Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

:lol: Yeah sure, living in fear of pathetic wannabe Racist 'Revolutionaries.' Like i said, whenever they feel like bringing their beret-wearing asses my way, i'll be fully prepared to meet the challenge. But i'm pretty sure they're far too lazy & incompetent for me to ever worry about such a confrontation. They're very bad 'Kill Whitey' Revolutionaries. Probably time to stop embarrassing themselves and disband. They're just not very good at their job.

I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:

Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

If killing whitey is the ambition of the Black Panthers, NAACP president Ben Jealous must be or at least should be mortally afraid.

That phony dude masquarading as 'black' is whiter than snowbird that spent two weeks in Florida.
Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.

I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

They are! Haven't you noticed the asymetical warfare against unarmed joggers, elderly veterans, 13 year olds who refuse to take drugs, 99 year old women, 13 month old babies Those are all the enemies targeted for elimination.

Meanwhile, black leaders are lamenting that whites aren't accepting mass murder fast enough.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

who do you think should comment?

Louis Farrakhan?
someone you agree with only?
:lol: Yeah sure, living in fear of pathetic wannabe Racist 'Revolutionaries.' Like i said, whenever they feel like bringing their beret-wearing asses my way, i'll be fully prepared to meet the challenge. But i'm pretty sure they're far too lazy & incompetent for me to ever worry about such a confrontation. They're very bad 'Kill Whitey' Revolutionaries. Probably time to stop embarrassing themselves and disband. They're just not very good at their job.

I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:

Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

Did you read your post before you hit submit? I just said I did not realize they were still around so how could i worship them? You got it bad there buddy. No black panthers are coming to annihilate the white race. Stop going to Stormfront rallies for real.
I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:

Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

If killing whitey is the ambition of the Black Panthers, NAACP president Ben Jealous must be or at least should be mortally afraid.

That phony dude masquarading as 'black' is whiter than snowbird that spent two weeks in Florida.

They don't have ambition. They're very lazy incompetent Racist 'Revolutionaries.' And of course they're pussies too. They've had 40+yrs to start their 'Kill Whitey' Revolution. What the bleep are they waiting for? No one wants to hear their whining about how much they hate Whitey. It's so damn boring. Either step it up and start the 'Revolution', or just please STFU and go away already. :lol:
None of the attackers was white. One became white, like George Zimmerman became white. By a public declaration that he was white. This was necessary because the race baiters have to find some white guy to blame someplace.

The three, including the biracial boy who has suddenly become white, intended to join the Crips which doesn't allow in white people.


So this bi-racial murderous coward, chooses to be BLACK for purposes of killing a WHITE to get in a all-BLACK gang, but he has to be WHITE to palliate Democrats who are embarrassed by their BLACK constituency.

No doubt about the murderous cowards who beat to death an 88 year old WWII veteran.

Looks like they have formed little terrorists cells and are going about the country avenging the martyr Trayvon Martin.

Homeland Security and the Justice Department ought to look into it.

They don't have to. The secret white vigilante militias will retaliate one way or another!
Ahhh yes, evenutally we will return to the good ol days when strange fruit was a hanging from the trees; The American Taliban is a 'pining for the days before the term Pick a ****** evolved into the term Picnic. Yesiree, them was the good ol' days!

sounds like you fear a well deserved backlash
I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:

Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

Did you read your post before you hit submit? I just said I did not realize they were still around so how could i worship them? You got it bad there buddy. No black panthers are coming to annihilate the white race. Stop going to Stormfront rallies for real.

Contact em, see if they'll send you your own personal gay French beret. Maybe sow your name on it or something. Like the Mickey Mouse Club. Enjoy.
Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

Did you read your post before you hit submit? I just said I did not realize they were still around so how could i worship them? You got it bad there buddy. No black panthers are coming to annihilate the white race. Stop going to Stormfront rallies for real.

Contact em, see if they'll send you your own personal gay French beret. Maybe sow your name on it or something. Like the Mickey Mouse Club. Enjoy.

You dont have to worry about me. The only way i would hurt you is if you showed up at my door and said "bring it" one time too many. Be careful with those MRE's. They cant stop you up! :lol:
The FBI crime stats may or may not be accurate. The FBI doesn't know because they simply gather the data reported to them from agencies like the Sanford Florida Police Dept.

For all we know those Black on White crime statistics could be false. After all , the public would have no way of verifiying the data. Until we do, I will forgo aknowledging any facts based upon dubious crime statistics dissimenated and publicized by the de facto sworn enemies of Black people: The police! I know...I was a police officer for 20 years!
Sorry, but your 'experience' is anecdotal and provincial. Most black areas are majority black with black city officials and police :eusa_shhh:

No, my experience is empirical and reinforced by observing repeated racist acts by fellow White officers. But it did not stop there. The entire justice system has been harsher on Blacks than Whites accused of the same crimes..

Large numbers Black police officers are probably most visible in Washington, D.C. Other large metropolitan areas not so much! If I were to accept Right Wing rhetoric, I would have to wonder where all those “qualified” black cops came from since Affirmative Action is no longer mandated by most states and local governments.. If what you say is true, Blacks must be doing better on the tests!

didn't Holder demand lowering standards on police tests so blacks could pass them?
Did you read your post before you hit submit? I just said I did not realize they were still around so how could i worship them? You got it bad there buddy. No black panthers are coming to annihilate the white race. Stop going to Stormfront rallies for real.

Contact em, see if they'll send you your own personal gay French beret. Maybe sow your name on it or something. Like the Mickey Mouse Club. Enjoy.

You dont have to worry about me. The only way i would hurt you is if you showed up at my door and said "bring it" one time too many. Be careful with those MRE's. They cant stop you up! :lol:

I don't worry. I simply respond accordingly. Take care. :)
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

Nonsense, Buchanan is no ‘messenger.’

He and other racist conservatives are attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists, by promoting the failed and hateful argument that ‘black culture’ is to blame for crimes committed by blacks.

Interesting how conservative dogma concerning ‘personal responsibility’ is abandoned when it comes to race.

so should we belive racists such as the NAACP, Sharpton, and others of that mindset that it's whitey's fault?
They don't have to. The secret white vigilante militias will retaliate one way or another!
Ahhh yes, evenutally we will return to the good ol days when strange fruit was a hanging from the trees; The American Taliban is a 'pining for the days before the term Pick a ****** evolved into the term Picnic. Yesiree, them was the good ol' days!

One of the finest liberal myths every created. Picnic come from the French.

Instead, the origin on the word picnic is French (piquenique) and was invented long before the atrocities towards blacks took place in America. This French word - piquenique - signifies an outing with food - similar to the word's meaning in English. At these piqueniques, the attendees would all bring food to the occasion, similar to what we call potlucks today. The outdoor concept of a picnic did not originate until the 19th century.

So, how did this word originate? We are unsure what the word pique actually means. There are two options: leisurely eating (picking) or a delicacy of food. Nique was selected since it rhymed with Pique.

Historians have found this French word in references outside of the French language as early as 1748 and into English by around 1800.
- See more at: Origin of the Word Picnic

Shhhh we don't want the truth circulating among liberals. They NEED their bedtime stories.

Horrors like these were no bedtime stories. The word Picnic may have originally started as you say, but it came to be associated with macabre family outings where Blacks were lynched. White murderers, with kids and wife in tow, joked and laughed while poor black souls were hanged, burned alive or worse. It was they who re-coined the word in that context as a sick joke. You won’t find it in the dictionary but it’s become a colloquial term that lives on in the minds of people who heard it framed in that context and who passed it on. Here is how one author puts it:

Ron Wallace: co-author of Black Wallstreet: said:
In my lectures I ask people if they understand where the word "picnic" comes from. It was typical to have a picnic on a Friday evening in Oklahoma. The word was short for "pick a ******" to lynch. They would lynch a Black male and cut off body parts as souvenirs. This went on every weekend in this country. That's where the term really came from.

so you are saying that white people carried ropes in their picinic baskets?

Yogi Bear was stealing ropes? :cuckoo:
Contact em, see if they'll send you your own personal gay French beret. Maybe sow your name on it or something. Like the Mickey Mouse Club. Enjoy.

You dont have to worry about me. The only way i would hurt you is if you showed up at my door and said "bring it" one time too many. Be careful with those MRE's. They cant stop you up! :lol:

I don't worry. I simply respond accordingly. Take care. :)

Oh you are worried. You just want to play tough over the internet. I'll see if I can tell the Black Panthers to spare you. :doubt:
They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point

My mother went to college with some of the original Panthers and they were all about protecting the community.

the best way for them to protect themselves would be to stay the fuck out of our community
Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point

My mother went to college with some of the original Panthers and they were all about protecting the community.

the best way for them to protect themselves would be to stay the fuck out of our community

They werent in your community. They were protecting ours.
You dont have to worry about me. The only way i would hurt you is if you showed up at my door and said "bring it" one time too many. Be careful with those MRE's. They cant stop you up! :lol:

I don't worry. I simply respond accordingly. Take care. :)

Oh you are worried. You just want to play tough over the internet. I'll see if I can tell the Black Panthers to spare you. :doubt:

Yes, please do. Contact em on their website. It's :lol: Like i said, 40+yrs and still no beloved 'Kill Whitey' Revolution. They're not only pussies, they're lazy and incompetent too. What are they waiting for? What the bleep is taking em so long? We've heard the whiny threats, now where's the action?

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