Part D improvement Lower out-of-pocket drug costs

Meaning the premiums are now more than your SS check every month. Many boomers get around $600/month....these sorts of increases are not going to work for our Senior citizens. Especially ones who have gone through their retirement savings due to inflation and "life" expenses.

Not true, my Part D premium is $21
  • You might pay a lower coinsurance amount for certain drugs and biologicals covered by Part B, if their prices have increased higher than the rate of inflation. The specific drugs and potential savings change every quarter.
  • If you have drug costs high enough to reach the catastrophic coverage phase in your Medicare drug coverage, you won’t have to pay a copayment or coinsurance, starting in 2024.
  • Extra Help affording prescription drug coverage (the Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program) will expand to cover more drug costs for people with limited resources who earn less than 150% of the federal poverty level, starting in 2024. People who qualify for Extra Help generally will pay no more than $4.50 for each generic drug and $11.20 for each brand-name drug.
  • ""Your yearly Part D
    out-of-pocket costs

    will be capped at $2,000, starting in 2025. You’ll also have the option to pay out-of-pocket costs in monthly amounts over the plan year, instead of when they happen."
  • If the price of a drug covered by Part B (Medical Insurance) increased faster than the rate of inflation, you might pay less than 20% coinsurance for that drug. The specific drugs that are impacted and the potential savings may change every quarter. Get more information about Part B-covered drugs.

It's a good thing but it will play hell with the Budget.
So charge people more? Pro life out the door.
To compensate, the ins comps are increasing maximum out of pocket MOOP on their Part C Advantage plans for medicare AND they are reclassifying Drugs into Higher Tiers which means you may have to pay retail for your expensive drug you got for less before.

Meanwhile Bidens 30 million "Friends " are getting a free ride and living large as they prepare to VOTE for HARRIS.


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