Parkland Trio get their jobs back. The Community is safe?

In another thread, you admit you want to bankrupt companies who make guns, which proves the provisions applied to the Lawful Firearms Protection Act is required. But let’s take your car analogy, weak as it might be.

I actually do not have to license, get tags and pay taxes, or get insurance on a car I buy. I have to do so if I want to drive it on the road. But lets say I want to use it on my property. A work truck that will not leave the land. No tags, insurance, or taxes required. I can even get a waiver and get my gasoline Tax Free. Red Gas. A crime to use it on the road, but legal to use on private property.

That's kind of a retarded analogy. Okay, let's say we let you own a gun, but you can't own any bullets.

That works, too.
It says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says that in the context of a "Well-Regulated Militia".
No it does not. Learn English, we have several professors of English language that have explained several times to dumb asses like you the controlling part of the sentence is the the right of the people part. All the militia part is is one of many reasons that might justify the ownership of weapons. It is not the only reason.
Here's the difference. To own a car in Illinois, I have to be licensed, insured, and permited by both the state and city I live in to own a car. There are hundreds of cops out there ready to pull me over if I violate even a minor traffic law like speeding or not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. I would LOVE it if we regulated guns the way we regulate cars.

No, the difference is owning a car isn't in the Bill of Rights, but you already knew that, didn't you, Walter?


If you don't want a gun then don't get one. I have four, including an AR-15. My brother has over 40 guns.
No, the difference is owning a car isn't in the Bill of Rights, but you already knew that, didn't you, Walter?

Owning a gun isn't in the bill of rights. The word "Gun" doesn't appear in there at all.

If you don't want a gun then don't get one. I have four, including an AR-15. My brother has over 40 guns.

Okay.. that would be awesome and stuff if your fellow gun owners weren't killing 33,000 a year and wounding another 70,000.
In another thread, you admit you want to bankrupt companies who make guns, which proves the provisions applied to the Lawful Firearms Protection Act is required. But let’s take your car analogy, weak as it might be.

I actually do not have to license, get tags and pay taxes, or get insurance on a car I buy. I have to do so if I want to drive it on the road. But lets say I want to use it on my property. A work truck that will not leave the land. No tags, insurance, or taxes required. I can even get a waiver and get my gasoline Tax Free. Red Gas. A crime to use it on the road, but legal to use on private property.

That's kind of a retarded analogy. Okay, let's say we let you own a gun, but you can't own any bullets.

That works, too.
It says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says that in the context of a "Well-Regulated Militia".

Read Heller.
No, the difference is owning a car isn't in the Bill of Rights, but you already knew that, didn't you, Walter?

Owning a gun isn't in the bill of rights.

Of course it is, Walter, but you already knew that too.

The word "Gun" doesn't appear in there at all.

Neither does the word "abortion."

Okay.. that would be awesome and stuff if your fellow gun owners weren't killing 33,000 a year and wounding another 70,000.

How many people have been killed by your fellow non gun owners? You know, killed by drunk drivers, assaults, drug dealers, spousal abuse?
No, the difference is owning a car isn't in the Bill of Rights, but you already knew that, didn't you, Walter?

Owning a gun isn't in the bill of rights. The word "Gun" doesn't appear in there at all.

If you don't want a gun then don't get one. I have four, including an AR-15. My brother has over 40 guns.

Okay.. that would be awesome and stuff if your fellow gun owners weren't killing 33,000 a year and wounding another 70,000.
There are not 33000 murders a year another lie by you, suicides do not REQUIRE a firearm and most of your 33000 are suicides already proven by places that did enact firearms restrictions suicide rates DID NOT GO DOWN. And as I said the Amendment is clear the English language is clear all the militia part of the amendment is is ONE of MANY reasons WHY the citizenry are protected and allowed to own firearms.
There are not 33000 murders a year another lie by you, suicides do not REQUIRE a firearm and most of your 33000 are suicides already proven by places that did enact firearms restrictions suicide rates DID NOT GO DOWN.

Again, we haven't tried gun control to bring down suicides, so how would we know?

And as I said the Amendment is clear the English language is clear all the militia part of the amendment is is ONE of MANY reasons WHY the citizenry are protected and allowed to own firearms.

Except it didn't list any other reasons, and it was clear that the militias were to be "Well-Regulated". Adam Lanza and Nick Cruz are not "Well Regulated". They were just crazy guys who got military grade guns.
Actually, it does mean that anyone has a right to weapons. As for military grade, civilian weapons are not. But even if they were, you and I would have a right to them.

You call it the Militia Amendment. But all things make sense in context. Who was a member of the Militia? At the time when the Amendment was written, what was the Militia?

I doesn't matter. At the time it was written, guns were expensive and very few people owned them. It actually WAS a privilege.

It really didn't make sense at the time, which is why "militias" were eventually replaced by professional military and police forces.


Well that has nothing to do with the world today right? Yes, and no. We would have to be invaded before we even tried the Militia thing again. But we do have a similar situation in law today. Under Posse Comitatus, the law that prevents the Army from acting as police, we have the ability of Police to form a Posse. In Georgia, it is this law.

Um, yeah, and we saw how awful of an idea that was with Ahmaud Abery... where a couple of rednecks shot an unarmed jogger. That's all kinds of fucked up.

We know that they expected the Militia to have military grade weapons. And if you say that the big weapons of the era were exempt, I say no. Cannon were available for public sale. How do you think the Privateers we used during the Revolutionary war, the war of 1812, and even the Civil War were armed? They purchased their cannons on the open market.

Again, just because the DEAD SLAVE RAPISTS thought something was a good idea, doesn't make it a good idea.

They thought it was a great idea to bleed people when they got sick. Nobody tell Trump, that might be his next Covid-19 solution. They thought slavery was a good idea.

Does it make sense for Nick Cruz or Adam Lanza or Joker Holmes to be able to walk into a gun store and buy the same weapon our soldiers carry into war? Nope.
You need to go somewhere that already has the Draconian gun laws you crave. I think Venezuela is like that. :)
You need to go somewhere that already has the Draconian gun laws you crave. I think Venezuela is like that.

Nope, we need to fix this country... I'm tired of living in a society where the 78% of us who don't have guns have to mold our society around the three percent of you who are gun nuts.
How authoritarian and busybody-ish of you. Fuck off.
How authoritarian and busybody-ish of you. Fuck off.

Uh, guy, here's what we have to put up with because of your gun fetish, because we never know when one of our coworkers or someone at the mall or our kid's school might go on a shooting rampage.

1) Security Guards
2) Key Card doors at our workplaces
3) Active Shooter Drills
4) Militarized Police Departments.
5) A prison-industrial complex

People in other "Free" countries don't have to live like this.

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