Parents Of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Charged With Four Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter

So knowingly purchasing a firearm for a mentally troubled 15-year-old, giving it to him for Christmas, and not confiscating it when school authorities present evidence of intent to kill in advance a mass shooting is not against the law? If that isn't extreme negligence enabling or in this case fostering a mass murder, then we have a lot of work to do to build common sense into our gun laws.
From what I've read, this IS extreme negligence and should be prosecuted as such. It's not about gun laws.
S q
Ironic that the schools do not want parents to have input. But you want them held accountable for what their child has learned. He is a product of our miserable school system.
Yeah. It was the school's fault. You're a supergenius.
I am sure that the parents of the Negro and Hispanic street thugs are just as responsible for the crimes their kids do as the parents of this kid in Michigan but nobody will ever hold them responsible. It would be racist.
I am sure that you and other racists will use this incident to exhibit your racism and hate.
I am sure that you and other racists will use this incident to exhibit your racism and hate.
The racist are the Libtards mostly in the big city shitholes that let the Negroes get away all kinds of crimes.

Did you hear about the Democrat filth in California letting those assholes Negroes that did looting out of jail without any friggin bail?
Providing him with a firearm and telling him "learn not to get caught" when a teacher reported him for researching where to buy certain kinds of ammunition online during class. Not to mention the drawing of dead people with captions like "soaked in blood" and similar things.

None of that is illegal.
This is quite a stretch the prosecution is trying to make with regard to the parents being criminally negligent.

What if the mom did know he had the gun on him?

Parents can’t be punished for the bad acts of their children; that the parent’s conduct was ‘negligent’ contributing to the deaths of the students isn’t consistent with other applications of the law – such as killing someone while driving drunk. A drunk driver doesn’t intend to kill someone, but the drunk driver was the one who did the drinking and driving.

Charging the parents with a felony with up to 15 years in prison isn’t warranted.

If a parent let the kid have the car knowing there was a case of beer in the back seat?
So knowingly purchasing a firearm for a mentally troubled 15-year-old, giving it to him for Christmas, and not confiscating it when school authorities present evidence of intent to kill in advance a mass shooting is not against the law? If that isn't extreme negligence enabling or in this case fostering a mass murder, then we have a lot of work to do to build common sense into our gun laws.
A misdemeanor conviction and a fine – not a felony conviction and 15 years in prison.

There’s a lot of baseless speculation as what the parents knew or didn’t know, what they should have done but didn’t do, and their intent concerning their son’s actions.

The involuntary manslaughter charges are an emotional response seeking to vilify the parents in the context of the anger and outrage of the shooting – charging the 15-year-old as an adult isn’t enough; the parents should have ‘done something,’ they should have ‘seen this coming.’

And their punishment for not being prescient is a felony charge.
What if the mom did know he had the gun on him?

If a parent let the kid have the car knowing there was a case of beer in the back seat?
Crumbley’s mother didn’t know.

Does the parent know the kid will in fact drink the beer; leaving the beer in the car and forgetting about it is a good faith mistake – the kid gets drunk and kills someone while driving drunk; charging the parent with a felony is likewise unwarranted.

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