Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Well, when they begin their Race-War (Revolution), i'll be sure to ask em all about it. But by then, it will likely be far too late for em. The time for talk would be over. So, wake me up when your 'Revolution' begins. Otherwise, quit all the yapping about hating Whitey. I'm trying to get a nap in. :)

Our revolution begin a long time ago. You do notice the POTUS is Black correct? You do notice that Blacks are more wealthy, own more real estate, have more education etc. Seems like you were looking right when you should have been looking left!!

So, isn't it about time to stop bitching and complaining??

Or you won't be happy until The United Stats will be a North American version of Zimbabwe?

Another failed Black culture?

What's that now? Zero for 1,793 in the last 5,000 years?


We GAVE them Liberia. Gave it to them. A place for freed American Slaves to go.

The Brits gave Sierra Leone to American Freed Slaves, too. GAVE it to them after the American Revolution.

It has one of the VERY, VERY few natural Harbors on the ENTIRE CONTINENT of Africa.

Which is THE major reason Africans below the Sahara had no trade with the rest of the world. They were isolated by the cruelty of geography -- No natural harbors.

Just a fact.

Anyway, maybe it's time that Blacks started looking inward as to why they've never been able to establish a working civilization. Whitey's fault? :lmao:

And please don't bore me with that ridiculously absurd and beyond fucking stupid, Afrocentric 'Black Egyptian' bullshit. That's a Fairy Tale. And a stupid one at that.

Let's play hardball.

Oh, almost forgot.... How have Liberia and Sierra Leone been doing the last 150 - 200 years (respectively)?

Facts can be troublesome things

Excuse-making, name-calling, reporting to Mods to begin in, 3...2...1....
You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?
Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.
A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

It's one thing to actually do your research first hand and another thing entirely to regurgitate the same old tired fictions that have been around for centuries.

Buchanan's insights on politics are valuable because he's actually worked in the field.

On race? Not so much.

Today, in context, race IS large part of politics.
My, my, but you certainly have a very limited world view. We are all humans and respind and react to the same things in the same ways. It's called human nature. You sir are suggesting that in order to understand another human being or speak to their behavior and the causes, we must share their skin color. So I'll ask the question again in a different way in hopes you can grasp it, do you think blacks are different than the rest of humanity? Because that is exactly what you are suggesting.

How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.

Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.

Our personal experiences define who we are.

I arrived as an eighteen year old immigrant, all by myself, not knowing a word of English.
I am from Hungary, left my old country after the 1956 uprising against the Soviet Union. During that uprising the prisons were opened up, in order to release the political prisoners, victims of Stalin. (FDR's best pal, and Uncle Joe btw). Unfortunately, at the same time criminals were released as well, who knew that regardless how the revolution turns out, they will be back in jail, so they left Hungary, and found new grounds for their criminal activities. Soon, there were signs posted where I went to look for job: No Hungarians need apply.

Back then, there was no welfare. There was no government teat to suck on. You worked or you starved.

I had jobs in bush, cutting lumber with buck saw. I worked in hotel as bell hop. I worked in mines for about six years.

In time I learned enough English to be able to go to high school as an adult student and earn my diploma. Soon after that I got a job with a prominent manufacturing company, where in few years I taught myself mainframe COBOL and became a highly successful programmer/systems analyst, a post I held until I retired in 2003.

None of the young black folks Asclepias pretend to speak for experienced the bewilderment of being spoken to and not understanding, as I have. None of them had to read signs that said that they were not welcome because of something somebody else has done, as I have. Their grandparents, perhaps, but definitely not themselves.
None of them traveled hundreds of miles to a job, to avoid hunger. Probably none of them faced ridicule for their accent, although their command of English leaves a whole lot to be desired.

It is time to brush that chip off your own shoulder, Asclepias. Nobody ever said that life was fair. It is what you make of it and as long as you continue to blame others, your life - predictably - will amount to a big, fat zero.
Whites have been denouncing (and rightly so) "black on black" crime for decades now. Apparently, blacks have FINALLY taken the hint:

After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON

April 2012 Chicago – Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”

April 2012 Gainesville, Florida – 5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon

April 2012 Baltimore – Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings

April 2012 Arizona – Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkinswho had mental capacity of a 12-year-old

April 2012 Oklahoma – Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman

May 2012 Texas - Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fire– she died from her injuries

May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas

May 2012 Georgia – Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran

May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters

May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier

June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.

July 2012 Indiana – 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money

July 2013 Georgia – Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:

July 2013 Baltimore – Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore

July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests

July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason

July 2013 Connecticut – Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter

July 2013 Maryland – 3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin

August 2013 Oklahoma – Australian baseball player Chris Lane killed by two black teens because ‘they were bored.’

August 2013 Memphis – David Santucci murdered ‘allegedly’ by 3 blacks in Trayvon Martin revenge killing

August 2013 Spokane – Delbert Belton World War II veteran beaten to death by two black thugs

August 2013 Memphis – Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set on fire

August 2013 Poughkeepsie New York – Jovan Tyrek Rogers black thug kills 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger

A long list of bullshit is still bullshit. How many whites molested kids after Sandusky?
Whites have been denouncing (and rightly so) "black on black" crime for decades now. Apparently, blacks have FINALLY taken the hint:

After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON

April 2012 Chicago – Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”

April 2012 Gainesville, Florida – 5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon

April 2012 Baltimore – Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings

April 2012 Arizona – Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkinswho had mental capacity of a 12-year-old

April 2012 Oklahoma – Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman

May 2012 Texas - Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fire– she died from her injuries

May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas

May 2012 Georgia – Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran

May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters

May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier

June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.

July 2012 Indiana – 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money

July 2013 Georgia – Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:

July 2013 Baltimore – Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore

July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests

July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason

July 2013 Connecticut – Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter

July 2013 Maryland – 3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin

August 2013 Oklahoma – Australian baseball player Chris Lane killed by two black teens because ‘they were bored.’

August 2013 Memphis – David Santucci murdered ‘allegedly’ by 3 blacks in Trayvon Martin revenge killing

August 2013 Spokane – Delbert Belton World War II veteran beaten to death by two black thugs

August 2013 Memphis – Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set on fire

August 2013 Poughkeepsie New York – Jovan Tyrek Rogers black thug kills 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger

I don't approve of violence unless its in the course of protecting yourself. I also dont approve of any kind of retaliation against a person that had nothing to do with what occurred somewhere else. Like Malcolm X once said, "chickens coming home to roost". Black people aren't going to keep just taking it anymore. I work with kids from several different races and spoke to them about this subject. The group is comprised mostly of Black, Filipino, Hispanic, and White. There are some East Indian and Middle Eastern kids as well. There is a lot of anger in all the different races towards whites in general. What surprised me is that the White kids felt anger against what they perceived to be unfair treatment of their friends that were not white. They seemed to get it where as older white people simply cant see it. My take away was that society will be all right once the younger generation gets established and there is more understanding about the different races in general. I'm pretty proud of them as a group because they dont let this stuff affect their friendships.
Obama is clearly ashamed and conflicted about his White half. He does all he can to pretend he's not half White. When's the last time he held a Press Conference supporting victims of other brutal racial attacks? I think it does go back to his Mother. I think he has bigtime Mommy-Issues. I think he hates his Mother. He's clearly hostile to Whites in general. And that is strange considering he himself is White. Anyway, just something else to ponder i guess.
Whites have been denouncing (and rightly so) "black on black" crime for decades now. Apparently, blacks have FINALLY taken the hint:

After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON

April 2012 Chicago – Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”

April 2012 Gainesville, Florida – 5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon

April 2012 Baltimore – Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings

April 2012 Arizona – Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkinswho had mental capacity of a 12-year-old

April 2012 Oklahoma – Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman

May 2012 Texas - Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fire– she died from her injuries

May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas

May 2012 Georgia – Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran

May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters

May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier

June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.

July 2012 Indiana – 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money

July 2013 Georgia – Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:

July 2013 Baltimore – Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore

July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests

July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason

July 2013 Connecticut – Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter

July 2013 Maryland – 3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin

August 2013 Oklahoma – Australian baseball player Chris Lane killed by two black teens because ‘they were bored.’

August 2013 Memphis – David Santucci murdered ‘allegedly’ by 3 blacks in Trayvon Martin revenge killing

August 2013 Spokane – Delbert Belton World War II veteran beaten to death by two black thugs

August 2013 Memphis – Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set on fire

August 2013 Poughkeepsie New York – Jovan Tyrek Rogers black thug kills 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger

I don't approve of violence unless its in the course of protecting yourself. I also dont approve of any kind of retaliation against a person that had nothing to do with what occurred somewhere else. Like Malcolm X once said, "chickens coming home to roost". Black people aren't going to keep just taking it anymore. I work with kids from several different races and spoke to them about this subject. The group is comprised mostly of Black, Filipino, Hispanic, and White. There are some East Indian and Middle Eastern kids as well. There is a lot of anger in all the different races towards whites in general. What surprised me is that the White kids felt anger against what they perceived to be unfair treatment of their friends that were not white. They seemed to get it where as older white people simply cant see it. My take away was that society will be all right once the younger generation gets established and there is more understanding about the different races in general. I'm pretty proud of them as a group because they dont let this stuff affect their friendships.

And I'm sure you're doing your best to discourage that, right? :lmao:
Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

Bill Cosby. Benjamin Carter. Juan Williams. Daneen Borelli. Angela McGlavin. Walter Williams. Thomas Sowell. David Webb.

Last time I looked, they were all black. They have all been known to say EXACTLY what you excoriate Patrick Buchanan about.

What can you say to discredit them other than the usual mantra from your side that they are sell-outs, traitors to their own race and they are Uncle Toms?

Unlike Buchanan I believe all those people are Black. They went through and experienced their own incidents of prejudice. They are a million times more credible. They have something I as a Black person can relate to. In a nutshell they are way more qualified to speak in a scolding tone to Black people than a white politician. If you dont understand that a white person attempting to tell a group of Black people what they need to do and professing to know what ails the Black community only causes an issue then i dont know if there is any hope you will ever get it. What you have here is a situation where Jerry Sandusky is now the counselor for molested youth. Does that make any sense at all?
I don't approve of violence unless its in the course of protecting yourself. I also dont approve of any kind of retaliation against a person that had nothing to do with what occurred somewhere else. Like Malcolm X once said, "chickens coming home to roost". Black people aren't going to keep just taking it anymore. I work with kids from several different races and spoke to them about this subject. The group is comprised mostly of Black, Filipino, Hispanic, and White. There are some East Indian and Middle Eastern kids as well. There is a lot of anger in all the different races towards whites in general. What surprised me is that the White kids felt anger against what they perceived to be unfair treatment of their friends that were not white. They seemed to get it where as older white people simply cant see it. My take away was that society will be all right once the younger generation gets established and there is more understanding about the different races in general. I'm pretty proud of them as a group because they dont let this stuff affect their friendships.

And I'm sure you're doing your best to discourage that, right? :lmao:

LMAO!! Despite what you think of my comments I try and make sure I teach kids that hate only hurts the hater. I don't want them paralyzed like i was as a teen and young man over hate.
I don't approve of violence unless its in the course of protecting yourself. I also dont approve of any kind of retaliation against a person that had nothing to do with what occurred somewhere else. Like Malcolm X once said, "chickens coming home to roost". Black people aren't going to keep just taking it anymore. I work with kids from several different races and spoke to them about this subject. The group is comprised mostly of Black, Filipino, Hispanic, and White. There are some East Indian and Middle Eastern kids as well. There is a lot of anger in all the different races towards whites in general. What surprised me is that the White kids felt anger against what they perceived to be unfair treatment of their friends that were not white. They seemed to get it where as older white people simply cant see it. My take away was that society will be all right once the younger generation gets established and there is more understanding about the different races in general. I'm pretty proud of them as a group because they dont let this stuff affect their friendships.

And I'm sure you're doing your best to discourage that, right? :lmao:

LMAO!! Despite what you think of my comments I try and make sure I teach kids that hate only hurts the hater. I don't want them paralyzed like i was as a teen and young man over hate.

Children have to be TAUGHT how to hate.

How, and from whom, did they learn to hate Whitey when they have no clue why they should hate anything other than the Grinch?

Who taught them that?

Am I communicating with that person right now?

Maybe :dunno:

You need to look in the mirror. All of you.
Obama is clearly ashamed and conflicted about his White half. He does all he can to pretend he's not half White. When's the last time he held a Press Conference supporting victims of other brutal racial attacks? I think it does go back to his Mother. I think he has bigtime Mommy-Issues. I think he hates his Mother. He's clearly hostile to Whites in general. And that is strange considering he himself is White. Anyway, just something else to ponder i guess.

Nothing strange there! He threw his white grandparents under the bus, in spite the fact that they raised him with love while his black father, in typical fashion, absconded and abandoned him.

Maybe somebody should by him a dictionary and highlight the word "GRATITUDE",

Obviously he is not familiar with it.
Mommy-Issues. That sums it up for Barack Obama. He hates his White Mother. Clearly, he harbors hostility towards White People. That, despite being White himself. He never misses an opportunity to take a shot at White People. And at the same time, he never misses an opportunity to defend Black People. It's Mommy-Issues. It is what it is.
How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.

Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.

Our personal experiences define who we are.

I arrived as an eighteen year old immigrant, all by myself, not knowing a word of English.
I am from Hungary, left my old country after the 1956 uprising against the Soviet Union. During that uprising the prisons were opened up, in order to release the political prisoners, victims of Stalin. (FDR's best pal, and Uncle Joe btw). Unfortunately, at the same time criminals were released as well, who knew that regardless how the revolution turns out, they will be back in jail, so they left Hungary, and found new grounds for their criminal activities. Soon, there were signs posted where I went to look for job: No Hungarians need apply.

Back then, there was no welfare. There was no government teat to suck on. You worked or you starved.

I had jobs in bush, cutting lumber with buck saw. I worked in hotel as bell hop. I worked in mines for about six years.

In time I learned enough English to be able to go to high school as an adult student and earn my diploma. Soon after that I got a job with a prominent manufacturing company, where in few years I taught myself mainframe COBOL and became a highly successful programmer/systems analyst, a post I held until I retired in 2003.

None of the young black folks Asclepias pretend to speak for experienced the bewilderment of being spoken to and not understanding, as I have. None of them had to read signs that said that they were not welcome because of something somebody else has done, as I have. Their grandparents, perhaps, but definitely not themselves.
None of them traveled hundreds of miles to a job, to avoid hunger. Probably none of them faced ridicule for their accent, although their command of English leaves a whole lot to be desired.

It is time to brush that chip off your own shoulder, Asclepias. Nobody ever said that life was fair. It is what you make of it and as long as you continue to blame others, your life - predictably - will amount to a big, fat zero.

Like I told the other poster I am glad you shared your story. However, as usual, you assume your story in some way makes your struggle more difficult than the experience of growing up Black in America. You have no clue what it is to be Black so please dont try to come off as some kind of authority on what it is to struggle. Your differences were not readily apparent until you opened your mouth. There was no deep seated prejudice in place towards Hungarians. Your anecdotal story could be told over and over again by Black people that were born in this country and overcame obstacles far greater than what you did. Again I appreciate hearing your story. I know life is not fair. I know life is rough. However, you pick up and keep going. I know what it takes to be successful and thats why I don't work for anyone but myself.
I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:

No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.
I'm glad they caught both of them quickly and they are being charged right away.

I'm glad to not see anyone excuse them or say the WWII vet really jumped them.

Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>

No there isn't.

What you have is heresay from Zimmerman as to how the fight started.

And even that statement is inconsistent with subsequent statements and witness testimony.

Be that as it may, the jury reached the verdict of "not guilty".

Live with it.
Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>

No there isn't.

What you have is heresay from Zimmerman as to how the fight started.

And even that statement is inconsistent with subsequent statements and witness testimony.

Be that as it may, the jury reached the verdict of "not guilty".

Live with it.

We tried to ax St Skittles but he was, like, you know.... Dead :dunno:
in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:

No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

It took 207 posts on this thread, but Asclapias finally reached the point where all those without valid argument sooner or later reach: Calling a superior debater 'stupid'.

I haven't called anyone stupid. And so far i haven't observed anything posted that suggests Pat Buchanan isn't Spot-On with his assessment. Black-On-White Crime is rampant. That's just fact. Pat Buchanan just gave his assessment of why that is. I suggest you read the article. Check it out. It's worth it.

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