Palin Death Panel Derangement Syndrome..

Translation: I cannot refute any of that or add any intelligent comment so I'll open my mouth and derp on the thread.
Another faker pretending to be an ex-Republican.[/QUOTE]

Frankly I don't think anyone can prove ANYTHING to you. From what I have seen of you "intelligent" comments sent your way are a waste of time. You are a typical wingnut whose mind is made up. You believe Obama is wrong regardless of what he says or does. Obama could be carrying you out of a burning building and saving your life and you would be condemning him at the top of your lungs. It makes no difference what he does, you will find a way to condemn him. If Obama goes to war against Iran you would condemn him as a war monger. If Obama does not go to war with Iran you would condemn him for being soft on our enemies. NOTHING HE COULD DO WOULD SATISFY YOU <period>
Look, I was not a fan of bush when he took office but I kept silent and gave him the benefit of the doubt, as did most people. In the early part of his presidency bush polled about average for a new president.
After 9/11 bush's approval numbers jumped up to the mid 90% range. I stood behind bush and supported him as did pretty much the whole nation. If another 9/11 type of attack on America were to occur on Obama's watch I have absolutely no doubt you would refuse to stand behind your president like the nation stood behind bush. Ten seconds after the end of the attack you would be condemning Obama. Further, when bush signed Medicare part D I again agreed and stood with him. It was one of the few times that he signed legislation for all Americans. He screwed it up by not providing funding for the bill but I believe he was trying to do the right thing.
Can you say you supported Obama for ANYTHING during these 4+ years?
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Translation: I cannot refute any of that or add any intelligent comment so I'll open my mouth and derp on the thread.
Another faker pretending to be an ex-Republican.

Frankly I don't think anyone can prove ANYTHING to you. From what I have seen of you "intelligent" comments sent your way are a waste of time. You are a typical wingnut whose mind is made up. You believe Obama is wrong regardless of what he says or does. Obama could be carrying you out of a burning building and saving your life and you would be condemning him at the top of your lungs. It makes no difference what he does, you will find a way to condemn him. If Obama goes to war against Iran you would condemn him as a war monger. If Obama does not go to war with Iran you would condemn him for being soft on our enemies. NOTHING HE COULD DO WOULD SATISFY YOU <period>
Look, I was not a fan of bush when he took office but I kept silent and gave him the benefit of the doubt, as did most people. In the early part of his presidency bush polled about average for a new president.
After 9/11 bush's approval numbers jumped up to the mid 90% range. I stood behind bush and supported him as did pretty much the whole nation. If another 9/11 type of attack on America were to occur on Obama's watch I have absolutely no doubt you would refuse to stand behind your president like the nation stood behind bush. Ten seconds after the end of the attack you would be condemning Obama rather that stand behind him like the nation stood behind bush.
Further, when bush signed Medicare part D I again agreed and stood with him. It was one of the few times that he signed legislation for all Americans.
Can you say you supported Obama for ANYTHING during these 4+ years?
Ron, I'm sure you're a great guy and all.
But the truth is Obama is the worst president in history. ANd I include Robert Mugabe. There is not a single program I could name that has accomplished anything worthwhile. His foreign policy is a disaster. There is not one country that is closer to us now than 5 years ago, and many that are disgusted with us and/or have given up.
Some of his proposals have been good. Like getting rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But he hasnt folloed up on them and he wont. Because he is a tool of the left wing establishment. His economic performance over 5 years has been the worst of any president coming out of a recession. The country is more divided than ever, after 5 years of someone who promised to change the tone in Washington. And he flat out lied on a policy matter. It isn't like he promised he woudl do something and was prevented by politics. That happens all the time and is excusable. He knew it was a lie when he said it and he did so solely to get the bill passed. That is inexcusable. And his poll numbers are showing it.
Neither is government in business to give a damn about people.
Perhaps you should take a second to read the Preamble to the Constitution.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

What do you think "... promote the general welfare ..." means? You say the government doesn't "give a damn about people." If such is the case, why do we have the FDA, EPA, national parks, CDC, and on, and on, and on? These departments DO NOT benefit the governent, but they do benefit the people of this country.

Some more than others. Some...not so much.

And if you're relying on the benevolence and kindness of government, you're pretty much screwed.
It is not a case of benevolence or kindness, IT IS A CASE OF THE GOVERNMENT DOING WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO!
All those departments I mentioned, and more, are working for you and for all Americans whether you see it or not. When you buy food at the grocery store do you even wonder if it is safe? How about medicines from the drug store. Are they safe? Are they effective? Who checks? What about the water you drink? Is it safe? Why? If you drive coast to coast do you even give a thought to the water being safe throughout America? How about when you fly somewhere, is the plane safe? When was its last inspection and who did the inspection? How about the pilot, is he properly trained? Is he required to get physicals and extra training at various intervals. Why? If food poisoning strikes a large part of the population who tracks the cause down and makes stores pull tainted products off the shelf? Why do the stores do that? Who makes them do so? Ever drive on a freeway? Where did they come from? How about National Parks and Monuments, have you ever visited one? Did you enjoy it? If the government had not established those parks and monuments they would probably end up as strip mines, vacation condo's as far as the eye can see, or strip malls. Again, I could go on and on but you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your eyes. The government does hundreds of things for you each day and you walk around with your eyes closed condemning them even as government makes your life easier and safer. If you don't believe the government is working for the people go and live where there is no government and see what it is really like for people who have no government support. Go and live in the Congo, Somolia, or the Sudan for a few weeks and I expect you would be singing a different song about the role of government. No, it is not benevolence or kindness, it is the government promoting "the general Welfare." It is the government doing the job it was set up to do!

yeah, Ron. If they gov't doesnt do it, it wont get done. Businesses have a vested interest in providing unsafe food, tainted water, and dangerous transportation. They make more money like that and stay in business over the long term. Amiright?
Perhaps you should take a second to read the Preamble to the Constitution.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

What do you think "... promote the general welfare ..." means? You say the government doesn't "give a damn about people." If such is the case, why do we have the FDA, EPA, national parks, CDC, and on, and on, and on? These departments DO NOT benefit the governent, but they do benefit the people of this country.

Some more than others. Some...not so much.

And if you're relying on the benevolence and kindness of government, you're pretty much screwed.
It is not a case of benevolence or kindness, IT IS A CASE OF THE GOVERNMENT DOING WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO!
All those departments I mentioned, and more, are working for you and for all Americans whether you see it or not. When you buy food at the grocery store do you even wonder if it is safe? How about medicines from the drug store. Are they safe? Are they effective? Who checks? What about the water you drink? Is it safe? Why? If you drive coast to coast do you even give a thought to the water being safe throughout America? How about when you fly somewhere, is the plane safe? When was its last inspection and who did the inspection? How about the pilot, is he properly trained? Is he required to get physicals and extra training at various intervals. Why? If food poisoning strikes a large part of the population who tracks the cause down and makes stores pull tainted products off the shelf? Why do the stores do that? Who makes them do so? Ever drive on a freeway? Where did they come from? How about National Parks and Monuments, have you ever visited one? Did you enjoy it? If the government had not established those parks and monuments they would probably end up as strip mines, vacation condo's as far as the eye can see, or strip malls. Again, I could go on and on but you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your eyes. The government does hundreds of things for you each day and you walk around with your eyes closed condemning them even as government makes your life easier and safer. If you don't believe the government is working for the people go and live where there is no government and see what it is really like for people who have no government support. Go and live in the Congo, Somolia, or the Sudan for a few weeks and I expect you would be singing a different song about the role of government. No, it is not benevolence or kindness, it is the government promoting "the general Welfare." It is the government doing the job it was set up to do!

You don't want me to open my eyes. You want me to keep them closed, but share your vision.

Government can't grant freedoms. It can only take them away.

And the Preamble is not a law. It is not legally binding. You will not find a SCOTUS decision based on the Preamble.

Your problem is you pay too much attention to what elected officials say, and not enough to what they do.
yeah, Ron. If they gov't doesnt do it, it wont get done. Businesses have a vested interest in providing unsafe food, tainted water, and dangerous transportation. They make more money like that and stay in business over the long term. Amiright?

Yep. Businesses can maximize profit by killing all their customers.
Oh, goodness, it's spreading.

We all recall how that awful Sarah Palin talked about death panels as a necessary part of BarryCare, sort of like what goes on in England and elsewhere when it comes to things like who gets that replacement hip and who doesn't.

Well now that lefty "journalist" Mark Halperin has jumped on the Palin death panels bandwagon, so I'm sure he'll be taken to the woodshed by the liars in charge of the Dimocrat party, MSNBC stars, and assorted other nitwits.

"The Affordable Care Act contains provisions for "death panels," which decide which critically ill patients receive care and which don't, says Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine."

"It's built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to be part of how costs are controlled," Halperin told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

Here's the rest...Mark Halperin: Obamacare Contains 'Death Panels'

Oh, course it is Newsmax so they probably just made the whole thing up.
Death panels have been in existance in this country since health insurance was first introduced. Of course, they didn't call it a death panel. Sometimes it was "pre-existing condition." Other times it was called "No experimental procedures." It was also called "Your insurance has been canceled." Occasionally it was called "This illness is not covered in your policy."
So, who do you trust more, the government or the insurance company? To me this is an easy question. The primary goal of insurance company's is to make money, not to help sick people. The insurance company is in business to make a profit and denying people medical care they have paid for helps make that profit larger. On the other hand, the government is not in business to make money.
Perhaps if you actually applied thought to your replies before posting?

Tell Me how these two are equivalent.

A private company makes a business decisions that denies you a procedure. You get outraged, drop that insurance company, shop around and find an insurance agency that will provide coverage, but you may have to pay more for the coverage.....


A panel of UNELECTED judges WHO CANNOT BE SUED or TOUCHED BY LAW making a decision on your treatment and you have no other recourse, because you cannot fire your government.

When you have people appointed by political choices, who are in no way answerable to Congress, the Judiciary, or the people of this country, you have the recipe for oppression.

Vote our way or you're wife won't get that life saving treatment. Or, support his person, or you daughter will just have to take her chances with that cancer........

Given the lies we have been told by the DNC, progressives and this president; when confronted with this very thing, it boggles the mind that people dismiss this tyranny so easily.
"The Affordable Care Act contains provisions for "death panels," which decide which critically ill patients receive care and which don't, says Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for Time magazine."

Please explain how that differs from what health insurance companies have been doing since the beginning.

You could go to another insurance company, you could find the financial means thru other sources. The point is that the government didn't have life or death decisions over your life. Why is that concept so difficult to grasp?

Seeing as the death panels...errr...excuse me they're called 'Rationing Boards' now, are controlled by the Government yes they will have a say so.

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