Pastor at Obama’s Easter Church Service: ‘Captains of the Religious Right’ Want Black

Fake. Don't try me bitch...I'm more clever than you.

No, you aren't more clever than me, just more of an idiot than I am. You are a lot more reactionary that I am. You're a real sight aren't you? I know what Wikipedia says about the Knights Templar, but this is from Diablo III, not the Crusades.

Templar Kormac is a member of a fictional order of Zakarumic Paladins known as "The Order,"

He aids the main character in his/her quests to defeat the two greater evils, Belial and Azmodan, along the Prime Evil, Diablo himself.

Lastly, I'll try you if I want to. Your name calling only reveals your insecurity. And I will exploit it. You really have nothing to throw at me do you? Except perhaps maybe for what you've excavated out of your Neo-Liberal backside.
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Sounds like this "church" needs its tax exempt status checked. Having a liar as a pastor sure doesn't surpise me that Obama would attend. Considering the one he listened to for 20 years. G...Damn America!!!!!!!

Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? |

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

You're an idiot. How many churches did the GOP (and Democratic) candidates for president visit? Churches routinely suggest that their members be actively political, and vote. A liar? Show where. And raise up off of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright-President Obama connection. He distanced himself from him during the campaign in 2008, for his outlandish statements and positions.
My question to you is are you unduly "profiled" at airports? Who do you think is behind it?

Right, he threw Wright under the bus when he proved to be a political liability, even after saying he could no more disavow Wright than he could a member of his own family. In doing so your dear leader proved his only loyalty was to his own political ambitions. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would admit this and move on.

Poet has already shown not to have any honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

Obama did distance himself from Wright but only because it was politically expedient.

Poet fails to remember or simply ignores the 20 years Obama spent listening to Wright, naming a book after Wright's sermon, being married by Wright and having his daughters baptized by Wright.

Poet and honesty doesn't even belong in the same sentence.
Fake. Don't try me bitch...I'm more clever than you.

No, you aren't more clever than me, just more of an idiot than I am. You are a lot more reactionary that I am. You're a real sight aren't you? I know what Wikipedia says about the Knights Templar, but this is from Diablo III, not the Crusades.

Templar Kormac is a member of a fictional order of Zakarumic Paladins known as "The Order,"

He aids the main character in his/her quests to defeat the two greater evils, Belial and Azmodan, along the Prime Evil, Diablo himself.

Lastly, I'll try you if I want to. Your name calling only reveals your insecurity. And I will exploit it. You really have nothing to throw at me do you? Except perhaps maybe for what you've excavated out of your Neo-Liberal backside.

So, you got your moniker from a damn, lame-ass video game. Isn't that special? Fictional, did you say? LOL. Damn straight.
Insecure? Stupid bitch... You think this is my first time at the racist, bigoted rodeo?
I've been "tempered' by having to deal with types like you over ten years. Exploit what you will avail you nothing. You've shown your hand, and your "short Club opening" is weak, demonstrating "fear". Now off with you. You're dismissed.
Fake. Don't try me bitch...I'm more clever than you.

No, you aren't more clever than me, just more of an idiot than I am. You are a lot more reactionary that I am. You're a real sight aren't you? I know what Wikipedia says about the Knights Templar, but this is from Diablo III, not the Crusades.

Templar Kormac is a member of a fictional order of Zakarumic Paladins known as "The Order,"

He aids the main character in his/her quests to defeat the two greater evils, Belial and Azmodan, along the Prime Evil, Diablo himself.

Lastly, I'll try you if I want to. Your name calling only reveals your insecurity. And I will exploit it. You really have nothing to throw at me do you? Except perhaps maybe for what you've excavated out of your Neo-Liberal backside.

So, you got your moniker from a damn, lame-ass video game. Isn't that special? Fictional, did you say? LOL. Damn straight.
Insecure? Stupid bitch... You think this is my first time at the racist, bigoted rodeo?
I've been "tempered' by having to deal with types like you over ten years. Exploit what you will avail you nothing. You've shown your hand, and your "short Club opening" is weak, demonstrating "fear". Now off with you. You're dismissed.

What's up with the quotations?

Who the fuck are you quoting?


And you claim a high degree of intelligence?

You can't even master basic grammar.
You're an idiot. How many churches did the GOP (and Democratic) candidates for president visit? Churches routinely suggest that their members be actively political, and vote. A liar? Show where. And raise up off of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright-President Obama connection. He distanced himself from him during the campaign in 2008, for his outlandish statements and positions.
My question to you is are you unduly "profiled" at airports? Who do you think is behind it?

Right, he threw Wright under the bus when he proved to be a political liability, even after saying he could no more disavow Wright than he could a member of his own family. In doing so your dear leader proved his only loyalty was to his own political ambitions. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would admit this and move on.

Poet has already shown not to have any honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

Obama did distance himself from Wright but only because it was politically expedient.

Poet fails to remember or simply ignores the 20 years Obama spent listening to Wright, naming a book after Wright's sermon, being married by Wright and having his daughters baptized by Wright.

Poet and honesty doesn't even belong in the same sentence.

Really? Based on what? Your opinion? LOL.
Right wing pundits have long since left the Wright-Obama connection ploy alone. Folks are past it. That dog didn't hunt, and won't hunt. That you choose to play that tired card, only reveals how out of touch and irrelevant your argument truly is. Truth and honesty are my weapons of choice. Don't come for me unless I send for you.
Right, he threw Wright under the bus when he proved to be a political liability, even after saying he could no more disavow Wright than he could a member of his own family. In doing so your dear leader proved his only loyalty was to his own political ambitions. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would admit this and move on.

Poet has already shown not to have any honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

Obama did distance himself from Wright but only because it was politically expedient.

Poet fails to remember or simply ignores the 20 years Obama spent listening to Wright, naming a book after Wright's sermon, being married by Wright and having his daughters baptized by Wright.

Poet and honesty doesn't even belong in the same sentence.

Really? Based on what? Your opinion? LOL.
Right wing pundits have long since left the Wright-Obama connection ploy alone. Folks are past it. That dog didn't hunt, and won't hunt. That you choose to play that tired card, only reveals how out of touch and irrelevant your argument truly is. Truth and honesty are my weapons of choice. Don't come for me unless I send for you.

Your dishonesty is on full display. If I was a betting man I'd bet that you're a 15 year old kid that has such low self-esteem that you have to put on the act of an intellectual genius to feel important, when in fact you really don't know much about anything. Hell, basic grammar even kicks your ass.

Now run along child.
Well this thread certainly was hijacked, thanks Poet.

The only connection to this thread and Obama was he attended the sermon. One very similar to the rants of Rev. Wright. Ones of course that Obama never heard. Probably like he didn't hear the pastor yesterday.
Poet has already shown not to have any honesty, intellectual or otherwise.

Obama did distance himself from Wright but only because it was politically expedient.

Poet fails to remember or simply ignores the 20 years Obama spent listening to Wright, naming a book after Wright's sermon, being married by Wright and having his daughters baptized by Wright.

Poet and honesty doesn't even belong in the same sentence.

Really? Based on what? Your opinion? LOL.
Right wing pundits have long since left the Wright-Obama connection ploy alone. Folks are past it. That dog didn't hunt, and won't hunt. That you choose to play that tired card, only reveals how out of touch and irrelevant your argument truly is. Truth and honesty are my weapons of choice. Don't come for me unless I send for you.

Your dishonesty is on full display. If I was a betting man I'd bet that you're a 15 year old kid that has such low self-esteem that you have to put on the act of an intellectual genius to feel important, when in fact you really don't know much about anything. Hell, basic grammar even kicks your ass.

Now run along child.

It's not hard to put on the act of an intellectual genius, 'round these parts, cowboy. The pickins' are really "slim". LOL
He is a liar. Name where one "Captain" of the religious right wants black to move to the back of the bus. Just that one lie, defend it.

A have no idea if anyone is "unduly" profiled. See that is how liberal lies work. The pastor says something outlandish as if it were true. No one is asking anyone to go to the back of the bus. No one is putting "y'all back in chains" as did the democrat party. No one expects anything out of people except to obey the law and one of those laws is illegal immigration. Which is stealing jobs from Americans. Jobs Americans could do. Jobs that might alleviate the over 15 percent black unemployment rate. What I don't understand is how the liberal left can defend violating the law yet try and make it sound as if that is a virtue. To them I guess it is.

So easy, what "captain" of the religious right wants blacks to move to the back of the bus?

Wonderful video, exposing the right wing christians from within, thanks.

"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean

If This man is a "Christian" then frankly he does not know who the Anti-Christ is. I'm sure that there where people in Germany who thought that Hitler might in fact be the "anti-Christ." This speaker reveals himself as an anti-fundamentalist and attacks creationism. He knows that Creationists are unable to defend themselves in the Public Schools because education is under governmental sponcership. I'm sure he is for abortion rights and gay marriage. He is a "social church " attendee. He speaks of "facts" like only he knows what is "factual," and fundamentalist Christians are without a clue. I would say "Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians" have put a lot more effort into understanding the Word of God than this gentleman has. And as such "Christians" do not ignore either divine possibilites nor outcomes. They are reticant, while this man has his mind foolishly all made up...
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Really? Based on what? Your opinion? LOL.
Right wing pundits have long since left the Wright-Obama connection ploy alone. Folks are past it. That dog didn't hunt, and won't hunt. That you choose to play that tired card, only reveals how out of touch and irrelevant your argument truly is. Truth and honesty are my weapons of choice. Don't come for me unless I send for you.

Your dishonesty is on full display. If I was a betting man I'd bet that you're a 15 year old kid that has such low self-esteem that you have to put on the act of an intellectual genius to feel important, when in fact you really don't know much about anything. Hell, basic grammar even kicks your ass.

Now run along child.

It's not hard to put on the act of an intellectual genius, 'round these parts, cowboy. The pickins' are really "slim". LOL

Everyone can see through your act.
Your dishonesty is on full display. If I was a betting man I'd bet that you're a 15 year old kid that has such low self-esteem that you have to put on the act of an intellectual genius to feel important, when in fact you really don't know much about anything. Hell, basic grammar even kicks your ass.

Now run along child.

It's not hard to put on the act of an intellectual genius, 'round these parts, cowboy. The pickins' are really "slim". LOL

Everyone can see through your act.

It's not an act. Hello?

Yes, as I question, really question your source.

Here Poet, hear her say she did vote twice as did her daughter, then she admits she voted for her brother and maybe four others. BTW she never said why she needed an absentee ballot in the first place. I think this is just the tip of the iceburg she was just too unlucky or someone turned her in. Never the less it blows the liberal BS out of the water about there being NO voter fraud.

?I Voted Twice for Obama? ? Obama poll worker admits on camera » The Right Scoop -

Don't confuse poet with facts, Freewill.

I predict he will respond by one of two things:

1. She was misquoted


2. She was a Republican plant.

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