Partisanship aside, as a Country, where is the USA headed.


Jan 4, 2009
Myself personally, I don't think it's all gloom and doom but I sense we won't rule the roost anymore, rather we will be a player on the world scene instead of the director. I'm not sure that is the end for us, rather a new chapter.
We will be energy independent, and some maftring will return. However, a weakened dollar and global demand for food will reduce the middle class standard of living. I don't see the political will, in either party, to drive down the deficit while still addressing retirement and healthcare. Probably, we'll continue to see the society disintegrating by a minority of well educated workers being well paid, while real wages fall.

Overall, despite China's economy already overtaking our own, gnp will continue to grow.

On for policy this will have some effects. We field a huge navy to protect our trade and force others to use the dollar as the pegged currency. As the dollar falls, and China wants free trade, why bother with the navy?
I don't know the future. There is alot of potential for violence and suffering. Not going to lie about it. But I am optimistic that we will rise to the challenges that face us. Because if we don't we will end up killing one another.
Pretty much we're the same page bendog. I think we'll move some manufacturing back onshore as transportation costs go up, I'll say it's more than just the Navy that'll take a hit, why police the world then? We're a resilient people, we'll adjust. The last few decades couldn't go on forever.
I dunno. I think for the first time since 1932, the majority will have to conclude their children will not be better off than they are. Of course, we self-delude ourselves. Most actually think the inheritance tax may hit them, and there's about a much likelihood of hitting the lotto.

Food and energy will take a bigger slice of budgets. Of course, who knows. Technology may help reduce energy costs, but then there's the multi-national aspect.

I see more in common between GE and Exxon and China that I wish I saw.

Nice thread, btw.
We're headed down the shitter. No doubt about it.

And there ain't nothing you can do about it.

I just wish I could be around when the whole thing falls apart.

When that happens, people are going to ask 'why'? And they're going to look for someone to blame.

I hope, this time, they blame the right people. I'd LOVE to see that.

But, nah. I don't think we have a chance but to do anything other than implode.

It's too late.... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, our Schools, Academia, our culture, Pop and otherwise, the pussification of the American Male, Industries and Jobs FLEEING the Country in a mass exodus, Public Employee Unions making backroom deals with dimocrap scum, over-taxation, over-regulation killing the entrepreneurial spirit, illegal immigration and turning our electoral process over to those who only see government as a way of getting Free Stuff, the declining work ethic......

We're fucked. Totally fucked. And it is 100% the fault of the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps

The only thing we can do is try to keep the Country afloat for a little longer. Maybe long enough that we can live our lives out in relative peace and prosperity.

Your children? They going to spit on your graves.

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