Patriot Brennan strikes back!

Those attacking Brennan are unhinged extremists defending a rogue president who is selling America out to the Russians. These alt right extremists love communists and marxists and fascists like Gus Hall and Vlad Putin.

LOL, none of this makes any sense at all.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- patience , patience , its just Jake !!
In a blistering editorial John Brennan strikes back against the compromised crook sitting in what should now be called the Offal Office.

From the Op-Ed:

Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash.

The only questions that remain are whether the collusion that took place constituted criminally liable conspiracy, whether obstruction of justice occurred to cover up any collusion or conspiracy, and how many members of “Trump Incorporated” attempted to defraud the government by laundering and concealing the movement of money into their pockets. A jury is about to deliberate bank and tax fraud charges against one of those people, Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman. And the campaign’s former deputy chairman, Rick Gates, has pleaded guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigators

Mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him. Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve.

Opinion | John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash

He is right. Brennan is our Paul Revere. Don't let the colluder shut you up. Your country needs you.

Pffft. That Communist prick should have never been permitted within five miles of Langley, much less had a security clearance..
You got anything to back up Brennan being a Communist? You might as well call him a Martian.

Only a Communist would vote for a Communist presidential candidate.
Who did he vote for?

Gus Hall, 1980 Communist Party presidential candidate.
Brennan should never have been able to infiltrate the way he did. He's a communist and has always been a communist.
In a blistering editorial John Brennan strikes back against the compromised crook sitting in what should now be called the Offal Office.

From the Op-Ed:

Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash.

The only questions that remain are whether the collusion that took place constituted criminally liable conspiracy, whether obstruction of justice occurred to cover up any collusion or conspiracy, and how many members of “Trump Incorporated” attempted to defraud the government by laundering and concealing the movement of money into their pockets. A jury is about to deliberate bank and tax fraud charges against one of those people, Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman. And the campaign’s former deputy chairman, Rick Gates, has pleaded guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigators

Mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him. Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve.

Opinion | John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash

He is right. Brennan is our Paul Revere. Don't let the colluder shut you up. Your country needs you.
You must work for the Onion or the Daily kos, because Mr Brennan actually colluded with Russia to bring down President Trump.

April 24, 2018
John Brennan's Secret Trip to Moscow
By Daniel John Sobieski
The Russians say he did, and while some might say, well, these are the same Russians who helped put together the Steele dossier filled with "salacious and unverified" material, and may once again be playing with us, there is evidence that Brennan, the man who voted for communist Gus Hall for president, did make the trip in March 2016 for purposes unknown:

"It's no secret that Brennan was here," claimed Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov. "But he didn't visit the Foreign Ministry. I know for sure that he met with the Federal Security Service (the successor agency to the Soviet KGB), and someone else."

No further remarks clarify what Brennan was allegedly doing in Moscow or what he discussed with the FSB. Syromolotov insists it had nothing to do with Russia's withdrawal from Syria.

Sputnik News, a Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet, quotes CIA Director of Public Affairs Dean Boyd as affirming that Brennan did, in fact, discuss Syria during the visit. "Director Brennan," he allegedly said, "reiterated the US government's consistent support for a genuine political transition in Syria, and the need for [President Bashar] Assad's departure in order to facilitate a transition that reflects the will of the Syrian people."

Now, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for a CIA director to make a trip to Moscow, but when a Russian deputy foreign minister says he didn't visit the Foreign Ministry itself but did visit the KGB's successor, the Federal Security Service (FSB), it raises some eyebrows.

Consider that John Brennan is a Trump-hating perjurer who lied to Congress about secret surveillance. He is the crown prince of a Deep State fiefdom that has its own agenda. The end justifies the means in their world, and Brennan may have been up to his eyeballs in developing that "insurance policy" against a Trump victory.

Certainly, he ruthlessly defended his CIA turf. The mind hearkens back to the day when an op-ed in the Washington Post, that right-wing rag, called for Brennan to be fired for conducting illegal surveillance of the Senate Intelligence Committee and then lying about it:

Brennan was asked by NBC's Andrea Mitchell whether the CIA had illegally accessed Senate Intelligence Committee staff computers "to thwart an investigation by the committee into" the agency's past interrogation techniques. The accusation had been made earlier that day by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who said the CIA had "violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution." Brennan answered:

As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn't do that. I mean, that's – that's just beyond the – you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do. ...

And, you know, when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.

(You can see the video of Brennan's answer here.)

Now we know that the truth was far different. The Post's Greg Miller reports:

CIA Director John O. Brennan has apologized to leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an agency investigation determined that its employees improperly searched computers used by committee staff to review classified files on interrogations of prisoners. ...

A statement released by the CIA on Tuesday acknowledged that agency employees had searched areas of that computer network that were supposed to be accessible only to committee investigators. Agency employees were attempting to discover how congressional aides had obtained a secret CIA internal report on the interrogation program.

Brennan once proudly admitted that he voted for Communist Party leader Gus Hall and openly supports liars and perjurers like Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, and James Comey. The possibility that he went to Moscow to personally obtain a copy of the dossier and similar material is real. As I wrote here recently, Brennan may have colluded with foreign spies to help Hillary Clinton.

Now what have I told you kids about posting junk frof conspiracy theory blog sites?
... and I bet it's times like this that you wished you could read.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.
They ALL keep their clearances unless there is valid reason to revoke it. If the President is going to change that long standing policy, it needs to be for EVERYONE, not just the people who criticize him.
yep , he was a 'communist' from an early adult age , mid 70s , probably earlier if i'm not mistaken . Traitor 'brennan' is my and President Trumps age i reckon and we never , ever voted for a 'communist' Jake .
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.
like i said when this started and you asked for info; it would be a total and complete waste of time to give it to you.

i win again. :)

go back to ignoring me now. anything else you do my reply is just gonna make you throw a tantrum and ignore me.


btw -

13 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR SECURITY CLEARANCE | Virginia Workplace Discrimination Lawyers | Maryland Wrongful Termination Law Firm

looks like there are many valid ways your clearance can be lost - of which working to overthrow the gov is on that list.

if brennan is NOT trying to get trump out of office, then what else is his purpose here? seems to be that is a valid reason in itself but i'm sure it's not for you.
Voicing a critical opinion of the President's action or statement is not "working to overthrow the government," though. You know that.

Have you ever been critical of Obama? Were you trying to "overthrow the government?"
Voicing a critical opinion of the President's action or statement is not "working to overthrow the government," though. You know that.

Calling the President a "traitor" certainly is.

Especially when the supposed treason was the hilarious Helsinki presser where Trump recruited Putin and they poked fun at Mr. Mueller and Mueller's liberal sycophants .
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.
They ALL keep their clearances unless there is valid reason to revoke it. If the President is going to change that long standing policy, it needs to be for EVERYONE, not just the people who criticize him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- and that is what is being Proposed . A blanket rule that everyone loses their Sec. Clearance when they lose or leave their job . I think its a Rand Paul proposal OldLady .
yep , he was a 'communist' from an early adult age , mid 70s , probably earlier if i'm not mistaken . Traitor 'brennan' is my and President Trumps age i reckon and we never , ever voted for a 'communist' Jake .
He is an Independent who made a protest vote as a young college student. He "fessed up" and the CIA found no reason not to hire him anyway.
He's about as communist as you are. If he were communist, would he be so furious at the President for Helsinky? Where is your common sense?
and 'brennan' can cry about the TRUMP all he likes . I think that 'brennan' is crying and whining today as i type OldLady .
I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.
They ALL keep their clearances unless there is valid reason to revoke it. If the President is going to change that long standing policy, it needs to be for EVERYONE, not just the people who criticize him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- and that is what is being Proposed . A blanket rule that everyone loses their Sec. Clearance when they lose or leave their job . I think its a Rand Paul proposal OldLady .
Then Rand Paul's proposal should take its course. It will not pass, of course, since the years of experience these ex-intelligence officers bring to the table is worth its weight in gold and is used on a regular basis by those currently in office. When we start throwing away everyone who knows anything just because they're the other party, this country has completely and totally been defeated.
In a blistering editorial John Brennan strikes back against the compromised crook sitting in what should now be called the Offal Office.

From the Op-Ed:

Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash.

The only questions that remain are whether the collusion that took place constituted criminally liable conspiracy, whether obstruction of justice occurred to cover up any collusion or conspiracy, and how many members of “Trump Incorporated” attempted to defraud the government by laundering and concealing the movement of money into their pockets. A jury is about to deliberate bank and tax fraud charges against one of those people, Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman. And the campaign’s former deputy chairman, Rick Gates, has pleaded guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigators

Mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him, which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare to challenge him. Now more than ever, it is critically important that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, and his team of investigators be allowed to complete their work without interference — from Mr. Trump or anyone else — so that all Americans can get the answers they so rightly deserve.

Opinion | John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash

He is right. Brennan is our Paul Revere. Don't let the colluder shut you up. Your country needs you.

Brennan is our Paul Revere.

Brennan is our whiney twat..
yep , he was a 'communist' from an early adult age , mid 70s , probably earlier if i'm not mistaken . Traitor 'brennan' is my and President Trumps age i reckon and we never , ever voted for a 'communist' Jake .
He is an Independent who made a protest vote as a young college student. He "fessed up" and the CIA found no reason not to hire him anyway.
He's about as communist as you are. If he were communist, would he be so furious at the President for Helsinky? Where is your common sense?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNIST , And he can't or shouldn't be trusted even if complicit government screeners and interviewers gave him the OK for his job OldLady .
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.
like i said when this started and you asked for info; it would be a total and complete waste of time to give it to you.

i win again. :)

go back to ignoring me now. anything else you do my reply is just gonna make you throw a tantrum and ignore me.


btw -

13 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR SECURITY CLEARANCE | Virginia Workplace Discrimination Lawyers | Maryland Wrongful Termination Law Firm

looks like there are many valid ways your clearance can be lost - of which working to overthrow the gov is on that list.

if brennan is NOT trying to get trump out of office, then what else is his purpose here? seems to be that is a valid reason in itself but i'm sure it's not for you.
Voicing a critical opinion of the President's action or statement is not "working to overthrow the government," though. You know that.

Have you ever been critical of Obama? Were you trying to "overthrow the government?"
Not only is he a Trump critic, but he is behind the criminal activity that took place which led to the Russian Collusion investigation in the first place.
Never mind his over the top criticisms. He is guilty of several crimes, including espionage, illegal search and seizure, conspiracy to commit perjury in a FISA court, mishandling and leaking of Top Secret information, not to mention other crimes.
yep , he was a 'communist' from an early adult age , mid 70s , probably earlier if i'm not mistaken . Traitor 'brennan' is my and President Trumps age i reckon and we never , ever voted for a 'communist' Jake .
He is an Independent who made a protest vote as a young college student. He "fessed up" and the CIA found no reason not to hire him anyway.
He's about as communist as you are. If he were communist, would he be so furious at the President for Helsinky? Where is your common sense?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNIST , And he can't or shouldn't be trusted even if complicit government screeners and interviewers gave him the OK for his job OldLady .
Would they be the same government screeners that gave the Boston Bombers the all clear?
I'm afraid the president has complete authority to lift such security clearances at whim. He requires no approval from anyone.

Ergo, how will it be "going too far"? How will it not stand?
No President has ever abused his power this way. The people are going to take this seriously. I know I've written to all my Congress critters this morning. The President has to be reined in or he will go even farther.
Why abuse his power? Why so friendly to dictators like Putin and Duterte and Xi? Because Trump wants to be one, too.
He really does and it's not secret. Here he goes. Less than two years in. Watch.

Abused how? Simple use of power is not abuse. And who do you think will "rein him in"?

As to dictators, it's a true statement that "you'll get more with a kind word and a gun than you will with just a kind word."
Great. I know where you stand.

I don't think you do. For example, Obama used nothing but kind words when he wasn't busy actually aiding the Islamists. Current global circumstances illustrate the results of that. Our EU "friends" continue to follow that example.
I'm going to start ignoring all posts about Obama. This is the kind of deflection Trumpsters must use, I realize, to defend his indefensible garbage, but it is such a waste of time and energy.

It's not a deflection. It's a comparison, relevant because the ones having their clearances stripped and whining that it's anti-1st Amendment (how ludicrous) were members of that administration.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.

How many other former gov't officials have had their security clearances revoked by Trump?
TRUMP did fine at Helsinki OldLady .
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.
They ALL keep their clearances unless there is valid reason to revoke it. If the President is going to change that long standing policy, it needs to be for EVERYONE, not just the people who criticize him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- and that is what is being Proposed . A blanket rule that everyone loses their Sec. Clearance when they lose or leave their job . I think its a Rand Paul proposal OldLady .
Then Rand Paul's proposal should take its course. It will not pass, of course, since the years of experience these ex-intelligence officers bring to the table is worth its weight in gold and is used on a regular basis by those currently in office. When we start throwing away everyone who knows anything just because they're the other party, this country has completely and totally been defeated.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- well then , actually , i like it better when The TRUMP actually gets personal and does things himself . From what i understand Trump has 9 more already on his removal list Old Lady .
Last edited:
If Brennan said only GREAT things about Trump, he'd still have his security clearance, and he'd get a fruit basket for Christmas.

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