Pastor Scarborough: “God Would Cure Breast Cancer If Our Women Stopped Having Dirty Fantasies”

And yet he has a following among adults and some are Republicans.
Penelope: OT. Is there a reason each of your posts notes the malicious activities of communist Jews?

Yes , they think they are so innocent in world activities, always being the victims, of which they were and are not. The continuous talk of the Holocaust, when they themselves are just as guilty.

Also they depend on the OT to state God gave them Israel, and yet they are and the Zionist movement is secular and the secular régime over the years did not want those who practiced Judaism to go to Israel, yet they want to be known as a Jewish state. (that is just a little of why I have that in my signature).
Thank you for explaining. I hope though that you know the danger of the word 'they'.

Your welcome. I think you know who they is.
First of all the yahweh for jews, and yahweh/jesus/etc., for christians are not "God." They are mythical deities amongst a pantheon of middle east deities. As far as the jewish/christian bible nutter's comments, jesus said in Matthew 5 for example, if anyone thinks about sex in anyway other than procreation, they should cut of their body parts. So he is somewhat consistent with the teachings of the yahweh/jesus mental case written about in the jewish/christian bible.
First of all the yahweh for jews, and yahweh/jesus/etc., for christians are not "God." They are mythical deities amongst a pantheon of middle east deities. As far as the jewish/christian bible nutter's comments, jesus said in Matthew 5 for example, if anyone thinks about sex in anyway other than procreation, they should cut of their body parts. So he is somewhat consistent with the teachings of the yahweh/jesus mental case written about in the jewish/christian bible.
Problem #1. You explaining to us what Jesus meant.
Problem #2. Your premise this is all mythology.
Conclusion, I feel sorry for you. I wish you well.
rborough opined: “You’re going to have people who say, ‘God works in mysterious ways.’ Well, I have to say, to me, the Big Guy’s M.O. is pretty straightforward. It’s all about cause and consequence. First we had gays running rampant on Earth, so He took a look at that and decided we should have AIDS. Then, he saw some other abomination walking on the very planet that he built, so again he decided it was time for some punishment. And now, we have this – a situation where American women can’t get enough of dirty fantasies. You’ve got rape, kidnapping, incarceration, BDSM, anal, masturbation, you name it and our women are fantasizing about it. And sure enough, He’s watching closely. Why do you think we have breast cancer? Because He’s sick of what he’s seeing.”

[FONT=MyriadWebProRegular, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pastor Scarborough: “God Would Cure Breast Cancer If Our Women Stopped Having Dirty Fantasies” - Newslo[/FONT]

So illness is God punishing people?

Sigh....fucking theists.
rborough opined: “You’re going to have people who say, ‘God works in mysterious ways.’ Well, I have to say, to me, the Big Guy’s M.O. is pretty straightforward. It’s all about cause and consequence. First we had gays running rampant on Earth, so He took a look at that and decided we should have AIDS. Then, he saw some other abomination walking on the very planet that he built, so again he decided it was time for some punishment. And now, we have this – a situation where American women can’t get enough of dirty fantasies. You’ve got rape, kidnapping, incarceration, BDSM, anal, masturbation, you name it and our women are fantasizing about it. And sure enough, He’s watching closely. Why do you think we have breast cancer? Because He’s sick of what he’s seeing.”

[FONT=MyriadWebProRegular, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pastor Scarborough: “God Would Cure Breast Cancer If Our Women Stopped Having Dirty Fantasies” - Newslo[/FONT]
Seems like HE'S the one with all the dirty fantasies.
christians are so defensive ...why is that..

Because what is at stake is paramount in the lives of every living person.

Unbelievers are so obsessed with trying to prove Christians wrong.
Why is that?
Is it because you do not want to admit you are afraid of the unknown, which you very well should be?
Scarborough is a charlatan hack. He does more to harm his faith than any atheist ever could.
Turz. Wasn't it GB Shaw that said Christianity would be a wonderful religion of only it weren't for all those Christians? Blaming Christianity for the acts of apostate Christians is like blaming Islam for the acts of ISIS.
I am not exactly on board with your summation there.

Christianity and Judaism will always have misguided extremism found within its ranks because people are affected by many elements. Which includes the devil, pride and their own passions and weaknesses. It can also bring on mental instability. However, I contend that is a very small minority in Christianity, Judaism, most other major creeds and even in the large body of non-believers.

It is in Islam where something else is taking place, IMO. ISIS is but one band of many bands or circles of extremism in Islam. Islam has never been at peace with those who do not believe as they do. Islam has always spread its faith and influence by the sword. Islam has no empirical evidence to demonstrate it is from God. Islam has so many violent murderous followers it cannot be from God. Islam cannot be the one true religion and then its God allow for millions to become corrupt and evil because of it. If this discussion were expanded upon it could be demonstrated all the more easily, but enough said.
Since when is a quote from Rev. Scarborough considered a "current event"? We have half a dozen republican candidates and two democrat loony tunes and the radical left reaches out to Rev. Scarborough for a quote? You can tell that the left is desperate and plumb out of ideas.
Turz. Wasn't it GB Shaw that said Christianity would be a wonderful religion of only it weren't for all those Christians? Blaming Christianity for the acts of apostate Christians is like blaming Islam for the acts of ISIS.
I am not exactly on board with your summation there.

Christianity and Judaism will always have misguided extremism found within its ranks because people are affected by many elements. Which includes the devil, pride and their own passions and weaknesses. It can also bring on mental instability. However, I contend that is a very small minority in Christianity, Judaism, most other major creeds and even in the large body of non-believers.

It is in Islam where something else is taking place, IMO. ISIS is but one band of many bands or circles of extremism in Islam. Islam has never been at peace with those who do not believe as they do. Islam has always spread its faith and influence by the sword. Islam has no empirical evidence to demonstrate it is from God. Islam has so many violent murderous followers it cannot be from God. Islam cannot be the one true religion and then its God allow for millions to become corrupt and evil because of it. If this discussion were expanded upon it could be demonstrated all the more easily, but enough said.
You've given me something to think about. I have no experience with Islam and have assumed much. But I do know a few Muslims who are good Americans. And there is much I can learn if I listen to folks like you who take the time to explain your view.
rborough opined: “You’re going to have people who say, ‘God works in mysterious ways.’ Well, I have to say, to me, the Big Guy’s M.O. is pretty straightforward. It’s all about cause and consequence. First we had gays running rampant on Earth, so He took a look at that and decided we should have AIDS. Then, he saw some other abomination walking on the very planet that he built, so again he decided it was time for some punishment. And now, we have this – a situation where American women can’t get enough of dirty fantasies. You’ve got rape, kidnapping, incarceration, BDSM, anal, masturbation, you name it and our women are fantasizing about it. And sure enough, He’s watching closely. Why do you think we have breast cancer? Because He’s sick of what he’s seeing.”

[FONT=MyriadWebProRegular, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pastor Scarborough: “God Would Cure Breast Cancer If Our Women Stopped Having Dirty Fantasies” - Newslo[/FONT]
I bet there must be a website that scours the internet and finds wacko preachers or Christians who say the most outrageous things and even teach them. And in such a way, you can probably find material to use every week to show the rest of us just how screwy Christianity is.

Of course, the fact you are being disingenuous should not curtail your mission. After all, there are flaws in all men and that includes those who believe in God. So you will find someone who goes off the deep end often enough to keep your plan going. But to use that as a reason to say Christianity is screwy as a whole is now on you. And if that is your defense when you come before your Creator, understand He is not easily fooled.

In fact, neither are we. Good luck pretending --- or ignoring that which is so clear to so many others who apparently have been “blessed” to see and understand.

Bones did not say all Christianity is screwy. Don't put fucking words in her mouth.
What does it say about the left when the morning after the great democrat debate they find a Christian pastor to quote? The left had a hundred quotes they could glean from Sanders an Hillary but they picked the Rev Scarborough. All you can say is that the left is either confused or they are stuck with two candidates they can't stand.
You've given me something to think about. I have no experience with Islam and have assumed much. But I do know a few Muslims who are good Americans. And there is much I can learn if I listen to folks like you who take the time to explain your view.
Islam has never been at peace. They have an enormous amount of hatred and intolerance for anyone that do not think or believe exactly as they do. They even go to war frequently with their own kind because of theological differences.

So someone will point our Northern Ireland where Protestants and Catholics fought and killed each other and use that to say we are no different that Islam. That is pure folly because it is so rare it does not define how Christians act towards one another. But in Islam, Sunnis and Shites hate each other and would gladly wipe them off the face of the earth if given the chance. That is not God speaking.

Just reference Genesis if you want to see a prophecy from the Jewish G-d fulfilled. Abraham was old (his 90s) and G-d said He would have a child with his aged wife Sara and become the father of a great race from which G-d would reveal Himself to the world and also from which would come a Messiah. Well after a year or more Abraham and Sara grew impatient and Sara told him to have relations with their servant girl, Hagar, to bring forth this son. Abraham did so and they conceived a son named Ishmael. Abraham’s disobedience angered the Lord. Ishmael became the father of another great race, those of the Islam faith. But read in Genesis 16 how the Lord prophesied they would become and tell me that has not come to pass.

11And the angel also said to Hagar, “You are now pregnant and will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael (which means ‘God hears’), for the LORD has heard your cry of distress. 12This son of yours will be a wild man, as untamed as a wild donkey! He will raise his fist against everyone, and everyone will be against him. Yes, he will live in open hostility against all his relatives.” (the New Living Bible translation)
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Bones did not say all Christianity is screwy. Don't put fucking words in her mouth.

And you are either careless in our complete exchange (imo) or you suffer from reading comprehension.

I'm responding to your first posting on this thread, moron.

And I am responding to you who cannot understand that I already explained my first post to StollingBones without the need of you as counsel.

You calling me a moron only assures me I was right about you all along.
What does it say about the left when the morning after the great democrat debate they find a Christian pastor to quote? The left had a hundred quotes they could glean from Sanders an Hillary but they picked the Rev Scarborough. All you can say is that the left is either confused or they are stuck with two candidates they can't stand.

Go find me a quote from the debate that's as disgusting as these comments from Rick Scarborough. I'll wait here.
Bones did not say all Christianity is screwy. Don't put fucking words in her mouth.

And you are either careless in our complete exchange (imo) or you suffer from reading comprehension.

I'm responding to your first posting on this thread, moron.

And I am responding to you who cannot understand that I already explained my first post to StollingBones without the need of you as counsel.

You calling me a moron only assures me I was right about you all along.

Whatever, nutcase.
How does a two day statement from a controversial Reverend become an "event" for the left? When they are out of ideas and when they want to deflect attention from the two boobs that seem to be front runners on the democrat ticket? Bernie and Hilly were on last night. Isn't there enough support from the left to quote the agenda they seem to depend on?

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