Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

I'm starting to understand you a little better. You have your opinion and thats ok. It just lets me know what type of mind I am dealing with. Wether I agree with those people or not is not the issue. The issue is from whom the message is coming from. Buchanan is white. He has never been Black. He has no authority on the subject. At best he is parroting what he has heard other black people say. He's a joke in other words. Why would I listen to what he has to say? Because someone else thinks its the truth? Sorry but thats not how real communication works. You have to be given permission to advise someone or else your advise is going to fall on deaf ears. If you had of taken psych 101 you would know that.

How about you give a point by point rebuttal of his column? Address each of his statistics and his views on their cause and his solution. Since you are black and from the hood, tell us what "your" community has done/is doing to address and reverse these issues. Be specific.

Why should I do that? Why would I do that? I dont even care to hear what he has to say. Buchanan is not important to me. I wouldnt waste my time playing your game unless you first gave me a point by point dissection of what you are going to do about the crime problems that plague white people.

Thread is over. I accept your chickenshit surrender.
I said Malcolm X experienced whites from other countries were not racist like the ones in the US. Those were his words. Are you saying he was wrong?

Of course he was wrong. He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith. He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist, and he did not gain wide enough experience of "whites from other countries" in his one brief journey to make any such generalization.

This is a keeper!! :lol: How are you going to tell someone what they experienced was wrong?
No, not so much boring as tedious. Gotta do something about that chip on your shoulder which makes you so.

I have another question. Do you guys alway do the tag team thing when you cant advance your own arguments logically? I hope you realize it shows how weak you are that you need to answer for and support each other against me. Nice try but I cant be distracted because I know what i am talking about.
No tag team, although paranoia allows for that I suppose. You are just a stereotype and so easily defined as is that chip that's weighing you down. Reaching a level of articulation is not tantamount to being shown respect even if you are black as you say. Assholes and self-righteous whiners come across the the demographic board.
You are just another punk, apparently by consensus, No secret here.
I don't complain. I name a racist a racist. Period.

No matter what color he/she is.

And I am done with compassion for anything you or your parents or your grandparents experienced - it does not matter anymore.

I don't see any of this from your side. So why the heck should I be compassionate?

That is the change of the last few days.
Because of YOUR reactions to the news of the atrocious black-on-white crimes commuted solely because of the blatant racism of this administration and all of their supporters.

Then we understand each other. I dont need your compassion and do not expect you to see if from my side. So you are a changed man? Thats actually kind of amusing to be honest. :lol: Shows me i was right all along.

yes, I am. It really made a big change - the past few days.

I am not born American so all your standard labels of "white prejudice" against blacks do not apply.

But it looks like you were just looking for justification of you racism all along :lol:

now, why am I not surprised :rolleyes:

Your probably not surprised because you had already prejudged me.
I have another question. Do you guys alway do the tag team thing when you cant advance your own arguments logically? I hope you realize it shows how weak you are that you need to answer for and support each other against me. Nice try but I cant be distracted because I know what i am talking about.
No tag team, although paranoia allows for that I suppose. You are just a stereotype and so easily defined as is that chip that's weighing you down. Reaching a level of articulation is not tantamount to being shown respect even if you are black as you say. Assholes and self-righteous whiners come across the the demographic board.
You are just another punk, apparently by consensus, No secret here.

Ouch that hurt.....Ok I'm over it.:lol:
Also you need to get your facts straight because runaway slaves are what determined the outcome of the Civil War. Thats what made the difference so your assertion that whites are the reason the North won the Civil war is a joke. .

That is simply not so. Many escaped and/or freed blacks fought bravely and well, but your assertion is absurdly inaccurate from a factual point of view.

You are simply wrong. Lincoln proclaimed that any slaves that fought for the North would be freed. Slaves left the plantations in mass and joined the Union army. Their presence won some very key battles and ended the war. To dismiss their role in their own freedom is just another way white historians like to belittle what Black people did. They want to encourage the idea that Blacks stood idly by like sheep while the brave white man fought for their freedom.

No one is dismissing the contributions of freed blacks during the war, but to say that is "what determined the outcome of the war" is patently absurd. What determined the outcome of the war was the North's much greater capacity to field and equip an army over the long term. The fact that the South had some brilliant generals and the North had some incompetent ones is why the war lasted as long as it did. Recent immigrants from Northern cities have a stronger claim to such a dramatic impact than freed blacks did (though that claim would also be false).
How so? You used the passage of Civil Rights as an argument to me saying that white people should mind their business. You neglected to mention something I have said repeatedly which is if whites want to help then listen and stop trying to chastise or dictate. You argued that the congressman that voted in favor of Civil Rights did not have rapport. What does that have to do with dictating something to the Black community? If anything that was a big step positively for the Black experience in the US. Thats whats called moving the goal posts.

Your position was that a white person's opinion is not valid because he or she has not experienced being black in America. I showed you how that position is untenable and then you started the dancing and spinning.

Where did you show me this? Again you ignore what I just said my position was. A white persons opinion is not valid because they have not experienced my reality. Therefore they cannot dictate or chastise me. They simply have no frame of reference. Is that a pretty clear statement to you?

It was always clear, and always false.
Malcolm X also got out of the US and experienced whites from other countries and realized that it was not a problem with white people as a race it was a problem with american white racists. He evolved and learned.

But still supported segregation. And, nice try avoiding my point.

Where did I say he didnt support segregation? You are really trying to move the topic arent you?

I was replying to your remarks. Supporting segregation isn't very evolved or learned. Better than the silly nonsense he first believed about "white devils" being created by a mad scientist and all, but still not very evolved or learned. I believe that had he lived longer (as he should have) he would have come around to a reasonable perspective, but we'll never know.
I said Malcolm X experienced whites from other countries were not racist like the ones in the US. Those were his words. Are you saying he was wrong?

Of course he was wrong. He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith. He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist, and he did not gain wide enough experience of "whites from other countries" in his one brief journey to make any such generalization.

This is a keeper!! :lol: How are you going to tell someone what they experienced was wrong?

He was wrong in his conclusion. Reading is not your strong suit, is it?
Then we understand each other. I dont need your compassion and do not expect you to see if from my side. So you are a changed man? Thats actually kind of amusing to be honest. :lol: Shows me i was right all along.

yes, I am. It really made a big change - the past few days.

I am not born American so all your standard labels of "white prejudice" against blacks do not apply.

But it looks like you were just looking for justification of you racism all along :lol:

now, why am I not surprised :rolleyes:

Your probably not surprised because you had already prejudged me.

no, I did not. If you remember we did have some conversations on the issue and my impression was you were reasonable and you described some of the experiences which explained to me some of the cold reservations you have toward police, for example.
That's why I was surprised that on the issue which is obvious - all these recent crimes ARE actually provoked by instigation of the racial hatred which lasted a year and culminated a month ago - you did not condemn them as such, and as a matter of fact, sound quite content with them.

the last sentence of my previous post just means - he is the same. It is disappointment
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No tag team, although paranoia allows for that I suppose. You are just a stereotype and so easily defined as is that chip that's weighing you down. Reaching a level of articulation is not tantamount to being shown respect even if you are black as you say. Assholes and self-righteous whiners come across the the demographic board.
You are just another punk, apparently by consensus, No secret here.

Ouch that hurt.....Ok I'm over it.:lol:
As many as you have been abused, I have little doubt. It is perversely normal for someone like you.
Your position was that a white person's opinion is not valid because he or she has not experienced being black in America. I showed you how that position is untenable and then you started the dancing and spinning.

Where did you show me this? Again you ignore what I just said my position was. A white persons opinion is not valid because they have not experienced my reality. Therefore they cannot dictate or chastise me. They simply have no frame of reference. Is that a pretty clear statement to you?

It was always clear, and always false.

That sounds like a personal issue you are going to have to deal with. I would never presume the right to dictate to someone unless given permission.
How so? You used the passage of Civil Rights as an argument to me saying that white people should mind their business. You neglected to mention something I have said repeatedly which is if whites want to help then listen and stop trying to chastise or dictate. You argued that the congressman that voted in favor of Civil Rights did not have rapport. What does that have to do with dictating something to the Black community? If anything that was a big step positively for the Black experience in the US. Thats whats called moving the goal posts.

Your position was that a white person's opinion is not valid because he or she has not experienced being black in America. I showed you how that position is untenable and then you started the dancing and spinning.

Where did you show me this? Again you ignore what I just said my position was. A white persons opinion is not valid because they have not experienced my reality. Therefore they cannot dictate or chastise me. They simply have no frame of reference. Is that a pretty clear statement to you?

Sadly, you aren't entitled to your own reality.
But still supported segregation. And, nice try avoiding my point.

Where did I say he didnt support segregation? You are really trying to move the topic arent you?

I was replying to your remarks. Supporting segregation isn't very evolved or learned. Better than the silly nonsense he first believed about "white devils" being created by a mad scientist and all, but still not very evolved or learned. I believe that had he lived longer (as he should have) he would have come around to a reasonable perspective, but we'll never know.

When you understand why he supported segregation maybe you will gain a deeper appreciation of his position. Sometimes you have to step back and gain perspective in order to move forward.
Of course he was wrong. He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith. He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist, and he did not gain wide enough experience of "whites from other countries" in his one brief journey to make any such generalization.

This is a keeper!! :lol: How are you going to tell someone what they experienced was wrong?

He was wrong in his conclusion. Reading is not your strong suit, is it?

Can you explain how he was wrong in his conclusion? It was his first time encountering white skinned people that did not exhibit the prejudice and hate he dealt with in the US. Its pretty much apparent to me at least that all white people are not racist and harbor hate and prejudice towards Black people. To me its an easy and logical conclusion to come to once you meet someone that breaks the stereotype. If one white person is different then there is a high probability that there are more.
yes, I am. It really made a big change - the past few days.

I am not born American so all your standard labels of "white prejudice" against blacks do not apply.

But it looks like you were just looking for justification of you racism all along :lol:

now, why am I not surprised :rolleyes:

Your probably not surprised because you had already prejudged me.

no, I did not. If you remember we did have some conversations on the issue and my impression was you were reasonable and you described some of the experiences which explained to me some of the cold reservations you have toward police, for example.
That's why I was surprised that on the issue which is obvious - all these recent crimes ARE actually provoked by instigation of the racial hatred which lasted a year and culminated a month ago - you did not condemn them as such, and as a matter of fact, sound quite content with them.

the last sentence of my previous post just means - he is the same. It is disappointment

I remember. However, it seems I only appear reasonable when you can agree or empathize. Thats not intellectually honest. I can disagree with you all day but if you are civil I can respect your opinion as wrong as I feel you are. You are of the opinion that these crimes are racially motivated by the events of the past year. I am not that certain nor have I formed an opinion yet until I can see some proof. If I sound satisfied that these killings are occurring then you evidently are projecting what you want me to be because you disagree with my stance. When you think about it logically without emotion you can realize that violence (no matter who does it) is making things worse not better.
Your position was that a white person's opinion is not valid because he or she has not experienced being black in America. I showed you how that position is untenable and then you started the dancing and spinning.

Where did you show me this? Again you ignore what I just said my position was. A white persons opinion is not valid because they have not experienced my reality. Therefore they cannot dictate or chastise me. They simply have no frame of reference. Is that a pretty clear statement to you?

Sadly, you aren't entitled to your own reality.

Thanks boss for giving me permission to have my own reality.
Where did I say he didnt support segregation? You are really trying to move the topic arent you?

I was replying to your remarks. Supporting segregation isn't very evolved or learned. Better than the silly nonsense he first believed about "white devils" being created by a mad scientist and all, but still not very evolved or learned. I believe that had he lived longer (as he should have) he would have come around to a reasonable perspective, but we'll never know.

When you understand why he supported segregation maybe....

I do understand. He made no secret of his reasons why. Misdirection play #4349575: FAIL.

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