Patriot Brennan strikes back!

calling someone a joke and using CNN as a reference is kinda funny.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
Trump has the right to revoke Brennan's security clearance.

The American people have the right to revoke the GOP majority status in ten weeks.

You can always hope. LOL
With the generic congressional ballot approaching ten points for the Dem, the hope is based on some real evidence.

You can always hope.

Polls also said Hitlery would be the next POTUS

Seems you keep forgetting that.
Looking back at 2016 and the EV and PV predictions is the stupidest thing you can do, and I am thrilled you keep doing that.

Trump's crumbling position negatively affects the GOP in the coming election. He has absolutely no EV coat tails to help anyone, and many of the candidates are sprinting to get away from him.

You keep looking backwards, Claudette. Keep doing that. :lol:

November will tell the tail. LOL
calling someone a joke and using CNN as a reference is kinda funny.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.
calling someone a joke and using CNN as a reference is kinda funny.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

Brennan's Security Clearance was pulled for a good reason. He is a political operative and he no longer works for the government.

It's that simple. That, and the fact he is a traitor and was an active participant in a political campaign and coup attempt. He's lucky he and his co-conspirators aren't in front of a firing squad which is exactly where they'd be 100 years ago for doing what they did.

This is serious stuff and thank you for the OP. Just watch the POTUS apologists this morning flock to defend the Orange Bloated Traitor.
I watched all of the libroid apologists rush to the airwaves to accuse Trump of facilitating genocide because he called Omarosa a dog, and acting like a dictator and prevented freedom of speech because he pulled a lying communist's security clearance.

He's not stopping free speech like Facebook and Twitter are, and if he was acting like a dictator he would have executed the SOB long ago.
calling someone a joke and using CNN as a reference is kinda funny.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.

OMG are you a dumbass.

Trump had a very valid reason you moron. Brennan isn't in Govt. anymore he doesn't need a security clearance.

Good Lord are you stupid.
Trump...master cyber criminal so good they still cant find the evidence......and he didnt have to kill anyone to silence them like Billy and Hilly or Obama
The Trumpers' lose the game every time they deflect to Obama.

It is Trump's tail that is in the ringer.
The Democratic Party is Openly and Publicly embracing Communism, so in my opinion any of those people who no longer work for the US Government should have their security clearances revoked. Brennan is a threat to National Security.
Patriot Brennan strikes back!

He is right. Brennan is our Paul Revere. Don't let the colluder shut you up. Your country needs you.

Mr. Brennan is an unhinged extremist, calling the President a "traitor" as well as being a rabid supporter of Ultraliberal extremists like Gus Hall and B. Hussein O
He is right. Brennan is our Paul Revere. Don't let the colluder shut you up. Your country needs you.

Mr. Brennan is an unhinged extremist, calling the President a "traitor" as well as being a rabid supporter of Ultraliberal extremists like Gus Hall and B. Hussein O
He's also an avowed Marxist which makes him doubly dangerous and a threat to our God Given Rights.

He also lied about the CIA and NSA spying on Americans illegally and without a warrant.

He's pure scum. The kind of scum the Clintons and Obama prefer to surround themselves with.
Those attacking Brennan are unhinged extremists defending a rogue president who is selling America out to the Russians. These alt right extremists love communists and marxists and fascists like Gus Hall and Vlad Putin.
calling someone a joke and using CNN as a reference is kinda funny.
Try reading the article. You might learn something.
i gave you several links you asked for in regard to the media and how obama targeted his critics. when you read those, i'll read yours. til then i'm not playing your 1 sided game of I"M RIGHT WAH STOP TALKING TO ME OR I'LL IGNORE YOU.

I don't care what a hissy fit you throw (anyone kind of expects it from you), when you get back to Trump, fine.
heh - hissy fit. who's the one that can't answer base questions and then screams at me then ignores me for awhile only to come back later with the same stubborn crap that we had issues with before?

that would be - well get a mirror and guess.

and hey - i was right. giving you all those links about obama attacking the press was a total and complete waste of time. i've come to find you'll stay stupid shit (strip searches at the border) and then throw your own hissy fit when i ask where you heard that, please provide a link. no - you just proclaim i'm being an ass (and at times i am, yes) and i must be ignored.

yet again - i'm right about you. that's got to sit bad in your craw.
When you get back to Trump pulling Brennan's security clearance for no valid reason, I'll respond all you like. I'm not interested in talking about Obama.
like i said when this started and you asked for info; it would be a total and complete waste of time to give it to you.

i win again. :)

go back to ignoring me now. anything else you do my reply is just gonna make you throw a tantrum and ignore me.


btw -

13 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR SECURITY CLEARANCE | Virginia Workplace Discrimination Lawyers | Maryland Wrongful Termination Law Firm

looks like there are many valid ways your clearance can be lost - of which working to overthrow the gov is on that list.

if brennan is NOT trying to get trump out of office, then what else is his purpose here? seems to be that is a valid reason in itself but i'm sure it's not for you.
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ToT and iceberg keep losing here.

Stay on topic and let's if we can actually talk, if we can get you past your wrecked propaganda and get you facing the truth.
its causing a hubbub but it looks like 'brennan' the voter for a communist lost his Security Clearance eh . I hear that there might be 9 more of 'mrobamas' people that may lose their Security Clearances Jake .
and then , there is talk about a blanket rule that all government employees MAY lose their Security Clearances when they leave the 'government jobs' in the future Jake .

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