Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

But have you ever explored a simple concept like... Why are people 'prejudiced'?

Aside from simple tribalism and ignorance, which can account for no more than 50% of the problem....... Why?

If Black People were such stellar citizens and made meaningful contributions to our (or anybody else's for that matter) way of life, to the betterment of mankind, to science, literature, engineering, art or much other than Basketball then why would there be prejudice?

Yes I have actually explored why people are prejudiced. We naturally categorize things as good or bad and react accordingly as an instinctual reflex. Its what kept all of our ancestors alive. If your particular ancestor was not able to quickly pre-judge a stranger or an event you just might no exist right now.

Here is where your ignorance shows in your second paragraph. Black people (Africans) are the ones that you have to thank for many of the things that started man on the road to civilization. Not only that I also wonder how many other discoveries and inventions white people laid claim to that blacks invented. We already know whites stole ideas, music, and inventions from Black people just in this country. See you are not dealing with someone that doesnt know the truth of things. You on the other hand are parroting what you were taught in his story. As we well know history is written to make the writer look good.
To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

To a racist, even Miley Cyrus twerking looks racist

Ace of Spades HQ

Aura Bogado [MENTION=36810]Aura[/MENTION]bogado

Every time I see @MileyCyrus slap that black woman's butt, I think about the way that enslaved blacks were whipped for white entertainment.
11:24 AM - 26 Aug 2013

And then there is this bitter racialist.

1) Macklemore won best hip hop music video for his popular single ‘Can’t Hold Us’ over Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky among others. He also won best song with a social message for ‘Same Love’, a ballad in support of same-sex marriage that reflects on the relationship between his queer uncles. And yes, while ‘Same Love’ is beautiful, it has received attention and sold albums mainly because Macklemore is a white dude. Many young, queer women who are artists of color—like Angel Haze and Azealia Banks—have stepped into the spotlight over the past couple years. It’s difficult to shine when you’re in always in the white, heterosexual man’s shadow.
2) Miley Cyrus’s minstrel show ‘Can’t Stop’ filled the room with the sounds and sights of the cultural appropriation of working class Black culture. Her music video, which has been criticized for using Black women’s bodies (her backup dancers) as accessories for white profit by major culture blogs on the internet, proves once again that she needs a racial justice consultant. She finished her on-stage performance by triggering me (and from the looks of it, the Smith family) by “dancing” with rape anthemist, Robin Thicke.

3) Justin Timberlake, who has been busy whitewashing R&B for over a decade, walked away from the VMAs with the Michael Jackson Vanguard Video Award as well as the top honor of the evening...

Noah Rothman found another example of this idiocy at Vulture magazine, perpetrated by some no-account named Jody Rosen.

“[T]he shock that Cyrus was peddling wasn’t sex. It was all about race,” Rosen wrote, priming his readers for maximum shock.
“Cyrus has spent a lot of time recently toying with racial imagery,” he adds, revealing the disturbing fact that he sees racial imagery everywhere.

“Cyrus twerking her way through the video for her big hit ‘We Can’t Stop,’ professing her love for ‘hood music,’ and claiming spiritual affinity with Lil’ Kim,” Rosen continues. “Last night, as Cyrus stalked the stage, mugging and twerking, and paused to spank and simulate analingus upon the ass of a thickly set African-American backup dancer.”


Everything and anything that liberal scum don't like is racist.

Even some things they DO like. I guess we have to get their approval if Miley Cyrus is going to go on stage and act like the slut she is.

You disagree with obama, you're a racist.

You want Voter ID, like EVERY civilized Country on Earth has, you're a racist.

You want crime and murder to stop?

You're a racist.

You think we spend too much on Welfare?

You're a racist.

When are you people going to wise up? The REAL racists in this country are dimocrap scum and their Black Tommys who go around calling anybody that dares to disagree with them racists

More Americans feel that black people are more racist than whites and Hispanics. study finds | Mail Online
Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.

How about you give a point by point rebuttal of his column? Address each of his statistics and his views on their cause and his solution. Since you are black and from the hood, tell us what "your" community has done/is doing to address and reverse these issues. Be specific.
The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say?

There is a difference between having shared experiences and the legitimacy of commenting on a subject - whatever it may be. If the opinions of 'white' people on such matters is never legitimate (even when "parroting" what some 'black' people say) and they should therefore mind their own business, then Civil Rights legislation would never have been passed, among many other things.

Gotta disagree. Buchanan has not taken the time to establish validity or rapport with the Black community. Those white people that assisted in championing the Civil Rights put their credibility and lives on the line to assist Black people. Totally different dynamic.
I hope this doesn't come off as sexist but are you a woman? The reason I ask is because my wife and other women do the same thing. Saying someone is "stupid if" is not the same as calling them stupid.

Oh bullshit! So if I say that someone is a "****** if", it's not the same thing as calling them a ******? I don't think I'll try your little experiment in rationalization.

If I were to say you are a "redneck peckerwood if" then no its not the same as calling them a redneck peckerwood. "If" is speculative. Without it the thought becomes declarative.

Why don't you go out to the "redneck peckerwood hood" and try a real life experiment and get back to the class with the results.
Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.

How about you give a point by point rebuttal of his column? Address each of his statistics and his views on their cause and his solution. Since you are black and from the hood, tell us what "your" community has done/is doing to address and reverse these issues. Be specific.


Dee-troit...Totally owned, operated run and destroyed courtesy of Blacks and the dimocrap party.

"But, but, but.... Whitey kept us down!!" :lmao:
The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say?

There is a difference between having shared experiences and the legitimacy of commenting on a subject - whatever it may be. If the opinions of 'white' people on such matters is never legitimate (even when "parroting" what some 'black' people say) and they should therefore mind their own business, then Civil Rights legislation would never have been passed, among many other things.

Gotta disagree. Buchanan has not taken the time to establish validity or rapport with the Black community. Those white people that assisted in championing the Civil Rights put their credibility and lives on the line to assist Black people. Totally different dynamic.

Most of the Congressmen - from both parties - who voted in favor of Civil Rights legislation did not have "rapport" with the black community. They analyzed a situation and voted on what they thought was right.
But have you ever explored a simple concept like... Why are people 'prejudiced'?

Aside from simple tribalism and ignorance, which can account for no more than 50% of the problem....... Why?

If Black People were such stellar citizens and made meaningful contributions to our (or anybody else's for that matter) way of life, to the betterment of mankind, to science, literature, engineering, art or much other than Basketball then why would there be prejudice?

Yes I have actually explored why people are prejudiced. We naturally categorize things as good or bad and react accordingly as an instinctual reflex. Its what kept all of our ancestors alive. If your particular ancestor was not able to quickly pre-judge a stranger or an event you just might no exist right now.

Here is where your ignorance shows in your second paragraph. Black people (Africans) are the ones that you have to thank for many of the things that started man on the road to civilization. Not only that I also wonder how many other discoveries and inventions white people laid claim to that blacks invented. We already know whites stole ideas, music, and inventions from Black people just in this country. See you are not dealing with someone that doesnt know the truth of things. You on the other hand are parroting what you were taught in his story. As we well know history is written to make the writer look good.

Damn crackers!
Malcolm X complained about 'whites' from up North taking buses down to southern states to march around. He spited them because they didn't share his direct experiences and such. But guess what? He even recalled telling a college girl who drove from Boston to NY to praise him and ask what she could do to get lost because she was 'white' and couldn't do anything for 'them.' But guess what?
Being born in America gave you advantages I never had. You spoke the language you learned from your mother, while I had to struggle and teach it to myself. You had a chance to go to school, free, while I had to fend for myself without burdening the taxpayers. YOU, personally, and none of your cohorts faced the sign saying NO black need apply. Your Grandparents (not even your parents) had to contend with that, not you or your contemporaries.

I don't want to get into a pissing contest about who had it more difficult.

All I want to say is that with a black President, past and present black Attorney Generals, former black Security adviser, powerful black Congressional Caucus, black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, all kinds of black CEO's, dominant and extremely rich black people in sports and entertainment, in Congress, in local municipal offices, state houses, courts and schools and colleges, what the Hell more do you and your ilk want?

Are you ever going to be happy as long as there is a white person alive or unless the United States is a stinkhole like Zimbabwe or Somalia?

Are you aware that it is against the law to discriminate? Just because it has gone underground doesn't mean it doesn't exist. BTW my parents did see signs like that and so did my grand parents. They are from the south. They also had to go to inferior schools that gave them the most basic of educations. Once again you presume to know and you don't. However, it doesnt really matter because my family overcame. You ask what I want? From whites in general? No unsolicited advise. No lying. No denial. No racial slurs or jokes. No prejudice. Is that too much to ask?
There is a difference between having shared experiences and the legitimacy of commenting on a subject - whatever it may be. If the opinions of 'white' people on such matters is never legitimate (even when "parroting" what some 'black' people say) and they should therefore mind their own business, then Civil Rights legislation would never have been passed, among many other things.

Gotta disagree. Buchanan has not taken the time to establish validity or rapport with the Black community. Those white people that assisted in championing the Civil Rights put their credibility and lives on the line to assist Black people. Totally different dynamic.

Most of the Congressmen - from both parties - who voted in favor of Civil Rights legislation did not have "rapport" with the black community. They analyzed a situation and voted on what they thought was right.

How about the dimocraps who led a 74 (SEVENTY-FOUR) dy filibuster of the 1964 CRA, like Al Gore Sr and Robert KKK Byrd?

How about the legislation that Al Gore Sr (dimocrap extraordinaire) introduced that would have kept federal funds flowing to schools that defied court desegregation orders?

Which was defeated in the Senate by a vote of 75-25.... Only one (1) Republican voted with the dimocraps.

the dimocrap party has a long history of racism in this Country.

the WORST that can be said about Republicans is that we have never believed in special treatment for ANY race.

Especially the 300,000 Southern Whites we killed in order to Free Black People.

I wonder how many of those Brave Men would do it again if they could see the gratitude they've received?

I'd guess..... Not very many.

My Great Great Grandfather among them.
There is a difference between having shared experiences and the legitimacy of commenting on a subject - whatever it may be. If the opinions of 'white' people on such matters is never legitimate (even when "parroting" what some 'black' people say) and they should therefore mind their own business, then Civil Rights legislation would never have been passed, among many other things.

Gotta disagree. Buchanan has not taken the time to establish validity or rapport with the Black community. Those white people that assisted in championing the Civil Rights put their credibility and lives on the line to assist Black people. Totally different dynamic.

Most of the Congressmen - from both parties - who voted in favor of Civil Rights legislation did not have "rapport" with the black community. They analyzed a situation and voted on what they thought was right.

Are you moving the goal post slightly? What does voting on an issue have to do with giving someone advice?
Gotta disagree. Buchanan has not taken the time to establish validity or rapport with the Black community. Those white people that assisted in championing the Civil Rights put their credibility and lives on the line to assist Black people. Totally different dynamic.

Most of the Congressmen - from both parties - who voted in favor of Civil Rights legislation did not have "rapport" with the black community. They analyzed a situation and voted on what they thought was right.

Are you moving the goal post slightly? What does voting on an issue have to do with giving someone advice?

It seems to me that your side could use some advice.

Have you seen how most of your people are living?

Your arrogance is surpassed only by your narrow-mindedness.
Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.

How about you give a point by point rebuttal of his column? Address each of his statistics and his views on their cause and his solution. Since you are black and from the hood, tell us what "your" community has done/is doing to address and reverse these issues. Be specific.

Why should I do that? Why would I do that? I dont even care to hear what he has to say. Buchanan is not important to me. I wouldnt waste my time playing your game unless you first gave me a point by point dissection of what you are going to do about the crime problems that plague white people.
Malcolm X complained about 'whites' from up North taking buses down to southern states to march around. He spited them because they didn't share his direct experiences and such. But guess what? He even recalled telling a college girl who drove from Boston to NY to praise him and ask what she could do to get lost because she was 'white' and couldn't do anything for 'them.' But guess what?

Malcolm X also got out of the US and experienced whites from other countries and realized that it was not a problem with white people as a race it was a problem with american white racists. He evolved and learned.
I wonder how many of those Brave Men would do it again if they could see the gratitude they've received?

I'd guess..... Not very many.

My Great Great Grandfather among them.

Oh I see what your issue is now. You want someone to fall down at your feet in gratitude for your ancestor doing what he either was ordered to do or did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Thats not going to happen. You do realize that you yourself did nothing at all and your ancestor did what was just? People who are honorable typically understand that there is no thanks required.
Oh bullshit! So if I say that someone is a "****** if", it's not the same thing as calling them a ******? I don't think I'll try your little experiment in rationalization.

If I were to say you are a "redneck peckerwood if" then no its not the same as calling them a redneck peckerwood. "If" is speculative. Without it the thought becomes declarative.

Why don't you go out to the "redneck peckerwood hood" and try a real life experiment and get back to the class with the results.

Already did it in my 20's. They got scared because there were 2 of us and only 8 of them.
Malcolm X complained about 'whites' from up North taking buses down to southern states to march around. He spited them because they didn't share his direct experiences and such. But guess what? He even recalled telling a college girl who drove from Boston to NY to praise him and ask what she could do to get lost because she was 'white' and couldn't do anything for 'them.' But guess what?

Malcolm X also got out of the US and experienced whites from other countries and realized that it was not a problem with white people as a race it was a problem with american white racists. He evolved and learned.

I read that, too. Decades ago.

I don't know where he went but I can tell you this.... The rest of the World, especially the NON WHITE World is FAR more racist than we are. Big time and in a Big way.

They even have openly racist political parties that are gaining seats in their Parliaments. And Europe isn't a lot better aside from Britain, which is hopelessly lost anyway

You live in a pretend world, dude.

Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) | Mail Online

Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims.

The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan and India in the top five.

By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?

Now you are getting real childish. Let's look on your first sentence. Do you really think that Pat Buchanan questions the "blackness" of any of the people I mentioned? Is your verification of them being black any more valid than the fact that they ARE black regardless what Pat Buchanan might say?

In your post you did not say whether you agreed or disagreed with any or all of the people (let's agree they are all black) I mentioned. So, speak up, or forever hold your peace.

Now for the qualification to speak on a given subject which you deny Pat Buchanan: As a kid I was taught/instructed/chastised/warned/loved/hate/ignored/you name it by many female teachers.

Since I am a male and have no desire to change, shall I disregard everything I learned from them, everything they taught me, just because, as females, they can not possibly have any understanding what it is like to be a male?

Are you beginning to see the utter absurdity of your opposition to Pat Buchanan's opinion?

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.

Practice of those who have nothing left to contribute, refute, agree or disagree with any topic, any time: If you don't like the message, substance be damned, shoot the messenger!

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