Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?
I guess welfare recipient don't see it.

Barry publicly admitted he had no clue how to
accomplish what President Trump has accomplished....

Barry said manufacturing jobs were gone forever,
that he would not even TRY to get them back -
'This is the 'NEW NORM'.....


.....turn the lights out on this thread on your way out.......
I see it with my own eyes, why did Obama tell us our best days were behind us?

Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.

Catch up dummy. Obama, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

It's accurate. But he didn't say it was an economic boom.
The socialist policies helping this economy have happened during Trump's term, and after Obama had left office.

Obama shouldn't be saying this stuff.

WTF? What "socialist policies" are you talking about?
Here's why Dems are so butthurt. With the Trump economy booming and setting 50 year and all time records left and right...wait for it...the American people will never again accept a lame Obama economy, Dem economic policies, tax increases, and thousands of jobs killing regulations.
What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.

Catch up dummy. Obama, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

It's accurate. But he didn't say it was an economic boom.

Riiiiiight. :anj_stfu:
Hussein Barack is delusional, no surprises there! :cuckoo:

Thanks GOD for President Trump!:thup:

i dont recall an economic boom in 2009/2010

How would you? You can't even recall that Obama was a president from 2009 to 2017

Obama was so awesome he and his legacy went down in flames in 2016. :21:
we didn't go down in flames, we beat the crap out of you, by 3 million, yes 3 million....MORE votes.... sure, we lost due to the electoral college.... but no one, went down in flames.... if Trump won the pop vote and the electoral, that would have been going down in flames....imo

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

Barry publicly admitted he had no clue how to
accomplish what President Trump has accomplished....

Barry said manufacturing jobs were gone forever,
that he would not even TRY to get them back -
'This is the 'NEW NORM'.....

View attachment 307384

.....turn the lights out on this thread on your way out.......

Obama's top GDP Q was 5.1%, and the best calendar year GDP growth in the past 10 years was 2015.

Pick up that mic retard.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

The US economy recovered in spite of obamas efforts to slow it down

he was so happy when the BP oil well broke in the Gulf

liberals like our first black president saw that as a chance to kill the oil industry

but it survived and thrived after trump took over

Don't forget that Mr. Obama spent most of his Presidency blaming his predecessor for the results of his own incompetence and malfeasance. I suppose it's not at all inconsistent with that, for him to now be trying to take credit for his successor's achievements.

I warned the Obama worshipers that Trump would make Obama look like the rank amateur that he was. Trillions of dollars sat on the sideline during the Obama regime, waiting for his stupid shit anti business policies to be overturned.

Obama supporters will tell you cash sat on the sidelines because they did not want a Black man in the White House to be successful. Those profit-driven greed machines in search of double digit returns put their racism ahead of their financial objectives. Can you imagine??

In act free world the child who inherited 500 million from daddy then blew it losing up to 1 million dollars per day for an entire year is this financial genius. But there was 7 years of economic growth before trump sat his fat ass in the presidential chair.

I warned the Obama worshipers that Trump would make Obama look like the rank amateur that he was. Trillions of dollars sat on the sideline during the Obama regime, waiting for his stupid shit anti business policies to be overturned.

Obama supporters will tell you cash sat on the sidelines because they did not want a Black man in the White House to be successful. Those profit-driven greed machines in search of double digit returns put their racism ahead of their financial objectives. Can you imagine??

In act free world the child who inherited 500 million from daddy then blew it losing up to 1 million dollars per day for an entire year is this financial genius. But there was 7 years of economic growth before trump sat his fat ass in the presidential chair.

During those 7 years,
- What was the unemployment rate? ( when O wasn’t changing the criteria to measure unemployment?)
- What was the Black Unemployment rate?
- What was the Dow?
- What was the business expansion rate? - new businesses, new loans, new locations?

There was “growth” but it was slow, almost flat - in spite of Obama’s intent to fundamentally transform America and necessarily increase energy prices. He also chased away manufacturing jobs and told US to suck it up because not even a magic wand could bring them back. Trump showed him otherwise.

FACT--------------> Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, and Trump all cut taxes, and the economy came to life!

Now, Leftists are going to jump this post because they insist that Clinton RAISED taxes; which he did with one hand on individuals, while with the other hand CUT capital gains taxes! Of course, they don't want to point you at that. And under all these Presidents I mentioned, the economy improved!

Let me say that Obama KNEW how to revive the economic investment which was in the tank, just like the 4 Presidents I mentioned. It was just not how he wanted to "transform" America, and if a bunch of you suffered, to bad, so sad.

Now, I agree with many of you that the national debt and continued deficits need to be addressed quickly. But, if you think spending 30 to 125 TRILLION dollars over 10 years MORE for your craziness is the way to do it, then you need an economic education quickly!

Reagan raised taxes 11 times. Trumps tax cut did not do anything for the economy. We need to be factual about this. Capital gains taxes do not affect many Americans enough to make the claim you did. Reagan left us with record deficits. So did Bush2 who also cut taxes. Cutting taxes does not grow the economy.

Barry Hussein added more debt than any other President, and it isn't even close. The idiot almost added as much as all other Presidents COMBINED, Idiot.

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

4 million votes in California. Trump actually won the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million. Since Trump didn't spend any time trying to win California this whole popular vote nonsense is utterly without value. But butthurt libs have to try to explain away why the American people rejected them and their stupid shit policies.
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'
You mean this Impeached Trump boom...?


What economic boom?

The economic boom Obama and Biden are claiming credit for. You are kind of slow, maybe a 6th grader can explain it to you. :itsok:

Obama didn't say anything about an economic boom.

Catch up dummy. Obama, "Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history."

It's accurate. But he didn't say it was an economic boom.

Riiiiiight. :anj_stfu:

Are you delusional? He didn't say economic boom.
Oh look. A revisionist historian who keeps on running the same fallacy after his OP was already destroyed in post seven, expecting different results this time.

How even cuter.

Sorry, the Mic was dropped after it was proven / shown Barry ADMITTED he had no f*ing clue how to do what Trump did.


"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

I agree and the Trump economy is doing just fine. Trump did away with a lot of the bullshit Barry put in place. Businesses are doing great now.

Sure must suck to be IM2's stupid ass. LOL
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

Oh look, a revisionist historian. How cute. First slide please.


Ain't no way to rewrite the numbers, Jocko. Numbers are, 'ow you say, quantifiable. They're fixed values. Not open to debate. That's uh, kind of why we call them numbers.

The US economy recovered in spite of obamas efforts to slow it down

he was so happy when the BP oil well broke in the Gulf

liberals like our first black president saw that as a chance to kill the oil industry

but it survived and thrived after trump took over

I warned the Obama worshipers that Trump would make Obama look like the rank amateur that he was. Trillions of dollars sat on the sideline during the Obama regime, waiting for his stupid shit anti business policies to be overturned.

Obama supporters will tell you cash sat on the sidelines because they did not want a Black man in the White House to be successful. Those profit-driven greed machines in search of double digit returns put their racism ahead of their financial objectives. Can you imagine??

In act free world the child who inherited 500 million from daddy then blew it losing up to 1 million dollars per day for an entire year is this financial genius. But there was 7 years of economic growth before trump sat his fat ass in the presidential chair.

Obama supporters will tell you cash sat on the sidelines because they did not want a Black man in the White House to be successful. Those profit-driven greed machines in search of double digit returns put their racism ahead of their financial objectives. Can you imagine??

In act free world the child who inherited 500 million from daddy then blew it losing up to 1 million dollars per day for an entire year is this financial genius. But there was 7 years of economic growth before trump sat his fat ass in the presidential chair.

During those 7 years,
- What was the unemployment rate? ( when O wasn’t changing the criteria to measure unemployment?)
- What was the Black Unemployment rate?
- What was the Dow?
- What was the business expansion rate? - new businesses, new loans, new locations?

There was “growth” but it was slow, almost flat - in spite of Obama’s intent to fundamentally transform America and necessarily increase energy prices. He also chased away manufacturing jobs and told US to suck it up because not even a magic wand could bring them back. Trump showed him otherwise.

FACT--------------> Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, and Trump all cut taxes, and the economy came to life!

Now, Leftists are going to jump this post because they insist that Clinton RAISED taxes; which he did with one hand on individuals, while with the other hand CUT capital gains taxes! Of course, they don't want to point you at that. And under all these Presidents I mentioned, the economy improved!

Let me say that Obama KNEW how to revive the economic investment which was in the tank, just like the 4 Presidents I mentioned. It was just not how he wanted to "transform" America, and if a bunch of you suffered, to bad, so sad.

Now, I agree with many of you that the national debt and continued deficits need to be addressed quickly. But, if you think spending 30 to 125 TRILLION dollars over 10 years MORE for your craziness is the way to do it, then you need an economic education quickly!

Reagan raised taxes 11 times. Trumps tax cut did not do anything for the economy. We need to be factual about this. Capital gains taxes do not affect many Americans enough to make the claim you did. Reagan left us with record deficits. So did Bush2 who also cut taxes. Cutting taxes does not grow the economy.

Barry Hussein added more debt than any other President.

BS. There was more debt accumulated while Obama was in office but it wasn't because Obama's policies added to it (~1T).

Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.

We are currently running 1T deficit in the middle of what "conservatives" are calling a boom. You know what happens to that deficit when this "boom" goes bust? It becomes 1.5-2T dollar deficit.
Last edited:

The 3 million votes in Kalifornia mean nothing.

You lost. You are losers. Time to accept the results of the election.

4 million votes in California. Trump actually won the so called popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million. Since Trump didn't spend any time trying to win California this whole popular vote nonsense is utterly without value. But butthurt libs have to try to explain away why the American people rejected them and their stupid shit policies.

How long have you lived in this country? Three days? NOBODY bothered to campaign in California because it's a "locked" state, just as nobody bothered to campaign in Texas, or Idaho, or Alabama, or Mississippi, or New York, or Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or Maryland, or North or South Dakota, or Nebraska, or Kansas (you know, where Kansas City is?) or Oklahoma, or Wyoming or Montana or Tennessee or Rhode Island or Louisiana, and certainly not in Alaska or Hawaìi.

And that's because of the Electoral College. Oh and I left out Utah, where Rump could not win even half the state's vote even with an R after his name.

Holy SHIT this number massaging is übermoronic even for your ass. You *CAN'T* disregard an entire state that doesn't serve your bubble. That's the same thing as going "if we hadn't given up those 74 points in the fourth quarter we woulda won the game, waaaaaaaaaaaaah".

Self-delusionists: such cat toys.
Trump's 1.5T tax-cuts and extra spending ALREADY blew a bigger hole in the budget than Obama's policies.
The tax cuts resulted in the largest amount of tax revenue in US history....and the Democrats controlling the House - the budget, the purse strings, spending - could not bring themselves to use even one dime of it to pay down the deficit......financing a 4-year continuous coup is expensive.....

The socialist policies helping this economy have happened during Trump's term, and after Obama had left office.

Obama shouldn't be saying this stuff.

WTF? What "socialist policies" are you talking about?
The types of policies these same Trumpsters were screaming SOCIALISM over, just four years ago: Aggressively increased government spending, aggressive Fed intervention.
Trumpster are back wanking again...

View attachment 307379

This is reality. Obama last year of office he borrowed $507bn less than Trump did last year. $507bn is 2.6% of GDP. In Total Trump is borrowing 5.7% of GDP per year.

Growth is at 2.1% and dropping.

So effectively in this "great economy" we are borrowing 2.6% more that Obama and the same growth numbers... This is while things are going great... Where do we see this going when the economy slows down?

A) You posted NO links to substantiate your claim.
B) Trump has as the below chart shows the lowest growth of National Debt compared to Obama. Nearly 50% less than Obama ,who average was borrowing at 32.9% at the 32 month while Trump..14.5% !
C) Another simple math issue...

National Debt by President
Interactive chart illustrating the growth in national (public) debt by U.S. Presidential term. The y-axis shows the total percentage growth in national debt and the x-axis shows the time in office in months. The national debt almost tripled during during the Reagan administration, slowed considerably during Clinton's time in office and rose more gradually during the administrations of GW Bush and Obama. The current level of the national debt as of September 2019 is 22,719,402.00 million dollars.

National Debt by President

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 9.00.26 AM.png

From the link: Historical Tables | The White House
So which is a bigger number: $14.4 Trillion GDP in 2009 or 2019 GDP of $21.21 Trillion... a larger number of nearly 50%
a growth of 10.% in 3 years vs Obama 3 years growth of 6%...
FACTS... and links!
Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 9.13.37 AM.png
Obama is running his mouth claiming credit for the historic Trump economic boom, shocker. Biden is out there on the campaign trail also taking credit.

Both conveniently forget the Obama recovery was below average and most were predicting another recession when president Trump took over.

Both conveniently forget that Trump reversed all of Obama's economic policies.

How pathetic the left have become, 3 years into the Trump economic boom they try to steal the credit.

Trump fires back after Obama claims credit for economic boom: 'Con job'

The fact is that the recovery did start under Obama. Neither Obama nor Trump have had anything to do with it. However the GDP growth under Trump has been the same as under Obama. The unemployment rate when Trump took office was 4.7%.

Despite the fact that the unemployment rate is low, there are still major economic issues. The number of people having food emergencies is still high and the Republican answer is cutting food stamps. The ability to find affordable housing is dropping and is starting to hit the middle class. Republicans ignore this. The only people that are thriving are the rich and powerful.
Hussein Barack is delusional, no surprises there! :cuckoo:

Thanks GOD for President Trump!:thup:


The reason some companies are returning has nothing to do with Trump. However under Trump, manufacturing is in a recession.
Sorry, the Mic was dropped after it was proven / shown Barry ADMITTED he had no f*ing clue how to do what Trump did.


"Sorry", there's still nothing you can do about numbers.
I lived the Obama years, they sucked. Trump made Obama's legacy a bad memory. Now we have success!

We all lived the Obama years and they were not what you say. The success we have now is because of him.
How so, Trump did away with Obama's legacy. Anyway you all predicted doom and gloom. Lol, must suck to be a liberal.

I agree and the Trump economy is doing just fine. Trump did away with a lot of the bullshit Barry put in place. Businesses are doing great now.

Sure must suck to be IM2's stupid ass. LOL

Bullshit like protecting the environment and protecting wildlife habitats. Businesses are running this country now as they get bigger and more powerful.

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