Palin wants creationism taught in schools

Again... because of your hatred... you fully think that anyone who believes in more does not believe that the universe is expanding... or that life and organisms has evolved from where it started....

But as stated.. that which you cling to has made and will continue to make many assumptions to try and explain their reasoning... which is not much different than a religious person believing in a God as a starting point for what we know around us...

BTW... I fully read into and study many things about the universe and life.... have for many years.... but it also does not take away from the fact that I have faith in something more beyond the known or observable 'universe'... unlike what your hatred leads you to believe... the 2 are not mutually exclusive

Oh well, GOOD! Then you should have PLENTY of EVIDENCE to support creationism! Again, one more time, LETS SEE IT! Im fucking DARING you to post your evidence of creationism. Your FAITH means nothing in SCIENCE. Come on, yo. Don't tease me like this. I'm ready to see what EVIDENCE you have, physical that is, for anything other than evolution and the big bang. I posted MY evidence, yo... I offered it to you for YOUR observation. Let's see you do more than cry foul and scream bloody fucking martyr here. THIS is your chance to thoroughly bitchlsap me with EVIDENCE. Please, HERE is my chin. Take your best fucking shot.

Genetic study of Neanderthal DNA reveals early split between humans and Neanderthals

In the most thorough study to date of the Neanderthal genome, scientists suggest an early human-Neanderthal split. The two species have a common ancestry, say the authors, but do not share much else after evolving their separate ways. The study, published in this week's issue of Science, also finds no evidence of genetic admixture between Neanderthals and humans.

The study helps to explain the evolutionary relationship between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis). It also "signifies the dawn of Neanderthal genomics," wrote the study's authors, who comprise scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley (Calif.) National Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (Walnut Creek, Calif.), the University of Chicago (Ill.) and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany).

"Humans went through several key stages of evolution during the last 400,000 years," said study c-author Jonathan Pritchard, professor of human genetics who led the University of Chicago team that analyzed the sequencing data. "If we can compare humans and Neanderthals genomes, then we can possibly identify what the key genetic changes were during that final stage of human evolution."
Genetic study of Neanderthal DNA reveals early split between humans and Neanderthals

You provided evidence of observation based on an assumed beginning....

sound familiar???

nice try

uh, no, as per the scientific fucking method I PROVIDED PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that your kind insists does not exist. By all means, either put up or shut the fuck up, dude.
And btw... show me where I supported teaching biblical stories in the classroom?? I fully believe that we teach science, but state that these are theories and that we tell the students that these theories in no way are being taught to go against anyone's faith... that science does not have all the answers, but science is there to constantly search for more answers

but nice try again

THESE THEORIES ARE THE PRODUCT OF EVIDENCE. what part of EVIDENCE are you not understanding? What is your major malfunction, dude? EVIDENCE. one more time, EVIDENCE. The expanding universe IS EVIDENCE. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA IS EVIDENCE. A FUCKING NEANDERTHAL SKULL IS EVIDENCE.

these theories are only as good as the EVIDENCE thereof. Now, please, OFFER ME SOME EVIDENCE that has any weight for creationism that is equivilent to what I"VE provided here. Please, don't crai, dude... Show this big meany your best scientific knockout punch.

again, YOUR FAITH doesn't mean SHIT in the science classroom. Ask the ghost of Copernicus about that.
uh, no, as per the scientific fucking method I PROVIDED PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that your kind insists does not exist. By all means, either put up or shut the fuck up, dude.

Um.... my kind?

Umm.... think not

But you again provided physical evidence that is currently accepted based on an assumption beginning

nice try
Um.... my kind?

Umm.... think not

But you again provided physical evidence that is currently accepted based on an assumption beginning

nice try

it's not just a nice try. It's the standing SCIENTIFIC standard. Does that make your bottom lip quiver just a bit knowing that?

and yes. YOUR kind. You know, the kind of non-intellectual who thinks that criticism equates to providing your OWN evidence for your OWN theory. There is no assumption when OBSERVING the expanding universe. THIS is why PHYSICAL EVIDENCE is the SCIENTIFIC STANDARD.

I have at least 5 more pages from SCIENTIFIC SOURCES regarding geology, DNA, Astronomy and Physiology waiting for you. Are you going to start providing your own evidence or shall I go ahead and take your refusal to do so as a cried Uncle?
THESE THEORIES ARE THE PRODUCT OF EVIDENCE. what part of EVIDENCE are you not understanding? What is your major malfunction, dude? EVIDENCE. one more time, EVIDENCE. The expanding universe IS EVIDENCE. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA IS EVIDENCE. A FUCKING NEANDERTHAL SKULL IS EVIDENCE.

these theories are only as good as the EVIDENCE thereof. Now, please, OFFER ME SOME EVIDENCE that has any weight for creationism that is equivilent to what I"VE provided here. Please, don't crai, dude... Show this big meany your best scientific knockout punch.

again, YOUR FAITH doesn't mean SHIT in the science classroom. Ask the ghost of Copernicus about that.

You assume because you believe what you are stating, that it "knocks out" the belief of someone else... in fact, it is pitiful and I pretty much feel sorry for you....

A skull is not evidence of anything more than it existed... the expanding universe (of many universes under theory) is nothing more of proof that it is expanding... not that there is not something more, something unexplained, something beyond.... as science has shown thru history, there is always something more, and something beyond... and that which has been thought to be absolute fact in the past, is sometimes thrown to the side as we go on... even the likes of Einstein, Newton, and DaVinci have shown, with their awesome intellect and reasoning, to be flat out wrong... and many of those people also embraced their beliefs of something beyond while seeking even more answers and understanding....

My evidence??? Simply put... my evidence is that you have not fully explained anything except to yourself... that you assume that your answers are the only answers... that you think you disprove belief

You are so angry when anyone has a faith.... even when that person believes in things such as an expanding universe, a 4.3 billion year old earth and a 13.5 billion year old universe (as far as we think right now), that previous hominids existed, that many species have come and gone, that we find out more about the quantum 'small' aspects of the universe, that there was no 'global' 'Noah' flood, etc.... I fully understand and read up on the scientific advances we have all the time... and I am fascinated by what we discover... but we do not and will not know everything... and your current 'evidence' does not disprove something more and does not give a complete proven explanation for everything

Your weird notion that finding 1 study that states neanderthal is a split from homosapien, disproves another theory that they were 2 separate branches... and I fully believe that in another argument, you would then go with the opposing study if indeed it helped you with one of your little hate filled tirades... the only fact is we do not know if it was close species, whether they were bred out, whether they will hunted out, whether they were climate-d out, whether they were just never mean to be a long term winning species by their make-up....


As stated SO many times..... I fully believe on teaching science in schools... but state that these are theories and that we tell the students that these theories in no way are being taught to go against anyone's faith... that science does not have all the answers, but science is there to constantly search for more answers
it's not just a nice try. It's the standing SCIENTIFIC standard. Does that make your bottom lip quiver just a bit knowing that?

and yes. YOUR kind. You know, the kind of non-intellectual who thinks that criticism equates to providing your OWN evidence for your OWN theory. There is no assumption when OBSERVING the expanding universe. THIS is why PHYSICAL EVIDENCE is the SCIENTIFIC STANDARD.

I have at least 5 more pages from SCIENTIFIC SOURCES regarding geology, DNA, Astronomy and Physiology waiting for you. Are you going to start providing your own evidence or shall I go ahead and take your refusal to do so as a cried Uncle?

And standards have continually changed... T-Rex as a carnivore, T-Rex as a scavenger... Atom being the smallest unit. Thousands of different types of sub-atomic particles.... Relativity explaining everything. String theory explaining the quantum world. M-theory supplanting string theory....

You do not make any lip quiver... you do not seem like anything other than a very angry and self absorbed individual... and it is sad..

I'll still be waiting on your proof of origin... for it is the only way for you to disprove anything on the beginning.... and you'll be trying to dig that up until you die... for it is within your hateful self... meanwhile... I'll go on living, learning, and being happy that I believe there is something more, even if I don't know fully what it is....

And to finish up on topic again...

I fully believe on teaching science in schools... but state that these are theories and that we tell the students that these theories in no way are being taught to go against anyone's faith... that science does not have all the answers, but science is there to constantly search for more answers

Have any of you rightwingers even taken a credible science class?

This is such basic stuff. Were you guys sleeping through science class, or did you just have crap teachers?

That's the first thing you are taught about the scientific method. That scientific theories are based on empirical observation and experiment. That it gives us knowlege, but not truth. Evolution, the theory of gravity, the theory of relativity are the best rational explanations science can come up with. The scientific method is one way to look at the natural world. But, no one ever said you couldn't believe that Eve was made 6,000 years ago from one of adam's ribs in a garden with a talking snake.
You assume because you believe what you are stating, that it "knocks out" the belief of someone else... in fact, it is pitiful and I pretty much feel sorry for you....

A skull is not evidence of anything more than it existed... the expanding universe (of many universes under theory) is nothing more of proof that it is expanding... not that there is not something more, something unexplained, something beyond.... as science has shown thru history, there is always something more, and something beyond... and that which has been thought to be absolute fact in the past, is sometimes thrown to the side as we go on... even the likes of Einstein, Newton, and DaVinci have shown, with their awesome intellect and reasoning, to be flat out wrong... and many of those people also embraced their beliefs of something beyond while seeking even more answers and understanding....

My evidence??? Simply put... my evidence is that you have not fully explained anything except to yourself... that you assume that your answers are the only answers... that you think you disprove belief

You are so angry when anyone has a faith.... even when that person believes in things such as an expanding universe, a 4.3 billion year old earth and a 13.5 billion year old universe (as far as we think right now), that previous hominids existed, that many species have come and gone, that we find out more about the quantum 'small' aspects of the universe, that there was no 'global' 'Noah' flood, etc.... I fully understand and read up on the scientific advances we have all the time... and I am fascinated by what we discover... but we do not and will not know everything... and your current 'evidence' does not disprove something more and does not give a complete proven explanation for everything

Your weird notion that finding 1 study that states neanderthal is a split from homosapien, disproves another theory that they were 2 separate branches... and I fully believe that in another argument, you would then go with the opposing study if indeed it helped you with one of your little hate filled tirades... the only fact is we do not know if it was close species, whether they were bred out, whether they will hunted out, whether they were climate-d out, whether they were just never mean to be a long term winning species by their make-up....


As stated SO many times..... I fully believe on teaching science in schools... but state that these are theories and that we tell the students that these theories in no way are being taught to go against anyone's faith... that science does not have all the answers, but science is there to constantly search for more answers

THATS IT? THAT is all you have? YOUR evidence is that YOU THINK MY EVIDENCE is wrong?


again, this is why you FAIL on this issue.

Go ahead and feel sorry for whomever you want to. WE over here in the science classes dont care.

And standards have continually changed... T-Rex as a carnivore, T-Rex as a scavenger... Atom being the smallest unit. Thousands of different types of sub-atomic particles.... Relativity explaining everything. String theory explaining the quantum world. M-theory supplanting string theory....

You do not make any lip quiver... you do not seem like anything other than a very angry and self absorbed individual... and it is sad..

I'll still be waiting on your proof of origin... for it is the only way for you to disprove anything on the beginning.... and you'll be trying to dig that up until you die... for it is within your hateful self... meanwhile... I'll go on living, learning, and being happy that I believe there is something more, even if I don't know fully what it is....

And to finish up on topic again...

I fully believe on teaching science in schools... but state that these are theories and that we tell the students that these theories in no way are being taught to go against anyone's faith... that science does not have all the answers, but science is there to constantly search for more answers

You go ahead and wait for whatever you want to wait for. Until THEN, we'll still be teaching EVOLUTION in science classes without sharing class time for creationism.


again, THIS is why you FAIL in this debate. YOU have no fucking clue what evidence is or why it is necessary in regards to the SCIENTIFIC METHOD.

enjoy your impotent frustration knowing this.
The Scientific Method Today

The Scientific Method

A good scientist is observant and notices thing in the world around him/herself. (S)he sees, hears, or in some other way notices what’s going on in the world and becomes curious about what’s happening. This can and does include reading and studying what others have done in the past because scientific knowledge is cumulative. In physics, when Newton came up with his Theory of Motion, he based his hypothesis on the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo as well as his own, newer observations. Darwin not only observed and took notes during his voyage, but he also studied the practice of artificial selection and read the works of other naturalists to form his Theory of Evolution.

A major problem in understanding evolution is TIME. It's very very very hard to fathom the amount of time required for evolution. Here's a cool fact that might put things in more perspective.

Humans have very long lives in the animal kingdom. We don't live 1 year life cycles like most insects. Therefore, our gene pool takes longer to change through mutations. Lack of isolation, and our ability to survive as a whole in changing environments keeps our generations far apart. Now consider the time span that human evolution takes place:

Scientists believe that humans diverged from a common ancestor with apes. If just one human for every generation held hands and made a long chain of humans, then that chain would stretch for 250 kilometers. 250k of human generations. From the newest generation, computer invention is 3 people away. The pyramids were built 52 generations away. The concept of "zero" was first developed around 200 generations ago.

Evolution happens over long periods of time. Humans came from other species, but it took us a fucking long time to get where we are.
Again... know that you have proven nothing... that you only think you have based an simply a different leap of faith in origin....

It is like making an observation of a sound made from a place you could not see or get to... could have been a gun fire, could have been a backfire, could have been a recording of another sound... you don't know.. .but to try and prove your opinion or your theory, you will try and assume the starting point that best suits your theory... even if all the other objects in the timeline are logical, it does not prove the intended origin....

Until you have actual proof that disproves the unknown and disproves faith in something more than we know, you have nothing in this argument....

It is still so laughable... how you with the more limited view, think you owned something in an argument when you have proven nothing about the actual base argument...

Go ahead and teach evolution theory in school.... does not bother me.... I learned it... I still watch every discovery channel and science channel show on it I can get my hands on... it fascinates me.... does not make me believe it answers everything and does not make it inherently the complete truth when there are many admitted holes in the theory and the theories continually change... I will continue to support my kids learning it right as I also teach them that I believe there to be more in the 'universe' than what is observed or that has been researched or 'explained' thru scientific method.... and they will choose to believe what their inner self leads them to believe
No, what i've proven is that you are holding an empty quiver in your hand with no evidence to offer outside of crying foul about OBSERVED EVIDENCE that supports a theory that you don't agree with. Trust me. THAT is loud and clear.

Like I said, go ask the ghost of Copernicus how funny your personal belief punchline is. Until you can offer anything beyond polishing the turd of your own lack of evidence to offer then you have nothing more to add to this issue.
We have a miniscule view of the cosmos, yet you want us to believe from that microscopic point of view we have evidence that something happened somewhere we can not even see?

Try a river. Some rivers have meandered and created small sections of additional river. These sections can and do get cut off. Some of them are rather lengthy. And some may even have moving water flow in them though most stagnate when cut at both ends.

If you lived in a house and never left your property and your property was along one of these sections of meandering river. You could not and never have seen the actual river just this small section. And the ends of your section get blocked off and no longer connect to the river. Your "river" stagnates and has no flowing water. It slowly gets worse and worse. possibly drying up and possibly go to a marshy or swampy or clogged stagnate condition.

To you and your observations you think the river has died. Your assumption is supported by all the available facts and information YOU have access to. Of course it is not true.
We have a miniscule view of the cosmos, yet you want us to believe from that microscopic point of view we have evidence that something happened somewhere we can not even see?

Try a river. Some rivers have meandered and created small sections of additional river. These sections can and do get cut off. Some of them are rather lengthy. And some may even have moving water flow in them though most stagnate when cut at both ends.

If you lived in a house and never left your property and your property was along one of these sections of meandering river. You could not and never have seen the actual river just this small section. And the ends of your section get blocked off and no longer connect to the river. Your "river" stagnates and has no flowing water. It slowly gets worse and worse. possibly drying up and possibly go to a marshy or swampy or clogged stagnate condition.

To you and your observations you think the river has died. Your assumption is supported by all the available facts and information YOU have access to. Of course it is not true.

Prove to me that you, RGS, are not a figment of my imagination.
No, what i've proven is that you are holding an empty quiver in your hand with no evidence to offer outside of crying foul about OBSERVED EVIDENCE that supports a theory that you don't agree with. Trust me. THAT is loud and clear.

Like I said, go ask the ghost of Copernicus how funny your personal belief punchline is. Until you can offer anything beyond polishing the turd of your own lack of evidence to offer then you have nothing more to add to this issue.

Yet you assert that you have evidence outside of your observation.... and the fact is you know nothing of the assumption you have of the big bang, or what existed inside of that... no evidence of what is being expanded into.... you have assumptions just as belief has assumptions....

Again... it is you that is assuming proof and that everyone else is completely wrong in light of your observations... you have been given the burden of proof to back up your hatred and bashing of others who belief there is something more out there than what has been observed... that there may quite possibly be something of intelligence beyond what we know and that it has certain controls over things that we do not...

You are very myopic, even though you try and assert that you are so wide open and widely versed....
rgs.. for real. Im not interested in the bullshit that amounts to crying that an observation of physical evidence may or may not mean anything. EVIDENCE is the standard of the scientific method. SCIENCE is what is taught in the SCIENCE class. If you have anything to offer that even REMOTELY resembles physical evidence PLEASE, with cherries and fucking sugar on the top, post it.
rgs.. for real. Im not interested in the bullshit that amounts to crying that an observation of physical evidence may or may not mean anything. EVIDENCE is the standard of the scientific method. SCIENCE is what is taught in the SCIENCE class. If you have anything to offer that even REMOTELY resembles physical evidence PLEASE, with cherries and fucking sugar on the top, post it.

And yet you have NO problem with science class teaching the theory of how life began? No evidence, no scientific data, no testing possible, just all assumptions made as to what MIGHT have happened?

And again explain why science is not proclaiming man and mouse have a single ancient ancestor? Man and mouse have something like 90 percent the same material. How about that mythical man/pig ancestor?
Yet you assert that you have evidence outside of your observation.... and the fact is you know nothing of the assumption you have of the big bang, or what existed inside of that... no evidence of what is being expanded into.... you have assumptions just as belief has assumptions....

Again... it is you that is assuming proof and that everyone else is completely wrong in light of your observations... you have been given the burden of proof to back up your hatred and bashing of others who belief there is something more out there than what has been observed... that there may quite possibly be something of intelligence beyond what we know and that it has certain controls over things that we do not...

You are very myopic, even though you try and assert that you are so wide open and widely versed....

Not at all. I assert that the evidence we DO have indicates an expanding universe and a big bang. That the evidence we DO have indicates evolution. How many pictures and links do you need to be slapped with? My OBSERVATIONS are not assumptions. THESE are exactly what the Scientific method consists of. THIS is why you have nothing to offer besides criticism of the evidence that I can provide. If you had nary the slightest bit of anything to offer to support your theory you'd have done so. Your criticism of evolution is NOT evidence of creationism.

and, again, we can both talk shit. I find it hilarious that, rather than bitchslap me with EVIDENCE of creationism you run screaming about how im picking on you. It's rather EVIDENT that you don't have anything to offer this debate.

but please, do prove me wrong. POST your evidence FOR creationism.

[Insert Evidence for creationism here]

go ahead.. give it your best shot.

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