Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

One fact that cannot be ignored is the numbers and ugliness and extreme viciousness of Black on White crimes, or the numbers and ugliness, and yes the viciousness of Black on Black crime. Any honest discussion of race must openly acknowledge these facts

The FBI crime stats may or may not be accurate. The FBI doesn't know because they simply gather the data reported to them from agencies like the Sanford Florida Police Dept.

For all we know those Black on White crime statistics could be false. After all , the public would have no way of verifiying the data. Until we do, I will forgo aknowledging any facts based upon dubious crime statistics dissimenated and publicized by the de facto sworn enemies of Black people: The police! I know...I was a police officer for 20 years!
Sorry, but your 'experience' is anecdotal and provincial. Most black areas are majority black with black city officials and police :eusa_shhh:

No, my experience is empirical and reinforced by observing repeated racist acts by fellow White officers. But it did not stop there. The entire justice system has been harsher on Blacks than Whites accused of the same crimes..

Large numbers Black police officers are probably most visible in Washington, D.C. Other large metropolitan areas not so much! If I were to accept Right Wing rhetoric, I would have to wonder where all those “qualified” black cops came from since Affirmative Action is no longer mandated by most states and local governments.. If what you say is true, Blacks must be doing better on the tests!
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

Nonsense, Buchanan is no ‘messenger.’

He and other racist conservatives are attempting to contrive a controversy where none exists, by promoting the failed and hateful argument that ‘black culture’ is to blame for crimes committed by blacks.

Interesting how conservative dogma concerning ‘personal responsibility’ is abandoned when it comes to race.

So this bi-racial murderous coward, chooses to be BLACK for purposes of killing a WHITE to get in a all-BLACK gang, but he has to be WHITE to palliate Democrats who are embarrassed by their BLACK constituency.

No doubt about the murderous cowards who beat to death an 88 year old WWII veteran.

Looks like they have formed little terrorists cells and are going about the country avenging the martyr Trayvon Martin.

Homeland Security and the Justice Department ought to look into it.

They don't have to. The secret white vigilante militias will retaliate one way or another!
Ahhh yes, evenutally we will return to the good ol days when strange fruit was a hanging from the trees; The American Taliban is a 'pining for the days before the term Pick a ****** evolved into the term Picnic. Yesiree, them was the good ol' days!

One of the finest liberal myths every created. Picnic come from the French.

Instead, the origin on the word picnic is French (piquenique) and was invented long before the atrocities towards blacks took place in America. This French word - piquenique - signifies an outing with food - similar to the word's meaning in English. At these piqueniques, the attendees would all bring food to the occasion, similar to what we call potlucks today. The outdoor concept of a picnic did not originate until the 19th century.

So, how did this word originate? We are unsure what the word pique actually means. There are two options: leisurely eating (picking) or a delicacy of food. Nique was selected since it rhymed with Pique.

Historians have found this French word in references outside of the French language as early as 1748 and into English by around 1800.
- See more at: Origin of the Word Picnic

Shhhh we don't want the truth circulating among liberals. They NEED their bedtime stories.

Horrors like these were no bedtime stories. The word Picnic may have originally started as you say, but it came to be associated with macabre family outings where Blacks were lynched. White murderers, with kids and wife in tow, joked and laughed while poor black souls were hanged, burned alive or worse. It was they who re-coined the word in that context as a sick joke. You won’t find it in the dictionary but it’s become a colloquial term that lives on in the minds of people who heard it framed in that context and who passed it on. Here is how one author puts it:

Ron Wallace: co-author of Black Wallstreet: said:
In my lectures I ask people if they understand where the word "picnic" comes from. It was typical to have a picnic on a Friday evening in Oklahoma. The word was short for "pick a ******" to lynch. They would lynch a Black male and cut off body parts as souvenirs. This went on every weekend in this country. That's where the term really came from.
Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.

And thats exactly why whites commit more crime by a vast majority. Whites commit more murder than Blacks. Fix your issues then we can discuss your solutions and see if they worked.

What part of this fact are you having trouble with?

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

This reminds me of a case where a white murderer was being arraigned before a Black Judge. When asked how he plead he said, "GUILTY...but you are 7 times more likely to commit murder than I am so you ought take my place in prison and set me free."
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

How do you explain that given that there are enough black law enforcement officers to have their own 'association?'

Blacks in Law Enforcement of Amercia

Explain what?

You know any cops?
I like Pat Buchanan.... big tiime.

...and word on the street is Pat likes you, although probably not to a degree that one would classify as "big time", can't have everything. :)

"American’s greatest deficit is no longer found in the federal budget. It is a moral deficit, and it may be found in a polluted and poisoned culture that has become the great enemy within." -- Pat Buchanan
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

Buchanan is way out of touch. I hate when he speaks about race issues. He said that we should be thankful we we're brought to America because there is a better quality of life here compared to Africa. I just can't with this guy.

This sort of reminds me of the time when William Buckley and Mario Cuomo were going at it over race on PBS. Buckley said something like, "If blacks are having such a tough time in this country, they never should have come here in the first place" to which Cuomo retorted , "They didn't have a choice, they were dragged here in chains".

That really shut Buckley up.

Blacks are free to leave any time they want...
But the perks in this country are just too good to pass on I'm sure.
Especially when Democrats have such control of entitlements.
*99.9% of all economic non violent crimes committed against US citizens are committed by WHITE PEOPLE .

The reason for this is obvious.

WHITE Family values where the only thing the families really value is MONEY.

I blame their RELIGIOUS upbringing for this.

They WORSHIP MAMMON...usually the call him by another name, of course...they call him the invisible hand of the market,. but make no mistake about it, it's mammon they're really worshipping


*(that statistic? I made it up)
Blacks are free to leave any time they want...
But the perks in this country are just too good to pass on I'm sure.
Especially when Democrats have such control of entitlements.

Whites are free to leave as well. Blacks built this country. Why would we leave all the fruits of that hard work to you?
There are other very disturbing stats as well. Such as Black on Hispanic Crime, Black on Asian Crime etc etc...Those stats show the same results. So what's going on in the African American Community? Why all the violence?
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

And yet the actual FACTS say you are as usual, full of bullshit and denial.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

Yesssss.....because speaking truth to power and shining a little light in the darkness doesn't fit the progressive agenda. :eusa_whistle:
I totally agree with most of what you said however you totally disregarded the fact that one of the kids was white and another half white. I'm really curious as to how you guys seem to totally miss the fact that the NAACP addresses legal injustices. Did you even read what they do before posting?

They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.

Justice is justice with no regard to color. Defending the guilty as inncoent because of the color of their skin (black) is just as bad as ignoring the criminal act because of the color of their skin (black). If the NAACP wants to be effective, then they need to condemn the bad actors as well as defend those who might be getting a raw deal. They do not. Trayvon got himself killed by physically attacking a person who ultimately defended himself. Lane was murdered in cold blood simply because the kids were bored and thought it would be fun. How hard is it to find something to condemn there and address the issues within your race community you advocate for?
They've lost quite a bit of credibility in recent years. They seem to have allowed militant Racists to seize control of the organization. They've become everything Martin Luther King would not have wanted. They hate and divide. They do not unite the races.

The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.

Justice is justice with no regard to color. Defending the guilty as inncoent because of the color of their skin (black) is just as bad as ignoring the criminal act because of the color of their skin (black). If the NAACP wants to be effective, then they need to condemn the bad actors as well as defend those who might be getting a raw deal. They do not. Trayvon got himself killed by physically attacking a person who ultimately defended himself. Lane was murdered in cold blood simply because the kids were bored and thought it would be fun. How hard is it to find something to condemn there and address the issues within your race community you advocate for?

Maybe you should read about what they do. Thats not really their job description. They speak out on injustices in the legal system. You should educate yourself on what the function of the NAACP is.
Blacks are free to leave any time they want...
But the perks in this country are just too good to pass on I'm sure.
Especially when Democrats have such control of entitlements.

Whites are free to leave as well. Blacks built this country. Why would we leave all the fruits of that hard work to you?

Wanna make it racial, bitch? Let's make it racial.

The Horse contributed more to building this Country than did Black people.

Meanwhile, another one of obama's sons ends up in the most popular destination for Black kids in the World... Behind bars

Second Suspect In Brutal Beating Death of 88-Year-Old WWII Vet Delbert Belton Arrested…


"if I could have stayed out of prison, I might have been president some day like my cult hero obammy"

Awesome news.


The second suspect in the beating death of an 88-year-old WWII veteran has been arrested.

Police say they arrested 16-year-old Kenan Adams-Kinard just after 3 a.m. on Monday morning in connection with the murder of Delbert Belton.

He was found in a basement apartment at 500 West Montgomery in Spokane and arrested without incident.

Police say good investigative work and follow up on dozens of tips help lead to the apprehension of the suspect.

Adams-Kinard was arrested on a First-Degree Robbery and First-Degree Murder warrant. Several other people with him have been arrested for rendering criminal assistance.

Last week, police arrested 16-year-old Demetrius Glenn in connection with the murder. He was charged with First-Degree Murder and First-Degree Robbery.

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