Parisian Mayor to sue FNC for Lies About No-Go Zone

The Mayor of Paris is planning to sue Fox News for misinformation about Muslim No-Go Zones. :lol:
term has been around for what 4-5 yrs....and only now they claim its fiction...........perhaps Fox misid'd some areas but they do exist...... why else would you have the yearly burning of 100s of vehicles every New Yr
That reminds me of the right wing meme about Dearborn Michigan instituting Sharia Law...

Or the Death Panels...

Or Benghazi....
GRIGNY, France — The housing project that was home to Amedy Coulibaly is a concrete labyrinth so scary that doctors refuse to make house calls and mail workers won't deliver parcels. Drug dealers and teenage thugs hold sway over the blighted neighborhood.

Even the police venture only with caution into the Grande Borne, especially after dark. The project's maze of serpentine, run-down buildings housing 11,000 people gives gangs plenty of cover to mount ambushes against officers with pump-action shotguns and gasoline bombs.
Or Michelle raising your kids...

Or Obama banning Doughnut sprinkles

Or Ebola being Obama's payback for no reparations..
The political class does not seem to grasp that Le Pen's success is a wake-up call, a sign that the country is failing to deal with its burgeoning problems of race and violence. It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders. Wake up to the problem - Separate and unequal in France -
The political class does not seem to grasp that Le Pen's success is a wake-up call, a sign that the country is failing to deal with its burgeoning problems of race and violence. It is as if the French imagine that race is a worry for other nations (the United States, in particular) but not for them. Yet Arab gangs regularly vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and the French continue to shrug their shoulders. Wake up to the problem - Separate and unequal in France -
That's an opinion piece. I believe they have taken issue with FOX reporting something as fact, not opinion.

But I'm sure they don't have a prayer of winning. It does highlight just how dishonest FAUX is though.
In hundreds of French housing projects and ghettoes populated by mostly Muslim Arab and African immigrants and their French children and grandchildren, "normal" has been for years a sort of chronic intifada, even if it was invisible to most of France and the rest of the world. According to research conducted by the government's domestic intelligence network, the Renseignements Generaux, French police would not venture without major reinforcements into some 150 "no-go zones" around the country--and that was before the recent wave of riots began on Oct. 27. Christopher Dickey 11/20/05 at 7:00 PM Wow looks like lot of lib media agree with Fox
Seems Bobby Jindal chimed in with the same nonsense fear mongering

Didn't he get the message ?

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