Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Oil companies need a little higher oil price to survive....

Making sense isn't your bag
It is if you have oil extraction interest...

You fundamentally don't understand economics:

1) You don't grasp that companies adapt. The models predicting their demise based on oil prices don't realize how good companies are adapting and also that the reason prices have dropped is production is now cheaper meaning the old price models have also come down

2) If oil prices dropped too low, the weakest will die and the stronger will replace them reducing the overproduction

3) Oil prices can't go long term below production costs, it's impossible, companies would stop producing and oil would rise.

They really should teach econ 101 in high schools, you would have learned about supply and demand literally the first month of your first econ course
What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Obama has never compromised before on anything, I'm not sure why he would start now. And even if he did, pass
Oil companies need a little higher oil price to survive....

Making sense isn't your bag
It is if you have oil extraction interest...

You fundamentally don't understand economics:

1) You don't grasp that companies adapt. The models predicting their demise based on oil prices don't realize how good companies are adapting and also that the reason prices have dropped is production is now cheaper meaning the old price models have also come down

2) If oil prices dropped too low, the weakest will die and the stronger will replace them reducing the overproduction

3) Oil prices can't go long term below production costs, it's impossible, companies would stop producing and oil would rise.

They really should teach econ 101 in high schools, you would have learned about supply and demand literally the first month of your first econ course
I want more money for my oil interest....You are the one that needs to learn economics...
Obama's an obstructionist. Congress needs to work around him.

They should find the guy who made Obama's fake birth certificate and have him sign the law. What's Obama gonna say or do after that?
Oil companies need a little higher oil price to survive....

Making sense isn't your bag
It is if you have oil extraction interest...

You fundamentally don't understand economics:

1) You don't grasp that companies adapt. The models predicting their demise based on oil prices don't realize how good companies are adapting and also that the reason prices have dropped is production is now cheaper meaning the old price models have also come down

2) If oil prices dropped too low, the weakest will die and the stronger will replace them reducing the overproduction

3) Oil prices can't go long term below production costs, it's impossible, companies would stop producing and oil would rise.

They really should teach econ 101 in high schools, you would have learned about supply and demand literally the first month of your first econ course
I want more money for my oil interest....You are the one that needs to learn economics...

Everyone wants more money, but it's a competitive market. Basically I do this for a living and you parrot lawyers, obviously you know more. You don't know remotely again what they would literally teach you the first month of the first semester of your first econ course. Topic 1, the supply and demand curve. Oops, we just lost you...
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President
Good job there bright spark,you just confirmed that this is about Obama and not the country.
Your type is like looking through clear water

Having a complete judicial system helps OUR country
Keystone helps Canada
Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Obama has never compromised before on anything, I'm not sure why he would start now. And even if he did, pass

Obama compromised on the Bush tax cuts.......TWICE
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton
The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Obama has never compromised before on anything, I'm not sure why he would start now. And even if he did, pass

Obama compromised on the Bush tax cuts.......TWICE

Vacillating as a President is not "compromising."

Or are you alluding to his vote as a Senator?

The topic was the lack of compromise from Obumbler AS President.
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.
I give props where props are due. I disagree with his decision, but I bet the Republican congress does nothing of significance. They have proven themselves to be too chicken shit.

What would you suggest the Republican Congress do, jerkoff?
no one has to suggest that....t
I didn't vote for the fucking Obumbler and liberal/socialist Democrap Party machine hacks, either. But WE THE PEOPLE sure did vote, and those guys won. The rest of us failed to provide a meaningful candidate to oppose Obumbler. By our own actions and inaction, we permitted those crap holes of the liberal lemming left to prevail. WE are paying for that.

The problem isn't scum of the earth dimocraps. There really ARE more of us thn there is them. Fer real.

Every poll taken in the last forty years shows twice as many people identify as Conservative than as liberal scum.... Sorry for the redundancy.

The REAL problem is gutless 'conservatives' (they're not, they're nasty old hippies who think they're conservative because they're married and drive a Volvo) who tell us in here every day that there's no difference in the parties, that they're Conservatives but McConnell is worthless, that they're Conservative but Boehner is an idiot, that there's really no difference between Republicans and dimocrap filth...

Those are the people causing us to lose. And I don't like them... At all.

dimocrap scum are what they are -- They are proven, known, low-life losers too stupid to make it in life without help from the goobermint or their mommies.

The people who constantly run down the Republicans we elect to fight the scum of the earth dimocraps...? I have a serious problem with them.... THEY are the ones causing us to lose elections.

Believe it.

Or not, I don't really care that much any more
Those are the people causing us to lose. And I don't like them... At all.

you mean those people who think what you want sucks too and so they dont support you?......gee tough shit....thats the way it is...
Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Obama has never compromised before on anything, I'm not sure why he would start now. And even if he did, pass

Obama compromised on the Bush tax cuts.......TWICE

Vacillating as a President is not "compromising."

Or are you alluding to his vote as a Senator?

The topic was the lack of compromise from Obumbler AS President.

I showed where Obama compromised

Now explain Grover Norquist, Republicans laughing that they would not accept $1 in tax increases for $10 in spending cuts and explain how Republicans compromise
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

Its funny that you think that was the goal :laugh: the veto was the goal, the Democrat no votes was the goal.

If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

Its funny that you think that was the goal :laugh: the veto was the goal, the Democrat no votes was the goal.

Mission Accomplished !

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

Its funny that you think that was the goal :laugh: the veto was the goal, the Democrat no votes was the goal.

Mission Accomplished !


You mad bro? I didn't hear you complaining when your side was playing gutter politics, what goes around comes around.
The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

Its funny that you think that was the goal :laugh: the veto was the goal, the Democrat no votes was the goal.

Mission Accomplished !


You mad bro? I didn't hear you complaining when your side was playing gutter politics, what goes around comes around.

maybe one day you'll figure out I don't have a side ...

gutter politics will make a 360 when Hillary gets elected and RW's can start making up shit aka lies about her like they do Obama

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