Palin supported end of life counseling before she QUIT

2) he busted his butt to get government involved in Terry Schiavo's family's end of life discussion. better provide a link to this. How DARE you call out a Republican...
Never mind, I got your back.
Grassley Endorses "Death Panel" Rumor: "You Have Every Right To Fear"

"There is some fear because in the House bill, there is counseling for end-of-life," Grassley said. "And from that standpoint, you have every right to fear. You shouldn't have counseling at the end of life. You ought to have counseling 20 years before you're going to die. You ought to plan these things out. And I don't have any problem with things like living wills. But they ought to be done within the family. We should not have a government program that determines if you're going to pull the plug on grandma."

How old is Grassley? Is he too young to be able to read or too old to be able to SEE disallowing him to read?
The difference is that Palin is an American and did that to remind citizens of Alaska that this was their responsibility.

Obama on the other hand wants you to give Ezekiel Emanuel your health care proxy and Ravi is asking, "Barry, where do I sign?"

yep, right on. people should have plans for when they die, wills, burial arrangments all that sort of thing, its part of an individuals personel repsonsibility. when government forces people like cattle into an unwanted mechanism they have become the enemy of the people.
The difference is that Palin is an American and did that to remind citizens of Alaska that this was their responsibility.

Obama on the other hand wants you to give Ezekiel Emanuel your health care proxy and Ravi is asking, "Barry, where do I sign?"

yep, right on. people should have plans for when they die, wills, burial arrangments all that sort of thing, its part of an individuals personel repsonsibility. when government forces people like cattle into an unwanted mechanism they have become the enemy of the people.

Are you really that ignorant??
It has already been shown that it is NOT REQUIRED so no one will be forced to do anything.

WOW you righties have been and are so completely desperate since you lost the last two elections and are NOW THE MINORITY that you seem willing to believe and say anything, no matter how dishonest it is, if you think it will justify your baseless attacks on the left. LOL
Page 428.

See Spot

See Spot Go to Vet for a regular checkup

No, Spot, NO!

Your regular check up DOES not meet the 5 year requirement as set forth on page 425

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

The 5 year limitation you tool. Limitation and requirement are separate words with different meanings.

If it said requirement, it would mean that if you had a physical which you talked about end of life processes, you would have to talk to a practioner about end of life processes at some other point.

Of course, it says limitation, which in this context means if you shoot the shit about EOL processes with a doctor during a physical, you could go see a doctor in that same 5 year period to talk about EOL and have it covered by medicare.

You must have read it in Hebrew because you got it completely backwards.

It says that you have to go for your EOL counseling every 5 years.

The "limitation" is that you cannot go more that 5 years without Dr. Kevorkian trying to convince you to hook up
You can join your other NeoMarxists friends in kissing my ass in Macy's window. I posted it AGAIN!

You mean that stuff that doesn't include ANY verbiage (that means wording) about mandatory or about sessions with anyone other than the family's doctor (or nurse practioner - thanks for the clarification Mr. Capitalism)?????

You mean THAT post. The one that contradicts your claims. The one you claim OTHER PEOPLE are too stupid to read??????


Is English your second language?

The things I posted say:

You HAVE to meet every 5 years with either a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to discuss how much of a burden you are on the Health care system, regular visits to your doctor don't count.
Did I miss the part where it MANDATED anything?

(3), the individual involved has not had such a consultation within the last 5 years.

You MUST visit the nurse every 5 years.

I won't respond until you can show me you've been to Reading Rainbow and watched a few of the videos, I have other thing I need to do beside posting to ignorant people who can't read
Nope, it's not paid for by insurance if it has paid for within the last 5 years.

Man, Hannity must be blushing that he allowed such an idiot on his message board. :lol:

Are you trying to set a record for "Most Incorrect Responses in a single Thread"?
See Spot.

See Spot Run.

See Spot Run to Nurse Every 5 years as required pursuant to page 425 of the Health Care Bill.

Run Spot Run

Did that help the Reading Challenged?

It says that you are qualified to receive free information on EOL processes from a practioner every 5 years (or more often if your health conditions change). It does not say required.

This really isn't hard to understand.

It's not hard for me to understand, you and the Obamaroids are having a great deal of difficulty
Page 428.

See Spot

See Spot Go to Vet for a regular checkup

No, Spot, NO!

Your regular check up DOES not meet the 5 year requirement as set forth on page 425

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

The 5 year limitation you tool. Limitation and requirement are separate words with different meanings.

If it said requirement, it would mean that if you had a physical which you talked about end of life processes, you would have to talk to a practioner about end of life processes at some other point.

Of course, it says limitation, which in this context means if you shoot the shit about EOL processes with a doctor during a physical, you could go see a doctor in that same 5 year period to talk about EOL and have it covered by medicare.


I don't think it can be spelled out any better.
I wonder if he will get it?

The limitation is that you cannot go more that 5 years without meeting Dr. Kevorkian
Page 428.

See Spot

See Spot Go to Vet for a regular checkup

No, Spot, NO!

Your regular check up DOES not meet the 5 year requirement as set forth on page 425

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

The 5 year limitation you tool. Limitation and requirement are separate words with different meanings.

If it said requirement, it would mean that if you had a physical which you talked about end of life processes, you would have to talk to a practioner about end of life processes at some other point.

Of course, it says limitation, which in this context means if you shoot the shit about EOL processes with a doctor during a physical, you could go see a doctor in that same 5 year period to talk about EOL and have it covered by medicare.

You must have read it in Hebrew because you got it completely backwards.

It says that you have to go for your EOL counseling every 5 years.

The "limitation" is that you cannot go more that 5 years without Dr. Kevorkian trying to convince you to hook up

Oh look, frank is back after being proven WRONG and he is still trying to present the same dishonest argument where he makes shite up in a failing attempt to back up his moroninc claims. LOL
The 5 year limitation you tool. Limitation and requirement are separate words with different meanings.

If it said requirement, it would mean that if you had a physical which you talked about end of life processes, you would have to talk to a practioner about end of life processes at some other point.

Of course, it says limitation, which in this context means if you shoot the shit about EOL processes with a doctor during a physical, you could go see a doctor in that same 5 year period to talk about EOL and have it covered by medicare.

You must have read it in Hebrew because you got it completely backwards.

It says that you have to go for your EOL counseling every 5 years.

The "limitation" is that you cannot go more that 5 years without Dr. Kevorkian trying to convince you to hook up

Oh look, frank is back after being proven WRONG and he is still trying to present the same dishonest argument where he makes shite up in a failing attempt to back up his moroninc claims. LOL

Proven wrong? Huh? Based on what? Some article you found in The Diary of Eugenic and Euthanasia that says I'm "wrong"?
20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

See, if was optional or just about reimbursement, there's no reason for the Bill to mention that you cannot go longer than 5 years without meeting Kevorkian.

You see that, right?
You can join your other NeoMarxists friends in kissing my ass in Macy's window. I posted it AGAIN!

You mean that stuff that doesn't include ANY verbiage (that means wording) about mandatory or about sessions with anyone other than the family's doctor (or nurse practioner - thanks for the clarification Mr. Capitalism)?????

You mean THAT post. The one that contradicts your claims. The one you claim OTHER PEOPLE are too stupid to read??????


Is English your second language?

LOL I was about to ask you the same thing because no where in what you listed does it say anything about it being mandatory.

The things I posted say:

You HAVE to meet every 5 years with either a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to discuss how much of a burden you are on the Health care system, regular visits to your doctor don't count.

Actually NO, that may be what you wish to believe it says but the fact remains that it doesn't say that and you can't show where it does.
You mean that stuff that doesn't include ANY verbiage (that means wording) about mandatory or about sessions with anyone other than the family's doctor (or nurse practioner - thanks for the clarification Mr. Capitalism)?????

You mean THAT post. The one that contradicts your claims. The one you claim OTHER PEOPLE are too stupid to read??????


Is English your second language?

LOL I was about to ask you the same thing because no where in what you listed does it say anything about it being mandatory.

The things I posted say:

You HAVE to meet every 5 years with either a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to discuss how much of a burden you are on the Health care system, regular visits to your doctor don't count.

Actually NO, that may be what you wish to believe it says but the fact remains that it doesn't say that and you can't show where it does.

It's a complete waste of electrons, but here it goes again:

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

See, if was optional or just about reimbursement, there's no reason for the Bill to mention that you cannot go longer than 5 years without meeting Kevorkian.

You see that, right?

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