Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert...

LINK: Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert

Ya think?

You can't have a nativity scene, ya can't sing any Christian-related carols at school, but you can indoctrinate the kids by teaching them to sing shite like "Mmmm Mmmm Obama' and 'Allahu Akbar'?!

As the school will's all within the parameters of the approved curriculum. That's what they always say.

And they're right! The "approved curriculum" encourages and approves of Islam, just as it encourages and approves of sex with children, between children, and in any other combination you can think of.
As a parent I would have instructed my child to keep his/her mouth shut at the concert.

The public high school I graduated from 40+ years ago has a fine chorale. Here's a slight piece of their Winter Concert Medley:

When this country is in ruin from our liberal friends pushing these insane agendas and I help take it back to greatness, I will not ask nor listen to a liberal.
They are singing Christian and Jewish songs, too...
Should kids really be singing the words terrorist Major Niddal Hassan was screaming out as he gunned down his fellow troops at Fort Hood, though?
LINK: Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert

Ya think?

You can't have a nativity scene, ya can't sing any Christian-related carols at school, but you can indoctrinate the kids by teaching them to sing shite like "Mmmm Mmmm Obama' and 'Allahu Akbar'?!

Why aren't these parents questioning the children having to sing "the little lord jesus" "I love thee lord jesus" "holy infant" "sleep in heavenly peace" and "hallelujah"? Hmmm?
They are singing Christian and Jewish songs, too...
Should kids really be singing the words terrorist Major Niddal Hassan was screaming out as he gunned down his fellow troops at Fort Hood, though?
The KKK waved the American flag...
...ummm, so? They were grown men...teaching kids to sing terrorist battle cries is a little, too much, though.
So was Hassan..
kids wave the American flag
So what holiday is islam celebrating at Christmas? Why is it, Christmas can't be celebrated without having to also celebrate Islam, when it isn't their day? Some schools are now closing for certain Islamic holidays, do they sing Christmas songs then?
LINK: Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert

Ya think?

You can't have a nativity scene, ya can't sing any Christian-related carols at school, but you can indoctrinate the kids by teaching them to sing shite like "Mmmm Mmmm Obama' and 'Allahu Akbar'?!

Your reading comprehension sucks. The kids were performing the song during a portion of the program when Christian related carols and Jewish songs were also being sung. Where do you get off saying "ya can't sing any Christian-related carols .... but you can indoctrinate the kids" when they were also performing a hallelujah chorus?!

The only purpose of your post was to spread shite that will feed hate. Merry fucking Christmas, you Scrooge.
As a parent I would have instructed my child to keep his/her mouth shut at the concert.

The public high school I graduated from 40+ years ago has a fine chorale. Here's a slight piece of their Winter Concert Medley:

Really fine chorale! Merry Christmas!
Your reading comprehension sucks. The kids were performing the song during a portion of the program when Christian related carols and Jewish songs were also being sung. Where do you get off saying "ya can't sing any Christian-related carols ....
I was referring to the other recent stories, such as the one where the female principal outlawed Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Pledge of Allegiance, where another school outlawed the word 'Christmas'...sorry for not clarifying that for you...and part of it was 'sarcasm' as well.

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