To them, all it is, is a free pass to commit murder.

'Honor killings' -
whoever does that, they got mental problems.

“Sentences for the honor killing defense can be no punishment to a few months!!!”


The muslim judge, he’s just another cro-magnum cave-dweller from the 7th century given a power of authority by other like-minded Islamic cavemen.

“Amazing that ignorant leftist support a people that honors and protects honor killings!.”

maybe secretly, they're against the honor killings, but they’re more against: Israel, jewish folk. They're just being hypocrites.
. . .who condones such sick acts against women ? weirdos, freaks, hypocrites and the mentally ill.

“Sometimes these girls are abused by someone in the family and they need to cover this (up) and they kill her."

That’s a collective world problem since the dawn of time, in every single, solitary civilization, race, creed, color, nationality on the face of the earth (yeah, even in Italy)…..but in islam, it’s far more worse and sinister. TOPS the ‘atrocity’ list.

As we see on TV, and in our own backyard now – there’s different levels of islam: islam light, medium and HARD…………..

Islam light:


Some Muslim girls in America wear their 'kerchefs on their heads, yet at the same time wear tight jeans, make-up, drive a car, curse, wear sparkly jewelry & high-heels. They’re so lucky their ‘muslim keepers’ allow that ‘free-western’ lifestyle. It’s all up to the males in their lives on how “their women” [from birth] should live.


Boy, “ain’t” she a lucky one………

Then there’s islam medium.


At least they’re smiling,
you can see a tooth or two, and their eyes aren’t covered (at that particular moment).

…and the worst level, islam Hard. This is no antiquated, harmless, old-world ‘quirky’ custom passed on thru the ages, it’s evil.



whew, keep on smiling & giving thanks that that “ain’t” you lady and that you don’t live in one [of the many] islamic hell-holes like Afghanistan or Yemen (can you believe, those rules APPLY HERE too, [cover your head/face/body like a mummy] on american soil. . .
. . .the supposed 'land of the free.'

“President Mahmoud Abbas has no plans to amend laws that reduce sentences for suspects who claim an "honor" defense for murdering women, his legal adviser says.”

He’s just enforcing the Islamic law
(. . .as long as he gets to continue to wear his 3-piece western suits and live this ‘pretend’ “I’m in authority’ lifestyle”) what does he care ?

"Why change it? This would cause serious problems," Hassan al-Ouri told Ma'an, adding that such a reform would "not benefit women."

Hassan al-whateva and his "ILK". . .cro-magnum, knuckle-dragging islamic cavemen.
They won't even consider changing their laws that allow for honor killings! Sentences for the honor killing defense can be no punishment to a few months!!! Amazing that ignorant leftist support a people that honors and protects honor killings!

I think Syria has it right, kill as many Arabs as possible!
Gotta love the little "act" you're putting up here, as if you really care about Palestinian women or arabs in Syria!

I don't care about the Palestinian women or the Arabs of Syria! Where would you get that point. I like that we are not interfering in Syria and I hope ASSSSSad's killing fields expand to over 1 million deaths!

Well, Satan, have fun, your days are numbered!

Yea murder happens in every country dipshit. The only difference is that decriminalizes murdering one's spouse, daughter or other women in Israel or the west. But the Palestinians are fighting to save a law that decriminalizes honor killings!

Why are you lying about the Palestinians here?

I have not seen even one person fighting to save a law that decriminalizes honor killings, not one!

All that the article in Maan addresses is Abbas failure to amend a controversial law, and as much as anything else it is about his lack of authority to change this law.

What you fail to mention completely is that The Palestinian Legislative council has not even met since 2007.

Abbas is not even a legitimate leader of the Palestinian people, his term in office as President of The Palestinian National Authority ended in 2009, he has unilaterally extended his term in office since then.

This whole thread is a lie, but how appropriate, a thread of lies started by a Zionist liar!

ok sherri-----go right ahead and deny the fact
that muslims do kill their wives and daughters
with virtual impunity in "muslim lands". In fact
for some reason you wish to deny the fact that
muslims do have a reputation for female abuse
which is based in fact. I know it is a fact----but
it is not a big issue for me other than the fact
that it is a fact. Liars like you ----lie about it
I wonder if you noticed Israel is also on the list?

A typically lame attempt to justify honor killings and Abba's rejection of Arab women's efforts to change Palestinian law, but it's what the world has come to expect from apologists like Jos. Pathetic. :D
Gotta love the little "act" you're putting up here, as if you really care about Palestinian women or arabs in Syria!

I don't care about the Palestinian women or the Arabs of Syria! Where would you get that point. I like that we are not interfering in Syria and I hope ASSSSSad's killing fields expand to over 1 million deaths!

Well, Satan, have fun, your days are numbered!

Everyone's days are numbered - none get out of here alive - and your "concern" for the health and welfare of Arab women has been duly noted. You remain ever the one-trick pony. :D
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