Parisian Mayor to sue FNC for Lies About No-Go Zone

Jan 8, 2015 ... The word banlieue ("suburb") now connotes a no-go zone of high-rise slums, drug-fueled crime, failing schools and poor, largely Muslim immigrants and their angry offspring. The banlieues erupted in 1981 and in 2005, when rioters burned hundreds of cars national-identity
new republic is your source?

they may have a claim, saying that the falsehood will cost paris tourism dollars.
but then i doubt a lot of fox viewers were interested in going to paris.
Ah, here is what they are actually suing over.

"Hidalgo's remarks come after Fox News ran multiple reports describing areas of Paris (and England) that were governed by Sharia law and off-limits to non-Muslims. The network has since apologized for making "regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe—particularly with regard to England and France.""

City of Paris to sue Fox News -
MOTS, what are you trying to defend. Lies are lies. I don't know why Paris isn't going after the other publications...that's not really the point.
The reality behind the Republican myth of assimilation today is so many urban no-go zones of graffiti-covered tower blocks where crime rules and where the police and emergency services venture at their peril.
Now we are 100 days into François Hollande’s presidency and surveying the evidence of how little has changed. In this first test of his presidential mettle, Hollande has pledged that the full force of the state will be brought to bear in preserving public order, with immediate reinforcement of policing in Amiens. France d j vu in the banlieues 8211 Global Public Square - Blogs
Muslims in France Ask to Use Empty Churches

Over the past several years, France has been the scene of many Muslim uprisings, usually accompanied by riots and car burnings. Large swaths of Muslim areas are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on a French government website, complete with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost control.
Ah, here is what they are actually suing over.

"Hidalgo's remarks come after Fox News ran multiple reports describing areas of Paris (and England) that were governed by Sharia law and off-limits to non-Muslims. The network has since apologized for making "regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe—particularly with regard to England and France.""

City of Paris to sue Fox News -

I guess I could have provided a link...sometimes I find it to be more entertaining to watch both sides squirm or celebrate first.
Paris Plans to Sue Fox News Over Inaccurate Reports

Paris Plans to Sue Fox News Over Inaccurate Reports
Ah, here is what they are actually suing over.

"Hidalgo's remarks come after Fox News ran multiple reports describing areas of Paris (and England) that were governed by Sharia law and off-limits to non-Muslims. The network has since apologized for making "regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe—particularly with regard to England and France.""

City of Paris to sue Fox News -
Not a lie its a mistake,........yes all of Birmingham is not such a place but there are severaL NEIGHBORHOODS IN IT THAT ARE as comments to some of the articles prove by people living there. Now they may not be governed by shariah....yet........its not a place you would want to venture if you're not a muslim.....multiple .lib news sites agree on this fact.
Seems Bobby Jindal chimed in with the same nonsense fear mongering

Didn't he get the message ?
Lemmings believe anything. I was on one of the FNC forums...those lemmings still deny it, even after it was pointed out that FNC retracted the story. Once you plant the seed in stupid people, it grows like a weed.
Not a lie its a mistake,........yes all of Birmingham is not such a place but there are severaL NEIGHBORHOODS IN IT THAT ARE as comments to some of the articles prove by people living there. Now they may not be governed by shariah....yet........its not a place you would want to venture if you're not a muslim.....multiple .lib news sites agree on this fact.
IT IS PROPAGANDA! It is a lie to promote a message.
Not a lie its a mistake,........yes all of Birmingham is not such a place but there are severaL NEIGHBORHOODS IN IT THAT ARE as comments to some of the articles prove by people living there. Now they may not be governed by shariah....yet........its not a place you would want to venture if you're not a muslim.....multiple .lib news sites agree on this fact.
^choked by his own confirmation bias.

Why don't you look at why the Mayor of Paris is thinking of suing and address that?

Fact: FOX claimed there were areas where only Muslims were allowed to go and those areas were ruled by Sharia law.

Fact: FOX either lied or is as stupid as you are.
Not a lie its a mistake,........yes all of Birmingham is not such a place but there are severaL NEIGHBORHOODS IN IT THAT ARE as comments to some of the articles prove by people living there. Now they may not be governed by shariah....yet........its not a place you would want to venture if you're not a muslim.....multiple .lib news sites agree on this fact.

Its not a lie they arent governed by Sharia law, its a mistake. Then the next sentence he confirms they arent governed by Sharia Law but he adds the word "yet" as if its happening
No-go zones are a victory of multiculturalism. Hell, we've even got them in the US, maybe not for the cops, but for everyone else who isn't black.

Interesting. Evidently France's economy is running out of OPC (Other People's Cash) and must pull the plug on Hollande's freebies which will inevitably lead to social and political unrest. I can't believe I am saying this but a Nationalist reactionary (read: Nazi) like Le Pen could be their next president as the MS parties are viewed as too lame to deal with what is coming. Pathetic, but that's what happens when a socialist gov't runs out of OPC to give away.

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