Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.
A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

It's one thing to actually do your research first hand and another thing entirely to regurgitate the same old tired fictions that have been around for centuries.

Buchanan's insights on politics are valuable because he's actually worked in the field.

On race? Not so much.

Race IS politics, money and power. Just ask the DNC, Jesse and Al. Racism keeps trying to die, but they keep bringing it back.
So are you saying that blacks are sub-human? That they are different than all the rest of the people on earth? Interesting approach. Wrong. but interesting.

Are you saying whites are sub-human? Pretty interesting how you got that out of my post.

My, my, but you certainly have a very limited world view. We are all humans and respind and react to the same things in the same ways. It's called human nature. You sir are suggesting that in order to understand another human being or speak to their behavior and the causes, we must share their skin color. So I'll ask the question again in a different way in hopes you can grasp it, do you think blacks are different than the rest of humanity? Because that is exactly what you are suggesting.

How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.
Sorry I forgot to put in a smilie face. I already told you I'm laughing not bitching. :lol:

so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.
Are you saying whites are sub-human? Pretty interesting how you got that out of my post.

My, my, but you certainly have a very limited world view. We are all humans and respind and react to the same things in the same ways. It's called human nature. You sir are suggesting that in order to understand another human being or speak to their behavior and the causes, we must share their skin color. So I'll ask the question again in a different way in hopes you can grasp it, do you think blacks are different than the rest of humanity? Because that is exactly what you are suggesting.

How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.

Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.
Those in power have learned that there must be conflict so that the average person has to look for answers. If Rev. Al Sharpton and others like him actually sought racial peace, and it was realized, then what purpose would they serve any longer? If there continues to be racial discrimination, then people will ask for answers, and those who claim to have the answers (Sharpton) will always have power over those seeking them.
Those in power have learned that there must be conflict so that the average person has to look for answers. If Rev. Al Sharpton and others like him actually sought racial peace, and it was realized, then what purpose would they serve any longer? If there continues to be racial discrimination, then people will ask for answers, and those who claim to have the answers (Sharpton) will always have power over those seeking them.

Dam Al Sharpton! All he has to do is seek racial peace but he wont because he wouldn't have anything to do. Thanks rrb017!
Those in power have learned that there must be conflict so that the average person has to look for answers. If Rev. Al Sharpton and others like him actually sought racial peace, and it was realized, then what purpose would they serve any longer? If there continues to be racial discrimination, then people will ask for answers, and those who claim to have the answers (Sharpton) will always have power over those seeking them.

Dam Al Sharpton! All he has to do is seek racial peace but he wont because he wouldn't have anything to do. Thanks rrb017!

Al does it to make money, gain power and to feed his ego. Race is just the delivery device he uses.
Buchanan is a nice guy who tells always the truth, i like him. Indeed families of blacks are destroyed, moms are incapable to grow up boys, therefore most of blacks fill prisons and criminal gangs, thanks libtards for your stupid family policy.
My, my, but you certainly have a very limited world view. We are all humans and respind and react to the same things in the same ways. It's called human nature. You sir are suggesting that in order to understand another human being or speak to their behavior and the causes, we must share their skin color. So I'll ask the question again in a different way in hopes you can grasp it, do you think blacks are different than the rest of humanity? Because that is exactly what you are suggesting.

How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.

Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.

Went right over your head I see. Maybe that was too complicated of a story for you to get the point. Just take my word for it. Unless you can magically grow up in the hood and black you cant understand where I am coming from or get a perspective on my experiences enough to pose a solution.
so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.

I am glad you shared that. Its a good starting point. Imagine what you experienced being magnified by 10 and for your whole life since you were a child because you couldn't cover or hide the fact you were a vet? Those promotions you missed would have not have even been something there to miss because the job would not have even been offered. What bad attitudes would you wind up teaching your children if you were not aware it was harmful to teach them? Thats a very tiny part of the complex picture that makes up the problems in the Black community.
Those in power have learned that there must be conflict so that the average person has to look for answers. If Rev. Al Sharpton and others like him actually sought racial peace, and it was realized, then what purpose would they serve any longer? If there continues to be racial discrimination, then people will ask for answers, and those who claim to have the answers (Sharpton) will always have power over those seeking them.

Dam Al Sharpton! All he has to do is seek racial peace but he wont because he wouldn't have anything to do. Thanks rrb017!

Al does it to make money, gain power and to feed his ego. Race is just the delivery device he uses.

Al can change the minds of the world but he likes money more! Its all Al fault! I'm serious because I saw a picture of Al Sharpton in the 16th century stoking racial division too!
I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.

I am glad you shared that. Its a good starting point. Imagine what you experienced being magnified by 10 and for your whole life since you were a child because you couldn't cover or hide the fact you were a vet? Those promotions you missed would have not have even been something there to miss because the job would not have even been offered. What bad attitudes would you wind up teaching your children if you were not aware it was harmful to teach them? Thats a very tiny part of the complex picture that makes up the problems in the Black community.

Ever notice that a LOT of your most successful Black kids have Military Parent(s)?

I grew up in a place that didn't have a single Black person in my School. Not one.

I went in the Army right of High School and the only color the Army sees is Olive Drab.

My Father was about the same way. He was no Angel but he wasn't racially prejudiced.

I don't understand prejudice. I don't get it.

I do, however, understand a conditioned reflex.

Is that a prejudice? I think not.

If Blacks really do (and they do) commit crimes and murders at rates that dwarf what Whites do, don't you think somebody needs to address that?

And since 'White' people aren't allowed to without being called racist pigs, then the responsibility falls to the Leaders in the Black Community.

And I don't see that happening. Beginning with the scumbag-in-chief (look, sorry the first 'Black' president had to be a scumbag but -- He is. Deal with it) Nobody is actually doing much for Blacks other than throw a few lousy stinking bucks at them and make them even more resentful.

I believe it's time we start looking at the real cause of problems in the Black community and be prepared for what we find.

It ain't gonna be pretty. But if we don't search for, find and correct the problems...... The REAL problems, then this is all going to end very badly. It's time to take responsibility. Time to man-up before this gets out of control

It's already headed in that direction.
Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.

I am glad you shared that. Its a good starting point. Imagine what you experienced being magnified by 10 and for your whole life since you were a child because you couldn't cover or hide the fact you were a vet? Those promotions you missed would have not have even been something there to miss because the job would not have even been offered. What bad attitudes would you wind up teaching your children if you were not aware it was harmful to teach them? Thats a very tiny part of the complex picture that makes up the problems in the Black community.

Ever notice that a LOT of your most successful Black kids have Military Parent(s)?

I grew up in a place that didn't have a single Black person in my School. Not one.

I went in the Army right of High School and the only color the Army sees is Olive Drab.

My Father was about the same way. He was no Angel but he wasn't racially prejudiced.

I don't understand prejudice. I don't get it.

I do, however, understand a conditioned reflex.

Is that a prejudice? I think not.

If Blacks really do (and they do) commit crimes and murders at rates that dwarf what Whites do, don't you think somebody needs to address that?

And since 'White' people aren't allowed to without being called racist pigs, then the responsibility falls to the Leaders in the Black Community.

And I don't see that happening. Beginning with the scumbag-in-chief (look, sorry the first 'Black' president had to be a scumbag but -- He is. Deal with it) Nobody is actually doing much for Blacks other than throw a few lousy stinking bucks at them and make them even more resentful.

I believe it's time we start looking at the real cause of problems in the Black community and be prepared for what we find.

It ain't gonna be pretty. But if we don't search for, find and correct the problems...... The REAL problems, then this is all going to end very badly. It's time to take responsibility. Time to man-up before this gets out of control

It's already headed in that direction.

Is it not amazing that a lot of successful black grow up in an environment that has little to no racial prejudice? That might be a clue for you to pursue wouldn't you think? Actually whites commit more crimes than any racial group but thats not the point. My point is how is the group responsible for causing a lot of the issues in the Black community going to have the nerve to try and dictate what should be done in the Black community? We got this. You dont need to see anything because we dont report to you. We dont need you to hold our hand until you clean up your dirt first. Then you can come from a position of offering a viable solution. I dont think whites are necessarily racist for it but they are clueless and preachy it seems.
How does that translate to me thinking black people are subhuman? Those were your words not mine. My world view is probably much more enlightened than yours since I have traveled to almost every country in it. Don't attempt to tell me what I'm suggesting. The correct method would be to ask for clarification. Now I will answer your question in a way that will enable you to process it correctly. My wife grew up in a high middle class family. I sometimes had to go without lunch or breakfast. She cant understand why I love looking at food in the refrigerator. She has no frame of reference. White people have no frame of reference to be able to dictate to me how to solve problems in a black neighborhood.

Of course they do. Your experience has nothing to do with the color of your skin. People of every ethnicity around the world have shared in the same kind of experience you have. We are all human. Only small minds see it in terms of color.

Went right over your head I see. Maybe that was too complicated of a story for you to get the point. Just take my word for it. Unless you can magically grow up in the hood and black you cant understand where I am coming from or get a perspective on my experiences enough to pose a solution.

Son, I get exactly what you're trying to say, I just reject it for the bullshit it is. The solution for a person of any race to succeed in America isn't a secret. The solution is the same for everyone once they get past believing that their ethnicity or location makes them special or different from the rest of the human race.
If you don't know employment discrination and other kinds is overwhelmingly white on black, you're fooling yourself. They're often forced into the ghettos to survive...
Dam Al Sharpton! All he has to do is seek racial peace but he wont because he wouldn't have anything to do. Thanks rrb017!

Al does it to make money, gain power and to feed his ego. Race is just the delivery device he uses.

Al can change the minds of the world but he likes money more! Its all Al fault! I'm serious because I saw a picture of Al Sharpton in the 16th century stoking racial division too!

Does your remedial reading teacher know you're using the junior high computer lab to post to the internet instead of doing your work?
Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.

I am glad you shared that. Its a good starting point. Imagine what you experienced being magnified by 10 and for your whole life since you were a child because you couldn't cover or hide the fact you were a vet? Those promotions you missed would have not have even been something there to miss because the job would not have even been offered. What bad attitudes would you wind up teaching your children if you were not aware it was harmful to teach them? Thats a very tiny part of the complex picture that makes up the problems in the Black community.

Ever notice that a LOT of your most successful Black kids have Military Parent(s)?

I grew up in a place that didn't have a single Black person in my School. Not one.

I went in the Army right of High School and the only color the Army sees is Olive Drab.

My Father was about the same way. He was no Angel but he wasn't racially prejudiced.

I don't understand prejudice. I don't get it.

I do, however, understand a conditioned reflex.

Is that a prejudice? I think not.

If Blacks really do (and they do) commit crimes and murders at rates that dwarf what Whites do, don't you think somebody needs to address that?

And since 'White' people aren't allowed to without being called racist pigs, then the responsibility falls to the Leaders in the Black Community.

And I don't see that happening. Beginning with the scumbag-in-chief (look, sorry the first 'Black' president had to be a scumbag but -- He is. Deal with it) Nobody is actually doing much for Blacks other than throw a few lousy stinking bucks at them and make them even more resentful.

I believe it's time we start looking at the real cause of problems in the Black community and be prepared for what we find.

It ain't gonna be pretty. But if we don't search for, find and correct the problems...... The REAL problems, then this is all going to end very badly. It's time to take responsibility. Time to man-up before this gets out of control

It's already headed in that direction.

A very good post sir and I salute your service to this country but to be real the main problem with the black community is government.

From slavery,Jim crow, section 8 housing,and the one of the most racist policy ever to be conceived the war on drugs.

And to be honest with y'all until we get the US government off the back of the Black community it will continue to go on this self-destructive path
I am glad you shared that. Its a good starting point. Imagine what you experienced being magnified by 10 and for your whole life since you were a child because you couldn't cover or hide the fact you were a vet? Those promotions you missed would have not have even been something there to miss because the job would not have even been offered. What bad attitudes would you wind up teaching your children if you were not aware it was harmful to teach them? Thats a very tiny part of the complex picture that makes up the problems in the Black community.

Ever notice that a LOT of your most successful Black kids have Military Parent(s)?

I grew up in a place that didn't have a single Black person in my School. Not one.

I went in the Army right of High School and the only color the Army sees is Olive Drab.

My Father was about the same way. He was no Angel but he wasn't racially prejudiced.

I don't understand prejudice. I don't get it.

I do, however, understand a conditioned reflex.

Is that a prejudice? I think not.

If Blacks really do (and they do) commit crimes and murders at rates that dwarf what Whites do, don't you think somebody needs to address that?

And since 'White' people aren't allowed to without being called racist pigs, then the responsibility falls to the Leaders in the Black Community.

And I don't see that happening. Beginning with the scumbag-in-chief (look, sorry the first 'Black' president had to be a scumbag but -- He is. Deal with it) Nobody is actually doing much for Blacks other than throw a few lousy stinking bucks at them and make them even more resentful.

I believe it's time we start looking at the real cause of problems in the Black community and be prepared for what we find.

It ain't gonna be pretty. But if we don't search for, find and correct the problems...... The REAL problems, then this is all going to end very badly. It's time to take responsibility. Time to man-up before this gets out of control

It's already headed in that direction.

Is it not amazing that a lot of successful black grow up in an environment that has little to no racial prejudice? That might be a clue for you to pursue wouldn't you think? Actually whites commit more crimes than any racial group but thats not the point. My point is how is the group responsible for causing a lot of the issues in the Black community going to have the nerve to try and dictate what should be done in the Black community? We got this. You dont need to see anything because we dont report to you. We dont need you to hold our hand until you clean up your dirt first. Then you can come from a position of offering a viable solution. I dont think whites are necessarily racist for it but they are clueless and preachy it seems.

Ever notice that a LOT of your most successful Black kids have Military Parent(s)?

I grew up in a place that didn't have a single Black person in my School. Not one.

I went in the Army right of High School and the only color the Army sees is Olive Drab.

My Father was about the same way. He was no Angel but he wasn't racially prejudiced.

I don't understand prejudice. I don't get it.

I do, however, understand a conditioned reflex.

Is that a prejudice? I think not.

If Blacks really do (and they do) commit crimes and murders at rates that dwarf what Whites do, don't you think somebody needs to address that?

And since 'White' people aren't allowed to without being called racist pigs, then the responsibility falls to the Leaders in the Black Community.

And I don't see that happening. Beginning with the scumbag-in-chief (look, sorry the first 'Black' president had to be a scumbag but -- He is. Deal with it) Nobody is actually doing much for Blacks other than throw a few lousy stinking bucks at them and make them even more resentful.

I believe it's time we start looking at the real cause of problems in the Black community and be prepared for what we find.

It ain't gonna be pretty. But if we don't search for, find and correct the problems...... The REAL problems, then this is all going to end very badly. It's time to take responsibility. Time to man-up before this gets out of control

It's already headed in that direction.

Is it not amazing that a lot of successful black grow up in an environment that has little to no racial prejudice? That might be a clue for you to pursue wouldn't you think? Actually whites commit more crimes than any racial group but thats not the point. My point is how is the group responsible for causing a lot of the issues in the Black community going to have the nerve to try and dictate what should be done in the Black community? We got this. You dont need to see anything because we dont report to you. We dont need you to hold our hand until you clean up your dirt first. Then you can come from a position of offering a viable solution. I dont think whites are necessarily racist for it but they are clueless and preachy it seems.


Thats exactly what I would say if I had no clue how to respond.
I have plenty of ideas on how to respond. It's just that I don't want to get involved in a typical libturd circular argument with another faux intellectual libturd.

I know exactly where you're coming from and I know that you're part of the problem.

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