Palin wants creationism taught in schools

oh no.. it serves a purpose. Ask Galileo about what purpose it serves.
Creationism is the ultimate fairytale...even better than the virgin birth. Noah's ark and the animals two by two, and Jonah in the belly of the whale. JMHO
well, your in luck then
the bible never said anything about Jonah being in the belly of a whale
it says "a great fish"
is a whale a fish?
well, I'm not interested in getting into this debate very deeply
but :
Darwin's Theory of Evolution
is a theory that has yet to be proven
it plays out in theory
but cant be proven
it's an incomplete equation
Creation is a theory that is older and depends on less science unless you start to look into quantum Mechanics and Bell's Theorem
so what's wrong with just telling kids we have a few ideas and this is how we come to these conclusions
but we really don't know
some people think this and some people think that
but neither can prove it.
good post:clap2:
"I see nothing wrong with BOTH being taught in school. If evolution is being taught in schools why can't creationism be taught in schools as well.

I think they should either teach both or don't teach any of them at all."

As a Pastafarian, I support McCain/Palin, since her view of teaching all theories of creation will include Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

"I see nothing wrong with BOTH being taught in school. If evolution is being taught in schools why can't creationism be taught in schools as well.

I think they should either teach both or don't teach any of them at all."

As a Pastafarian, I support McCain/Palin, since her view of teaching all theories of creation will include Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

in Palins view, "if a child brings it up, the teacher should address and discuss it"

If we evolved from apes why are apes still around?.

His Holiness, the Sauced One, has placed many objects on Earth to fool us, as a test of our faith. These include transition fossils as well as ancient scriptural texts.


I. I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization.

II. Thou ought not do stuff thou already knowest is wrong, like killing, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. Dost thou really need these carved into a rock?

III. Judge not, for verily it be not thine job neither most likely to be thine business.

IV. Hey, try not to buy too much useless crap, OK?

V. Be kind unto others whether they are kind unto thou or not, for it maketh thou the better person in most situations, and occasionally it doth piss off an idiot, which is funny unto Your Lord the Sauced One.

VI. Thou ought not consume "cheese" from a green cardboard can, nor ought thou allow such cans into thy homes.

VII. Thou shalt share, that none may seek without finding.

VIII. Thou shalt not feel guilty for feeling good.

IX. Thou shalt remember that all the peoples of the Earth are equally My Creatures. When thee worship strippers, always show thy monetary appreciation generously. Remember that midgets are Holy unto Me; thou shalt not overlook them.

X. Thou ought not take thy Pasta in vein. Or artery, for that matter.

XI. Thou ought ever seek to improve thy Pasta, to more closely approach the Divine Noodliness.

XII. Thou ought beware those who claim to have achieved Noodly Perfection, for they are False Chefs whose claims of the Perfect Recipe will lead thee astray.

You are way, way out there!!

Evolution is just a theory. Creationism is just a theory. Let them both be presented.

The idea of Education is to present all sides of a subject and stimulate crital thinking.

Why be against that?

Exactly! One third of the science class should be devoted to evolution, one third to creationism, and one third to Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Why be against that?

The left has opened the door for the "wingnuts" by presenting wild speculation on the climate as hard science to 3rd graders.

Global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s. There is a statistically significant inverse relationship between the number of existing pirates and global temperature.

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well, your in luck then
the bible never said anything about Jonah being in the belly of a whale
it says "a great fish"
is a whale a fish?

My bad! The bible does say that "the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Johah; and Johan was inside for 3 days and 3 nights." Thank you so much for pointing out my error. That makes the fairytale so much more believable when stated that way. ............Sheesh!

My bad! The bible does say that "the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Johah; and Johan was inside for 3 days and 3 nights." Thank you so much for pointing out my error. That makes the fairytale so much more believable when stated that way. ............Sheesh!

right, and it never states what fish it was

why is it you take such pleasure in mocking peoples faith?
Do I think we evolved from Apes? Not sure cuz if we did, why are there still Apes?

The (non-pasta-based and therefore misguided) evolutionary theory is not that man comes "from" apes, but rather that man shares a common ancestor "with" apes, as indeed man does with every other life form: the bat, the cat, dolphin and dog, koala bear and hog...

As I've stated, I'm fine with this theory being taught in public schools as long as they are ALL taught.
Waiting for the evidence of the singularity and the precursor to the 'big bang' then, shogun....

Here's the conventional wisdom: the universe is expanding. We know this because galaxies moving toward us will shift to the blue end of the spectrum and those moving away from us will shift toward the red. (This is visual equivalent to the doppler effect, the way a train sounds different depending on whether it's traveling toward or away from you.) All galaxies we observe are moving toward the red, and those further away are moving faster.

So, if everything is getting further away from everything else, then extrapolating backward in time, everything was getting closer together, and closer, until at some point everything was in the same place.

This is evidence of the Big Bang. Of course, it might merely be an illusion created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Asked by the Anchorage Daily News whether she believed in evolution, Palin declined to answer, but said that "I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class."

McCain's VP Wants Creationism Taught in School | Wired Science from

In a 2006 gubernatorial debate, the soon-to-be governor of Alaska said of evolution and creation education, "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

From your link. That quote says what your extremist thread title and article do, right? Except for the part where it doesn't.

But then you know that.
why is it you take such pleasure in mocking peoples faith?

I truly did not intend to mock peoples faith. My only intent was to point out that teaching creationism in the public schools is to teach religion in the public schools. I'm firmly against that. If we are to teach creationism, which religion's version is to be taught? I think most people of faith accept creationism as an absolute while those who entertain evolution do so as a theory. For me... I stand by my original statement that creationism is the ultimate fairytale. No mocking... only my opinion.
I truly did not intend to mock peoples faith. My only intent was to point out that teaching creationism in the public schools is to teach religion in the public schools. I'm firmly against that. If we are to teach creationism, which religion's version is to be taught? I think most people of faith accept creationism as an absolute while those who entertain evolution do so as a theory. For me... I stand by my original statement that creationism is the ultimate fairytale. No mocking... only my opinion.

Of course creationism is mythologoy. It belongs in Sunday school, not in public school.

You have absolutely nothing to apologise for.
well, your in luck then
the bible never said anything about Jonah being in the belly of a whale
it says "a great fish"
is a whale a fish?

oh yea, dude.. 'cause we see FISH of any kind regurgitate humans ALL THE TIME! Hell, I bet they used to be equiped with fucking rebreathers too! You KNOW how fucking airtight the stomach of ANY aquatic animal is!


hey, dude... shock this monkey and post your fucking evidence of ANYTHING related to creationism.
uh, Galileo is um, dead. Can you recommend an alternative resource?

Thanks ever so much

you are clearly not familiar with his story. go jog a lap and warm up and then get back to me when you can tread water deeper than a kiddy pool on the porch.
in Palins view, "if a child brings it up, the teacher should address and discuss it"


Indeed, and they should be taught how ONE is the product of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD while the other is the product of MYTHOLOGY. Hell, we bring up the Greek Pantheon in history class too. We treat those stories as the fairy tales they are.. so too can we treat the jebus version of mythology in the SCIENCE class.
right, and it never states what fish it was

why is it you take such pleasure in mocking peoples faith?

what aquatic animal could YOU survive in for three days, dude? If you are a diver try to answer this question without the benefit of your scuba tank.

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