Parents Of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Charged With Four Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter

The school didn't know the parents would give the kid a gun.
The school knew he was thinking about guns AND causing trouble. If he got a guns somewhere else and we didn't have the shooter's parents to blame, who is the last line of defense? Who has a duty to protect children under their care?
So is this the standard we are going to hold all parents accountable? What about those in gangs and as a gang member they kill another person, do the parents go up for manslaughter? What if they get caught stealing, do we charge parents for aiding and abetting?

I'm good with this however I think we need to be careful.
Agreed. Careful. But it's high time parents were held accountable for pushing monsters into the world.
So is this the standard we are going to hold all parents accountable? What about those in gangs and as a gang member they kill another person, do the parents go up for manslaughter? What if they get caught stealing, do we charge parents for aiding and abetting?

I'm good with this however I think we need to be careful.

There are questions we do not have the answer to yet.

The parents were “immediately summoned to the school." A school counselor removed Ethan from class with his backpack and obtained the note, but the drawings of the gun, bloody figure and writings were all “altered.” At the meeting with school officials, his parents were shown the drawing and were told they had to submit their son to counseling within 48 hours. His parents did not ask the whereabouts of the gun and did not to inspect his backpack for the gun which he had with him, according to McDonald. His parents “resisted” the idea of taking Ethan out of school and left without him.

Prosecutor outlines timeline leading to charges against Michigan school shooting suspect's parents

I'm thinking my kid would have went home with me. Is that an arrestable offense? No but it opens up question.

It looks like the school terrorist's parents in Michigan will be called to account, as well they should be. A 15 year old has no business with a firearm, regardless of the circumstances, nada. Bigly
Except it was on Fox and you are nothing but a partisan nutter.
I am guessing that the kid's parents are being labeled accessories/accomplices since they pretty much provided him with what he used to carry out his agenda. It makes sense. Why shouldn't there be a thorough house cleaning for something this severe?

God bless you always!!!

From the texts released between son and mother, the mom didnt give 2 fucks that her son was mentally ill. Her son literally told her he couldnt stop the thoughts of shooting people. She told him not to do it. LOL. Just another delusional trumpanzee that couldnt admit her son was a nut job.
The parents were “immediately summoned to the school." A school counselor removed Ethan from class with his backpack and obtained the note, but the drawings of the gun, bloody figure and writings were all “altered.” At the meeting with school officials, his parents were shown the drawing and were told they had to submit their son to counseling within 48 hours. His parents did not ask the whereabouts of the gun and did not to inspect his backpack for the gun which he had with him, according to McDonald. His parents “resisted” the idea of taking Ethan out of school and left without him.
And the school did what?

It looks bad for the parents, no doubt, but the school was there too. What did they do?
You lack imagination

Schools can be secured by limiting access a few locations and using metal detectors operated by armed security
The TSA does that for up to 3 million travelers a day over a 12 or more hour period, so that's about 1/4 million searches per hour. Schools would have to perform 16 million searches in the hour before school just to cover the high schools. And you still have to keep guns out of middle schools and grade schools, so triple that number.

The math alone says the cost of such security would be a hundred times the TSA budget. Or about the same we spend on the military every year.
And the school did what?

It looks bad for the parents, no doubt, but the school was there too. What did they do?

I do not know the entire story yet. Schools do not have the options parents do. Could they have insisted they take their kid home? Maybe.
No need to research, I know it's not illegal to look at ammunition on the internet.

Don't get me wrong, I hope this kid is sentenced to death ( I doubt it) but his parents are not responsible for his murdering of other people.
You can even BUY ammo on the internet.
Its better to allow random shooters to murder defenseless students under a full moon or whatever activates these crazies?

We can start by removing security from adult locations and giving it to the kids
The cost (that I estimated) of providing TSA like security to every school, would be the same as the annual DOD budget. The TSA searches 3 million people a day, compare that to searching school kids.

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