Panetta On Oreilly

Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.

No, he's only claiming he knew better. He's a fraud and a liar one way or another.

He is disingenuous and his credibility is questionable. The fact that he stayed weakens what may have been plausible critique and shows him to be a self seeking rather than a servant for the people.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.

No, he's only claiming he knew better. He's a fraud and a liar one way or another.

He is disingenuous and his credibility is questionable. The fact that he stayed weakens what may have been plausible critique and shows him to be a self seeking rather than a servant for the people.

Same for Hillary?
Here's Panetta as late as June 2012, well after we left, still supporting the withdrawal from Iraq, and insisting that Iraq was safe and secure on its own:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself." Secretary of Defense Speech Shangri-La Security Dialogue

It's a shame none of the half-assed 'journalists' who are interviewing him are confronting him with statements like the above.
So...he is as full of shit as his boss...who knew?

The RWnuts are portraying him as some sort of genius.
WHo is doing that? No, we are portraying him as a man who is telling the truth. Something you really dont know about.

He's not telling the truth. That's the point. He's claiming he was against the pullout. I just posted him defending it 6 months after it happened.
You posted no such thing.
See, you don't understand how this works because you've never had a responsible job in your life. This is the source of your confusion. That and the fact that you're stupid.
I guess all those Bush appointees who came out later and wrote tell-all books were lying too because there was no evidence of their disgreeing with Bush at the time.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.

No, he's only claiming he knew better. He's a fraud and a liar one way or another.

He is disingenuous and his credibility is questionable. The fact that he stayed weakens what may have been plausible critique and shows him to be a self seeking rather than a servant for the people.

Same for Hillary?
Depends on what she did in her role.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.

"Panetta confides that he thought Obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as Gates and Clinton did in their memoirs. Which makes this reader ask: Why did these officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree?"

Book review Leon Panetta s Worthy Fights - The Washington Post

Panetta is not off the hook. He knew Obama was off the mark yet he continued to further Obama's policies.

No, he's only claiming he knew better. He's a fraud and a liar one way or another.

He is disingenuous and his credibility is questionable. The fact that he stayed weakens what may have been plausible critique and shows him to be a self seeking rather than a servant for the people.

Same for Hillary?
Depends on what she did in her role.
She did stupid stuff.
Here's Panetta as late as June 2012, well after we left, still supporting the withdrawal from Iraq, and insisting that Iraq was safe and secure on its own:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself." Secretary of Defense Speech Shangri-La Security Dialogue

It's a shame none of the half-assed 'journalists' who are interviewing him are confronting him with statements like the above.
So...he is as full of shit as his boss...who knew?

The RWnuts are portraying him as some sort of genius.
WHo is doing that? No, we are portraying him as a man who is telling the truth. Something you really dont know about.

He's not telling the truth. That's the point. He's claiming he was against the pullout. I just posted him defending it 6 months after it happened.
You posted no such thing.
See, you don't understand how this works because you've never had a responsible job in your life. This is the source of your confusion. That and the fact that you're stupid.
I guess all those Bush appointees who came out later and wrote tell-all books were lying too because there was no evidence of their disgreeing with Bush at the time.

Well you explain to everyone what you think Panetta meant when he said this:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself."
So...he is as full of shit as his boss...who knew?

The RWnuts are portraying him as some sort of genius.
WHo is doing that? No, we are portraying him as a man who is telling the truth. Something you really dont know about.

He's not telling the truth. That's the point. He's claiming he was against the pullout. I just posted him defending it 6 months after it happened.
You posted no such thing.
See, you don't understand how this works because you've never had a responsible job in your life. This is the source of your confusion. That and the fact that you're stupid.
I guess all those Bush appointees who came out later and wrote tell-all books were lying too because there was no evidence of their disgreeing with Bush at the time.

Well you explain to everyone what you think Panetta meant when he said this:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself."
It seem pretty self explanatory. Obama said the same thing.
Now, why did Obama ignore the advice of his best advisors and pull out of Iraq willy nilly, leaving it open for any ISIS like entity which would necessitate going back in?
The interview will change nothing. Obama apologist will dismiss it completely, convincing themselves that "it was on Fox News therefore it is not worth hearing".
What is really bad here? That it took Panetta promoting an upcoming book to say these things now rather than earlier.
Red handed the President is caught in a lie...but it won't matter
The RWnuts are portraying him as some sort of genius.
WHo is doing that? No, we are portraying him as a man who is telling the truth. Something you really dont know about.

He's not telling the truth. That's the point. He's claiming he was against the pullout. I just posted him defending it 6 months after it happened.
You posted no such thing.
See, you don't understand how this works because you've never had a responsible job in your life. This is the source of your confusion. That and the fact that you're stupid.
I guess all those Bush appointees who came out later and wrote tell-all books were lying too because there was no evidence of their disgreeing with Bush at the time.

Well you explain to everyone what you think Panetta meant when he said this:

"Our military mission in Iraq has ended and established -- established an Iraq that can secure and govern itself."
It seem pretty self explanatory. Obama said the same thing.
Now, why did Obama ignore the advice of his best advisors and pull out of Iraq willy nilly, leaving it open for any ISIS like entity which would necessitate going back in?

So Panetta - one of his 'best' advisors - agreed with Obama up until Panetta decided it didn't reflect favorably on him to have been in agreement with the president,

and that's when Panetta decided to rewrite his own history.
Here is history, GERTRUDE...."if you want your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

AQ is on the run

Not a smidgen of corruption

An unprecedented coalition

ISIS is not Islamist.
Hope you didn't miss it. Panetta is a stand up guy. O'Reilly pressed him hard. Krauthammers analysis was spot on and devastating. You've herad it all before...but it's good to hear from the players first hand.

Check your local listings....this interview will be analyzed to death.
It was a good interview and I respect Panetta for doing this even so I wonder if at least part of this is to help Hillary distance herself from Obama for 2016.
Hey, the Clintons are evil bastards. They'll say or do anything to win. This has gotten very ugly. Panetta is absolutely savaging the Dear Leader. He must be sacrificed. Panetta's an old corrupt Clinton crony. He's playing the loyal soldier now.

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