Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Is it not amazing that a lot of successful black grow up in an environment that has little to no racial prejudice? That might be a clue for you to pursue wouldn't you think? Actually whites commit more crimes than any racial group but thats not the point. My point is how is the group responsible for causing a lot of the issues in the Black community going to have the nerve to try and dictate what should be done in the Black community? We got this. You dont need to see anything because we dont report to you. We dont need you to hold our hand until you clean up your dirt first. Then you can come from a position of offering a viable solution. I dont think whites are necessarily racist for it but they are clueless and preachy it seems.


Thats exactly what I would say if I had no clue how to respond.

You've proven your worth to this forum, one trick pony. $emot-jerkit.gif
I have plenty of ideas on how to respond. It's just that I don't want to get involved in a typical libturd circular argument with another faux intellectual libturd.

I know exactly where you're coming from and I know that you're part of the problem.

You dont know how to deal with someone telling you to butt out do you? Once you stop preaching and listen you will be alright there hoss.
I have plenty of ideas on how to respond. It's just that I don't want to get involved in a typical libturd circular argument with another faux intellectual libturd.

I know exactly where you're coming from and I know that you're part of the problem.

You dont know how to deal with someone telling you to butt out do you? Once you stop preaching and listen you will be alright there hoss.

It's hard to butt out when you are the target of the violent.
I have plenty of ideas on how to respond. It's just that I don't want to get involved in a typical libturd circular argument with another faux intellectual libturd.

I know exactly where you're coming from and I know that you're part of the problem.

You dont know how to deal with someone telling you to butt out do you? Once you stop preaching and listen you will be alright there hoss.

It's hard to butt out when you are the target of the violent.

Sounds like a personal issue. I dont care what you think if you are not looking for the truth. I do mean the truth and not what you want to hear.
Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Where is he wrong? Statistically he is right on.
This is where the old saying the truth hurts comes into play.
There is just no denying the facts.
Sorry I forgot to put in a smilie face. I already told you I'm laughing not bitching. :lol:

so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:
so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:

No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.
Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point

My mother went to college with some of the original Panthers and they were all about protecting the community.

the best way for them to protect themselves would be to stay the fuck out of our community

To whom does "our" refer?
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

While he may make some valid points, it does sometimes seem that he's trying to state that "the Blacks" were better off when they were second class citizens and were better off under the "separate but (allegedly) equal" era.
Here's a graph of the poverty rate and how it changes from buchannan's "good ole days" to today:


The Good News About Race And Crime In America
I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

in other words, you are just bitching :eusa_boohoo:

No in other words you are stupid if you think I'm going to waste time typing a novel for someone that cant even answer a question.

you never over came it, you still have that huge chip on your shoulder
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

While he may make some valid points, it does sometimes seem that he's trying to state that "the Blacks" were better off when they were second class citizens and were better off under the "separate but (allegedly) equal" era.
Here's a graph of the poverty rate and how it changes from buchannan's "good ole days" to today:


The Good News About Race And Crime In America

not so good news if you are the white victims of inter-racial crime, but you don't care as long as you can kill whitey and bitch about not getting chicken
Dead Souls Of A Cultural Revolution

Last Friday, Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian here on a baseball scholarship, was shot and killed while jogging in Duncan, Okla., population 23,000. He died where he fell.

Police have three suspects, two black and one white. The former said they were bored and decided to shoot Lane for “the fun of it.”

As Lane was white and the shooter black, racism has surfaced as a motive. Thursday came reports that killing a white man may have been an initiation rite for the black teens in joining some offshoot of the Crips or Bloods.

What happened in Oklahoma and the reaction, or lack of reaction to it, tells us much about America in 2013, not much of it good.

Teenagers who can shoot and kill a man out of summertime boredom are moral barbarians, dead souls.

But who created these monsters? Where did they come from? Surely one explanation lies in the fact that the old conscience-forming and character-forming institutions – home, church, school and a moral and healthy culture fortifying basic truths – have collapsed. And the community hardest hit is Black America.

If we go back to the end of World War II, 90 percent of black families consisted of a mother and father and children raised and disciplined by their parents. The churches to which these families went on Sundays were stronger. Black schools may have been largely segregated, but they were also the transmission belts of patriotism and traditional values rooted in biblical truths and a Christian faith.

Though such schools graduated hardworking, law-abiding and productive citizens, today they would be closed as unconstitutional.

Indeed, all of those character- and conscience-forming institutions of yesterday are in an advanced state of decline today.

Seventy-three percent of black kids are born to single moms. Black kids who make it to 12th grade may often be found reading at seventh-, eighth- or ninth-grade levels. In some cities the black dropout rate can hit as high as 50 percent.

Drugs are readily available. And among black males ages 18 to 29, in urban areas, often a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole, or walking around with a criminal record.

Where do the kids get their ideas of right and wrong, good and evil? In homes where the father is absent and the TV is always on. From radios tuned in to rap and hip-hop. From films where Hollywood values prevail and the shooting never stops. From street gangs that sometimes form the only families these kids have ever known.

What kind of leadership do we see today in Black America?

What can be said for an NAACP that was lately demanding a Justice Department investigation of a rodeo clown running around a bull ring in rural Missouri in an Obama mask, but cannot find its voice to address a black-on-white atrocity in Middle America?...

Read more at Dead souls of a cultural revolution

I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

Myth #1: King wanted only equal rights, not special privileges and would have opposed affirmative action, quotas, reparations, and the other policies pursued by today's civil rights leadership.

This is probably the most repeated myth about King. Writing on National Review Online, There Heritage Foundation's Matthew Spalding wrote a piece entitled "Martin Luther King's Conservative Mind," where he wrote, "An agenda that advocates quotas, counting by race and set-asides takes us away from King’s vision."

The problem with this view is that King openly advocated quotas and racial set-asides. He wrote that the "Negro today is not struggling for some abstract, vague rights, but for concrete improvement in his way of life." When equal opportunity laws failed to achieve this, King looked for other ways. In his book Where Do We Go From Here, he suggested that "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis." To do this he expressed support for quotas. In a 1968 Playboy interview, he said, “If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.” King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population.
Myths of Martin Luther King ?
Of course Buchanan is right. How right will be proved by the ferocity of attack leveled against him.

While he may make some valid points, it does sometimes seem that he's trying to state that "the Blacks" were better off when they were second class citizens and were better off under the "separate but (allegedly) equal" era.
Here's a graph of the poverty rate and how it changes from buchannan's "good ole days" to today:


The Good News About Race And Crime In America

not so good news if you are the white victims of inter-racial crime, but you don't care as long as you can kill whitey and bitch about not getting chicken

Thanks for the laugh! You are either a pretty good comedian/clown or you are one twisted motherfucker! :lol:

I haven't killed anybody and I certainly don't bitch about not getting chicken, retard!
it's a possessive pronoun

nuff said foolock

No, not "nuff" said. Who do you think you are speaking on behalf of?

should I use another pronoun?

is your reading comprehension suffering?


you, they, them, those are excluded

get the pic dummy?

Try to pay attention for a minute. The question was to whom did you imagine the pronoun referred? You do know that a pronoun references a noun, right?

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