Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

Anything else?


Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.

Lowest unemployment rate in decades.
Lowest women's unemployment rate in decades.
Lowest black unemployment rate in recorded history.
More Americans working at one time than any time in history.
Factory Jobs Obama said were gone forever - back.
Successes Obama declared were unattainable / impossible - reached.
Millions no longer on 'the plantation' - off of unemployment, welfare, food stamps - independent, not economic slaves to Democrats
More jobs, higher pay, raises, bonuses
Highest stock market ever - 401Ks soaring
Record number of job-killing Obama regulations eliminated


10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years
GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.

Do you actually think Trump is the FIRST PRESIDENT to have GDP consistently higher than 3%? Really?

Do you honestly believe that's true?

Trump has never cracked 3% growth in a year.

He honestly believes it, because he is too much of an idiot to know facts.

All he knows is propaganda that he swallows uncritically.
Until we get a CONGRESS willing to CUT SPENDING, the 3% number is a ceiling, and we are still bleeding as a nation.

Unfortunately, neither Democrats nor post 1998 Republicans will cut any spending....
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

I agree and the Trump economy is doing just fine. Trump did away with a lot of the bullshit Barry put in place. Businesses are doing great now.

Sure must suck to be IM2's stupid ass. LOL

Bullshit like protecting the environment and protecting wildlife habitats. Businesses are running this country now as they get bigger and more powerful.

I'd say the environment and wildlife are doing well.

Business provides jobs which provides the money that people live on.

The Govt. runs the country and gets bigger and more powerful every year. That's what you should worry about. Not bambi.

Another clueless idiot. That's you.

You are the clueless idiot.

The fact is that Trump has made it easier for polluters to pollute and destroy the environment as well as destroying wildlife habitats.

Businesses are getting bigger and more powerful. Disney recently acquired the Fox library of films. They are telling independent theater owners that Fox titles will no longer be available. That means that small, independent theater owners will lose 25% of their income while Disney will make more money. These behemoths need to be broken up or regulated.
Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
The Democrats actually controlled the House and Senate for the 1st 2 years under Obama. It was not until the GOP took over that any sign of a turn-around from the nose-dive put us in was seen.
Umm no moron, you don't have anything except copy and paste from some propaganda mill. You don't know anything and can defend nothing.

Thank you for that highly emotional response that offered nothing to disprove what was reported. Thanks for coming out of your safe space long enough to share that with all of us.

What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years',

2.x% growth is the strongest in 50 years?

Really retard?

View attachment 307398

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%,

1. here is employment growth:


Do you see some sort of special Trump growth? I don't, jobs grew at similar (though a bit slower) as 6 years before.

2. GDP - Trump still could not even a post a single year of 3% growth. The best GDP growth year in the last decade is still 2015. Trump still remains a second president in history to never have 3+% growth and your assertion is straight up bullshit.

Anything else?

Do you see some sort of special Trump growth? I don't, jobs grew at similar (though a bit slower) as 6 years before.

Coincides with when Republicans took control of the House, huh? Amazing how it turned around once Barry Hussein, Nazi Pelousy, and Shitstain Reid were stopped from inflicting their damage on the USA.

Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
They put a stop to his anti growth agenda.
Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
The Democrats actually controlled the House and Senate for the 1st 2 years under Obama. It was not until the GOP took over that any sign of a turn-around from the nose-dive put us in was seen.

Moron I already gave you the graph, wtf is your malfunction?

You see that inflection in job growth just as Obama gets into office? That's what a turn-around looks like.

-800k job growth in the middle of 2009 recession turned into stable 200k job growth since 2011.


There is clearly no turn around from trend in 2017-2020.
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Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
The Democrats actually controlled the House and Senate for the 1st 2 years under Obama. It was not until the GOP took over that any sign of a turn-around from the nose-dive put us in was seen.

Moron I already gave you the graph, wtf is your malfunction?

You see that inflection in job growth just as Obama gets into office? That's what a huge turn-around looks like. -800k job growth turned into stable 200k job growth sustained for 9 years now.

Thank you, Republican House!
2.x% growth is the strongest in 50 years?

Really retard?

View attachment 307398

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%,

1. here is employment growth:


Do you see some sort of special Trump growth? I don't, jobs grew at similar (though a bit slower) as 6 years before.

2. GDP - Trump still could not even a post a single year of 3% growth. The best GDP growth year in the last decade is still 2015. Trump still remains a second president in history to never have 3+% growth and your assertion is straight up bullshit.

Anything else?

Do you see some sort of special Trump growth? I don't, jobs grew at similar (though a bit slower) as 6 years before.

Coincides with when Republicans took control of the House, huh? Amazing how it turned around once Barry Hussein, Nazi Pelousy, and Shitstain Reid were stopped from inflicting their damage on the USA.

Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
They put a stop to his anti growth agenda.

Tax-cuts, spending, bails and low interest rates are anti-growth? Really??
blah, blah, blah, graph, blah, blah, blah
Your graph is as useless as fails to debunk one think that was reported / recorded / listed. Thanks for the colorful picture snowflake.

So, when DID Barry repeal his own regulations? When did he change his mind about manufacturing jobs being gone forever....I mean before Trump brought them back?


Trump hasn't gotten manufacturing employment back to pre-recession levels. Obama was right.
Cool theory bro but Republicans in the House did exactly nothing for economy during Obama years.
The Democrats actually controlled the House and Senate for the 1st 2 years under Obama. It was not until the GOP took over that any sign of a turn-around from the nose-dive put us in was seen.

Moron I already gave you the graph, wtf is your malfunction?

You see that inflection in job growth just as Obama gets into office? That's what a huge turn-around looks like. -800k job growth turned into stable 200k job growth sustained for 9 years now.

Thank you, Republican House!

You are a total tool. Republicans got majority in 2011, huge turn around well before that and once in power they spent 6 years repealing Obamacare 40 times and investigating Benghazi. :rolleyes:
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I had to shut off FOX news this morning when they had that lying bitch Donna Brazile on for 20 minuets lying about this being Obama's economy...and there sat good ol Ed Henry shaking in fear of her and allowing her to lie like a can this be Obama's economy when Trump has reversed every one of Obama's economic policies?....its shameful of Obama to claim after 3.5 years that its his economy....and providing a televised stage to spread the lie is even worse...shame on you FOX news.....
I had to shut off FOX news this morning when they had that lying bitch Donna Brazile on for 20 minuets lying about this being Obama's economy...and there sat good ol Ed Henry shaking in fear of her and allowing her to lie like a can this be Obama's economy when Trump has reversed every one of Obama's economic policies?....its shameful of Obama to claim after 3.5 years that its his economy....and providing a televised stage to spread the lie is even worse...shame on you FOX news.....


Do you see something special about Trump economy in here?
I had to shut off FOX news this morning when they had that lying bitch Donna Brazile on for 20 minuets lying about this being Obama's economy...and there sat good ol Ed Henry shaking in fear of her and allowing her to lie like a can this be Obama's economy when Trump has reversed every one of Obama's economic policies?....its shameful of Obama to claim after 3.5 years that its his economy....and providing a televised stage to spread the lie is even worse...shame on you FOX news.....
Brazile and the Democrats have no more credibility after she admitted they screed Bernie by rigging their Primaries in 2016....
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?
What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years', the lowest unemployment rate in the last 50 years', 'the lowest black unemployment rate EVER', etc.... do you not understand, lil' snowflake?

What was it that Obama did to jump-start this successful economy?
- Set a new US record for the number of business-strangling, job-destroying regulations that drove manufacturing jobs overseas?

- Was his 'surrender', saying he would not even TRY to get manufacturing jobs back because they were gone forever - the 'new norm'?

- Was it his public declaration that the best this country could expect was behind us? Low GDP, massive numbers of Americans on social programs dependent on tax-payer-funded Democrat freebie programs just to survive?

- His 'stimulus' package that gave Feinstein - a millionaire - a tax-free loan she never paid back to help save her husband's bankrupt business? Claiming he saved / created more jobs at a company than there were jobs? Bragging about shovel-ready jobs he later admitted never existed?

Obama and Democrats screamed Trump would financially ruin the US, bankrupt it, if they seek to claim credit....



-Manufacturing jobs were going overseas long before Obama took office. Some of the regulation were and still are necessary. They started coming back when Obama was President.

-Under Trump, manufacturing is in a recession.

We have trillion dollar deficits with no recession.

The fact is that the unemployment rate was 4.7%. Hardly a daunting figure. The GDP has essentially been the same under Trump as it was under Obama. What about that do you not understand?
I had to shut off FOX news this morning when they had that lying bitch Donna Brazile on for 20 minuets lying about this being Obama's economy...and there sat good ol Ed Henry shaking in fear of her and allowing her to lie like a can this be Obama's economy when Trump has reversed every one of Obama's economic policies?....its shameful of Obama to claim after 3.5 years that its his economy....and providing a televised stage to spread the lie is even worse...shame on you FOX news.....
Brazile and the Democrats have no more credibility after she admitted they screed Bernie by rigging their Primaries in 2016....

When you have the data and facts you don't need credibility.
I had to shut off FOX news this morning when they had that lying bitch Donna Brazile on for 20 minuets lying about this being Obama's economy...and there sat good ol Ed Henry shaking in fear of her and allowing her to lie like a can this be Obama's economy when Trump has reversed every one of Obama's economic policies?....its shameful of Obama to claim after 3.5 years that its his economy....and providing a televised stage to spread the lie is even worse...shame on you FOX news.....


Do you see something special about Trump economy in here?
Your pretty picture does nothing to debunk the facts reported posted about how successful Trump's economy is.... LOL!

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