Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Someone has to tell the truth once in a while. Pat Buchanan elected himself. It's not like the kinds of crimes and the frequency of those crimes committed by black people are going unnoticed.
True, but as long as those like this Asclepias descend into racial animous, there is little use talking to them about it. Buchanan has the right of it, and he is better for publishing this information. I am done talking to people who show their prejudices whenever someone questions problems that arise in this country.
Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.
A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

You must be functionally illiterate. Buchanan is white and has never been black so how can he possible speak to the reasons why something is ongoing in a black community? Thats like me trying to tell you I know why white people put potato chips in their macaroni and cheese. Anyone that tells you they know the answers to your issues but have never walked in your shoes is grandstanding for another audience.


It is easier to stand by, without emotional attachment, and make pragmatic observations than it is to be in the middle of something and try to dispassionately discuss it.

You can't.

But Buchanan IS involved, so I'm not saying he should be any more correct or incorrect than you are.

But he is. More correct, I mean.

All you're interested in is making excuses and casting blame.

Like all dimocraps, nothing is ever your fault. The Prisons are full of innocent men and the dimocrap party is full of beautiful losers.

Race Hustlers and the other scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't interested in finding a solution to whatever you perceive is the problem. Which only exists because you allow it to exist.

The scumbags in the dimocrap arty want to make the problem worse. It's how they get votes.

the dimocrap party is a coalition of victim groups.... Blacks, wimmins, gays, Jews (shrinking) and any other group they can convince has been victimized. Especially the poor. Most of whom are just stupid or lazy, or both.

Unless you want to be a permanent victim, which is fine with me, I suggest you start doing some thinking and analyzing on your own. I sense a faint amount of hope left in you.

It won't be there forever. Once you start down that road, that 'victim highway, you're done forever. It's all you'll ever be

A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

You must be functionally illiterate. Buchanan is white and has never been black so how can he possible speak to the reasons why something is ongoing in a black community? Thats like me trying to tell you I know why white people put potato chips in their macaroni and cheese. Anyone that tells you they know the answers to your issues but have never walked in your shoes is grandstanding for another audience.
For the same reason that he or anyone can speak about anything. Its called studying and learning. I don't have to be a molecule of water to know that I'll get wet in a swimming pool.

I find that your ignorance and prejudice particularly nasty. Do as I suggest and seek help for your hatred. It will only tear you apart.

Say goodbye.

Just because someone speaks about something doesn't mean they know anything. Look at you. I suggest that you do as I am instructing you to do. Go learn about Black communities besides what you experience in one facet of life before you try to speak to any issues. You'll find that you and Buchanan dont know anything about our communities.
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Someone has to tell the truth once in a while. Pat Buchanan elected himself. It's not like the kinds of crimes and the frequency of those crimes committed by black people are going unnoticed.
True, but as long as those like this Asclepias descend into racial animous, there is little use talking to them about it. Buchanan has the right of it, and he is better for publishing this information. I am done talking to people who show their prejudices whenever someone questions problems that arise in this country.

I'm quite capable of discussing an issue but if you come with this holier than thou attitude I will tell you where to shove it.
A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

You must be functionally illiterate. Buchanan is white and has never been black so how can he possible speak to the reasons why something is ongoing in a black community? Thats like me trying to tell you I know why white people put potato chips in their macaroni and cheese. Anyone that tells you they know the answers to your issues but have never walked in your shoes is grandstanding for another audience.


It is easier to stand by, without emotional attachment, and make pragmatic observations than it is to be in the middle of something and try to dispassionately discuss it.

You can't.

But Buchanan IS involved, so I'm not saying he should be any more correct or incorrect than you are.

But he is. More correct, I mean.

All you're interested in is making excuses and casting blame.

Like all dimocraps, nothing is ever your fault. The Prisons are full of innocent men and the dimocrap party is full of beautiful losers.

Race Hustlers and the other scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't interested in finding a solution to whatever you perceive is the problem. Which only exists because you allow it to exist.

The scumbags in the dimocrap arty want to make the problem worse. It's how they get votes.

the dimocrap party is a coalition of victim groups.... Blacks, wimmins, gays, Jews (shrinking) and any other group they can convince has been victimized. Especially the poor. Most of whom are just stupid or lazy, or both.

Unless you want to be a permanent victim, which is fine with me, I suggest you start doing some thinking and analyzing on your own. I sense a faint amount of hope left in you.

It won't be there forever. Once you start down that road, that 'victim highway, you're done forever. It's all you'll ever be


You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.
You must be functionally illiterate. Buchanan is white and has never been black so how can he possible speak to the reasons why something is ongoing in a black community? Thats like me trying to tell you I know why white people put potato chips in their macaroni and cheese. Anyone that tells you they know the answers to your issues but have never walked in your shoes is grandstanding for another audience.


It is easier to stand by, without emotional attachment, and make pragmatic observations than it is to be in the middle of something and try to dispassionately discuss it.

You can't.

But Buchanan IS involved, so I'm not saying he should be any more correct or incorrect than you are.

But he is. More correct, I mean.

All you're interested in is making excuses and casting blame.

Like all dimocraps, nothing is ever your fault. The Prisons are full of innocent men and the dimocrap party is full of beautiful losers.

Race Hustlers and the other scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't interested in finding a solution to whatever you perceive is the problem. Which only exists because you allow it to exist.

The scumbags in the dimocrap arty want to make the problem worse. It's how they get votes.

the dimocrap party is a coalition of victim groups.... Blacks, wimmins, gays, Jews (shrinking) and any other group they can convince has been victimized. Especially the poor. Most of whom are just stupid or lazy, or both.

Unless you want to be a permanent victim, which is fine with me, I suggest you start doing some thinking and analyzing on your own. I sense a faint amount of hope left in you.

It won't be there forever. Once you start down that road, that 'victim highway, you're done forever. It's all you'll ever be


You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

It is easier to stand by, without emotional attachment, and make pragmatic observations than it is to be in the middle of something and try to dispassionately discuss it.

You can't.

But Buchanan IS involved, so I'm not saying he should be any more correct or incorrect than you are.

But he is. More correct, I mean.

All you're interested in is making excuses and casting blame.

Like all dimocraps, nothing is ever your fault. The Prisons are full of innocent men and the dimocrap party is full of beautiful losers.

Race Hustlers and the other scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't interested in finding a solution to whatever you perceive is the problem. Which only exists because you allow it to exist.

The scumbags in the dimocrap arty want to make the problem worse. It's how they get votes.

the dimocrap party is a coalition of victim groups.... Blacks, wimmins, gays, Jews (shrinking) and any other group they can convince has been victimized. Especially the poor. Most of whom are just stupid or lazy, or both.

Unless you want to be a permanent victim, which is fine with me, I suggest you start doing some thinking and analyzing on your own. I sense a faint amount of hope left in you.

It won't be there forever. Once you start down that road, that 'victim highway, you're done forever. It's all you'll ever be


You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:
He's bitching about the chip he's been carrying on his shoulder.

It is easier to stand by, without emotional attachment, and make pragmatic observations than it is to be in the middle of something and try to dispassionately discuss it.

You can't.

But Buchanan IS involved, so I'm not saying he should be any more correct or incorrect than you are.

But he is. More correct, I mean.

All you're interested in is making excuses and casting blame.

Like all dimocraps, nothing is ever your fault. The Prisons are full of innocent men and the dimocrap party is full of beautiful losers.

Race Hustlers and the other scumbags in the dimocrap party aren't interested in finding a solution to whatever you perceive is the problem. Which only exists because you allow it to exist.

The scumbags in the dimocrap arty want to make the problem worse. It's how they get votes.

the dimocrap party is a coalition of victim groups.... Blacks, wimmins, gays, Jews (shrinking) and any other group they can convince has been victimized. Especially the poor. Most of whom are just stupid or lazy, or both.

Unless you want to be a permanent victim, which is fine with me, I suggest you start doing some thinking and analyzing on your own. I sense a faint amount of hope left in you.

It won't be there forever. Once you start down that road, that 'victim highway, you're done forever. It's all you'll ever be


You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.
You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

What, you have to be black to know that black-on-black violence, high illiteracy and 75% of children born out of wedlock are issues?

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

What, you have to be black to know that black-on-black violence, high illiteracy and 75% of children born out of wedlock are issues?


Sure but why isn't he focused on white people high divorce rate, high domestic violence, serial murders and child pornography? Because those aren't problems or he cares more for blacks?
Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

What, you have to be black to know that black-on-black violence, high illiteracy and 75% of children born out of wedlock are issues?


Anyone can see those are issues. However, him pointing it out is hypocritical. Look at all the crap that goes on in white communities. He can get on his soap box after he cleans his own community.
The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

who do you think should comment?

Louis Farrakhan?
someone you agree with only?

He's serving up the same racist memes that play well with racist folks.

That's the sort of thing that gets him into trouble.

And for the most part, it's fiction.
Then you agree with Buchanan? He addressed the root causes of violence and decay in the black community. As usual, however, the baiters here at USMB decided to make it about race and not about the moral decline found in the black community.

If the NAACP wanted to actually do something about social injustice, they would begin by addressing those values and policies that take away from FAMILY, community, church, and school. When these institutions break down, you get animals like the ones that shot this Aussie.

You won't find any of the usual suspects on this forum addressing those issues.

Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.
A more ignorant statement could not be made.

One does not have to be black to see the problems in the black community. No more than one has to be white to see the problems in the white community.

I suggest you step off and go find a perspective for your hatred and then seek counseling before it eats you alive.

It's one thing to actually do your research first hand and another thing entirely to regurgitate the same old tired fictions that have been around for centuries.

Buchanan's insights on politics are valuable because he's actually worked in the field.

On race? Not so much.
You are flat out wrong about so much in your post. I'm very capable of looking at a the issue and finding out what the cause is. I'm even better because I have intimate knowledge of a lifetime and not just a passing hobby. I dont make excuses I speak facts. If I was an excuse maker i would be in jail right now however, I am a successful business owner.

Then what are you bitching about? :dunno:

Not bitching. Just laughing at the presumption Buchanan knows what ails the black community.

OK then

nothing ails the black community

stop bitching
OK then

nothing ails the black community

stop bitching

Sorry I forgot to put in a smilie face. I already told you I'm laughing not bitching. :lol:

so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?
Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.

So are you saying that blacks are sub-human? That they are different than all the rest of the people on earth? Interesting approach. Wrong. but interesting.

Are you saying whites are sub-human? Pretty interesting how you got that out of my post.

My, my, but you certainly have a very limited world view. We are all humans and respond and react to the same things in the same ways. It's called human nature. You sir are suggesting that in order to understand another human being or speak to their behavior and the causes, we must share their skin color. So I'll ask the question again in a different way in hopes you can grasp it, do you think blacks are different than the rest of humanity? Because that is exactly what you are suggesting.
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someone has to tell the truth once in a while. Pat buchanan elected himself. It's not like the kinds of crimes and the frequency of those crimes committed by black people are going unnoticed.
true, but as long as those like this asclepias descend into racial animous, there is little use talking to them about it. Buchanan has the right of it, and he is better for publishing this information. I am done talking to people who show their prejudices whenever someone questions problems that arise in this country.

i'm quite capable of discussing an issue but if you come with this holier than thou attitude i will tell you where to shove it.


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