Patriotic Trump: I Would Bring Back Waterboarding-----"It's Peanuts Compared To What They Do To Us"

Waterboarding for suspected terrorists? Of course.
I want to see members of the Obama Administration water boarded until they tell us what they know.
Republicans and torture...made for each other

It appeases their Christian base
Conservative ideas is voicing support for the family as it was 60 years ago and being moral. Conservative ideas also believes in education, hard work and innovation.

It has nothing to do with having a small government and starving our economy! In fact historically conservative ideas supported the king of France and Britain.

You're right that Conservatism is about morals and not size of Government, but you're off by at least 100+ years in terms of the morals and values of true Conservatism.
Trump may run as an independent.

Trump is going to win this. He still has my vote.
Trump is not discrete!
You not suppose to brag about torture. He could get impeached if he is caught.

No tact whatsoever!

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