Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

I'm just interested in knowing if Charle Payne is correct. Are you liberals saying that a great economy is based on fewer regulations, less taxation, and less business burden?
Would you rather have corporations paying the massive bulk f taxation, driving them out of the country, creating millions of people getting tax-payer-funded freebies with fewer tax payers to pay for all of that (higher taxes)....or would you rather have millions of Americans working, not relying n freebies to survive, fewer Americans on tax payer-funded social programs?
However the GDP growth under Trump has been the same as under Obama.

You are forgetting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the Fed and 0% interest rates that propped up Obama. President Trump has had no such advantage. Trump had to earn his economic boom.

The Fed did not raise interest rates that much under Trump. They were essentially at zero before they started cutting again. Usually if the economy is strong then it can take higher rates. The unemployment rate was at 4.7% when Trump took over. He had a head start. This is like a quarterback starting at his 20 and taking it to the 1 yard line. Then the backup quarterback comes in and falls forward for the touchdown. Then the backup talks about the great drive he led.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

There's a hearsay report out there that 4 million jobs were lost after the obama stimulus.
Maybe you could research that for us.
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

There's a hearsay report out there that 4 million jobs were lost after the obama stimulus.
Maybe you could research that for us.

Maybe it's not even my idea. Maybe you need to hire a researcher. See, there's a job right there.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

You are correct. They don't lie.

Obama managed 8,000 basis points in 8 years. Trump managed 13,000 basis points in 3.

One other thing. Can you define for the rest of us the difference between the stock market and what an economy is?

You are dismissed.

One other other thing. Why don't you know the difference between rates and absolutes?

Fuck outta here.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

There's a hearsay report out there that 4 million jobs were lost after the obama stimulus.
Maybe you could research that for us.

Barry was busted for claiming more jobs were created / saved than the number of jobs that existed....

The CBO reported Obama claimed to have created mre jobs than the Stimulus package did - he claimed to have saved jobs that were not even being cut / that weren't going to be lost.

The CBO's final numbers showed Barry's Stimulus cost approx. $700,000 PER JOB 'created' / 'saved'

Barry promised unemployment would remain below 8% - it soared above 9% despite his 'Stimulus' package

Democrats like Feinstein and Pelosi received tax dollars from the Stimulus Bill that was supposed to be for creating jobs - tax free loans to millionaire politicians!

Obama HIMSELF admitted there is no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs

""Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected."

Obama's 'Shovel-Ready' Joke Draws Criticism, Corrections

He had no f*ing idea what he was talking about
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

You are correct. They don't lie.

Obama managed 8,000 basis points in 8 years. Trump managed 13,000 basis points in 3.

One other thing. Can you define for the rest of us the difference between the stock market and what an economy is?

You are dismissed.

One other other thing. Why don't you know the difference between rates and absolutes?

Fuck outta here.
What an idiot. So, do you have that explanation of what an economy is vs what a stock market is? If you're stumped, google is your friend.
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?

Same place his plan for healthcare is. Fantasy land.
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?
What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years', the lowest unemployment rate in the last 50 years', 'the lowest black unemployment rate EVER', etc.... do you not understand, lil' snowflake?

What was it that Obama did to jump-start this successful economy?
- Set a new US record for the number of business-strangling, job-destroying regulations that drove manufacturing jobs overseas?

- Was his 'surrender', saying he would not even TRY to get manufacturing jobs back because they were gone forever - the 'new norm'?

- Was it his public declaration that the best this country could expect was behind us? Low GDP, massive numbers of Americans on social programs dependent on tax-payer-funded Democrat freebie programs just to survive?

- His 'stimulus' package that gave Feinstein - a millionaire - a tax-free loan she never paid back to help save her husband's bankrupt business? Claiming he saved / created more jobs at a company than there were jobs? Bragging about shovel-ready jobs he later admitted never existed?

Obama and Democrats screamed Trump would financially ruin the US, bankrupt it, if they seek to claim credit....


Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...

I would hide my face after this last post if I were you, too....

"Overall, federal revenues came in slightly higher in FY 2018 — up 0.5%.

Spending, on the other hand, was $127 billion higher in fiscal 2018. As a result, deficits for 2018 climbed $113 billion.

Let's compare these results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Hide my face?...time for more schooling:

FY2018 begins in the middle of 2017 calendar year, 8 months before tax-cuts actually hit the paychecks.

From there you have to do a very basic adjustment for inflation and baseline growth.

Nominal revenues increased 0.5% but JUST TO BE EQUAL IN REAL TERMS to FY2017, they should have been up by 4% (~2% inflation + ~2% expected economic growth).

You are completely clueless, talking about shit you fundamentally do not understand.
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?
What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years',

2.x% growth is the strongest in 50 years?

Really retard?
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...

I would hide my face after this last post if I were you, too....

"Overall, federal revenues came in slightly higher in FY 2018 — up 0.5%.

Spending, on the other hand, was $127 billion higher in fiscal 2018. As a result, deficits for 2018 climbed $113 billion.

Let's compare these results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Hide my face?...time for more schooling:

FY2018 begins in the middle of 2017 calendar year, 8 months before tax-cuts actually hit the paychecks.

From there you have to do a very basic adjustment for inflation and baseline growth.

Nominal revenues increased 0.5% but JUST TO BE EQUAL IN REAL TERMS to FY2017, they should have been up by 4% (~2% inflation + ~2% expected economic growth).

You are completely clueless, talking about shit you fundamentally do not understand.
Snowflake, if you for one second try to claim Obama is responsible for repealing his own regulations, for making any effort to bring back factory jobs - which he publicly declared he would not do, and had any clue how to improve this economy - which he said could NOT be done, YOU are the one talking about things you do not understand / refuse to acknowledge.
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...

I would hide my face after this last post if I were you, too....

"Overall, federal revenues came in slightly higher in FY 2018 — up 0.5%.

Spending, on the other hand, was $127 billion higher in fiscal 2018. As a result, deficits for 2018 climbed $113 billion.

Let's compare these results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Hide my face?...time for more schooling:

FY2018 begins in the middle of 2017 calendar year, 8 months before tax-cuts actually hit the paychecks.

From there you have to do a very basic adjustment for inflation and baseline growth.

Nominal revenues increased 0.5% but JUST TO BE EQUAL IN REAL TERMS to FY2017, they should have been up by 4% (~2% inflation + ~2% expected economic growth).

You are completely clueless, talking about shit you fundamentally do not understand.
Snowflake, if you for one second try to claim Obama is responsible for repealing his own regulations, for making any effort to bring back factory jobs - which he publicly declared he would not do, and had any clue how to improve this economy - which he said could NOT be done, YOU are the one talking about things you do not understand / refuse to acknowledge.

Not a single fucking thing in your post actually addressed the fact that revenues down in real terms, just as all forecasts said they will be due to tax-cuts.

You can't do economic analysis, all you know is your little Trumpster talking points, you can defend them and so you deflect to some bs instead.
Obama / snowflakes claiming Obama is responsible for economic success is like their claiming Barry being responsible for a reduction in gun violence after giving Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades......

Where is that 4-5% GDP growth we were promised?
What part of 'the strongest economy in the last 50 years',

2.x% growth is the strongest in 50 years?

Really retard?


Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.

10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...

I would hide my face after this last post if I were you, too....

"Overall, federal revenues came in slightly higher in FY 2018 — up 0.5%.

Spending, on the other hand, was $127 billion higher in fiscal 2018. As a result, deficits for 2018 climbed $113 billion.

Let's compare these results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Hide my face?...time for more schooling:

FY2018 begins in the middle of 2017 calendar year, 8 months before tax-cuts actually hit the paychecks.

From there you have to do a very basic adjustment for inflation and baseline growth.

Nominal revenues increased 0.5% but JUST TO BE EQUAL IN REAL TERMS to FY2017, they should have been up by 4% (~2% inflation + ~2% expected economic growth).

You are completely clueless, talking about shit you fundamentally do not understand.
Snowflake, if you for one second try to claim Obama is responsible for repealing his own regulations, for making any effort to bring back factory jobs - which he publicly declared he would not do, and had any clue how to improve this economy - which he said could NOT be done, YOU are the one talking about things you do not understand / refuse to acknowledge.

Not a single fucking thing in your post actually addressed the fact that revenues down in real terms, just as all forecasts said they will be due to tax-cuts.

You can't do economic analysis so you deflect to some bs instead.

Lowest black unemployment rate ever in us history.......


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