Palin wants us all to speak "American"

. The (D)s NOW have certainly changed... 'evolved' ... & can no longer be associated with that white hood .....

Says who?

Common sense. Why would a member of the KKK be in a political party that is the endorser for 'EQUAL protection under the law'? But of course, I don't expect you to understand common sense, since you are a defender for the walking talking bubble brain Sarah.
. The (D)s NOW have certainly changed... 'evolved' ... & can no longer be associated with that white hood .....

Says who?

Common sense. Why would a member of the KKK be in a political party that is the endorser for 'EQUAL protection under the law'? But of course, I don't expect you to understand common sense, since you are a defender for the walking talking bubble brain Sarah.

The Dems aren't for "Equal Protection under that Law".

Several of their policies and positions are directly opposed to that, such as the Disparate Impact Theory of Discrimination.
in reply to Post 172 , whether I speak a foreign language or not is irrelevant JIM. Politicians like 'jebito' should speak the common language and the majority in the USA speak English .
in reply to Post 172 , whether I speak a foreign language or not is irrelevant JIM. Politicians like 'jebito' should speak the common language and the majority in the USA speak English .

You should help Mr Comb Over write speeches. You have that certain something.....

Oh, and thanks for alienating the Spanish community. The Dems need the extra votes.
There is are differences between American English and British English, which literate people understand.

Of course there are but she isnt talking about the differences...But you know that

Of course you assume you know what she meant because you are thoroughly marinated in Progressive Spew.
in reply to Post 172 , whether I speak a foreign language or not is irrelevant JIM. Politicians like 'jebito' should speak the common language and the majority in the USA speak English .

You should help Mr Comb Over write speeches. You have that certain something.....

Oh, and thanks for alienating the Spanish community. The Dems need the extra votes.
to he11 with them , if they see themselves as anything other than Americans I want nothing to do with them . I am not gop , rino or a lover of a 'fifth column' of hyphenated people , races , religions , cultures in the USA . If a dem gets in , I hope that its Bernie . He at least has no big problems with guns . Plus Bernies habits or wishes for other peoples money oughta hit the 'gop' and moderate rinos right where it hurts , in the wallet JimH !!
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