Palin Crashing Obama Surging?

You didn't click the link, did you? Admit it... It's ok to admit it....

I admit it. :lol:
But aren't those numbers an improvement? :D
Pretty sure they are.

take a look at the graph and you tell me...

again, you're not looking at THIS from post no. 2

According to a CNN/Opinion Research survey, a full 78 percent of Democrats want Obama to win the nomination for a second term in office -- up five percent from late October. At roughly the same point in his presidency, only 57 percent of Democrats wanted Clinton to be re-nominated.

if you have a quarrel with the thread title, feel free to take it up with the people asking the questions. i simply posted for discussion purposes.
I admit it. :lol:
But aren't those numbers an improvement? :D
Pretty sure they are.

take a look at the graph and you tell me...

again, you're not looking at THIS from post no. 2

According to a CNN/Opinion Research survey, a full 78 percent of Democrats want Obama to win the nomination for a second term in office -- up five percent from late October. At roughly the same point in his presidency, only 57 percent of Democrats wanted Clinton to be re-nominated.

if you have a quarrel with the thread title, feel free to take it up with the people asking the questions. i simply posted for discussion purposes.
but thats ONLY among democrats
where Obama has fallen is indy's
I even smell BS in this article. the last I heard the Obama was in the 30's approval...but hey, this even blows the BS of a OBAMA SURGE.:lol:

Where's the bounce?
After 'progress,' Obama rating stays
By MJ LEE | 12/30/10 6:43 AM Updated: 12/30/10 7:01 AM
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President Obama has averaged a 46 percent approval rating since November. AP Photo
Close The spate of legislative accomplishments in the lame-duck session celebrated by the White House appears to have had little effect on President Obama’s approval rating, according to Gallup’s latest tracking poll.

Between Dec. 26 and 28 – soon after Obama arrived in Hawaii for his Christmas vacation – Obama’s approval rating was 47 percent, two points lower than his rating from the previous week, Gallup reports. He has averaged a 46 percent rating since November.

the rest at.
After 'progress,' Obama rating stays | POLITICO 44
I admit it. :lol:
But aren't those numbers an improvement? :D
Pretty sure they are.

take a look at the graph and you tell me...

again, you're not looking at THIS from post no. 2

According to a CNN/Opinion Research survey, a full 78 percent of Democrats want Obama to win the nomination for a second term in office -- up five percent from late October. At roughly the same point in his presidency, only 57 percent of Democrats wanted Clinton to be re-nominated.

if you have a quarrel with the thread title, feel free to take it up with the people asking the questions. i simply posted for discussion purposes.

So the title should really read "0bama kind of surging with Democrats"?

Ok... He's just not "surging" with the rest of America....

I'm with you on that....
Well, I don't know if Obama is 'surging' per se. He still ahs work to do among independents. But it is clear that Palin in down 18 points in her approval rating from a year ago and her negatives keep going up. oops...

“That’s a huge 18-point drop since December of 2008, when two-thirds of GOPers said they were likely to support Palin.

Nothing found for Blog 2010 12 49-of-republican-voters-say-they-are-likely-to-support-sarah-palin-in-gop-primary

Actually, it is clear that Palin is down 18 points in her approval rating since December 2008: TWO YEARS ago.

And, I'm not sure why I'd expect her approval rating among Repubs, particularly since she holds no office, to sustain itself two years after the 2008 election?

However, I would have expected Obama's approval rating to have had more effect in the November 2010 elections which his party clearly lost.
What conservative governance did Schwarzenegger ever practice?

Let the ignorant bleat.

1.Repealed Gray Davis' odious vehicle license fee hike.
2.Fixed the dysfunctional workers' compensation insurance system.
3.Passed redistricting reform.
4.funded improvements on state roads and highways.
5.Signed the nation's first-ever "parent trigger" law, which empowers parents to force a district to close a failing school, replace teachers and administrators, or convert it into a charter school.
6.Roughly one-in-four bills died by his veto pen – a record among California's governors.

And I like Conade the destroyers movies. He made a few while being paid to be governor, thus screwing the taxpayers - a Retard trade mark.:eusa_angel:

None of those worked as advertised, and none of them are conservative.
You don't know what conservative means then, idiot.
Actually, it is clear that Palin is down 18 points in her approval rating since December 2008: TWO YEARS ago.

And, I'm not sure why I'd expect her approval rating among Repubs, particularly since she holds no office, to sustain itself two years after the 2008 election?

However, I would have expected Obama's approval rating to have had more effect in the November 2010 elections which his party clearly lost.

i stand corrected on that. palin is an unusual case in that she's never stopped inserting herself into the political scene. she tweets, she posts on facebook, she cahampions candidates and campaigns for them. so she's hardly out of public life. were she impressing people more and more that she was a credible candidate for 2012, her numbers would be going up. the fact that they are going down with all of her exposure is simply, at this point in time, two years out from the next election, not a good sign for her prospects. that is all, nothing more, nothing less.

and i thought it important enough to post because we have thread after thread from the palin-heads talking about how she is going to be such a great candidate. it was simply a different perspective.

there are so many reasons that obama didn't have coattails, i'm not sure where to start, but i think a lot of it is that he is personally likeable. even people who don't agree with him say he seems to be a good guy. also, during the lame duck session, he seemed to show more leadership than he did in the prior two years.

between you and me, i think he hung pelosi out to dry. and i've always suspected that he did that intentionally. that's why i laugh when i hear people talk about him being a 'socialist' and weak'. near as i can tell, he's continued to do everything that we were pissed off at bush for.

mostly, i think people were looking for cojones... any type of cojones. and he didn't show any til now.

which doesn't mean people didn't respond to the demonization of pelosi and congress.

and all of this is surmise... educated guess,... but a guess nonetheless.

so what do you think it is?

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