Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Malcolm X complained about 'whites' from up North taking buses down to southern states to march around. He spited them because they didn't share his direct experiences and such. But guess what? He even recalled telling a college girl who drove from Boston to NY to praise him and ask what she could do to get lost because she was 'white' and couldn't do anything for 'them.' But guess what?

Malcolm X also got out of the US and experienced whites from other countries and realized that it was not a problem with white people as a race it was a problem with american white racists. He evolved and learned.

I read that, too. Decades ago.

I don't know where he went but I can tell you this.... The rest of the World, especially the NON WHITE World is FAR more racist than we are. Big time and in a Big way.

They even have openly racist political parties that are gaining seats in their Parliaments. And Europe isn't a lot better aside from Britain, which is hopelessly lost anyway

You live in a pretend world, dude.

Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) | Mail Online

Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims.

The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan and India in the top five.

By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.


I live in a pretend world? Just curious but why do you like to change the subject to a conversation I am having with someone else? I dont live in Europe. I live in California. My statement was only to explain that the problem is not with the white race just because they happen to be white its because the of the system they have learned from and embraced here in the US that creates racist white people.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

I find B's diatribe a complete lie and contrary to the statistical data of America. I guess he is sensationalizing again.

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

You appear to be internet savvy.

Go and find and quote the stats about white victims by blacks and black victims by whites.

Don't forget to quote percentages.

Count. If 86% of whites are killed by whites, that leaves 14% of whites killed by some other racial background. 86+14=100

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Publications & Products: Homicide Trends in the United States
I wonder how many of those Brave Men would do it again if they could see the gratitude they've received?

I'd guess..... Not very many.

My Great Great Grandfather among them.

Oh I see what your issue is now. You want someone to fall down at your feet in gratitude for your ancestor doing what he either was ordered to do or did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Thats not going to happen. You do realize that you yourself did nothing at all and your ancestor did what was just? People who are honorable typically understand that there is no thanks required.

Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

You act like slavery was something perpetrated on you, yours and only on you and yours.

What a conceited bitch you are.

EVERY race has been enslaved at some point in their history. All of us. All races. It was how things were done for 7,000 fucking years.

Egypt used conscription until it stopped working, then they used slaves. Israel used Slaves. When Persia conquered Israel, they enslaved many of them. When Alexander conquered the region, he enslaved many of them. They all did it. ALL of them.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

In Rome, there were more slaves than there were Romans after about 50 BC.

Same as in Greece. Same in Persia.

The only place on Earth where slavery is still practiced is in Africa.

EVERYBODY had slaves. Everybody.

The Vikings raided Britain and Ireland many times for the express purpose of gathering slaves. Especially Ireland and Scotland. Which is why there is so much Red Hair in Scandinavia.

We changed the way the world operated. We ended slavery once and for all.

Get over yourselves.

In fact.... If an American has an Irish surname, the odds are decent that he or she is descended from an Irish Slave brought here in the 17th Century. A lot of people blame Cromwell but I'm not sure he would have allowed that.

Look into it. Stop being a self-centered ass. We're getting tired of it.

Complicate subject. I wandered a bit but you just need to stop sniveling and get over it.

The only prejudice out there is when you show up somewhere acting like, dressed like, talking like an asshole.

That isn't prejudiced, that's just simply not wanting to be around assholes.

I can tell you this.... When I had my business, I would have KILLED for a decent Black Employee. Especially a female.

I interviewed several and they weren't qualified to work in a 7-eleven much less in a complicated business environment.

Black people in American today got it made. All they gotta do is have a modicum of education, a tiny bit of class, be able to speak THE FUCKING LANGUAGE and they can write their own ticket.

Tired of your crying
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Malcolm X also got out of the US and experienced whites from other countries and realized that it was not a problem with white people as a race it was a problem with american white racists. He evolved and learned.

I read that, too. Decades ago.

I don't know where he went but I can tell you this.... The rest of the World, especially the NON WHITE World is FAR more racist than we are. Big time and in a Big way.

They even have openly racist political parties that are gaining seats in their Parliaments. And Europe isn't a lot better aside from Britain, which is hopelessly lost anyway

You live in a pretend world, dude.

Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) | Mail Online

Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims.

The global social attitudes study claims that the most racially intolerant populations are all in the developing world, with Jordan and India in the top five.

By contrast, the study of 80 countries over three decades found Western countries were most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.


I live in a pretend world? Just curious but why do you like to change the subject to a conversation I am having with someone else? I dont live in Europe. I live in California. My statement was only to explain that the problem is not with the white race just because they happen to be white its because the of the system they have learned from and embraced here in the US that creates racist white people.

And I was pointing up the fallacy of your argument.

Europe never enslaved Black People like we did but they are FAR more racist than we are.

Stay on point. Think. And if you want to have a Private Conversation, then use Private Messaging. You post it in a thread and I have a right to respond to it.

You're getting more and more snivelly (is that a word?) as this thread progresses.

You're losing and you know it.
I wonder how many of those Brave Men would do it again if they could see the gratitude they've received?

I'd guess..... Not very many.

My Great Great Grandfather among them.

Oh I see what your issue is now. You want someone to fall down at your feet in gratitude for your ancestor doing what he either was ordered to do or did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Thats not going to happen. You do realize that you yourself did nothing at all and your ancestor did what was just? People who are honorable typically understand that there is no thanks required.

That logic is not very productive for you, if you really think about it.

On one hand you dismiss the sacrifice of the great grandfathers of white people of today as nonsense, but on the other hand you claim, nay, DEMAND restitution for whatever your great grandfather might have, or indeed, have suffered. You do realize that you, yourself have not suffered anything your ancestors did. People who are honorable would not expect people three generations removed answer for the sins of those who did their ancestors wrong.

If you were fair minded, you would not try to have it both ways.
Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.
I wonder how many of those Brave Men would do it again if they could see the gratitude they've received?

I'd guess..... Not very many.

My Great Great Grandfather among them.

Oh I see what your issue is now. You want someone to fall down at your feet in gratitude for your ancestor doing what he either was ordered to do or did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Thats not going to happen. You do realize that you yourself did nothing at all and your ancestor did what was just? People who are honorable typically understand that there is no thanks required.

That logic is not very productive for you, if you really think about it.

On one hand you dismiss the sacrifice of the great grandfathers of white people of today as nonsense, but on the other hand you claim, nay, DEMAND restitution for whatever your great grandfather might have, or indeed, have suffered. You do realize that you, yourself have not suffered anything your ancestors did. People who are honorable would not expect people three generations removed answer for the sins of those who did their ancestors wrong.

If you were fair minded, you would not try to have it both ways.

Are you confused? Where did I demand restitution? If you can show me that you will get a positive rep. I am fine with starting wherever i am at. I dont need your advise unless you have something constructive to say and you have earned the right to my attention. I keep saying get the hell out of my way. You sound like a cloud of mosquitoes buzzing around when you whine about me not listening to Buchanan.
Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

Your post is yet another example of the desperate attempt of a loser who must resort to name-calling and personal insults.
I read that, too. Decades ago.

I don't know where he went but I can tell you this.... The rest of the World, especially the NON WHITE World is FAR more racist than we are. Big time and in a Big way.

They even have openly racist political parties that are gaining seats in their Parliaments. And Europe isn't a lot better aside from Britain, which is hopelessly lost anyway

You live in a pretend world, dude.

Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) | Mail Online


I live in a pretend world? Just curious but why do you like to change the subject to a conversation I am having with someone else? I dont live in Europe. I live in California. My statement was only to explain that the problem is not with the white race just because they happen to be white its because the of the system they have learned from and embraced here in the US that creates racist white people.

And I was pointing up the fallacy of your argument.

Europe never enslaved Black People like we did but they are FAR more racist than we are.

Stay on point. Think. And if you want to have a Private Conversation, then use Private Messaging. You post it in a thread and I have a right to respond to it.

You're getting more and more snivelly (is that a word?) as this thread progresses.

You're losing and you know it.

How is there a fallacy in a non existent argument? No one was arguing. I said Malcolm X experienced whites from other countries were not racist like the ones in the US. Those were his words. Are you saying he was wrong? :lol:
Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

I have forgotten more on this entire subject than you will ever know.

I know, for instance, that Lincoln intentionally held back on the number of Blacks in the Union Army because he didn't want the War to be perceived as a Race War.

Run away slaves? Absurd in the extreme. There were lots of Free Blacks in the North that were 2nd and 3rd generation (or more) Free Men who served.

About 10% of the Union Army was Black. And of the number that died, most of them died of disease and/or injury.

Not saying they weren't courageous, just saying.

I know what the facts are. You know the myths.

That's the difference.
Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

Your post is yet another example of the desperate attempt of a loser who must resort to name-calling and personal insults.

Its amazing how you ignore your name calling and also that of Edgtho. If you addressed that at least you would have some sort of respect from me. :lol: You clowns are both funny. Dont get so mad because i'm not falling for your BS arguments. :lol:
Oh I see what your issue is now. You want someone to fall down at your feet in gratitude for your ancestor doing what he either was ordered to do or did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Thats not going to happen. You do realize that you yourself did nothing at all and your ancestor did what was just? People who are honorable typically understand that there is no thanks required.

That logic is not very productive for you, if you really think about it.

On one hand you dismiss the sacrifice of the great grandfathers of white people of today as nonsense, but on the other hand you claim, nay, DEMAND restitution for whatever your great grandfather might have, or indeed, have suffered. You do realize that you, yourself have not suffered anything your ancestors did. People who are honorable would not expect people three generations removed answer for the sins of those who did their ancestors wrong.

If you were fair minded, you would not try to have it both ways.

Are you confused? Where did I demand restitution? If you can show me that you will get a positive rep. I am fine with starting wherever i am at. I dont need your advise unless you have something constructive to say and you have earned the right to my attention. I keep saying get the hell out of my way. You sound like a cloud of mosquitoes buzzing around when you whine about me not listening to Buchanan.

It is becoming more and more difficult to be patient and generous with you.

When I said that you demand restitution, I meant the word "YOU" in a collective sense, in this case African-Americans, not you, personally.

And heaven knows there are plenty of you who DO DEMAND restitution, reparation, compensation, amends, repayment, call it whatever you want, for something that happened 150 years ago and nobody living was affected by it.
No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

Your post is yet another example of the desperate attempt of a loser who must resort to name-calling and personal insults.

Its amazing how you ignore your name calling and also that of Edgtho. If you addressed that at least you would have some sort of respect from me. :lol: You clowns are both funny. Dont get so mad because i'm not falling for your BS arguments. :lol:

No, that is untrue.

You don't respect anything, not even yourself.
Yes, there is.

We ended a 7,000 year old tradition.

We stopped it. We killed 30% of an entire generation of Southern White men to fix an error in our Founding.

Not you. Not your people. Us. Norther Whites. Republicans. Our Party was founded as an Abolitionist Party. Had it not been for us, there STILL might be slaves in the South.

No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

I have forgotten more on this entire subject than you will ever know.

I know, for instance, that Lincoln intentionally held back on the number of Blacks in the Union Army because he didn't want the War to be perceived as a Race War.

Run away slaves? Absurd in the extreme. There were lots of Free Blacks in the North that were 2nd and 3rd generation (or more) Free Men who served.

About 10% of the Union Army was Black. And of the number that died, most of them died of disease and/or injury.

Not saying they weren't courageous, just saying.

I know what the facts are. You know the myths.

That's the difference.

Wait!! I thought you said whites and "Not you. Not your people" are the reason slavery was ended? Which one is it? Evidently that must be part of what you forgot. Why you insist on trying your transparent attempts to change history is beyond me. Come correct with some facts and you wish to gain my respect.
That logic is not very productive for you, if you really think about it.

On one hand you dismiss the sacrifice of the great grandfathers of white people of today as nonsense, but on the other hand you claim, nay, DEMAND restitution for whatever your great grandfather might have, or indeed, have suffered. You do realize that you, yourself have not suffered anything your ancestors did. People who are honorable would not expect people three generations removed answer for the sins of those who did their ancestors wrong.

If you were fair minded, you would not try to have it both ways.

Are you confused? Where did I demand restitution? If you can show me that you will get a positive rep. I am fine with starting wherever i am at. I dont need your advise unless you have something constructive to say and you have earned the right to my attention. I keep saying get the hell out of my way. You sound like a cloud of mosquitoes buzzing around when you whine about me not listening to Buchanan.

It is becoming more and more difficult to be patient and generous with you.

When I said that you demand restitution, I meant the word "YOU" in a collective sense, in this case African-Americans, not you, personally.

And heaven knows there are plenty of you who DO DEMAND restitution, reparation, compensation, amends, repayment, call it whatever you want, for something that happened 150 years ago and nobody living was affected by it.

So now the argument is reparations? So what does your sentiment have to do with Buchanan attempting to chastise the Black community? See I learned long ago that racist people are illogical and frequently move the subject when its apparent they cant cope with the truth. Its an illness you all seem to have. Its also a dead giveaway that you cant cant understand how to cope with things above your level of knowledge or intelligence.
Your post is yet another example of the desperate attempt of a loser who must resort to name-calling and personal insults.

Its amazing how you ignore your name calling and also that of Edgtho. If you addressed that at least you would have some sort of respect from me. :lol: You clowns are both funny. Dont get so mad because i'm not falling for your BS arguments. :lol:

No, that is untrue.

You don't respect anything, not even yourself.

Yes it is true. Youve called me names several times already. So has Edgtho. Not a big deal to me but now it seems you cant take what you dish. I wont die because you call me a name but I do find it funny that if I call you one you get upset. You have a choice. Keep the conversation civil or not. I will reflect what you give me. Deal?
Being born in America gave you advantages I never had. You spoke the language you learned from your mother, while I had to struggle and teach it to myself. You had a chance to go to school, free, while I had to fend for myself without burdening the taxpayers. YOU, personally, and none of your cohorts faced the sign saying NO black need apply. Your Grandparents (not even your parents) had to contend with that, not you or your contemporaries.

I don't want to get into a pissing contest about who had it more difficult.

All I want to say is that with a black President, past and present black Attorney Generals, former black Security adviser, powerful black Congressional Caucus, black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, all kinds of black CEO's, dominant and extremely rich black people in sports and entertainment, in Congress, in local municipal offices, state houses, courts and schools and colleges, what the Hell more do you and your ilk want?

Are you ever going to be happy as long as there is a white person alive or unless the United States is a stinkhole like Zimbabwe or Somalia?

Are you aware that it is against the law to discriminate? Just because it has gone underground doesn't mean it doesn't exist. BTW my parents did see signs like that and so did my grand parents. They are from the south. They also had to go to inferior schools that gave them the most basic of educations. Once again you presume to know and you don't. However, it doesnt really matter because my family overcame. You ask what I want? From whites in general? No unsolicited advise. No lying. No denial. No racial slurs or jokes. No prejudice. Is that too much to ask?

yes, it is too much to ask.

If you have a blatant black-on-white racism supported by the President and his AG and nobody, I underline NOBODY from the black community, including you, are addressing it - then you can't ask for anything.
No actually there is not. You or your ancestors did not end a 7K year old tradition. Slavery still is occurring. Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. Go read some history books and stop crying and acting like a sniveling coward and learn the truth. Your romantic dream is just that, a dream. if you are going to debate at least know what you are talking about.

I have forgotten more on this entire subject than you will ever know.

I know, for instance, that Lincoln intentionally held back on the number of Blacks in the Union Army because he didn't want the War to be perceived as a Race War.

Run away slaves? Absurd in the extreme. There were lots of Free Blacks in the North that were 2nd and 3rd generation (or more) Free Men who served.

About 10% of the Union Army was Black. And of the number that died, most of them died of disease and/or injury.

Not saying they weren't courageous, just saying.

I know what the facts are. You know the myths.

That's the difference.

Wait!! I thought you said whites and "Not you. Not your people" are the reason slavery was ended? Which one is it? Evidently that must be part of what you forgot. Why you insist on trying your transparent attempts to change history is beyond me. Come correct with some facts and you wish to gain my respect.

I have no desire to win your respect. None.

Many people, many-many, were against slavery from the very beginning of the Founding of this Country.

But it was an existing Institution and was sort of 'Grandfathered In' where it was already being practiced.

Most of the Northern States outlawed slavery in their Constitutions (yes, States have Constitutions, too) even before the Brits or the French outlawed it universally in their Empires.

Andrew Jackson was the first true dimocrap. A slaver and, AFAIC, a criminal.

The open wound of slavery oozed and became infected. All kinds of compromises and deals were made.

The Republican Party was established in 1854 as an ABOLITIONIST PARTY. The Abolition of slavery was the reason it was formed.

When Abraham Lincoln, Republican and President of the United States of America was elected, the dimocrap South saw the handwriting on the wall.

Soon, there would be "Free" States joining the Union. Enough to swing the Congress and the majority of other States to pass a Constitutional Amendment outlawing slavery.

The South went to War and seceded. And we kicked their fucking asses.

If you want to believe that 10% of the Union Army, that wasn't even added until LATE in the War (1863-4), swung the tide....... I don't know what to tell you.

If you believe that kind of fantasy, you are delusional and beyond the reach of anyone other than a professional with a Prescription Pad.

Get help.

I'm done with you mostly because you're boring
Being born in America gave you advantages I never had. You spoke the language you learned from your mother, while I had to struggle and teach it to myself. You had a chance to go to school, free, while I had to fend for myself without burdening the taxpayers. YOU, personally, and none of your cohorts faced the sign saying NO black need apply. Your Grandparents (not even your parents) had to contend with that, not you or your contemporaries.

I don't want to get into a pissing contest about who had it more difficult.

All I want to say is that with a black President, past and present black Attorney Generals, former black Security adviser, powerful black Congressional Caucus, black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, all kinds of black CEO's, dominant and extremely rich black people in sports and entertainment, in Congress, in local municipal offices, state houses, courts and schools and colleges, what the Hell more do you and your ilk want?

Are you ever going to be happy as long as there is a white person alive or unless the United States is a stinkhole like Zimbabwe or Somalia?

Are you aware that it is against the law to discriminate? Just because it has gone underground doesn't mean it doesn't exist. BTW my parents did see signs like that and so did my grand parents. They are from the south. They also had to go to inferior schools that gave them the most basic of educations. Once again you presume to know and you don't. However, it doesnt really matter because my family overcame. You ask what I want? From whites in general? No unsolicited advise. No lying. No denial. No racial slurs or jokes. No prejudice. Is that too much to ask?

yes, it is too much to ask.

If you have a blatant black-on-white racism supported by the President and his AG and nobody, I underline NOBODY from the black community, including you, are addressing it - then you can't ask for anything.

Then dont complain when your methods make the situation worse. Again you seem to think someone in the Black community is supposed to report to you. Why? Who are you to hold me accountable for reporting to you? You seem to miss the point that if you want respect it needs to be earned by giving respect first. Otherwise you will continue to be frustrated and ignorant of what is going on and how to help resolve it.
I find B's diatribe a complete lie and contrary to the statistical data of America. I guess he is sensationalizing again.

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

You appear to be internet savvy.

Go and find and quote the stats about white victims by blacks and black victims by whites.

Don't forget to quote percentages.

Count. If 86% of whites are killed by whites, that leaves 14% of whites killed by some other racial background. 86+14=100

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Publications & Products: Homicide Trends in the United States

and in your libtard's math 14% is LESS than 6%, right? :lol:

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