Pat Buchanan: 'Interracial Violence Is Overwhelmingly Black-On-White'...

Beat a WWII vet to death with a flashlight~


Spokane teens to be tried as adults for death of WW II vet - Blog -
Christina Johnson, editor of ‘Middletown Patch,’ a media outlet in New Jersey, reported a gruesome story earlier in the year on 19 year old Tyrik Haynes, who, in his spare time, sets boxes with small animals inside on fire and rushes into retails stores and repeatedly stabs white women. Just for fun.

Tyrik Haynes, 19, was charged with attempted murder in Middletown, New Jersey in January of this year. He had previously been charged with torturing a cat.

Haynes allegedly rushed upon Kerri Dalton, 29, a white woman browsing in a local Bed Bath and Beyond outlet, with no warning, as she pushed her son’s stroller through the store.

The black teen then stabbed Dalton repeatedly in the chest, puncturing both her lungs. Dalton still managed to dial 911 for help.

Dalton experienced significant blood loss and was airlifted from the Middletown store to Jersey Shore Medical Center.

19 Year Old Says He Stabs White Women For Fun
Christina Johnson, editor of ‘Middletown Patch,’ a media outlet in New Jersey, reported a gruesome story earlier in the year on 19 year old Tyrik Haynes, who, in his spare time, sets boxes with small animals inside on fire and rushes into retails stores and repeatedly stabs white women. Just for fun.

Tyrik Haynes, 19, was charged with attempted murder in Middletown, New Jersey in January of this year. He had previously been charged with torturing a cat.

Haynes allegedly rushed upon Kerri Dalton, 29, a white woman browsing in a local Bed Bath and Beyond outlet, with no warning, as she pushed her son’s stroller through the store.

The black teen then stabbed Dalton repeatedly in the chest, puncturing both her lungs. Dalton still managed to dial 911 for help.

Dalton experienced significant blood loss and was airlifted from the Middletown store to Jersey Shore Medical Center.

19 Year Old Says He Stabs White Women For Fun

Of course...all black youths are like him.
Christina Johnson, editor of ‘Middletown Patch,’ a media outlet in New Jersey, reported a gruesome story earlier in the year on 19 year old Tyrik Haynes, who, in his spare time, sets boxes with small animals inside on fire and rushes into retails stores and repeatedly stabs white women. Just for fun.

Tyrik Haynes, 19, was charged with attempted murder in Middletown, New Jersey in January of this year. He had previously been charged with torturing a cat.

Haynes allegedly rushed upon Kerri Dalton, 29, a white woman browsing in a local Bed Bath and Beyond outlet, with no warning, as she pushed her son’s stroller through the store.

The black teen then stabbed Dalton repeatedly in the chest, puncturing both her lungs. Dalton still managed to dial 911 for help.

Dalton experienced significant blood loss and was airlifted from the Middletown store to Jersey Shore Medical Center.

19 Year Old Says He Stabs White Women For Fun

Of course...all black youths are like him.

No no, I submit all White Hispanics help troubled black youth in their community; participate in neighborhood watch groups. and act the all around good citizen- only to use poor judgement ONCE- get branded disingenuously by the liberal media as a murdering racist...and used as some sort of symbolic representative of racism in America...

The rise of criminal monsters in our youth is REAL. Racist attitudes directed at people of NO color: also known as "white" IS on the rise- deal with it!

This makes the 5th young black mail in a matter of days to act violently/murder a white person- in at least two of the 4 incidences we know the perpetrator hated white people. If Zimmerman had said he hated black people THAT would have been enough to convict him of being a racist murderer- BUT HE was not racist- helped not hated black youth...but THAT took away from the preferred narrative that fucking liberal hypocrites don't want no part of!!!

So can your snide BS!
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I'm glad they caught both of them quickly and they are being charged right away.

I'm glad to not see anyone excuse them or say the WWII vet really jumped them.

Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>
so since your an expert, tell us oh wise one,

how to cure all the ailments

I thought you white people already knew from Buchanan who evidently grew up in the hood next door to me? :lol: Who do you think knows better Buchanan or any black person who grew up in the environment and overcame it?

Look dewd, a lot of us have had it tough at some point. My wife's Mother died when she was three. Meningitis epidemic of the late 50's. Her Father died when she was 17. Heart attack from too much stress trying to work, raise kids, pay bills, etc.

I came back from Viet Nam and you wanna know about prejudice?

I can tell you some stories about prejudice. About how I had to lie about my whereabouts for the prior five years to get a shitty job, about how when people eventually did find out about me being a combat veteran and how they treated me, about never getting that promotion because..... Veterans, especially combat veterans are.. You know -- Dangerous & shit.

The difference being that strangers can't tell me from Adam. You carry your burden with you 24/7/365. You can't pretend not to be Black.

And why would you want to?

I understand a little bit about prejudice. I know what it's like to come up hard.

I remember carrying Concrete Blocks up ladders for the Masons and mixing 'mud' by hand.

I remember my Wife and I living on pork n' beans and Cottage Cheese for a week because we were too broke to buy hamburger.

I don't pretend to understand what you went through but I know this, Black people have been treated better than Veterans for the last 50 years (VEVRA was a bad joke) so don't cry to me about 'prejudice' because I know what it's all about myself.

And you know what else? The best revenge is living good.

I win!! :)

Sounds to me like you did, too.

I have been black all my life. I volunteered to go to Vietnam because it was "expected" of me and my Brother by a Father who was a Staff Officer in the Air Force. I know, all too well what it was line coming home. Believe me, I know.

I also know that recently there has been a rash of "Black on Elderly" crime in the US. But it doesn't stop there. There are animals posing as people out there. Monsters. Black Monsters and White Monsters. Think I'm kidding?

If any of you have the this. The horrific crime committed by 5 Black animals. READ EVERY WORD.

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now remember this: When blacks kill whites it is seldom considered "race". However, anytime a white kills a black it is nearly ALWAYS assumed that it was due to "race"
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Whites have been denouncing (and rightly so) "black on black" crime for decades now. Apparently, blacks have FINALLY taken the hint:

After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON

April 2012 Chicago – Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”

April 2012 Gainesville, Florida – 5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon

April 2012 Baltimore – Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings

April 2012 Arizona – Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkinswho had mental capacity of a 12-year-old

April 2012 Oklahoma – Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman

May 2012 Texas - Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fire– she died from her injuries

May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas

May 2012 Georgia – Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran

May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters

May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier

June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.

July 2012 Indiana – 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money

July 2013 Georgia – Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:

July 2013 Baltimore – Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore

July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests

July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason

July 2013 Connecticut – Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter

July 2013 Maryland – 3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin

August 2013 Oklahoma – Australian baseball player Chris Lane killed by two black teens because ‘they were bored.’

August 2013 Memphis – David Santucci murdered ‘allegedly’ by 3 blacks in Trayvon Martin revenge killing

August 2013 Spokane – Delbert Belton World War II veteran beaten to death by two black thugs

August 2013 Memphis – Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set on fire

August 2013 Poughkeepsie New York – Jovan Tyrek Rogers black thug kills 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger
While he may make some valid points, it does sometimes seem that he's trying to state that "the Blacks" were better off when they were second class citizens and were better off under the "separate but (allegedly) equal" era.
Here's a graph of the poverty rate and how it changes from buchannan's "good ole days" to today:


The Good News About Race And Crime In America

not so good news if you are the white victims of inter-racial crime, but you don't care as long as you can kill whitey and bitch about not getting chicken

Thanks for the laugh! You are either a pretty good comedian/clown or you are one twisted motherfucker! :lol:

I haven't killed anybody and I certainly don't bitch about not getting chicken, retard!

so you are denying there is a disparity in inter-racial violence? figures

murder sure as hell is more serious than not getting chicken wings
Christina Johnson, editor of ‘Middletown Patch,’ a media outlet in New Jersey, reported a gruesome story earlier in the year on 19 year old Tyrik Haynes, who, in his spare time, sets boxes with small animals inside on fire and rushes into retails stores and repeatedly stabs white women. Just for fun.

Tyrik Haynes, 19, was charged with attempted murder in Middletown, New Jersey in January of this year. He had previously been charged with torturing a cat.

Haynes allegedly rushed upon Kerri Dalton, 29, a white woman browsing in a local Bed Bath and Beyond outlet, with no warning, as she pushed her son’s stroller through the store.

The black teen then stabbed Dalton repeatedly in the chest, puncturing both her lungs. Dalton still managed to dial 911 for help.

Dalton experienced significant blood loss and was airlifted from the Middletown store to Jersey Shore Medical Center.

19 Year Old Says He Stabs White Women For Fun

Of course...all black youths are like him.

it's scum like you that encourage this type of behavior by perpetuating grievances

I'm glad they caught both of them quickly and they are being charged right away.

I'm glad to not see anyone excuse them or say the WWII vet really jumped them.

Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>

No there isn't.

What you have is heresay from Zimmerman as to how the fight started.

And even that statement is inconsistent with subsequent statements and witness testimony.
I'm glad they caught both of them quickly and they are being charged right away.

I'm glad to not see anyone excuse them or say the WWII vet really jumped them.

Hey your snideness- There was testimony and convincing proof that Zimmerman was jumped...There is also PROOF that he was not a racist...but don't let the facts stop your snide BS train honey~

Yeah- cuz you were right out there criticizing the media for completely fabricating the racism of George Zimmerman weren't ya? </sarcasm>

No there isn't.

What you have is heresay from Zimmerman as to how the fight started.

And even that statement is inconsistent with subsequent statements and witness testimony.

At this point... It is OBE

Zimmerman did the right thing and will be a wealthy man to boot

Whites have been denouncing (and rightly so) "black on black" crime for decades now. Apparently, blacks have FINALLY taken the hint:

After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON

April 2012 Chicago – Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”

April 2012 Gainesville, Florida – 5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon

April 2012 Baltimore – Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings

April 2012 Arizona – Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkinswho had mental capacity of a 12-year-old

April 2012 Oklahoma – Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman

May 2012 Texas - Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fire– she died from her injuries

May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas

May 2012 Georgia – Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran

May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters

May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier

June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.

July 2012 Indiana – 24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money

July 2013 Georgia – Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:

July 2013 Baltimore – Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore

July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests

July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason

July 2013 Connecticut – Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter

July 2013 Maryland – 3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin

August 2013 Oklahoma – Australian baseball player Chris Lane killed by two black teens because ‘they were bored.’

August 2013 Memphis – David Santucci murdered ‘allegedly’ by 3 blacks in Trayvon Martin revenge killing

August 2013 Spokane – Delbert Belton World War II veteran beaten to death by two black thugs

August 2013 Memphis – Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set on fire

August 2013 Poughkeepsie New York – Jovan Tyrek Rogers black thug kills 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger

This is not new-news.

It's been going on for decades inthis Country.

Just that, since the St Skittles affair, the tertiary media has been picking up local media stories that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the national LSM has ALWAYS ignored.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will even tell you they ignore Black on White Crime.

No news here.

If this shit ever dies down (hope so, but I'm not so sure) it will go away and the small-ball media will lose interest again.

Race relations in this Country have been set back twenty years.. Minimum... By the Stuttering Clusterfukk and the dimocrap party.

And truthfully...? It wasn't incompetence, it was what they wanted to do.

Lock down that dimocrap vote, baby. Keep them Blacks poor, dependent and angry.

It's the only way dimocrap scum can win elections.
Why dont you ask them? You sound pretty tough at least!! :lol:

Well, when they begin their Race-War (Revolution), i'll be sure to ask em all about it. But by then, it will likely be far too late for em. The time for talk would be over. So, wake me up when your 'Revolution' begins. Otherwise, quit all the yapping about hating Whitey. I'm trying to get a nap in. :)

Our revolution begin a long time ago. You do notice the POTUS is Black correct? You do notice that Blacks are more wealthy, own more real estate, have more education etc. Seems like you were looking right when you should have been looking left!!

So, isn't it about time to stop bitching and complaining??

Or you won't be happy until The United Stats will be a North American version of Zimbabwe?
Well, when they begin their Race-War (Revolution), i'll be sure to ask em all about it. But by then, it will likely be far too late for em. The time for talk would be over. So, wake me up when your 'Revolution' begins. Otherwise, quit all the yapping about hating Whitey. I'm trying to get a nap in. :)

Our revolution begin a long time ago. You do notice the POTUS is Black correct? You do notice that Blacks are more wealthy, own more real estate, have more education etc. Seems like you were looking right when you should have been looking left!!

So, isn't it about time to stop bitching and complaining??

Or you won't be happy until The United Stats will be a North American version of Zimbabwe?
Or Detroit.
Buchanan is white. He doesnt know anything about the cause of problems in the Black community. He only says what makes aspiring KKK members feel good about themselves.

So are you saying that blacks are sub-human? That they are different than all the rest of the people on earth? Interesting approach. Wrong. but interesting.

Are you saying whites are sub-human? Pretty interesting how you got that out of my post.

We hear all the time from those who claim to be totally loving and tolerant, that there is only one race, the human race.

You either don't believe that or are convinced that it only applies when it suits your ideas.

Obama has never been white. At least he would not be caught dead saying that he is white, in spite of the fact that he is half white and was raised by some hate filled whoite grand parents when his ever so loving black father gave him the middle finger, a habit prevalent in your community.

So, how can Obama understand the problems of whites, Hispanics, Asians, Natives, since he has not ever been any of those? Isn't he just like Buchanan, talking about something he can't possibly know anything about, because he was never there?

And just for curiosity: Can he understand the LGBT situation?

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