Palin slams Fox’s ‘Family Guy’

If you do not agree with a right wingnut on one thing then you are a liberal.
Simple concept for simple people.

Really? Is that the standard in which you define yourself by? Interesting.

did I say I was a right wingnut?

I believe in reasonable gun control so obviously I am a liberal. Alkso I did not vote for Bush either time.

Did I say you said you were a right wingnut? I said you define youself according to the standard you, yourself mentioned. In other words, and I'll type slowly so you "simple minded people" can keep up, you asserted that if you don't agree with a "right wingnut" (which you obviously don't) then you are a liberal, which you now readily admit to being. So basically when you said, " If you do not agree with a right wingnut on one thing then you are a liberal", it was accurate observation.
Fact is, they crossed the line.

They want to mock Palin herself, go for it!... She's fully proven she's above those doing the mocking. Everytime they mock her, it only makes her popularity rise further. That does you lib's no good whatsoever. KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF IT!

I didn't watch the show. Did you?

In what way did they cross the line exactly?
I didn't either and until just now I took the wingers word that this was about Trig. It actually appears to be making fun of Bristol.

See for yourself. It actually isn't even funny but I find myself in the strange position of defending FAUX...there was no line crossed.

Family Guy - Trig Palin | Mediaite

You're right....I'm not seeing any line crossed here....:confused:

[SIZE=+1]Palin lashes out at FOX cartoon[/SIZE]
Have you ever seen such a publicity whore?
Link Excerpt:
Sarah Palin is angry at Fox Broadcasting Co. because its saucy cartoon show "Family Guy" portrayed a teenage girl with Down syndrome telling another character that her mom is the former governor of Alaska. A song and dance routine followed, with language ridiculing people with disabilities.

I think it's clear that Palin thinks a cartoon is a more serious political theater than the Rush Limbaugh show.
So, you can tell about a person's political leanings on all topics by ONE post? (Must not have been a joke then, you frown on those)

Oh dear I left the "s" off "post". Seriously is that all you got? :cuckoo:
She's got nothing, and never has.

Christ man, she voted for style over substance. And we're all paying for that grave mistake so many of those idiots made.

Still waiting for your insightful answers to these questions:

What's my political leaning on Illegal Immigration?

On Gun Ownership?

On the military?

On Fiscal Responsibility?

On Taxes?

On Government Foreign Aid?

Or are you just a Internet Toughie like Lonestar Secesh...hiding behind your cheesepuff dust covered keyboard?
Oh dear I left the "s" off "post". Seriously is that all you got? :cuckoo:
She's got nothing, and never has.

Christ man, she voted for style over substance. And we're all paying for that grave mistake so many of those idiots made.

Still waiting for your insightful answers to these questions:

What's my political leaning on Illegal Immigration?

On Gun Ownership?

On the military?

On Fiscal Responsibility?

On Taxes?

On Government Foreign Aid?

Or are you just a Internet Toughie like Lonestar Secesh...hiding behind your cheesepuff dust covered keyboard?

You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.
So, let me get this straight....she is too chickenshit to call out Rush, but is willing to fight with a CARTOON on the very network that employs her?:cuckoo:
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time - Blogs from

Washington (CNN) – Sarah Palin expressed outrage at a Fox Broadcasting Company television program for deriding people with Down syndrome and making an apparent reference to her 22-month-old son, Trig, who has the genetic disorder.

The former Alaska governor said on her Facebook page that she was too angry to offer a coherent response so she had her daughter, Bristol, release a full statement on the family’s behalf.

Where was this anger with Rush?

Unlike you, Sara Palin is smart enough to separate sarcasm from personally directed derision.
She's got nothing, and never has.

Christ man, she voted for style over substance. And we're all paying for that grave mistake so many of those idiots made.

Still waiting for your insightful answers to these questions:

What's my political leaning on Illegal Immigration?

On Gun Ownership?

On the military?

On Fiscal Responsibility?

On Taxes?

On Government Foreign Aid?

Or are you just a Internet Toughie like Lonestar Secesh...hiding behind your cheesepuff dust covered keyboard?

You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.

Oh dear. You just brought up my family. Why?
So, let me get this straight....she is too chickenshit to call out Rush, but is willing to fight with a CARTOON on the very network that employs her?:cuckoo:
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time - Blogs from

Washington (CNN) – Sarah Palin expressed outrage at a Fox Broadcasting Company television program for deriding people with Down syndrome and making an apparent reference to her 22-month-old son, Trig, who has the genetic disorder.

The former Alaska governor said on her Facebook page that she was too angry to offer a coherent response so she had her daughter, Bristol, release a full statement on the family’s behalf.
Where was this anger with Rush?

Unlike you, Sara Palin is smart enough to separate sarcasm from personally directed derision.

Still waiting for your insightful answers to these questions:

What's my political leaning on Illegal Immigration?

On Gun Ownership?

On the military?

On Fiscal Responsibility?

On Taxes?

On Government Foreign Aid?

Or are you just a Internet Toughie like Lonestar Secesh...hiding behind your cheesepuff dust covered keyboard?

You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.

Oh dear. You just brought up my family. Why?

You claimed up here long ago that you were a parent. I simply asked how you would feel AS A PARENT if you were in Palin's shoes and it was your son or daughter who was attacked. I broke no podunk message board rules.

But I do know why you refuse to answer!

For that answer would make you look like a complete fool, and a lousy parent so, you avoid it.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody up here.
You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.

Oh dear. You just brought up my family. Why?
You claimed up here long ago that you were a parent. I simply asked how you would feel AS A PARENT if you were in Palin's shoes and it was your son or daughter who was attacked. I broke no podunk message board rules.

But I do know why you refuse to answer!

For that answer would make you look like a complete fool, and a lousy parent so, you avoid it.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody up here.
Isn't Bristol eighteen now? While I don't agree with making fun of politicians children at the same time I think that once they hit eighteen and continue to make fools of themselves they are fair game.
Palin looks like a fool since she forgave Rush. She made it perfectly clear she wasn't talking about Rush because she is so weak. A la Steele. Cowards.

She has zero credibility when she feigns her anger at any of this. Especially since she called her own child a retard.
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Why does Sarah hate the first amendment?


Satiring disabled is not simply exercising the first ammendment.

It is abusing it as well.

Why is using the N word deemed NOT as simply applying the first ammendemnt?

There is the human issue of sensitivity......why do liberals feel that oinly THEY have the right to be sensitive to abuse of the first ammendment?

Gee, that's curious.

Because Palin waved off Limbaugh's use of the term because it was "satire".

That was the whole fucking point of the Family Guy bit.

Palin was just stupid enough to step into a baited ambush.
You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.

Oh dear. You just brought up my family. Why?
You claimed up here long ago that you were a parent. I simply asked how you would feel AS A PARENT if you were in Palin's shoes and it was your son or daughter who was attacked. I broke no podunk message board rules.

But I do know why you refuse to answer!

For that answer would make you look like a complete fool, and a lousy parent so, you avoid it.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody up here.

You brought up my family when I am asking you what my political stand is on certain topics. Explain what one has to do with the other, please.

Or is this just another one of your stupid deflections from having to stand by one of your stupid comments?
You ran away from the questions I asked about that being YOUR daughter.

Gee, I wonder why?

You deserve no answers from me.

Oh dear. You just brought up my family. Why?
You claimed up here long ago that you were a parent. I simply asked how you would feel AS A PARENT if you were in Palin's shoes and it was your son or daughter who was attacked. I broke no podunk message board rules.

But I do know why you refuse to answer!

For that answer would make you look like a complete fool, and a lousy parent so, you avoid it.

Seriously, you're not fooling anybody up here.

BTW...what do my claims "long ago" have to do with this thread? Please explain.
So, let me get this straight....she is too chickenshit to call out Rush, but is willing to fight with a CARTOON on the very network that employs her?:cuckoo:
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time - Blogs from

Washington (CNN) – Sarah Palin expressed outrage at a Fox Broadcasting Company television program for deriding people with Down syndrome and making an apparent reference to her 22-month-old son, Trig, who has the genetic disorder.

The former Alaska governor said on her Facebook page that she was too angry to offer a coherent response so she had her daughter, Bristol, release a full statement on the family’s behalf.
Where was this anger with Rush?

Unlike you, Sara Palin is smart enough to separate sarcasm from personally directed derision.
Heavens to BETSY, you sure love making a fool of yourself.
No "personally directed derision" in calling people LimpTard hates "CELEBUTARDS" a full year BEFORE Emanuel's comment!!! :cuckoo:

August 1, 2008
RUSH: They should be asking McCain to produce more commercials like this that portray Obama as nothing but a celebutard.

November 4, 2008
RUSH: Well, it depends on the celebutard in order to answer this question. For example, Oprah. You look at Oprah. She's a billionaire, right?
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Dam...I just saw the clip of that family guy thing.

WTF is all the outrage? It is not like they made the kid do something stupid.....actually, the kid was mainstreamed.....out on the town on a date.....conducting a conversation.

Dam...I debated on the side of that?

Dont I feel likie a dick.

exactly....and in the playboy interview from Sept....MacFarlane said that it was not offensive.....he also said they did a show on abortion that Fox will not let him air...but he said they let him do it and it will be released on DVD......and he said Rush was a very pleasant guy to work with...ok carry on.....
Palin has a right to be insulted as the "image" of her kid was used for comedy.

The rest of us? It was nothing....I should have seen the clip before I said anything...unless there is more to it that I did not see?

if you saw 30 min of it you seen everything....
By the way it isn't slapstick, slapstick is a type of comedy involving exaggerated physical violence and activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense.

Yeah like Cheny shooting his buddy in the face. Now that was funny!

hey it worked for the 3 Stooges.......

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