Palin supported end of life counseling before she QUIT

The 5 year limitation you tool. Limitation and requirement are separate words with different meanings.

If it said requirement, it would mean that if you had a physical which you talked about end of life processes, you would have to talk to a practioner about end of life processes at some other point.

Of course, it says limitation, which in this context means if you shoot the shit about EOL processes with a doctor during a physical, you could go see a doctor in that same 5 year period to talk about EOL and have it covered by medicare.


I don't think it can be spelled out any better.
I wonder if he will get it?

The limitation is that you cannot go more that 5 years without meeting Dr. Kevorkian

LOL You are reading into it what you want it to say and ignoring what it actually says. You are WRONG but you are either too ignorant understand it or too dishonest to admit it.
So which is it? I will let you decide.

I don't think it can be spelled out any better.
I wonder if he will get it?

The limitation is that you cannot go more that 5 years without meeting Dr. Kevorkian

LOL You are reading into it what you want it to say and ignoring what it actually says. You are WRONG but you are either too ignorant understand it or too dishonest to admit it.
So which is it? I will let you decide.

I've decided that you've never read anything for yourself, especially anything as complicated as a House bill.
Is English your second language?

LOL I was about to ask you the same thing because no where in what you listed does it say anything about it being mandatory.

The things I posted say:

You HAVE to meet every 5 years with either a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to discuss how much of a burden you are on the Health care system, regular visits to your doctor don't count.

Actually NO, that may be what you wish to believe it says but the fact remains that it doesn't say that and you can't show where it does.

It's a complete waste of electrons, but here it goes again:

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

See, if was optional or just about reimbursement, there's no reason for the Bill to mention that you cannot go longer than 5 years without meeting Kevorkian.

Nice unsubstantiated assumption, it's too bad for that's all you have to offer. LOL
It's like I said previously, you are READING INTO IT something that is not there because you wish to believe that it is.

First you tried to claim it said it was mandatory and failed to show where it said that. Then you posted an excerpt while adding what you believed it said when there was no such wording in the excerpt.

Then you shifted to your spin on the "5-year limitation" and that has been spelled out for you and you are still trying to argue your incorrect beliefs despite being proven WRONG by previous posts.

You see that, right?

I see what is there and while you apparently see what you want to see even though it's not there. LOL
The limitation is that you cannot go more that 5 years without meeting Dr. Kevorkian

LOL You are reading into it what you want it to say and ignoring what it actually says. You are WRONG but you are either too ignorant understand it or too dishonest to admit it.
So which is it? I will let you decide.

I've decided that you've never read anything for yourself, especially anything as complicated as a House bill.

And I've decided that you've never read anything that you didn't try to add something to that wasn't actually in the text all so you can pretend that you are correct when you are WRONG. LOL

I have read the parts that you are talking about and they don't say what you claim they do. Face the facts, you made it up and it's time to act like an adult and admit that you are WRONG.
It's moot anyway because the Bill's dead and the provision is not added to the Senate version because they don't want the mandatory 5 year visits with Kevorkian
Palin's latest Facebook post about this backtracks on her claim that these are mandatory, acknowledging that the counseling isn't explicitly mandatory , but that in practice it would be.

She cites an opinion piece from the Washington Post's Charles Lane, in which he writes, "Though not mandatory, as some on the right have claimed, the consultations envisioned in Section 1233 aren't quite 'purely voluntary,' as Rep. Sander M. Levin, D-Mich., asserts. To me, 'purely voluntary' means 'not unless the patient requests one.' Section 1233, however, lets doctors initiate the chat and gives them an incentive -- money -- to do so. Indeed, that's an incentive to insist.

They're not mandatory. Come on guys.
It's moot anyway because the Bill's dead

Still doesn't change the fact that you were WRONG,

and the provision is not added to the Senate version because they don't want the mandatory 5 year visits with Kevorkian

and continue to be WRONG. LOL

It's not mandatory and yet you continue to believe what your masters told you to believe. LOL
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To me, 'purely voluntary' means 'not unless the patient requests one.' Section 1233, however, lets doctors initiate the chat and gives them an incentive -- money -- to do so. Indeed, that's an incentive to insist.

What a load -

My doctor isn't calling me in for anything unless I agree.

A desperate attempt to try to save some face for the discredited "deather panelers".
What is the problem with what Sarah Palin did? It did not violate the Alaskan constitution. It did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

If people can't understand the difference between federal mandating and funding versus state involvement, that has nothing to do with the federal government, there is no real point in debating what can't be understood.

I am no Sarah Palin fan. This appears to be a bash Sarah thread just because we can thread. Go team and all that mindless partisan hack drivel.
Come on, surely when there are threads extolling her bravery for heralding the "true conservative spirit" in other threads, this thread that attacks her credibility is more than relevant.

Sure, it's a biased jab itself, but it's simply a response to the Palin-loving going on elsewhere.

For the record, I didnt start it :D
What is the problem with what Sarah Palin did? It did not violate the Alaskan constitution. It did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

If people can't understand the difference between federal mandating and funding versus state involvement, that has nothing to do with the federal government, there is no real point in debating what can't be understood.

I am no Sarah Palin fan. This appears to be a bash Sarah thread just because we can thread. Go team and all that mindless partisan hack drivel.
Who said she did anything unconstitutional? Lying and scaring old and/or sick people into giving up their ability to decide if they want to be kept alive for months wired up to a machine or die on their own time coherently isn't unconstitutional.

Just skanky.
What is the problem with what Sarah Palin did? It did not violate the Alaskan constitution. It did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

If people can't understand the difference between federal mandating and funding versus state involvement, that has nothing to do with the federal government, there is no real point in debating what can't be understood.

I am no Sarah Palin fan. This appears to be a bash Sarah thread just because we can thread. Go team and all that mindless partisan hack drivel.
Who said she did anything unconstitutional? Lying and scaring old and/or sick people into giving up their ability to decide if they want to be kept alive for months wired up to a machine or die on their own time coherently isn't unconstitutional.

Just skanky.

Apparently Palin has always believed that she should be able to say whatever "skanky" thing she wants while invoking her divine right to go unchallenged.

Interject yourself into the public debate saying stupid and dishonest things - people are going to call you stupid and dishonest.
It's moot anyway because the Bill's dead

Still doesn't change the fact that you were WRONG,

and the provision is not added to the Senate version because they don't want the mandatory 5 year visits with Kevorkian

and continue to be WRONG. LOL

It's not mandatory and yet you continue to believe what your masters told you to believe. LOL

I read it myself, dickweed. Try it sometime
What is the problem with what Sarah Palin did? It did not violate the Alaskan constitution. It did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

If people can't understand the difference between federal mandating and funding versus state involvement, that has nothing to do with the federal government, there is no real point in debating what can't be understood.

I am no Sarah Palin fan. This appears to be a bash Sarah thread just because we can thread. Go team and all that mindless partisan hack drivel.
Who said she did anything unconstitutional? Lying and scaring old and/or sick people into giving up their ability to decide if they want to be kept alive for months wired up to a machine or die on their own time coherently isn't unconstitutional.

Just skanky.

Are you calling Ezekiel Emanuel skanky?
Is English your second language?

LOL I was about to ask you the same thing because no where in what you listed does it say anything about it being mandatory.

The things I posted say:

You HAVE to meet every 5 years with either a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner to discuss how much of a burden you are on the Health care system, regular visits to your doctor don't count.

Actually NO, that may be what you wish to believe it says but the fact remains that it doesn't say that and you can't show where it does.

It's a complete waste of electrons, but here it goes again:

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

See, if was optional or just about reimbursement, there's no reason for the Bill to mention that you cannot go longer than 5 years without meeting Kevorkian.

You see that, right?

But it doesn't say that. Jesus fucking christ, its like debating with a ficus. The "5-year limitation" is saying that you are limited to a end of life appointment that is reimbursed every five years. So unless you have major changes in health, Medicare wouldn't pay for you to visit your doc three times a week to talk about End of Life procedures.

There is nothing about requiring it. I don't know how to explain to you in any simpler terms than this.
It's moot anyway because the Bill's dead

Still doesn't change the fact that you were WRONG,

and the provision is not added to the Senate version because they don't want the mandatory 5 year visits with Kevorkian

and continue to be WRONG. LOL

It's not mandatory and yet you continue to believe what your masters told you to believe. LOL

I read it myself, dickweed. Try it sometime

UH are you really that ignorant?? I did READ it and I said that I read it.
The problem with you reading it is that you read something into it that is NOT THERE.
It has already been shown to you that it is not there, you have changed your argument in order to try and CYA and you still try to argue that it is mandatory when it's NOT.
So either you are a complete MORON and really don't have any reading comprehension skill or you are a LIAR and know that it's not there but you are still willing to be dishonest because you think this dishonest smear works.
So which is it??
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LOL I was about to ask you the same thing because no where in what you listed does it say anything about it being mandatory.

Actually NO, that may be what you wish to believe it says but the fact remains that it doesn't say that and you can't show where it does.

It's a complete waste of electrons, but here it goes again:

20 ‘‘(3)(A) An initial preventive physical examination
21 under subsection (WW), including any related discussion
22 during such examination, shall not be considered an
23 advance care planning consultation for purposes of applying
24 the 5-year limitation under paragraph (1).

See, if was optional or just about reimbursement, there's no reason for the Bill to mention that you cannot go longer than 5 years without meeting Kevorkian.

You see that, right?

But it doesn't say that. Jesus fucking christ, its like debating with a ficus. The "5-year limitation" is saying that you are limited to a end of life appointment that is reimbursed every five years. So unless you have major changes in health, Medicare wouldn't pay for you to visit your doc three times a week to talk about End of Life procedures.

There is nothing about requiring it. I don't know how to explain to you in any simpler terms than this.

LOL, poor frank is just parroting the talking points he was fed as he continues to claim that it says something that it clearly doesn't say. It's really kind of sad.
These right wing assholes know it was Never mandatory and there were Never "death panels"- whooooo---------------. If they still believe that then maybe they should get their affairs in order ,because I hear they are adding a death panel to review those folks who are just too damn dumb to live and they calling it the "Boggey Man" whoooooo--------------------!
We've already been through all this, loon. Perhaps you should take an hour off and read the board some more.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
WHEREAS, one of the principal goals of Healthcare Decisions Day is to encourage hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, and hospices to participate in a statewide effort to provide clear and consistent information to the public about advance directives, as well as to encourage medical professionals and lawyers to volunteer their time and efforts to improve public knowledge and increase the number of Alaska’s citizens with advance directives.

End of life counselling is important.

That fact that the Republicans tried to make it out to be something bad shows just how low they really are.

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