Paterson recognizes Palestine?


May 22, 2013
The long standing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis came to Paterson last week when officials at the City Hall allowed a group to raise the Palestinian flag over 155 Market Street.

What do you think?

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"The long standing conflict between Palestinians and Israelis came to Paterson last week when officials at the City Hall allowed a group to raise the Palestinian flag over 155 Market Street.

On Sunday afternoon more than 100 people gathered in front of the City Hall to chant “Long Live Palestine” over the national anthem of that nation. The ambassador of Palestine to the United Nation was in attendance.
Jeffery Jones, the mayor of Paterson, said it was just another of the many flag raising ceremonies that takes places in the city: there is a Dominican flag raising, a Puerto Rican flag raising, a Bangladeshi flag raising, an African-American flag raising, and many others. All of these raisings accomplish one purpose: to recognize the diversity of the city.

However, many of the right-wing bloggers, who began ad hominem attacks against the event’s organizer and the city, did not get that message.

One blogger disparaged the city by describing it as “a mecca for Hamas terrorist supporters” – that same blogger misspelled the city’s name. Another blogger called the flag raising “the exaltation of evil”. These inflammatory and intolerant remarks are common in right-wing blogs if they are not attacking Palestinians they are attacking Obama Care or some other delusionally perceived ill that is happening to American society.

However, Lori Lowenthal Marcus of the Jewish Press, dug up information about the organizer, Khader Abuassab, of the Arab American Civic Organization, the man who promoted the event in newspapers and through text messages, and revealed him to be a fraudster who racked up large amount in credit card debt before declaring bankruptcy. A piece of information that as Mr Abuassab has described “not relevant to this discussion”.

The discussion is about the flag raising not about the man’s past.

Arabs, mainly of the Palestinian ilk make up a large minority in the Silk City, which makes them entitled to a flag raising just as much as the Dominicans or African-Americans. After all, the purpose of these events is to recognize the melting pot that is Paterson. And it is fitting to quote the mayor, “If they’re citizens of the city of Paterson, they have every right to raise the flag.”

Those who are denouncing the flag raising think that a city in America has recognized Palestine as a state, and fear that today a city is doing it, tomorrow it might be a state, and the next day the country."

Source: PatersonTimes

What do you think?

"The ambassador of Palestine to the United Nation was in attendance."

if there's no such place as palestine, (officially) how can there be an ambassador ? i missed it. who's this ambassador ?

(paterson, NJ, another crime-ridden ghetto.)
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.

would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.

would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.

would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.

well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.

would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.

How many US dollars are you willing to bet on that, seal?


i knew you would be reduced to "pee wee hermanisms" sooner or later.

also, you may actually want to comment on the topic or explain why a muslim dominated city has so few muslims.
Cambridge MA has outlawed nuclear war.

Paterson NJ has recognized Palestine.

I think the two are pretty much equal in importance and effect.
Cambridge MA has outlawed nuclear war.

Paterson NJ has recognized Palestine.

I think the two are pretty much equal in importance and effect.

well duh. the article says that, doncha think...however, some fools think it means muslims control the city. christ, it brought on premature mega-hot flashes in pam geller.

you guys are funny.
would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.

well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Seems? Paterson has been invaded by Muslims, a once diverse community has turned into an Islamic shithole. There are few Jews left there, maybe one standing synagogue. Idiot.
Cambridge MA has outlawed nuclear war.

Paterson NJ has recognized Palestine.

I think the two are pretty much equal in importance and effect.
Let's not forget, many witnessed Muslims in Paterson openly celebrating 9-11. It was just like the streets of Ramallah and Gaza, they were passing out sweets and cheering and dancing. No wonder they now raise the flag of that non existent country. Ha ha ha.
Paterson NJ is a Muslim majority city. Also known as Gaza, USA. So it's irrelevant what "they" say.

would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Such a great least two of the hijackers who commandeered American Airlines 77, the flight that crashed into the Pentagon, had rented an apartment in Paterson, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, the official U.S. inquiry.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.

well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Seems? Paterson has been invaded by Muslims, a once diverse community has turned into an Islamic shithole. There are few Jews left there, maybe one standing synagogue. Idiot.

there are about four times more synagogues in paterson and vicinity than there are mosques.

if an absense of jews means a place has suffered from a muslim invasion, well, i have some friends out on the pine ridge reservation who don't know that they have been taken over.

you do know what a search engine is, don't you? of not, would you like this "idiot" to explain it to you and how to use it...or are you going to continue to practise the philosophy that "ignorance is bliss"?
would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.

well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Paterson is one of the largest Muslim communities in the US it's so Muslim dominated and infested Paterson public schools observe Muslim holidays. And who gives a shit where your parents were born? Say something relevant for once, moron.
would you care to supply evidence that patterson is a muslim majority city. my understanding was that it had a very large hispanic/latino population indcative of a large catholic population.

however, muslims are americans too. i do not need to imagine your reaction were i to say jewish american opinions and actions were irrelevant. of course, i wouldn't say that because, unlike you, i am not a hateful, xenophobic bigot.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.
I think if they asked him nicely, Seal will relocate from the Northwest and move to Paterson to give them a hand. No doubt one of his new neighbors there will be happy to each him how to say Dirty Jewish Dog in Arabic so that he can throw it out at a Middle East Jewish poster the same way he threw it out at an Iranian Jew in Farsi on a different forum.

Paterson NJ Actually Becomes Paterstine as PLO Flag Rises Over City Hall | FrontPage Magazine
If anybody wants to get an idea of the Gaza version of USA, they should go to Paterson. Must of the Muslims there are Paleshitian anyhow.
Your opinions do not count. Paterson and Dearborn are Muslim dominated areas. And that's why this crap is happening.

well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Paterson is one of the largest Muslim communities in the US it's so Muslim dominated and infested Paterson public schools observe Muslim holidays. And who gives a shit where your parents were born? Say something relevant for once, moron.

they observe one muslim holiday and one jewish holiday and one christian designated.

you need to study math. just because a city has one of the largest muslim communities in the U.S. does not mean that the community is muslim dominated...but that is a concept i am sure you will fail to comprehend...unusual because most iranians i know have a very good intuitive knowledge of math.

also, you may try to learn how to read. i said my parents were american so i am american by birth. i did not say that they were born here...although one was. nor was i born here. all i am saying is that as an american by birth, my opinion is more important than yours. that isn't fair and that isn't the american ideal but jew or not, you are a persian (many mistake you for an arab) and an immigrant and immigrants are by and large scorned by a large segment of the population, be they legal or illegal. i wish it weren't so.

now again, if paterson is dominated by muslims, as you keep insisting, why isn't the positions of political power occupied by muslims? the truth be told, muslims have very little political power in paterson and you are a hysterical ninny.
well, you can argue about my opinions, of course, but you cannot argue about facts. i was born of american parents so i am american by birth, and i am a vet and all kinds of other good stuff by election or appointment and while it goes against the ideal of america that all her citisens are equal, some american's opinions count more than others. mine probably count more than yours, an immigrant jew from iran or iraq or wherever.

i checked it out and paterson's mayor is not muslim and only one of the nine city council members is.

dearborn is the same almost. neither the mayor nor any of the seven city council members are muslims.

i would think that muslim dominated areas would also dominate the local politics, especially if we accede to your claim that muslims want to take over the world.

there also seems to be more synagogues than mosques in both places, with christianity being the most practised religions and catholics appear to be the largest religion.

so really, what evidence at all do you have that muslims dominate paterson as to say, histrionic jews such as yourself and proud vet.

you are beginning to sound like the other side of the ZOG
Paterson is one of the largest Muslim communities in the US it's so Muslim dominated and infested Paterson public schools observe Muslim holidays. And who gives a shit where your parents were born? Say something relevant for once, moron.

they observe one muslim holiday and one jewish holiday and one christian designated.

you need to study math. just because a city has one of the largest muslim communities in the U.S. does not mean that the community is muslim dominated...but that is a concept i am sure you will fail to comprehend...unusual because most iranians i know have a very good intuitive knowledge of math.

also, you may try to learn how to read. i said my parents were american so i am american by birth. i did not say that they were born here...although one was. nor was i born here. all i am saying is that as an american by birth, my opinion is more important than yours. that isn't fair and that isn't the american ideal but jew or not, you are a persian (many mistake you for an arab) and an immigrant and immigrants are by and large scorned by a large segment of the population, be they legal or illegal. i wish it weren't so.

now again, if paterson is dominated by muslims, as you keep insisting, why isn't the positions of political power occupied by muslims? the truth be told, muslims have very little political power in paterson and you are a hysterical ninny.

OMG: "my opinions are more important than yours because my parents were born here"!!!! What a NUTJOB you are. Seriously that is so ignorant and moronic I don't even know what to say to that. All I can say is you should be glad you to say these idiotic things ON THE INTERNET and not in public, where you will be laughed at and avoided.

Nah, Muslim "EIDS" are observed in the public school system, one of the few places in the country that is like that. Which reflects the demographics of the community, thick skull.

The fact that the mayor or other city representatives are or are not Muslim is irrelevant, they are still hostage to their demands, as we can see by this Palestinian flag issue. Maybe that's how the Muslims want it anyhow, to keep a low profile. So, are you going to move there? You can go Mosque hopping giving anti Semitic speeches. Ha ha ha.
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