Pandemic or Scamdemic? Have we really thought about this?

I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

The pandemic is real, conservatives are liars.
You certainly do like to reduce the world down to the very most childisly simplistic terms imaginable.

The fact that it is a real disease does not mean your bogeyman are lying when they point out the discrepancies in policy that have resulted from it, nor the way it has been exploited for political gain.
Well said dogma!
But just be aware that you have deserted the extreme rightist cause that you have made yours to promote.

The Trumpers and extreme right won't tolerate any backsliding toward taking a rational position such as that! Anything less than 'full crazy' won't be acceptable.

Cracks in the armour developing dogma?
I do not promote the extreme right. I simply promote common sense and thinking for one's self rather than being a mindless member of a herd.
Alright. But I'm not mistaken on which side you support.
I think that 'your' common sense includes insisting that Trump won his election to president?
But if not then I really don't have any idea on what you consider common sense.

You stating that it's a real disease is something I would consider to be 'common sense', but once again, it's not consistent with your side's views. That's what made it quite interesting to me.

I'm seeing some cracks developing in the Trump dogma, as it's being displayed on this forum.

The heart is being ripped out of the Arizona recount nonsense in the last few days. I think your common sense is really your need to start waffling.
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

The pandemic is real, conservatives are liars.
You certainly do like to reduce the world down to the very most childisly simplistic terms imaginable.

The fact that it is a real disease does not mean your bogeyman are lying when they point out the discrepancies in policy that have resulted from it, nor the way it has been exploited for political gain.
Well said dogma!
But just be aware that you have deserted the extreme rightist cause that you have made yours to promote.

The Trumpers and extreme right won't tolerate any backsliding toward taking a rational position such as that! Anything less than 'full crazy' won't be acceptable.

Cracks in the armour developing dogma?
I do not promote the extreme right. I simply promote common sense and thinking for one's self rather than being a mindless member of a herd.
Alright. But I'm not mistaken on which side you support.
I think that 'your' common sense includes insisting that Trump won his election to president?
But if not then I really don't have any idea on what you consider common sense.

You stating that it's a real disease is something I would consider to be 'common sense', but once again, it's not consistent with your side's views. That's what made it quite interesting to me.

I'm seeing some cracks developing in the Trump dogma, as it's being displayed on this forum.

The heart is being ripped out of the Arizona recount nonsense in the last few days. I think your common sense is really your need to start waffling.
You keep insisting on putting me on a "side".

You are also talking about me instead of the subject matter and introducing themes that are entirely off topic.

As fas as the pandemic is concerned, I am sensible enough to distinguish between science and policy. The policy of destroying small businesses while feathering the nests of the enormous ones follows NO science.

.......not unless a person is so utterly irrational as to think covid will get ya as soon as you step inside a mom and pop store, but nor at Walmart.
You keep insisting on putting me on a "side".
Alright, I won't if you object to that, but still there's little doubt of what side you have been taking. Personally, I'm of the opinion that all the Trumpers and their supporters have been taking the side of crazy but are beginning to disappear into the woodwork. I'm a Canadian and so my side is being against both US political sides.
You are also talking about me instead of the subject matter and introducing themes that are entirely off topic.
I consider what I'm doing as appropriate for this discussion and for this board. Could you be serious in suggesting that anything is out of bounds or out of order now? Hit up a moderator if you think you have to run with it.
As fas as the pandemic is concerned, I am sensible enough to distinguish between science and policy. The policy of destroying small businesses while feathering the nests of the enormous ones follows NO science.
It's my opinion that the US government approach to handling the risks of the pandemic have been appropriate under the Biden leadership. That reflects my opinion on weighing the risks. And also fwiw, Trump made huge mistakes that cost America nearly 600,000 lives to Covid. I'm always interested in discussing any specifics you could have in mind.
.......not unless a person is so utterly irrational as to think covid will get ya as soon as you step inside a mom and pop store, but nor at Walmart.

You've suggested some inequity that I'm not really aware of existing? Is that because it's imagined or because I haven't been paying attention? My best gues would be that wearing masks or not wearing them would be appropriate for both, with some small considerations excepted.
The 'irrational' thing about it is America turning it into a political fight. Trump took the wrong position on Covid and that's not being swept under the carpet soon enough so that the extreme right's position can be seen as rational.
Except for the extremes on either side of the political wall & the fact that winning has taken over common scene. Thinking people know that zero political party's hold the key to all correct answers. When politics entered the medical field both sides lost the ability to reason. hence Virus insanity.
Except for the extremes on either side of the political wall & the fact that winning has taken over common scene. Thinking people know that zero political party's hold the key to all correct answers. When politics entered the medical field both sides lost the ability to reason. hence Virus insanity.
Politics poisons everything.
Still waiting for the answer of were the 8000 a day claim came from?
This suggests 8900 per million in 2020 and lower than 1971...
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

The pandemic was real, the level of threat it posed was vastly overblown and as a result of that MANY people and businesses are now bankrupt and swallowed up by endless debt.

Go Democrats!
Except for the extremes on either side of the political wall & the fact that winning has taken over common scene. Thinking people know that zero political party's hold the key to all correct answers. When politics entered the medical field both sides lost the ability to reason. hence Virus insanity.
Politics poisons everything.
Not as bad as our shitty ass media.
Why are you trying to kill people?
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

I'm not the vaccine will do that just fine. Why are you trying to make lab rats out of people?

I volunteered, so you wouldn't have to.

You're welcome.

Now go get your shot.
I am sure that over 500,000 here died from Covid 19.
CDC says WITH covid, not FROM. 30K from covid. Think. Oh WTH. I really don't know why I try--IDGAF, if you live or die.
Yeah...more or less like saying 500,000 people died with white blood cells in their veins but a few of those died from leukemia....
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Why are you trying to kill people?
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

I'm not the vaccine will do that just fine. Why are you trying to make lab rats out of people?

I volunteered, so you wouldn't have to.

You're welcome.

Now go get your shot.
I'm perfectly Healthy thanks......let me know when the Autoimmune stuff starts kicking in on a regular basis.
Aches, rogue fevers, devil's pinches and random migraines...... I'll be waiting for the string of class action suits against employers who fired people for not getting vaccinated.....Lin Wood has some work to do. Unfortunately for you guys when you start experiencing untreatable SE's you won't have any legal recourse.

Why are you trying to kill people?
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

I'm not the vaccine will do that just fine. Why are you trying to make lab rats out of people?

I volunteered, so you wouldn't have to.

You're welcome.

Now go get your shot.
I'm perfectly Healthy thanks......let me know when the Autoimmune stuff starts kicking in on a regular basis.
Aches, rogue fevers, devil's pinches and random migraines...... I'll be waiting for the string of class action suits against employers who fired people for not getting vaccinated.....Lin Wood has some work to do. Unfortunately for you guys when you start experiencing untreatable SE's you won't have any legal recourse.

Been 8 months.
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

The pandemic is real, conservatives are liars.
You certainly do like to reduce the world down to the very most childisly simplistic terms imaginable.

The fact that it is a real disease does not mean your bogeyman are lying when they point out the discrepancies in policy that have resulted from it, nor the way it has been exploited for political gain.
Well said dogma!
But just be aware that you have deserted the extreme rightist cause that you have made yours to promote.

The Trumpers and extreme right won't tolerate any backsliding toward taking a rational position such as that! Anything less than 'full crazy' won't be acceptable.

Cracks in the armour developing dogma?
I do not promote the extreme right. I simply promote common sense and thinking for one's self rather than being a mindless member of a herd.
Alright. But I'm not mistaken on which side you support.
I think that 'your' common sense includes insisting that Trump won his election to president?
But if not then I really don't have any idea on what you consider common sense.

You stating that it's a real disease is something I would consider to be 'common sense', but once again, it's not consistent with your side's views. That's what made it quite interesting to me.

I'm seeing some cracks developing in the Trump dogma, as it's being displayed on this forum.

The heart is being ripped out of the Arizona recount nonsense in the last few days. I think your common sense is really your need to start waffling.
You keep insisting on putting me on a "side".

You are also talking about me instead of the subject matter and introducing themes that are entirely off topic.

As fas as the pandemic is concerned, I am sensible enough to distinguish between science and policy. The policy of destroying small businesses while feathering the nests of the enormous ones follows NO science.

.......not unless a person is so utterly irrational as to think covid will get ya as soon as you step inside a mom and pop store, but nor at Walmart.
It's Hilarious to watch these guys always fall back to Trump blaming.....even when there are no politics being discussed. They don't know any other way to express disapproval or disagreement I guess.
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.

This untrustworthy man, is who you trust with this GARBAGE.... Be careful.... Choose your sources wisely, so Americans aren't continually bombarded with all of this "Dumbing down of Americans"....

The quack lost his licence in California, moved to Nevada, then the quack lost his licence in Nevada and moved to Florida....

Yeah I know all about his past did that research before I made this post. He likes to use ozone therapy which is frowned upon by most medical boards in most States. I usually try to look at the circumstances surrounding those things and consider what the money mongering pharmaceutical companies may have had to gain by pushing legislators to attack the man. The point is the statements he made about the vaccine are absolutely true. There's nothing in his statement about the vaccine that can be traced back to a lie.
I don't see any of the pharmaceutical companies stepping up to the plate and saying that he's telling lies they're simply standing back and quietly trying to be invisible. That being said why would anybody want that stuff stuck in their arm? There's absolutely no evidence that the vaccination program has done anything for anybody.
1/2 million deaths. Pandemic. Anyone who says different is just...dumb.
Care to review the numbers with me?
They haven't changed statically speaking.... Data has no politics it just has data.

Feel free.
How many do you imagine died from Covid 19?
Better question.... Why have the national death rates not changed?
So tell me....did ya get yo-self stuck proper with the magic covid fixxy juice?
Why do I just know the answer is yes?

Translation: You don't want to get into the numbers. Can't blame you. They make Trump look terrible and as we all know, all cult members must maintain loyalty at all times to their lord and master.

Thanks for playing. Bring your A game next time.
WOW.....I am getting into the numbers right now and have been since the OP.....
Don't run away little boy.....Tell my why the national all causes death number is still about 8,000/day and has been for the past four to five years? Come's here now dude..... this is your chance not to look like a dead turtle.

Not sure...don't care.

I am sure that over 500,000 here died from Covid're going to have a hard time saying that isn't a pandemic (not to mention the millions worldwide who died). It makes your lord and master look really bad, don't cha think?

Answer the question. Don't run away little boy.

500,000+ people died from the pandemic. Calling it anything other than a pandemic is just dumb.

Your move.
That's it? That's what you got? ...... I mean didn't you read the top post? That's the very thing I'm telling you doesn't fit into the equation. There's no room for 500,000 extra deaths in the statistics. They are not showing up in the daily numbers trend-wise. The daily death numbers should be at 9400 instead of way down at 7800 to 8100......especially since we are currently in a population explosion technically speaking and the life expectancy has been reduced by about one year over the past several.'re not making any more sense than the CDC is and that is the point. Yeah they're telling you that 2+2 equals 5 and you're like....well they're waaaaay smarter than we are. I dunno man......

The 500,000 deaths due to Covid are a fact. That they "don't fit" into something you've concocted is probably inconvenient for you.
How do you know this? Just because?
I mean where is the foundation for your decision that you have judged this number to be accurate? Hopefully it's not just because somebody told you.

I had an appointment with my cardiologist this a.m. Having tested positive in Jan., I informed him of my experience and the conversation eventually included the points you have made here. After listening quite intently, he informed me that he has heard these same points and has the same questions. He agrees that the "any cause" fatality numbers are correct and defy logic. He was quick to add that instances of cardiac death and cancer were down as well as flu--convenient that those numbers add to nearly identical numbers for covid. Scamdemic.
I have been following the national all causes death numbers for some years now for my own reasons long before the pandemic was discovered and declared to be such. Since the US peaked over 300 million a few years back the daily death rate hovers stubbornly around 8,000 a day give or take a few. Now I know there has been a recent rash of condescending, scholarly articles bashing those who point this out but so far, statistically speaking I have seen absolutely nothing but tons of academic double talk trying to explain the lack of variance in that death rate when we remove the tag names and just count the deaths. I mean...death doesn't know why it's happening it just happens sooooo I mean....WTF? Since the beginning of the vaccination hysteria I have been just a little suspicious of the rush to panic-herd everyone in one direction and in effect pushing people to make a decision long before they have a chance to do any rational thinking about the just smells like a confidence I could be wrong and I admit that ,....however here is some very interesting info that might support my position.


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