Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Go ahead. Because all the environmental studies done dont show any damage.
So what's the argument for why gov't should prohibit it?

if it was a left wing project the right would automatically reject it, so since its a right wing pet project I automatically reject it. The right isn't known for brilliant ideas, or ANY ideas for that matter.

^ siete thinks that pap was the height of originality. His notion of a good idea stands exposed as the derivative version of "thinking" it is. Schmucks like Soros tell dufus twits like siete WHAT to think.


if only I were a Democrat you might sound smart.... nah, not even then. You're an idiot.

If you were only honest maybe you wouldn't sound like such a major asshole.


You are what you are, and you spew shit, so you will forever remain an asshole.

Now, go fuck off.

Weeeeee! The welcher speaks of honesty! Best shit ever.

You think the GOP acts less like assholes that any other party? That is a lack of awareness. A complete lack of awareness.

Peeeeuuueeeew. Lonelylaughable lies and thinks that helps him make a point. He must crib notes from that other imbecile lying sack of rancid liberalism, Fakey.

And no. Your lack of conmprehension is showing again, you assclown liar. I think the GOP ARE less assholes than the Dims are. The Dims aren't "acting." They ARE actually (as you are) complete assholes.

Your denial is a reflection of your complete lack of awareness and honesty.
He's correct, of course. It's more complicated than that.
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments
The Dims are assholes. But they are bold and consistent in DOING what they seek to accomplish.

The GOP are not as institutionally inclined to be assholes. But there's not much value in being "more" right-thinking than your opposition numbers if you are too fucking weak and flaccid to DO anything about it.

Complete lack of awareness. It's freakish.

^ It's always fun to read your sentence fragments. They are as close to a complete "thought" as you seem to be able to get.

The Republicans are more right on the issues than you asshole lolberal Democraps. Nevertheless, the Dims ARE more prone to making concerted efforts to accomplish the shit they wish to accomplish. The Republicans, tend to be far too wishy washy. It shows. By their diffidence, the GOP consistently cedes the field to the asshole Dims. It's fucking tragic.

You lack awareness.

Wrong, again, lonelylaughable. You lack honesty and intelligence. This probably explains why you say such stupid shit all the time. Exclusively.

When you find one instance of me lying and post it here...I'll then concede to your honesty point. On are obviously jealous. You are not stupid.....but you sure have said and done many stupid things. Betting your USMB life on Romney being the greatest ever. Dumb ass. Welshing dumb ass.

You lie all the time and there's no point in showing you example after example, since you'd just lie about all of those, too.

But, for fun, I will advise you yet again that I never welshed. Repeating your baseless claim is YOU being dishonest. No surprise there.

You tend to be quite fucking stupid, but you double down on it with your inability to employ honesty.

Now, toddle off you dishonest scumbag. And don't worry. Only other laughable lolberals would take any of your drivel seriously.
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President
So, the price of gasoline should skyrocket tomorrow then...if this is really going to move the needle on gas prices then; right?
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.
So, the price of gasoline should skyrocket tomorrow then...if this is really going to move the needle on gas prices then; right?

Silly stupid empty rhetoric won't win you any debates, corny.

The veto should have ZERO effect tomorrow. Why on Earth would anybody "expect" it to have any impact on the price of a major commodity in such a short time?

No. What it IS going to do is cause LONG TERM problems.

But you know that already.
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

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Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President
Good job there bright spark,you just confirmed that this is about Obama and not the country.
Your type is like looking through clear water
What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Congress to Presidunce Obumbler:

If you will stop nominating the inept hacks you are tending to select, we might be able to agree on the confirmation of some of your judicial nominations.

Meanwhile, when you veto acts designed to help our energy independence and our economy, you aren't exactly winning any points toward future cooperation from us.

We sincerely hope that you soon grasp that your Party got its ass handed to it in the midterms for a variety of REASONS. The American people looked on those elections as referenda on your policies. You lost. Doubling down on your inept plans will not assist you. Our job is to STOP you from doing any further harm. If you want cooperation, you must first learn to cooperate.
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President
Bullshit. They supported him on ISIS. They've confirmed every nominee. They support him on fast track trade authority.
Your problem isnt that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know isnt true.
There is a backlog on the confirmation of judicial appointments. For a reason.

Oh. And one more thing on that topic.

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow
Once again you confirm that it is about winning his feelings than what good for the county.
Man your getting really good at this.
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak

There is no argument against it other than partisan politics
Untrue, as always.

You don't know what it is, but you know it's untrue. How is that so, Peppy? I mean in any way that's different than the thousands of pipelines not blocked
Because that's some really bad shit, that no one knows how to clean up for starters. It also requires that people are forced to sell their private property. It crosses aquifers we don't want crossed. It doesn't create many jobs, or for long. China gets the oil, Canada gets the cash, and we get the mess.

First of all you don't even have it straight.

The choices are if we build the pipeline, oil goes to the Gulf of Mexico. If we don't build it, THEN it goes to the Chinese because they pipe it to the West Coast of Canada and ship it there. Jesus, you are so clueless. Then you have how maintaining a pipeline and processing oil creates no jobs, yeah, right.

Also the question was how this pipeline was different than every other one, not how it's the same. Basically you have nothing
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

From the no compromise Democrats? What would that accomplish?
Republicans blew their chance to get a simple piece of legislation passed

Are they really that inept?

What chance was that? You mean they had the chance to propose some socialist spending bill Obama wanted and would have singed? Wow, that is an opportunity lost...

Republicans are learning that the reap what they have sown. They have developed no goodwill with the president and can expect none

Want to get Keystone passed?
Tie it in with some infrastructure jobs that help Americans
Tie it up with some comprehensive energy bills
Offer to approve some judicial appointments

The Presidunce never tried to sew any good will. That's why he should expect none and I hope he gets none. Rush was right, way back when. I hope he fails.

He is now going to reap the benefit of having a Party that has learned that he cannot be trusted holding he legislative reigns of power. He can veto. But he cannot accomplish any additional harm unless they (true to recent form) continue to flop and flail and fail.

Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

Non answer, your typical answer
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.

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