Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Buchanon tells thing as he sees them. He is very articulate, polemic and obviously bright. H is also often spot on, but the political correctness now in vogue successfully paints him as a radical. Things may soon become different in the Age of Obama.

So this bi-racial murderous coward, chooses to be BLACK for purposes of killing a WHITE to get in a all-BLACK gang, but he has to be WHITE to palliate Democrats who are embarrassed by their BLACK constituency.

No doubt about the murderous cowards who beat to death an 88 year old WWII veteran.

Looks like they have formed little terrorists cells and are going about the country avenging the martyr Trayvon Martin.

Homeland Security and the Justice Department ought to look into it.

They don't have to. The secret white vigilante militias will retaliate one way or another!
Ahhh yes, evenutally we will return to the good ol days when strange fruit was a hanging from the trees; The American Taliban is a 'pining for the days before the term Pick a ****** evolved into the term Picnic. Yesiree, them was the good ol' days!

One of the finest liberal myths every created. Picnic come from the French.

Instead, the origin on the word picnic is French (piquenique) and was invented long before the atrocities towards blacks took place in America. This French word - piquenique - signifies an outing with food - similar to the word's meaning in English. At these piqueniques, the attendees would all bring food to the occasion, similar to what we call potlucks today. The outdoor concept of a picnic did not originate until the 19th century.

So, how did this word originate? We are unsure what the word pique actually means. There are two options: leisurely eating (picking) or a delicacy of food. Nique was selected since it rhymed with Pique.

Historians have found this French word in references outside of the French language as early as 1748 and into English by around 1800.
- See more at: Origin of the Word Picnic

Shhhh we don't want the truth circulating among liberals. They NEED their bedtime stories.

I guess the crackers back then were justing practicing their french when they said lets have a picnic and started hanging Blacks while they sat back and had a cookout?
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The FBI crime stats may or may not be accurate. The FBI doesn't know because they simply gather the dagta reported to them from agencies like the Sanford Florida Police Dept

For all we know those Black on White crime statistics could be false. After al , the public would have no way of verifiying the data. Until we do, I will forgo aknowledging any facts based upon dubious crime statistics dissimenated and publicized by the de facto sworn enemies of Black people: The police! I know...I was a police officer for 20 years

That's cool. But the current accepted stats do prove conclusively that Black-on-White Crime is far more prevalent than White-on-Black Crime. Also,

Accepting stats that you cannot personally verify from a government agency or any where else is foolish. But even then the data is less alarming than sensationalists wih an agenda make it out to be. The 2010 FBI crime report indicates that around 500+ whites were killed by Blacks while 200+ Blacks were killed by Whites. Some of those homicides in either statistic were undoubtedly justified. Before we jump to conslusions wouldn't it be prudent to investigate the reason for those homicides? Perhaps several white thugs were killed by black cops... or Black homeowners killed racist whites trying to protect their families from cross burners. BTW, I do not condone the behavior of Black thugs any more than I do that of White thugs. ALso most White victims of murder are killed by Whites as are most Black murder victims killed by Black perps.

if you're a black person in this country, the stats say you will most likely be victimized by another black person. White-on-Black Crime is almost nonexistent at this point.

See my above paragraph, it might enlighten you!

We're not just talking about murders. We're talking about crime stats overall. And the stats show by a long shot that Black-on-White Crime is far more prevalent then White-on-Black Crime. White-on-Black Crime is almost nonexistent at this point. And there are other stats that would be just as shocking. Such as Black-on-Hispanic Crime, Black-on-Asian Crime etc etc...

So this bi-racial murderous coward, chooses to be BLACK for purposes of killing a WHITE to get in a all-BLACK gang, but he has to be WHITE to palliate Democrats who are embarrassed by their BLACK constituency.

No doubt about the murderous cowards who beat to death an 88 year old WWII veteran.

Looks like they have formed little terrorists cells and are going about the country avenging the martyr Trayvon Martin.

Homeland Security and the Justice Department ought to look into it.

They don't have to. The secret white vigilante militias will retaliate one way or another!
Ahhh yes, evenutally we will return to the good ol days when strange fruit was a hanging from the trees; The American Taliban is a 'pining for the days before the term Pick a ****** evolved into the term Picnic. Yesiree, them was the good ol' days!

I doubt that will happen. A more likely scenario is that rampant Black-on-White Crime will continue to rise. Too many so-called 'Leaders' have chosen the path of incitement. The current reality is that there are no hordes of rabid KKK folk roaming the streets hunting black people. If anything, the reverse could be true. Looks like White People are being hunted. It's very sad.

I don't think B on W homicide will continue to rise. Its already declining. 500+ White deaths by black perps in 2010 and 200 Black deaths by Whites in the same year.
These very small numbers are driving White fear of Black violence in this country.

Decent people; Black or White, are being hunted by those who have nothing! Povery and addictions can turn people into predators that hunt and prey upon those who appear to have money or valuables. Still, there are others who are just plain evil and kill just for the sport... regardless of race. The latter perps are rare but they are out there. For the former?
Those who have some semblence of wealth may find it in their best interests to do what they must to fight poverty in every sector. Only then can fear start to subside and the journey to universal peace begin! ANd that is when the real crime becomes more noticeable: Crimes perpetrated by the likes of Bernie Madoff.
I agree with you. Blaming crime on skin color or ethnic origin is what Hitler did to demonize the Jews.

Much of American culture celebrates violence. Start there

Violence AND ignorance, not to mention our beloved Federal Government is the worlds largest purveyor of violence (as well as in the top 5 of global arms dealers), Our society also tends to use violence as the first tool of behavior modification (i.e. uses violence in a vain attempt to deter violence).

That being said IMHO the most obvious root causes are chronic poverty coupled with drug prohibition.

the correlation of chronic poverty and crime is no case for causation. the drug prohibition argument addresses a particular area of crime and sentencing, not the root causes of crime itself, and particularly violent crime.
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One fact that cannot be ignored is the numbers and ugliness and extreme viciousness of Black on White crimes, or the numbers and ugliness, and yes the viciousness of Black on Black crime. Any honest discussion of race must openly acknowledge these facts

The FBI crime stats may or may not be accurate. The FBI doesn't know because they simply gather the data reported to them from agencies like the Sanford Florida Police Dept.

For all we know those Black on White crime statistics could be false. After all , the public would have no way of verifiying the data. Until we do, I will forgo aknowledging any facts based upon dubious crime statistics dissimenated and publicized by the de facto sworn enemies of Black people: The police! I know...I was a police officer for 20 years!

Sorry, but your 'experience' is anecdotal and provincial. Most black areas are majority black with black city officials and police :eusa_shhh:
The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

That's not really Buchanan's approach, if you read his latest "Suicide of a Superpower" he continues with his favorite line of inquiry which is American Culture and his analysis of it, that's what he's doing in this case. It's a cultural analysis and how the disintegration of traditional American Cultural Values impacts the African-American Community (from his viewpoint).

I'll be the first to admit that I think Pat Buchanan has some fairly "out of step" ideas on cultural values from my viewpoint but he's does provide a lot of worthwhile fact based analysis on the subject (in addition to being a fairly talented writer). As with anything else individuals need to provide THEIR OWN reasoning to evaluate the conclusions that Buchanan draws.

Buchanan basis his assumptions from a perspective of two factors, racism and an outsider looking in.

To the first point, Pat is a racist. He makes no bones about it. And that, in itself clouds his perspective. That is impacted further by being the outsider looking in.

Which is why, no matter how professorial he may sound, it still comes off as racism.
dimocraps are the most racist people on Earth. Worse than Nazis. In fact, they are descendants of Nazis.

How can ANYONE defend these kind of statistics...?

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.
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I have followed Buchanan for decades. I think he's brilliant when it comes to political analysis. He really should stay away from commenting on racial relations.

That's not really Buchanan's approach, if you read his latest "Suicide of a Superpower" he continues with his favorite line of inquiry which is American Culture and his analysis of it, that's what he's doing in this case. It's a cultural analysis and how the disintegration of traditional American Cultural Values impacts the African-American Community (from his viewpoint).

I'll be the first to admit that I think Pat Buchanan has some fairly "out of step" ideas on cultural values from my viewpoint but he's does provide a lot of worthwhile fact based analysis on the subject (in addition to being a fairly talented writer). As with anything else individuals need to provide THEIR OWN reasoning to evaluate the conclusions that Buchanan draws.

Buchanan basis his assumptions from a perspective of two factors, racism and an outsider looking in.

To the first point, Pat is a racist. He makes no bones about it. And that, in itself clouds his perspective. That is impacted further by being the outsider looking in.

Which is why, no matter how professorial he may sound, it still comes off as racism.
Anybody who can comprehend pretty much anything should be able to figure this out. Buchanon is racist is your lead.
dimocraps are the most racist people on Earth. Worse than Nazis. In fact, they are descendants of Nazis.

How can ANYONE defend these kind of statistics...?

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.

The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.

And thats exactly why whites commit more crime by a vast majority. Whites commit more murder than Blacks. Fix your issues then we can discuss your solutions and see if they worked.
dimocraps are the most racist people on Earth. Worse than Nazis. In fact, they are descendants of Nazis.

How can ANYONE defend these kind of statistics...?

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.

And thats exactly why whites commit more crime by a vast majority. Whites commit more murder than Blacks. Fix your issues then we can discuss your solutions and see if they worked.

Heres where they wont care about more murders but they'll pretend that percentages matter more than the pile of bodies. lol. Watch.

They just had some white asshole torture and murder a mother and her son. Did you hear any white leaders speak out? Did you see the marches? No...exactly
Much of American culture celebrates violence. Start there

Violence AND ignorance, not to mention our beloved Federal Government is the worlds largest purveyor of violence (as well as in the top 5 of global arms dealers), Our society also tends to use violence as the first tool of behavior modification (i.e. uses violence in a vain attempt to deter violence).

That being said IMHO the most obvious root causes are chronic poverty coupled with drug prohibition.

the correlation of chronic poverty and crime is no case for causation.
Not crime VIOLENCE, plenty of psychology to support this, chronic poverty (aka hopeless dependency) is in and of itself a violent existence that breeds external violence (along with a host of other anti-social behavior). Of course I'm referring to chronic poverty as it exists in the United States, in other cultures this is not necessarily the case.

the drug prohibition argument addresses a particular area of crime and sentencing, not the root causes of crime itself, and particularly violent crime.
I'm not talking about sentencing , I'm talking about the economic incentives surrounding drug prohibition which lead to violence, it's a lawless business where the most expedient way to eliminate/control your competition is the use of direct violence.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

Buchanan is way out of touch. I hate when he speaks about race issues. He said that we should be thankful we we're brought to America because there is a better quality of life here compared to Africa. I just can't with this guy.
dimocraps are the most racist people on Earth. Worse than Nazis. In fact, they are descendants of Nazis.

How can ANYONE defend these kind of statistics...?

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |

Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.

And thats exactly why whites commit more crime by a vast majority. Whites commit more murder than Blacks. Fix your issues then we can discuss your solutions and see if they worked.

What part of this fact are you having trouble with?

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

How do you explain that given that there are enough black law enforcement officers to have their own 'association?'
Only in America can telling the truth be described as racist.

Nothing but name-calling from the scumbags on the left. As usual.

And the only talking being done is them calling us racist.

Not a peep about the above facts. Nothing.

Not a word.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a VIOLENT crime against Whites than vice versa. And 136 times more likely to rob a White person than vice versa.


If you tell me 'poverty' I will call you an idiot. There are more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

Blacks are Seven (7) Times more likely to commit murder than any other race.


Again, there's more poor white people than there are poor Black people.

As usual, if we don't sit down and shut up, we're not 'talking'.

And thats exactly why whites commit more crime by a vast majority. Whites commit more murder than Blacks. Fix your issues then we can discuss your solutions and see if they worked.

What part of this fact are you having trouble with?

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

The missing part that says whites commit more crime than anyone.

I already know why we cross the street..... so you can get the chicken, when you get the chicken you want a have a BBQ, when you want to have a BBQ you invite your friends over and get drunk, when you get drunk you wake up in bed with a chicken, don't wake up in bed with a chicken.

.... get rid of streets, upgrade to direct TV.

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