Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:

No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.
Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

What you are saying is that a black coach of a major league professional team can say and order and instruct white players how to follow the playbook, but a white coach of a major league professional team can not tell, advise, order, and instruct black players without risking to be called racist? After all how can a white coach who may have been an excellent player, know about the horrible discrimination black players faced? The oppression they had to endure? The hate they got from the audience?

You know, like Deon Sanders? Michael Jordan? Mohammed Ali? Carl Lewis? Gabby Douglas?

Granted, these individuals have/had immense talent, but they still would have been nobodies without the desire to succeed.

However there is one talent everyone has: The talent to survive. Those with self-respect survive with doing something for themselves, commonly known as having a job. Those who have no self-respect depend on bribe-for-vote-by-Democrats, also known as welfare.

Guess which group does most of the bitching about racial inequality?
Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

What you are saying is that a black coach of a major league professional team can say and order and instruct white players how to follow the playbook, but a white coach of a major league professional team can not tell, advise, order, and instruct black players without risking to be called racist? After all how can a white coach who may have been an excellent player, know about the horrible discrimination black players faced? The oppression they had to endure? The hate they got from the audience?

You know, like Deon Sanders? Michael Jordan? Mohammed Ali? Carl Lewis? Gabby Douglas?

Granted, these individuals have/had immense talent, but they still would have been nobodies without the desire to succeed.

However there is one talent everyone has: The talent to survive. Those with self-respect survive with doing something for themselves, commonly known as having a job. Those who have no self-respect depend on bribe-for-vote-by-Democrats, also known as welfare.

Guess which group does most of the bitching about racial inequality?

Well stated and on the mark!
Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?
No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

Oh bullshit! So if I say that someone is a "****** if", it's not the same thing as calling them a ******? I don't think I'll try your little experiment in rationalization.
No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

I don't want you to bore me with a Tolstoy-like dissertation on why things are as they are....

But have you ever explored a simple concept like... Why are people 'prejudiced'?

Aside from simple tribalism and ignorance, which can account for no more than 50% of the problem....... Why?

If Black People were such stellar citizens and made meaningful contributions to our (or anybody else's for that matter) way of life, to the betterment of mankind, to science, literature, engineering, art or much other than Basketball then why would there be prejudice?

George Washington Carver contributed a great deal to Agricultural Science but that was only because of gubmint sponsored Affirmative Action programs :)

Are people prejudiced against Asians? Not really. How about East Indians? No, they're not. Except their Motels kinda suck.

You and your people REFUSE to look inward. You REFUSE to take responsibility. You REFUSE to take part of the blame. All you do is form grievance organizations. All you do is bitch and moan. All you do is complain. All you do is blame everybody else for your problems when you should be trying to look inward.

Were African American children always born out of wedlock at a 73% rate?

Nope. In fact, during the 50s, out-of-wedlock birth rates for Blacks and Whites were about equal.

Look at the crime statistics in the 50s (I'm talking violent crimes, not your off-topic general crimes)... Way down.

How about divorce rates in the 50s? The percent of Blacks and Whites who were married in the 50s was roughly the same -- 67 and 64% for Blacks.

Since then, it has fallen about 14 percentage points for Whites and about FORTY points for Blacks.


You may want to look at this simple fact.... Before 1964, the vast.... And I mean VAST majority of African Americans were Republican.

MLK, whose march on Washington will be remembered tomorrow by racist scum in the obama regime, was a life-long Republican.

dimocraps put Blacks on Welfare and destroyed them as a culture.

They were on their way to becoming equal partners in our future but instead were sold down the river (yes, I know what that phrase means) by dimocraps.

You deserve some credit for getting out of the ghetto. Good for you.

But you don't know shit from applebutter about race relations in this Country.

I'm just being honest with you. Not mean, not trying to be hurtful... But you really don't.

You're just part of the institutionalized Black Grievance Industry.

aka: dimocrap scum.

Deal with it.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

I find B's diatribe a complete lie and contrary to the statistical data of America. I guess he is sensationalizing again.

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks
No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

If you read any of my posts here, you must know that I am not a woman, but proud to be a 74 year old, healthy and still fairly virile white male, politically incorrect, though that may be.

Once you say to somebody "you are stupid" it make no difference what comes after.

I have read all your posts and I would never consider you racist, sexist, ageist, homophobe, misogynist, or any of the usual names liberals so lavishly accuse conservatives of being, I give you the benefit of doubt and just call you hopelessly misguided.
It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

I don't want you to bore me with a Tolstoy-like dissertation on why things are as they are....

But have you ever explored a simple concept like... Why are people 'prejudiced'?

Aside from simple tribalism and ignorance, which can account for no more than 50% of the problem....... Why?

If Black People were such stellar citizens and made meaningful contributions to our (or anybody else's for that matter) way of life, to the betterment of mankind, to science, literature, engineering, art or much other than Basketball then why would there be prejudice?

So blacks haven't done anything and that's the excuse you're using for prejudice? So If I show you that to be false would you suddenly come a fair minded individual?

The answers to those are: Yes and No:eusa_boohoo:
I'm glad they caught both of them quickly and they are being charged right away.

I'm glad to not see anyone excuse them or say the WWII vet really jumped them.

Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>

No there isn't.

What you have is heresay from Zimmerman as to how the fight started.

And even that statement is inconsistent with subsequent statements and witness testimony.

911 caller testified she heard screams for help- 13 year old eyewitness described Zimmerman as guy on bottom that was bloody.

Zimmerman did make a statement to police Martin jumped him.

Voice recording to 911 operator of person screaming were forensically testified to being that of Zimmerman.

Picture of Zimmerman's wounds consistent to being on the bottom.

The Jury believed it to be the case after listening to testimony and seeing the evidence.

Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

I find B's diatribe a complete lie and contrary to the statistical data of America. I guess he is sensationalizing again.

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

You appear to be internet savvy.

Go and find and quote the stats about white victims by blacks and black victims by whites.

Don't forget to quote percentages.
Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

What you are saying is that a black coach of a major league professional team can say and order and instruct white players how to follow the playbook, but a white coach of a major league professional team can not tell, advise, order, and instruct black players without risking to be called racist? After all how can a white coach who may have been an excellent player, know about the horrible discrimination black players faced? The oppression they had to endure? The hate they got from the audience?

You know, like Deon Sanders? Michael Jordan? Mohammed Ali? Carl Lewis? Gabby Douglas?

Granted, these individuals have/had immense talent, but they still would have been nobodies without the desire to succeed.

However there is one talent everyone has: The talent to survive. Those with self-respect survive with doing something for themselves, commonly known as having a job. Those who have no self-respect depend on bribe-for-vote-by-Democrats, also known as welfare.

Guess which group does most of the bitching about racial inequality?

Thats what I'm saying? I believe thats what you are hearing because you dont want to hear anything else. How and why are you equating coaching in a sport with coaching in life? The coach in a sport has had experience in dealing with people and players in a situation where the common goal is irrelevant of color and only indicative of performance. They have a common frame of reference even more so if the coach has actually played the game. No coach says "because you are black you are playing badly" or they wouldn't be a coach for very much longer. They find out what inspires an individual and in turn that individual motivates themselves. You cant coach someone in the game of life effectively until you have walked in that persons shoes and can address their particular issues. Whites (in general) do not inspire Black people (in general) so how can they ever hope to be a solution to a racial problem? Yes the talent of survival is something that most people have. My people have survived in spite of what occurred here in the US and are still standing and improving their condition. Do you actually think I am going to sit back and give praise or credit to an individual that is trying to chastise me? LOL!
Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.
It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

Oh bullshit! So if I say that someone is a "****** if", it's not the same thing as calling them a ******? I don't think I'll try your little experiment in rationalization.

If I were to say you are a "redneck peckerwood if" then no its not the same as calling them a redneck peckerwood. "If" is speculative. Without it the thought becomes declarative.
The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say?

There is a difference between having shared experiences and the legitimacy of commenting on a subject - whatever it may be. If the opinions of 'white' people on such matters is never legitimate (even when "parroting" what some 'black' people say) and they should therefore mind their own business, then Civil Rights legislation would never have been passed, among many other things.
Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.

Our personal experiences define who we are.

I arrived as an eighteen year old immigrant, all by myself, not knowing a word of English.
I am from Hungary, left my old country after the 1956 uprising against the Soviet Union. During that uprising the prisons were opened up, in order to release the political prisoners, victims of Stalin. (FDR's best pal, and Uncle Joe btw). Unfortunately, at the same time criminals were released as well, who knew that regardless how the revolution turns out, they will be back in jail, so they left Hungary, and found new grounds for their criminal activities. Soon, there were signs posted where I went to look for job: No Hungarians need apply.

Back then, there was no welfare. There was no government teat to suck on. You worked or you starved.

I had jobs in bush, cutting lumber with buck saw. I worked in hotel as bell hop. I worked in mines for about six years.

In time I learned enough English to be able to go to high school as an adult student and earn my diploma. Soon after that I got a job with a prominent manufacturing company, where in few years I taught myself mainframe COBOL and became a highly successful programmer/systems analyst, a post I held until I retired in 2003.

None of the young black folks Asclepias pretend to speak for experienced the bewilderment of being spoken to and not understanding, as I have. None of them had to read signs that said that they were not welcome because of something somebody else has done, as I have. Their grandparents, perhaps, but definitely not themselves.
None of them traveled hundreds of miles to a job, to avoid hunger. Probably none of them faced ridicule for their accent, although their command of English leaves a whole lot to be desired.

It is time to brush that chip off your own shoulder, Asclepias. Nobody ever said that life was fair. It is what you make of it and as long as you continue to blame others, your life - predictably - will amount to a big, fat zero.

Like I told the other poster I am glad you shared your story. However, as usual, you assume your story in some way makes your struggle more difficult than the experience of growing up Black in America. You have no clue what it is to be Black so please dont try to come off as some kind of authority on what it is to struggle. Your differences were not readily apparent until you opened your mouth. There was no deep seated prejudice in place towards Hungarians. Your anecdotal story could be told over and over again by Black people that were born in this country and overcame obstacles far greater than what you did. Again I appreciate hearing your story. I know life is not fair. I know life is rough. However, you pick up and keep going. I know what it takes to be successful and thats why I don't work for anyone but myself.

Being born in America gave you advantages I never had. You spoke the language you learned from your mother, while I had to struggle and teach it to myself. You had a chance to go to school, free, while I had to fend for myself without burdening the taxpayers. YOU, personally, and none of your cohorts faced the sign saying NO black need apply. Your Grandparents (not even your parents) had to contend with that, not you or your contemporaries.

I don't want to get into a pissing contest about who had it more difficult.

All I want to say is that with a black President, past and present black Attorney Generals, former black Security adviser, powerful black Congressional Caucus, black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, all kinds of black CEO's, dominant and extremely rich black people in sports and entertainment, in Congress, in local municipal offices, state houses, courts and schools and colleges, what the Hell more do you and your ilk want?

Are you ever going to be happy as long as there is a white person alive or unless the United States is a stinkhole like Zimbabwe or Somalia?

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