Pastor at Obama’s Easter Church Service: ‘Captains of the Religious Right’ Want Black

Sounds like this "church" needs its tax exempt status checked. Having a liar as a pastor sure doesn't surpise me that Obama would attend. Considering the one he listened to for 20 years. G...Damn America!!!!!!!

Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? |

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.
What bothers me is that a so called preacher of the word, seems to preach anything but. Not a very humble person. Christians want Blacks to become Christians, act as Christians, talk like Christians, reason as Christians, behave as Christians, and spread Christianity. As long as some Blacks are going to keep looking at themselves as Black and others as white, those blacks will remain unhappy and discontented and not very christian at all.
I didn't make the statement and quite frankly I don't know who the liar who said it was talking about.

Well if you don't know of one, then how can you refute ones that are given?

Wouldn't the statement captain of the religious right be an opinion ?

Both rightists and leftists give opinions and make sweeping statements.

Either side giving personal opinions about the treatment of each other in society doesn't make anything a fact.

So what you are upset about is someone's opinion.

But here is a fact: At one time blacks did have to sit at the back of the bus.

No, Captain of the Religious right is not an opinion, unless specifically named which by what I read was not done. It isn't up to me to fill in a name to which I have no knowledge.

The pastor made a direct statement that these Captains want blacks to move to the back of the bus. So it is fair that those who are defending that lie prove me wrong in saying so. As of yet not one person has because they can't.

The fact that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus was the results of Jim Crow laws as I suspect you know. Jim Crow and segregation were Democrat initiatives not Republican. Republicans pushed legislation to end Jim Crow laws and to end segregation. George Wallace was a democrat.

I am not really upset I just don't think pastors should be lying on Easter Sunday, or anytime. But in is defence I am sure he is only saying what he thinks to be true and doesn't consider it lying. He needs to be taught.

The Pastor has an opinion that there are religious captains, you don't thnk there are and you couldn't name any.

So what, you don't like his opinion :dunno:

Anyone can say so-n-so is a this or that, who cares I have seen the right make sweeping statements to.

What is a true Fact: Blacks at one time in history were forced to sit at the back of the bus.

Secondly, you stated you really don't care if blacks come over to the Republican side, so what are you going on about anyway?
Sounds like this "church" needs its tax exempt status checked. Having a liar as a pastor sure doesn't surpise me that Obama would attend. Considering the one he listened to for 20 years. G...Damn America!!!!!!!

Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? |

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.
What bothers me is that a so called preacher of the word, seems to preach anything but. Not a very humble person. Christians want Blacks to become Christians, act as Christians, talk like Christians, reason as Christians, behave as Christians, and spread Christianity. As long as some Blacks are going to keep looking at themselves as Black and others as white, those blacks will remain unhappy and discontented and not very christian at all.

At the end of the day preachers, priests, popes and ministers are still just human.

It is the reason I am not religious.

I don't think there is one religious leader who is perfect.

Some are better then others but none are God.
he is a liar. Name where one "captain" of the religious right wants black to move to the back of the bus. Just that one lie, defend it.

A have no idea if anyone is "unduly" profiled. See that is how liberal lies work. The pastor says something outlandish as if it were true. No one is asking anyone to go to the back of the bus. No one is putting "y'all back in chains" as did the democrat party. No one expects anything out of people except to obey the law and one of those laws is illegal immigration. Which is stealing jobs from americans. Jobs americans could do. Jobs that might alleviate the over 15 percent black unemployment rate. What i don't understand is how the liberal left can defend violating the law yet try and make it sound as if that is a virtue. To them i guess it is.

So easy, what "captain" of the religious right wants blacks to move to the back of the bus?

please. Just read the news. The right (meaning republicans in general), metaphorically, all want to do it, and have tried. What do you think disenfranchising blacks who have voted, unhindered, for years, all of a sudden, being burdened with strict new voter id laws, amounts to? What do you think the cutting of social programs entails? What do you think instituting hindrances to getting legal abortions is about?
How old are you anyway? From the looks of it, less than 25, which means you don't know anything about anything.
"putting y'all back in chains"????????????????? How condescending and racist. For the umpteenth time...the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's to the 80's, and what was known as the socially conscious and tolerant republican party...the true party of lincoln is now known as the democratic party, you imbecile.
Some illegal immigrants are worth 5 americans, because of skill and intelligence. Americans, obviously are adverse to menial labor, and immigrants readily do what they will not. If immigrants are so distasteful, why to rich whites keep hiring them, "under the table", only to have to explain their actions when it comes out in the tax wash?
What's your ancestry? East indian? Pakistani? Iranian?

personally, i think that any law that is passed for gun ownership should be applied to voters as well. That aside, voter id, is to keep elections above board. Criminals that entered this country illegally should not be able to vote. Verifying id is one way to reduce the number of people that are voting illegally (they will be voting to take gov't benefits or handouts if you prefer from american citizens and give them to non-citizens).

The blacks on gov't "subsistence" (there are many, many blacks that have "chosen" to join the working population to support this country and the "poor) have been there for decades. Just when do they intend to stand on there own two feet?

"putting y'all back in chains" this is a comment joe biden made. I am glad you see this as "racist". Most on the right were very offended when this remark was made. Amazingly al sharpton and jesse jackson had nothing to say.

If this country is going to accept people on their "worth", isn't that like a "poll tax"? Criminals that enter this country can not be identified as: People that are trying to support their families/political refugees/drug dealers/murderers/kidnappers/rapists/thugs/people with infectious diseases or parasites (most likely to affect the low rent areas). The "rich" whites that are hiring? Please make a list. Wonder how many are politicians that are taking advantage of their status?

Sounds like this "church" needs its tax exempt status checked. Having a liar as a pastor sure doesn't surpise me that Obama would attend. Considering the one he listened to for 20 years. G...Damn America!!!!!!!

Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? |

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.
What bothers me is that a so called preacher of the word, seems to preach anything but. Not a very humble person. Christians want Blacks to become Christians, act as Christians, talk like Christians, reason as Christians, behave as Christians, and spread Christianity. As long as some Blacks are going to keep looking at themselves as Black and others as white, those blacks will remain unhappy and discontented and not very christian at all.

Blacks, as a whole, don't have a/the problem....we adapted to your idiosyncrasies and strangeness, long ago, when we had to or face the lash, or death. It's "you", that never got over your disdain for the enslaved and then, the newly "freed".
Sounds like this "church" needs its tax exempt status checked. Having a liar as a pastor sure doesn't surpise me that Obama would attend. Considering the one he listened to for 20 years. G...Damn America!!!!!!!

Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? |

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.
What bothers me is that a so called preacher of the word, seems to preach anything but. Not a very humble person. Christians want Blacks to become Christians, act as Christians, talk like Christians, reason as Christians, behave as Christians, and spread Christianity. As long as some Blacks are going to keep looking at themselves as Black and others as white, those blacks will remain unhappy and discontented and not very christian at all.

Let's be clear, the pastor I saw in the article is white.

The majority of blacks are God fearing Christians, in my opinion. Don't have the stats.
Blacks, as a whole, don't have a/the problem....we adapted to your idiosyncrasies and strangeness, long ago, when we had to or face the lash, or death. It's "you", that never got over your disdain for the enslaved and then, the newly "freed".

I fianlly get it. You intend to bore whites to death with your incessant whining out of revenge for an institution that ended in 1865.

There are deep-seated reasons as to why people feel that way about the Republican party. It's their job to figure out why and to deal with it.

Could it be because the NAACP has become nothing more than an extention of the DNC?

The Tea Party needs to get behind Ben Carson. He is a REAL black man instead of a half honkey thug from Chicago. A man that has had to overcome poverty and racism. A man that really knows what it is to be black in America.
Blacks, as a whole, don't have a/the problem....we adapted to your idiosyncrasies and strangeness, long ago, when we had to or face the lash, or death. It's "you", that never got over your disdain for the enslaved and then, the newly "freed".

I fianlly get it. You intend to bore whites to death with your incessant whining out of revenge for an institution that ended in 1865.


I wonder if the poet knows that it was democrats that were doing the lashing? Or that it was democrats that started the KKK whom hunted down Republicans, especially black Republicans. No I suspect he does not.
There are deep-seated reasons as to why people feel that way about the Republican party. It's their job to figure out why and to deal with it.

Could it be because the NAACP has become nothing more than an extention of the DNC?

The Tea Party needs to get behind Ben Carson. He is a REAL black man instead of a half honkey thug from Chicago. A man that has had to overcome poverty and racism. A man that really knows what it is to be black in America.

Are you trying to imply that being born and partially raised in Hawaii, living a good part of your young life in a foreign country going to a Muslim school under an assumed name and attending Harvard is not the black experience? Really?
I didn't make the statement and quite frankly I don't know who the liar who said it was talking about.

Well if you don't know of one, then how can you refute ones that are given?

Wouldn't the statement captain of the religious right be an opinion ?

Both rightists and leftists give opinions and make sweeping statements.

Either side giving personal opinions about the treatment of each other in society doesn't make anything a fact.

So what you are upset about is someone's opinion.

But here is a fact: At one time blacks did have to sit at the back of the bus.

No, Captain of the Religious right is not an opinion, unless specifically named which by what I read was not done. It isn't up to me to fill in a name to which I have no knowledge.

The pastor made a direct statement that these Captains want blacks to move to the back of the bus. So it is fair that those who are defending that lie prove me wrong in saying so. As of yet not one person has because they can't.

The fact that blacks had to sit in the back of the bus was the results of Jim Crow laws as I suspect you know. Jim Crow and segregation were Democrat initiatives not Republican. Republicans pushed legislation to end Jim Crow laws and to end segregation. George Wallace was a democrat.

I am not really upset I just don't think pastors should be lying on Easter Sunday, or anytime. But in is defence I am sure he is only saying what he thinks to be true and doesn't consider it lying. He needs to be taught.

I was waiting for the pastor to say that the right wants to go back to a time where the deficit was well under $16 trillion and climbing. A world where we were not mandated to buy corporate health insurance. A world where the right would force us to dig up the aborted unborn and place them back into their mothers womb to live.

As for women, I would say that most probably want to stay home, but in this progressive economic utopia women are forced to earn a wage so that they have a chance to survive.
There are deep-seated reasons as to why people feel that way about the Republican party. It's their job to figure out why and to deal with it.

Could it be because the NAACP has become nothing more than an extention of the DNC?

The Tea Party needs to get behind Ben Carson. He is a REAL black man instead of a half honkey thug from Chicago. A man that has had to overcome poverty and racism. A man that really knows what it is to be black in America.

Are you trying to imply that being born and partially raised in Hawaii, living a good part of your young life in a foreign country going to a Muslim school under an assumed name and attending Harvard is not the black experience? Really?

Yea. He's a half honkey Uncle Tom.
this didn't come from Rev. Wright, it came from the church where he went to services today in DC -

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

This makes me so sick to my stomach.
this didn't come from Rev. Wright, it came from the church where he went to services today in DC -

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

This makes me so sick to my stomach.

Me too, those racist honkey Teabaggers make me want to puke. God save the black race and Barak Obama!!! The DNC is our only hope.
this didn't come from Rev. Wright, it came from the church where he went to services today in DC -

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

This makes me so sick to my stomach.

Me too, those racist honkey Teabaggers make me want to puke. God save the black race and Barak Obama!!! The DNC is our only hope.

Just yesterday a Captain of the Religious right ordered me to burn a cross in the front yard of a man who looks just a little bit tan to be 100 percent white. I, being just a private of the Religious right, had to follow orders. We then went down to the bus stop, got on the bus and filled all the seats in the front so any black person getting on HAD to sit in the back of the bus, too much fun. We then stopped for dinner and ordered a woman back into the kitchen. That worked out fairly well considering she was the cook. Later we went looking for some illegals, didn't find any although we did circle Toco Bell a few times.
There are deep-seated reasons as to why people feel that way about the Republican party. It's their job to figure out why and to deal with it.

Could it be because the NAACP has become nothing more than an extention of the DNC?

The Tea Party needs to get behind Ben Carson. He is a REAL black man instead of a half honkey thug from Chicago. A man that has had to overcome poverty and racism. A man that really knows what it is to be black in America.

We need to get behind a good man, whether it be Carson or someone else. Being black or not is not a requirement in my opinion. I was all for Herman Cain, Carson i don't know enough about but he sounds good. Besides, by the Bios I have read he is an independent.

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