Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

I agree and the Trump economy is doing just fine. Trump did away with a lot of the bullshit Barry put in place. Businesses are doing great now.

Sure must suck to be IM2's stupid ass. LOL

Bullshit like protecting the environment and protecting wildlife habitats. Businesses are running this country now as they get bigger and more powerful.

I'd say the environment and wildlife are doing well.

Business provides jobs which provides the money that people live on.

The Govt. runs the country and gets bigger and more powerful every year. That's what you should worry about. Not bambi.

Another clueless idiot. That's you.
we are heading for a trillion dollar deficits this year without a recession.

Jmo but after the first two years or so, esp when a potus controls both houses of congress, the economy is his/hers to own. Trump has succeeded in maintaining, at a slower pace, the recovery that dates back to about 2010.

I thought HW really deserved the credit for the policies that led to the recovery in 93 too.
The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.

Catch up dummy. Obama, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

It's accurate. But he didn't say it was an economic boom.

Riiiiiight. :anj_stfu:

Are you delusional? He didn't say economic boom.

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

4 million votes in California. Trump actually won the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million. Since Trump didn't spend any time trying to win California this whole popular vote nonsense is utterly without value. But butthurt libs have to try to explain away why the American people rejected them and their stupid shit policies.

How long have you lived in this country? Three days? NOBODY bothered to campaign in California because it's a "locked" state, just as nobody bothered to campaign in Texas, or Idaho, or Alabama, or Mississippi, or New York, or Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or Maryland, or North or South Dakota, or Nebraska, or Kansas (you know, where Kansas City is?) or Oklahoma, or Wyoming or Montana or Tennessee or Rhode Island or Louisiana, and certainly not in Alaska or Hawaìi.

And that's because of the Electoral College. Oh and I left out Utah, where Rump could not win even half the state's vote even with an R after his name.

Holy SHIT this number massaging is übermoronic even for your ass. You *CAN'T* disregard an entire state that doesn't serve your bubble. That's the same thing as going "if we hadn't given up those 74 points in the fourth quarter we woulda won the game, waaaaaaaaaaaaah".

Self-delusionists: such cat toys.

Translation...I destroyed your pathetic popular vote talking point. Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes, suck it losers.
However the GDP growth under Trump has been the same as under Obama.

You are forgetting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the Fed and 0% interest rates that propped up Obama. President Trump has had no such advantage. Trump had to earn his economic boom.
Obama, Democrats, the Liberal MSM, and snowflakes blame every Obama scandal and f*-up on others while seeking to STILL claim all the in point:

Blame Trump for Obama policy, attempt
to take credit for Trump's economy / success....
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....


The bulk of the tax cuts went to the rich and powerful. Very little went to the middle class. Tax revenue went up due to population growth as it normally does. The fact that spending has gone up is due to the fact there are huge problems in this country. The number of people who are having food emergencies are still high. Affordable housing is becoming hard to find and the problem is getting worse. I think the word coup is your favorite word. Too bad you have no clue what it means.
"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

I agree and the Trump economy is doing just fine. Trump did away with a lot of the bullshit Barry put in place. Businesses are doing great now.

Sure must suck to be IM2's stupid ass. LOL

Bullshit like protecting the environment and protecting wildlife habitats. Businesses are running this country now as they get bigger and more powerful.

It never ceases to amaze that the same wags who scream from the rooftops about Big Gummint taking over this, taking over that, then suddenly can't bend over far enough when Corporatia proceeds to do the same thing.

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

4 million votes in California. Trump actually won the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million. Since Trump didn't spend any time trying to win California this whole popular vote nonsense is utterly without value. But butthurt libs have to try to explain away why the American people rejected them and their stupid shit policies.

How long have you lived in this country? Three days? NOBODY bothered to campaign in California because it's a "locked" state, just as nobody bothered to campaign in Texas, or Idaho, or Alabama, or Mississippi, or New York, or Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or Maryland, or North or South Dakota, or Nebraska, or Kansas (you know, where Kansas City is?) or Oklahoma, or Wyoming or Montana or Tennessee or Rhode Island or Louisiana, and certainly not in Alaska or Hawaìi.

And that's because of the Electoral College. Oh and I left out Utah, where Rump could not win even half the state's vote even with an R after his name.

Holy SHIT this number massaging is übermoronic even for your ass. You *CAN'T* disregard an entire state that doesn't serve your bubble. That's the same thing as going "if we hadn't given up those 74 points in the fourth quarter we woulda won the game, waaaaaaaaaaaaah".

Self-delusionists: such cat toys.

Translation...I destroyed your pathetic popular vote talking point. Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes, suck it losers.

Translation --- you're fucking illiterate. I didn't even BRING UP a "popular vote talking point". YOU DID. With a naked Cherry Picking fallacy. And it got crushed into a fine juice.
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...
It appears Barry and Joe attempted to generate more revenue by flying around extorting world leaders.....someone had to pay for all of that ransom money Barry was giving to Iran / terrorists....
The socialist policies helping this economy have happened during Trump's term, and after Obama had left office.

Obama shouldn't be saying this stuff.

WTF? What "socialist policies" are you talking about?
The types of policies these same Trumpsters were screaming SOCIALISM over, just four years ago: Aggressively increased government spending, aggressive Fed intervention.

Spending more and Fed intervening is not socialism. But you are right, it's generally called SOCIALIST!!! by the rw nutters.

Tax-cuts are not called socialist by anyone though....keynesian at most.
The socialist policies helping this economy have happened during Trump's term, and after Obama had left office.

Obama shouldn't be saying this stuff.

WTF? What "socialist policies" are you talking about?
The types of policies these same Trumpsters were screaming SOCIALISM over, just four years ago: Aggressively increased government spending, aggressive Fed intervention.

Spending more and Fed intervening is not socialism.
Yes, I know.

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

4 million votes in California. Trump actually won the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million. Since Trump didn't spend any time trying to win California this whole popular vote nonsense is utterly without value. But butthurt libs have to try to explain away why the American people rejected them and their stupid shit policies.

How long have you lived in this country? Three days? NOBODY bothered to campaign in California because it's a "locked" state, just as nobody bothered to campaign in Texas, or Idaho, or Alabama, or Mississippi, or New York, or Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or Maryland, or North or South Dakota, or Nebraska, or Kansas (you know, where Kansas City is?) or Oklahoma, or Wyoming or Montana or Tennessee or Rhode Island or Louisiana, and certainly not in Alaska or Hawaìi.

And that's because of the Electoral College. Oh and I left out Utah, where Rump could not win even half the state's vote even with an R after his name.

Holy SHIT this number massaging is übermoronic even for your ass. You *CAN'T* disregard an entire state that doesn't serve your bubble. That's the same thing as going "if we hadn't given up those 74 points in the fourth quarter we woulda won the game, waaaaaaaaaaaaah".

Self-delusionists: such cat toys.

Translation...I destroyed your pathetic popular vote talking point. Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes, suck it losers.

Translation --- you're fucking illiterate. I didn't even BRING UP a "popular vote talking point". YOU DID. With a naked Cherry Picking fallacy. And it got crushed into a fine juice.

Take a time out and try to collect yourself. :cuckoo:
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

You are correct. They don't lie.

Obama managed 8,000 basis points in 8 years. Trump managed 13,000 basis points in 3.

One other thing. Can you define for the rest of us the difference between the stock market and what an economy is?

You are dismissed.
I'm just interested in knowing if Charle Payne is correct. Are you liberals saying that a great economy is based on fewer regulations, less taxation, and less business burden?
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history.


This guy...

I would hide my face after this last post if I were you, too....

"Overall, federal revenues came in slightly higher in FY 2018 — up 0.5%.

Spending, on the other hand, was $127 billion higher in fiscal 2018. As a result, deficits for 2018 climbed $113 billion.

Let's compare these results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

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