Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

I was replying to your remarks. Supporting segregation isn't very evolved or learned. Better than the silly nonsense he first believed about "white devils" being created by a mad scientist and all, but still not very evolved or learned. I believe that had he lived longer (as he should have) he would have come around to a reasonable perspective, but we'll never know.

When you understand why he supported segregation maybe....

I do understand. He made no secret of his reasons why. Misdirection play #4349575: FAIL.

So if you know his reasons then how is that not learned or evolved? Or do you only reserve that label for people that agree with what you think is best? Or maybe you think you know but you really dont?
"He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith." = Fact

"He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist" = Fact

"he did not gain wide enough experience of 'whites from other countries' in his one brief journey to make any such generalization." = Fact
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

Of course.

It's not that you're a racist pile of shit - it's that all the reports are wrong...
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(


It's Shallow!
"He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith." = Fact

"He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist" = Fact

"he did not gain wide enough experience of 'whites from other countries' in his one brief journey to make any such generalization." = Fact

#1 is good

#2 is debatable because he did not trust whites to be honest therefore he thought all of them were inherently racist but I will let this one pass.

#3 Pure opinion. Who made you the authority on how much experience is necessary to change your opinion and come to a new conclusion?

How much experience is needed to say "hey all white people are not inherently evil" I would submit my opinion that meeting only one person is enough.
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?


All three were black.


The one on the left is who the party press declared "white."
#2 is debatable because he did not trust whites to be honest therefore he thought all of them were inherently racist but I will let this one pass.

You will "let" your own circular logic pass? How big of you! :rolleyes:
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?


All three were black.


The one on the left is who the party press declared "white."

Stay away from StormFront. The one not even pictured was white and the one on the left is half white. Try again clown.
"He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith." = Fact

"He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist" = Fact

"he did not gain wide enough experience of 'whites from other countries' in his one brief journey to make any such generalization." = Fact

#1 is good

#2 is debatable because he did not trust whites to be honest therefore he thought all of them were inherently racist but I will let this one pass.

#3 Pure opinion. Who made you the authority on how much experience is necessary to change your opinion and come to a new conclusion?

How much experience is needed to say "hey all white people are not inherently evil" I would submit my opinion that meeting only one person is enough.

You admitted to #3 when you said "#1 is good," and here again you admit to #3 at the end of your very own post. He met many more than just one 'non-evil' white person in the US before he ever went on the Hajj and associated travels.

You're falling apart all over the place here.
Stay away from StormFront. The one not even pictured was white and the one on the left is half white. Try again clown.

Ah, dishonesty and demagoguery - you must have voted for Obama.

Of course clicking the picture quickly reveals..

2 teens charged with murdering Australian baseball player just because they were 'bored': cops - NY Daily News

Yep, New York Daily News - hardly "Stormfront."

But hey, if you can't answer with reason, throw shit like a feral baboon, eh?

The third member was the driver, and is not charged with homicide - he also is black. YOU screwed up, and thought the "half-white" and "white" were different people - they never were. The party press used both terms to refer to the young man in the picture.
"He "experienced" a narrowly selected group of peoples united by a common faith." = Fact

"He was, for most of his career in civil rights, dismissive of whites in the US who were not racist" = Fact

"he did not gain wide enough experience of 'whites from other countries' in his one brief journey to make any such generalization." = Fact

#1 is good

#2 is debatable because he did not trust whites to be honest therefore he thought all of them were inherently racist but I will let this one pass.

#3 Pure opinion. Who made you the authority on how much experience is necessary to change your opinion and come to a new conclusion?

How much experience is needed to say "hey all white people are not inherently evil" I would submit my opinion that meeting only one person is enough.

You admitted to #3 when you said "#1 is good," and here again you admit to #3 at the end of your very own post. He met many more than just one 'non-evil' white person in the US before he ever went on the Hajj and associated travels.

You're falling apart all over the place here.

You accuse me of having reading issues but I am beginning to think you are the one that has a reading problem and a logic problem.

He met many more than just one 'non-evil' white person in the US before he ever went on the Hajj and associated travels.

What does he thought all whites were inherently evil mean to you? That means he never believed he met a non evil white person. What exactly is confusing you about that concept?

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