Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

:lol: What about you people? Do you not see youre being led into an engineered divide and conquer scheme as well? Once you realize that its about economics and not race it will be too late.

It is ALWAYS about economics. Always, always, always.


dimocraps are incapable of creating wealth. Always have been. In all their political incarnations in every place and in every time, no matter what it's called.... socialism, communism, social democracy, democratic socialism, Fascism, National Socialism or just plain old democrats, all they know how to do is steal.

Republicans want to CREATE wealth. dimocraps want to TAKE wealth.

It's all they know how to do.

Race, party, religion.... It's all just a means to an end...

Dems want to hold your hand until they think you are able to fly. Repubs kick you out the nest and let the wolves eat those that are not prepared. Dems at least give you a chance. Reps dont care. I'd much prefer to have a chance at learning what is needed to fly instead of dying in my first attempt. The funny thing is most Reps dont seem to get that unless you own your income source you are not part of the club and just another pawn in the political game.

Which is utter bullshit because they never let go. They continually tell people that they can't do it on their own and create new entitlements to entice them to remain beholden to their supplier. See the drug trade for a comparison.
The only reason they have lost credibility is because people seem to think they should speak out on all crime. I'm sure as individuals they do but as an organization they get involved with legal injustices which seem to be primarly directed at minorities in this country. The NAACP does not hate and divide. The Dems, Rep, and media provide that function.

Justice is justice with no regard to color. Defending the guilty as inncoent because of the color of their skin (black) is just as bad as ignoring the criminal act because of the color of their skin (black). If the NAACP wants to be effective, then they need to condemn the bad actors as well as defend those who might be getting a raw deal. They do not. Trayvon got himself killed by physically attacking a person who ultimately defended himself. Lane was murdered in cold blood simply because the kids were bored and thought it would be fun. How hard is it to find something to condemn there and address the issues within your race community you advocate for?

Maybe you should read about what they do. Thats not really their job description. They speak out on injustices in the legal system. You should educate yourself on what the function of the NAACP is.

Uh-huh......except when they don't.
Blacks are free to leave any time they want...
But the perks in this country are just too good to pass on I'm sure.
Especially when Democrats have such control of entitlements.

Whites are free to leave as well. Blacks built this country. Why would we leave all the fruits of that hard work to you?

Wanna make it racial, bitch? Let's make it racial.

The Horse contributed more to building this Country than did Black people.

Meanwhile, another one of obama's sons ends up in the most popular destination for Black kids in the World... Behind bars

Second Suspect In Brutal Beating Death of 88-Year-Old WWII Vet Delbert Belton Arrested…


"if I could have stayed out of prison, I might have been president some day like my cult hero obammy"

Awesome news.


The second suspect in the beating death of an 88-year-old WWII veteran has been arrested.

Police say they arrested 16-year-old Kenan Adams-Kinard just after 3 a.m. on Monday morning in connection with the murder of Delbert Belton.

He was found in a basement apartment at 500 West Montgomery in Spokane and arrested without incident.

Police say good investigative work and follow up on dozens of tips help lead to the apprehension of the suspect.

Adams-Kinard was arrested on a First-Degree Robbery and First-Degree Murder warrant. Several other people with him have been arrested for rendering criminal assistance.

Last week, police arrested 16-year-old Demetrius Glenn in connection with the murder. He was charged with First-Degree Murder and First-Degree Robbery.

Yeah, this one is especially heinous. Shame on the Communist/Progressive Press for ignoring it. It is time to have an honest discussion on Race. What's going on in the African American Community?
Blacks are free to leave any time they want...
But the perks in this country are just too good to pass on I'm sure.
Especially when Democrats have such control of entitlements.

Whites are free to leave as well. Blacks built this country. Why would we leave all the fruits of that hard work to you?

Wanna make it racial, bitch? Let's make it racial.

The Horse contributed more to building this Country than did Black people.

Meanwhile, another one of obama's sons ends up in the most popular destination for Black kids in the World... Behind bars

:lol: You are a clown. Thats why I am laughing. You would run the other way if we met up like most of you KKK buddies. All of them do a lot of talking but would need to have 10 - 1 ratio to handle this. Trust that you dont want none of this.
Whites are free to leave as well. Blacks built this country. Why would we leave all the fruits of that hard work to you?

Wanna make it racial, bitch? Let's make it racial.

The Horse contributed more to building this Country than did Black people.

Meanwhile, another one of obama's sons ends up in the most popular destination for Black kids in the World... Behind bars

:lol: You are a clown. Thats why I am laughing. You would run the other way if we met up like most of you KKK buddies. All of them do a lot of talking but would need to have 10 - 1 ratio to handle this. Trust that you dont want none of this.

Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.
It is ALWAYS about economics. Always, always, always.


dimocraps are incapable of creating wealth. Always have been. In all their political incarnations in every place and in every time, no matter what it's called.... socialism, communism, social democracy, democratic socialism, Fascism, National Socialism or just plain old democrats, all they know how to do is steal.

Republicans want to CREATE wealth. dimocraps want to TAKE wealth.

It's all they know how to do.

Race, party, religion.... It's all just a means to an end...

Dems want to hold your hand until they think you are able to fly. Repubs kick you out the nest and let the wolves eat those that are not prepared. Dems at least give you a chance. Reps dont care. I'd much prefer to have a chance at learning what is needed to fly instead of dying in my first attempt. The funny thing is most Reps dont seem to get that unless you own your income source you are not part of the club and just another pawn in the political game.

Which is utter bullshit because they never let go. They continually tell people that they can't do it on their own and create new entitlements to entice them to remain beholden to their supplier. See the drug trade for a comparison.

I guess thats why they advocate education so much? Wouldnt it be better for them to keep you dumb and ignorant if this theory of yours is correct?
Wanna make it racial, bitch? Let's make it racial.

The Horse contributed more to building this Country than did Black people.

Meanwhile, another one of obama's sons ends up in the most popular destination for Black kids in the World... Behind bars

:lol: You are a clown. Thats why I am laughing. You would run the other way if we met up like most of you KKK buddies. All of them do a lot of talking but would need to have 10 - 1 ratio to handle this. Trust that you dont want none of this.

Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.

I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

You are either outright lying or ignorant.

It's just the opposite. Check your facts.
:lol: You are a clown. Thats why I am laughing. You would run the other way if we met up like most of you KKK buddies. All of them do a lot of talking but would need to have 10 - 1 ratio to handle this. Trust that you dont want none of this.

Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.

I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!
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Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.

I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

So in other words you just talking and never faced one down? I have punked numerous KKK members who got very quiet and meek when face to face with me.
Yeah, the same can be said of the Black Panther pussies. All talk.

I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point
I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

So in other words you just talking and never faced one down? I have punked numerous KKK members who got very quiet and meek when face to face with me.

Yeah sure, your numerous evil imaginary 'KKK Members.' Uh huh. Like i said, the Black Panthers have had 40yrs to start their Race-War. What's taking em so damn long? Either get to it, or STFU and go away.
I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point

My mother went to college with some of the original Panthers and they were all about protecting the community.
They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

So in other words you just talking and never faced one down? I have punked numerous KKK members who got very quiet and meek when face to face with me.

Yeah sure, your numerous evil imaginary 'KKK Members.' Uh huh. Like i said, the Black Panthers have had 40yrs to start their Race-War. What's taking em so damn long? Either get to it, or STFU and go away.

I see someone has you living in fear. Are you holed up in the mountains with 6 months rations and your own supply of water?
I guess that means you have stood toe to toe against one and he backed down?

They like to run their mouths and wear their gay berets. But when it comes down to it, they ain't shit. Anytime they wanna bring it, i'm fully prepared to respond. They should start backing up their Race-War rhetoric, and get to fighting. They've had 40yrs. to start their beloved Race-War. The time for talk is over. Either bring it, or STFU!

Two things could be the case:

1. They don't want a race war to begin with
2. They say it to get pussies like you scared and use your reaction as a point the same way you use their talk as a point

Well, now you're just derailing. This conversation is pretty much done. Your Black Panthers are pathetic Racist buffoons. All these years, and they still haven't done shit. Whining like little pussies doesn't = A 'Kill Whitey Revolution.' Whenever they're ready to bring it, i assure you i'm prepared to respond. Till then, they're just whiny beret-wearing little bitches. But you carry on with your infatuation. Have fun.
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

Really? Why?
Buchanan of course, is wrong, and generally is when he starts going into his racial diatribes.

White crime is way under reported in this country. Police have a tendency to administer Bullpen therapy when it comes to white perps and cut them loose.

The ole 'Attack the Messenger' ay? Pretty weak. I expect more from you. :(

Really? Why?
Good point, I expect the minimalism to match his intellect.
So in other words you just talking and never faced one down? I have punked numerous KKK members who got very quiet and meek when face to face with me.

Yeah sure, your numerous evil imaginary 'KKK Members.' Uh huh. Like i said, the Black Panthers have had 40yrs to start their Race-War. What's taking em so damn long? Either get to it, or STFU and go away.

I see someone has you living in fear. Are you holed up in the mountains with 6 months rations and your own supply of water?

:lol: Yeah sure, living in fear of pathetic wannabe Racist 'Revolutionaries.' Like i said, whenever they feel like bringing their beret-wearing asses my way, i'll be fully prepared to meet the challenge. But i'm pretty sure they're far too lazy & incompetent for me to ever worry about such a confrontation. They're very bad 'Kill Whitey' Revolutionaries. Probably time to stop embarrassing themselves and disband. They're just not very good at their job.
Yeah sure, your numerous evil imaginary 'KKK Members.' Uh huh. Like i said, the Black Panthers have had 40yrs to start their Race-War. What's taking em so damn long? Either get to it, or STFU and go away.

I see someone has you living in fear. Are you holed up in the mountains with 6 months rations and your own supply of water?

:lol: Yeah sure, living in fear of pathetic wannabe Racist 'Revolutionaries.' Like i said, whenever they feel like bringing their beret-wearing asses my way, i'll be fully prepared to meet the challenge. But i'm pretty sure they're far too lazy & incompetent for me to ever worry about such a confrontation. They're very bad 'Kill Whitey' Revolutionaries. Probably time to stop embarrassing themselves and disband. They're just not very good at their job.

I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:
I see someone has you living in fear. Are you holed up in the mountains with 6 months rations and your own supply of water?

:lol: Yeah sure, living in fear of pathetic wannabe Racist 'Revolutionaries.' Like i said, whenever they feel like bringing their beret-wearing asses my way, i'll be fully prepared to meet the challenge. But i'm pretty sure they're far too lazy & incompetent for me to ever worry about such a confrontation. They're very bad 'Kill Whitey' Revolutionaries. Probably time to stop embarrassing themselves and disband. They're just not very good at their job.

I actually was unaware they still existed to tell you the truth. However, you my friend are paranoid. Youve said bring it a couple of times now so I know you are holed up somewhere just waiting for an attack that is never going to come. Black people don't really get down like that in Idaho. :lol:

Yeah but what do you know? You worship a bunch of lazy incompetent beret-wearing racist buffoons. Yes, lets wear gay little French berets and screech about killing Whitey. Yeah, lets do that. :cuckoo:

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