Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'
Obama and Biden are right. Trump did not reverse any of Obamas economic policies. Trump has been president for 3 years, we've had economic growth for 11. Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama. The economy wasn't dead then suddenly started growing on the first day trump took office. And right now trump is not doing as good as Obama.

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'

Was the economy struggling when Trump took office?
Absolutely not. Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump boasted about job gains starting from his election onward, crediting Obama's final months as his own.

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'

Obama inherited an economy on the verge of a depression and he turned it around. trump hasn't turned anything but the curve at Daytona last weekend.

Oh look. A revisionist historian who keeps on running the same fallacy after his OP was already destroyed in post seven, expecting different results this time.

How even cuter.

Sorry, the Mic was dropped after it was proven / shown Barry ADMITTED he had no f*ing clue how to do what Trump did.


"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

Trump has told over 16,000 lies. Many of them about the economy.


Trump Claims the Economy Is the Best Ever—These 11 Facts Tell a Different Story

1. GDP Growth Was Higher on Average under Obama in 2014 and 2015 Than Compared to Trump in 2017 and 2018
2. Monthly Job Growth Was Higher under Obama Than in Trump’s First Two Years
3. The Unemployment Rate Was Falling Faster under Obama in 2014 and 2015 than in Trump’s First Two Years
4. Growth in the Employment-to-Population Rate Has Slowed under Trump
5. Wage Growth Grew Sharply in 2016 and 2017—Until 2018, When It Slowed
6. The Racial Pay Gap Declined in Obama’s Final Years—It Has Widened Under Trump
7. Adult and Child Poverty Rates Have Fallen—But Much Faster under Obama
8. The Federal Deficit Is Growing Rapidly under Trump
9. Growth in Worker Productivity Rose Slowly under Both Trump and Obama—But Remains Weak under Trump
10. Despite Trump’s Massive Corporate Tax Cuts, Business Investment Isn’t Growing “Like Never Before”
11. It’s True Stocks Are at Their Highest Levels—But Stock Prices Grew Faster after the Reelections of Both Clinton and Obama

Trump Claims the Economy Is the Best Ever—These 11 Facts Tell a Different Story
Hussein Barack is delusional, no surprises there! :cuckoo:

Thanks GOD for President Trump!:thup:

i dont recall an economic boom in 2009/2010

How would you? You can't even recall that Obama was a president from 2009 to 2017

Obama was so awesome he and his legacy went down in flames in 2016. :21:
we didn't go down in flames, we beat the crap out of you, by 3 million, yes 3 million....MORE votes.... sure, we lost due to the electoral college.... but no one, went down in flames.... if Trump won the pop vote and the electoral, that would have been going down in flames....imo

Only in California, we whooped Hillary's ass in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Tissue? Get lost punk.
Reagan raised taxes 11 times. Trumps tax cut did not do anything for the economy. We need to be factual about this. Capital gains taxes do not affect many Americans enough to make the claim you did. Reagan left us with record deficits. So did Bush2 who also cut taxes. Cutting taxes does not grow the economy.

After reading several of your posts full of lies and delusions its clear nobody should pay any attention to what you say.
Rational Americans understand that trump did not win the popular vote.

Rational Americans understand there's no such thing as the popular vote to win. Nobody ran to win the so called popular vote hence there was no winner and you idiots don't know who might have won the popular vote had there been a popular vote election.

That said ALL of your so called popular vote lead was in California. Hillary lost the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Suck it.
Sorry, the Mic was dropped after it was proven / shown Barry ADMITTED he had no f*ing clue how to do what Trump did.


"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

Trump has told over 16,000 lies. Many of them about the economy.

View attachment 307372

Trump Claims the Economy Is the Best Ever—These 11 Facts Tell a Different Story

1. GDP Growth Was Higher on Average under Obama in 2014 and 2015 Than Compared to Trump in 2017 and 2018
2. Monthly Job Growth Was Higher under Obama Than in Trump’s First Two Years
3. The Unemployment Rate Was Falling Faster under Obama in 2014 and 2015 than in Trump’s First Two Years
4. Growth in the Employment-to-Population Rate Has Slowed under Trump
5. Wage Growth Grew Sharply in 2016 and 2017—Until 2018, When It Slowed
6. The Racial Pay Gap Declined in Obama’s Final Years—It Has Widened Under Trump
7. Adult and Child Poverty Rates Have Fallen—But Much Faster under Obama
8. The Federal Deficit Is Growing Rapidly under Trump
9. Growth in Worker Productivity Rose Slowly under Both Trump and Obama—But Remains Weak under Trump
10. Despite Trump’s Massive Corporate Tax Cuts, Business Investment Isn’t Growing “Like Never Before”
11. It’s True Stocks Are at Their Highest Levels—But Stock Prices Grew Faster after the Reelections of Both Clinton and Obama

Trump Claims the Economy Is the Best Ever—These 11 Facts Tell a Different Story
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Barry publicly admitted he had no clue how to
accomplish what President Trump has accomplished....

Barry said manufacturing jobs were gone forever,
that he would not even TRY to get them back -
'This is the 'NEW NORM'.....


Obama's own words completely destroy your LIE that the Community Organizer and self-declared Constitutional Expert had any clue how to create a successful economic plan, which was counter-productive to the Democratic economic policy and agenda of keeping Blacks DEPENDENT on Govt / Democrat tax payer-funded handouts just to on the Democrat Plantation due to their policy of 'economic slavery'.

The great thing abut FACTS are they are PROVEN. You can continue to parrot the lies of your 'massah's....but it still won't make them true.
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?
Reality Cheque 2:

Macrotrends: Stock Market Performance By President

Dynamic image can't be linked but at the site you can click or de-click any of the last sixteen POTUSes for comparison.
Rump is exceeded by, in chronological order, O'bama, Clinton, Ford, Eisenhower, FDR and Coolidge.

Got that? Rump has been bettered by Gerald Ford.
Member when Gerald Ford was out there bellowing "I will be the greatest jobs president god ever created"?
Me neither.

Oh by the way for the fantasists: search took 0.57 seconds.
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:
Obama's own words completely destroy your LIE that the Community Organizer and self-declared Constitutional Expert had any clue how to create a successful economic plan, which was counter-productive to the Democratic economic policy and agenda of keeping Blacks DEPENDENT on Govt / Democrat tax payer-funded handouts just to on the Democrat Plantation due to their policy of 'economic slavery'.

You are posting memes with fake Obama quotes.
Trumpster are back wanking again...


This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.

Catch up dummy. Obama, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

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