Parents Who Prayed While Child Died Charged

Why would you be intolerant of ingorance? Is that your idea of how to make things better? It appears you can't see past your own knee-jerk, emotional reactions to solving the problem. It's agree with you or they're criminals and should be jailed.

No. Someone who kills their child because they neglected its medical care should be charged with a crime. It shouldn't be tolerated. Nor should there be one standard for people who neglect their children out of ignorance or malice and another for people who neglect their children because of purported religious belief. Or do you think we should have a double standard?

You immediately decided you had all the answers and labelled these people murderers, and that's THAT. You sound like Nancy Grace. You could be correct. But you don't KNOW that you are.

If they treated the child with prayer, they committed medical neglect. That medical neglect resulted in the death of the child. The charge is appropriate.

Do you or do you not agree with the facts as stated? They seem not to be in dispute.

And why is it you don't apply that same standard to Democrats/liberals? "They" are entitled to the benefit of doubt from you. "They" deserve their day in court and a mountain of evidence is required to convict.

You say *I'm* partisan? lol.. I can assure you if a democrat/liberal who let their child die because they neglected it would have my equal ire. Again, Is anyone actually contesting the disputed facts?

I'm not excusing the crime at all. I'm questioning the severity of the crime you have already convicted them of. Did these people intentionally deprive their child of medical care for the purpose of causing the child's death?

Not according to what I read they didn't.

The severity of the crime? Why? Because they say they let their kid die in the name of Jesus?

If they intentionally caused the child's death, that would be a different charge. They were charged appropriately for the disregard for the child's life.
Kids with diabetes who are being treated die every day. They are fragile physically to begin with, and treatment may prolong their lives or it may not. At any rate they face horrible consequences. Blindness, kidney failure (yes, even with treatment) dialysis.

I get so sick of the "burn the Chrisians!" bandwagon. Can't you find some other group to focus your unreasoning hatred upon? Maybe Muslims...or Hindus? Adolescents? Wal Mart employees?
THANK FUCKING GOD that the old testement is not the basis of our laws.

and, if a muslim were out honor killing his kid I'd be all over that too so you can file that boohoo christian shit back in file 13. These people are bing charged for neglect just like I knew they would, and SHOULD. Your fucking dogma doesn't allow you to wantonly kill your kid. sorry. I realize that some of you have a particular Isaac fantasy but fucking get over it. You dont get to let your kid handle the snakebite evidene of faith either. you cant throw your fucking kid in a fiery furnace just to test god when YOU think YOUR faith is more potent than medicine.

oh, and stop bitching about abortion if you can sit there and fathom your own flavour of eugenics.
Kids with diabetes who are being treated die every day. They are fragile physically to begin with, and treatment may prolong their lives or it may not. At any rate they face horrible consequences. Blindness, kidney failure (yes, even with treatment) dialysis.

I get so sick of the "burn the Chrisians!" bandwagon. Can't you find some other group to focus your unreasoning hatred upon? Maybe Muslims...or Hindus? Adolescents? Wal Mart employees?

I guess I should just tell my sister in law to kill herself, huh?

Kids with diabetes who are being treated die every day. They are fragile physically to begin with, and treatment may prolong their lives or it may not. At any rate they face horrible consequences. Blindness, kidney failure (yes, even with treatment) dialysis.

Yes, its a terrible disease. And if you have that disease you should seek medical treatment.

I get so sick of the "burn the Chrisians!" bandwagon. Can't you find some other group to focus your unreasoning hatred upon? Maybe Muslims...or Hindus? Adolescents? Wal Mart employees?

Umm, what?

Yes, people bash Christians when they are responsible for killing or raping their children. People bash Muslims when Walmart has a tiny section of one store devoted to selling Arab food.

Cry me a fucking river. :rolleyes:
Well, I doubt G-d had anything to do with that. But there's also nothing in the Old or New Testament or any other religious book that says parents should neglect their children and allow them to die.

well, i mean, there IS the whole "god testing the faith of abraham by commanding him to kill isaac" bit in the OT. For christs sake.. how many thumpers ALREADY think they are job?
well, i mean, there IS the whole "god testing the faith of abraham by commanding him to kill isaac" bit in the OT. For christs sake.. how many thumpers ALREADY think they are job?

Yeah, but that only applied to Abraham and Isaac. The whole circumcision thing is what's supposed to take the place of that kind of thing. So don't blame it on the Old Testament....

Besides, Jews believe in medicine.

Didn't you ever hear the old joke about "when does a jewish boy become a man"? answer: "when he graduates medical school" ;o)

nice. you know, I've always found the bar and bat mitvah a very interesting cultural phenomenon. Very affirming.

I digress.

yea.. I hear ya.. but bible thumpers don't strike me as a bunch to pay too close attention to the finite details of judaism outside of their "perfection" of it. Including OT martyr roll models. It really doesn't shock me to read that some christians needed to affirm their personal faith with the life of their kid.

nice. you know, I've always found the bar and bat mitvah a very interesting cultural phenomenon. Very affirming.

I digress.

yea.. I hear ya.. but bible thumpers don't strike me as a bunch to pay too close attention to the finite details of judaism outside of their "perfection" of it. Including OT martyr roll models. It really doesn't shock me to read that some christians needed to affirm their personal faith with the life of their kid.

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs can be very nice, especially when they aren't done like mini weddings.

We'd think letting your kid die to affirm personal faith is meshugganah.
im not up to speed on my yiddish so i'll assume that word means "bullshit"

They didn't let the kid die to affirm personal belief. THey chose an alternative treatment.

Wonder if you'd be all up in arms if they'd chosen to withhold vaccines because they were afraid of autism, and the kid died of measles?
They didn't let the kid die to affirm personal belief. THey chose an alternative treatment.

Wonder if you'd be all up in arms if they'd chosen to withhold vaccines because they were afraid of autism, and the kid died of measles?

wow! I think that is a very good point Allie and will probably be their Defense in the court room...

I had not really thought of it that way, but I can see how these people could, and use this as their defense.

I mean, other people all the time, make health decisions for their children including alternative medicines that may not work, don't they? Or is this limited to themselves only on alternative medicines but their children they would be required by law to use conventional medicine until the age of 18?

I don't know the answers to any of this but it is worth researching imo.

PRAYING is not treatment.

people don't refrain from vaccines becuase they think a ghost in the fucking sky wouldn't approve.

I hope these dogma junkies get time in jail.
PRAYING is not treatment.

people don't refrain from vaccines becuase they think a ghost in the fucking sky wouldn't approve.

I hope these dogma junkies get time in jail.

So you are saying if they sought a Shaman or a Medicine man and he used dried lizzard guts sprinkled over the child and some dried plant mixed with water for her to drink that was suppose to be the cure, you think this would be ok? I mean, it would be a "medicine" that they were seeking and seeing an alternative type of medicine man (doctor)?


Neither is meditation, the use of crystals and pyramids, PSYCHOLOGICAL-driven "treatments" of "targeting"....

But people use those every day. Nobody accuses them of a crime when they don't work.

People get to pull the plugs on their kids every day. Nobody charges them with murder.

People choose one medication over others all the time, with disastrous results. Nobody charges them with murder.

And Care makes a good point. How about Indians who use medicine men and women? YOu want to charge them with murder when their kids die? Because they often choose to go that route....
So you are saying if they sought a Shaman or a Medicine man and he used dried lizzard guts sprinkled over the child and some dried plant mixed with water for her to drink that was suppose to be the cure, you think this would be ok? I mean, it would be a "medicine" that they were seeking and seeing an alternative type of medicine man (doctor)?



no. not at all. Im not much of a fan of hippie-fest holistic nag chamba rolutions to lethal hazards either.
Neither is meditation, the use of crystals and pyramids, PSYCHOLOGICAL-driven "treatments" of "targeting"....
But people use those every day. Nobody accuses them of a crime when they don't work.
People get to pull the plugs on their kids every day. Nobody charges them with murder.
People choose one medication over others all the time, with disastrous results. Nobody charges them with murder.
And Care makes a good point. How about Indians who use medicine men and women? YOu want to charge them with murder when their kids die? Because they often choose to go that route....

show me ONE example of meditation, crystals, pyramids and any other type of new age bullshit that has even been used to defend neglecting the health care of a child and I"LL show you someone whose ass should be put away.

Why don't you spare me what you think "people use every day" and prove your assumptions with a source or two.

yes, I would charge a native for rain dancing when he should have been getting insulin shots. Not that the diabetes epidemic, and insulin treatments, on reservations these days are being ignored for the sake of their ancient traditions.

Baba, why must you try and deflect every time a christian fucks up? You can't blame this shit on a muslim, native, pagan, etc etc.
It's not because they're Christian and doing stupid things. It's because nobody cares when anybody else does the same thing.

Also because people are eager to jump on any anti-Christian bandwagon that comes along, before they have the slightest concept of what actually happened.

I know childhood diabetes is a killer. Regardless of whether or not the kids get treatment. These kids have much shorter, pain filled lives than healthy kids. The arrogant assumption that she would have lived a happy and healthy life if she'd received conventional treatment is simply a myth. If they make adulthood, they typically die young or exist in a coma. EAch time they have a bad episode they lose brain and kidney function. It's a terrible situation, and I think parents have the right to decide how to deal with it.

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